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A Town that Lives in One Building

Located in the beautiful state of Alaska, a little town called Whittier is tucked away in a
picturesque area surrounded by mountains and the ocean. This hidden gem is hard to reach: the
only ways to and from Whittier are either by ferry or through a one-lane tunnel that cuts through
the mountains. This tunnel is unique because it is shared by both vehicles and trains, necessitating
a precisely managed schedule to accommodate both modes of transportation and both directions of

Whittier’s economy thrives on its port, the town’s main source of employment, where cargo ships
drop off their containers for rail transportation across Alaska. The town also has a grocery store, a
museum, two hotels, and various other job opportunities for all its citizens: police officers,
municipal workers, educators at the local school, and marina staff. Tourism has grown over the last
few years to become an alternative source of income, drawing visitors to attractions such as the
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, glacier jet ski tours, and scenic boat excursions that offer
breathtaking views of marine wildlife and icebergs.

But the most fascinating aspect of Whittier is perhaps the fact that nearly all of its 200-odd
residents live under the same roof. The Begich Towers, a 14-story building, is more than just an
apartment complex; it’s a self-contained town! The harsh winter weather helps to explain the
convenience of this unusual way of living. Whittier’s winter months are known for their heavy
snowfalls and fierce winds. By having all the necessary facilities and services in one building, the
residents don’t have to brave the cold weather every time they need to run an errand or go to
church. Not even the children need to step outside to attend school, which is in an adjacent
building connected through a tunnel. It’s an ingenious solution that makes life in such an extreme
climate much more manageable.

However, the origins of Whittier’s unique living situation date back to the early last century when
the area was chosen for a military base. Shielded by towering mountains and situated by a bay with
unfreezing waters, this location offered an ideal strategic position. Initially, wooden camps housed
the soldiers, but as the need for more permanent structures grew with the increasing population,
two significant buildings were erected: the once largest building in Alaska, the Buckner Building,
and the Begich Towers. The construction of the tunnel in the 1940s, intended to provide railway
access, marked Whittier’s transformation into an essential cargo and passenger port. After the
military left in the 1960s, the Buckner Building was abandoned, and the Begich Towers became
the main residential and communal space for the town’s inhabitants.

Nowadays, Whittier’s residents just need to hop on the elevator to go grocery shopping, visit the
police station, or eat ‘out’—though in this case, ‘eat in’ might be more accurate. There’s even a
health clinic, which is far from being a hospital but more than enough for minor ailments. In
essence, everything the residents may need is a few steps away from their homes. Living in Begich
Towers offers a sense of community and convenience that is hard to find elsewhere. The close
proximity of homes and businesses fosters a strong bond among the residents. Whether they’re
sharing a cup of coffee at the café on the ground floor or attending a community meeting, the
people of Whittier have created a unique and supportive environment.

Whittier might be small, but it’s a remarkable example of adaptability and community spirit. Its
single-building town, surrounded by Alaska’s breathtaking landscape, is a testament to human
ingenuity and resilience.

1.Which adjective would better describe Whittier?


2.If you are going to Whittier through the tunnel...

a.your only option is to take a train. can't use the tunnel while other people are leaving. can go by car at any time.

3.Most people in Whittier work in...

a.the shipping industry.

4.According to the text,...

a.having a town in one building is not ideal.
b.the school is in the same building.
c.the town's church is in the Begich Towers.

5.The towers were built... protect the soldiers from the weather. accommodate an expanding population. mark Whittier's transformation.

6.Which of these can you NOT find in Begich Towers?

a.a restaurant
b.a hospital
c.a supermarket

Answers: 1.A, 2.B, 3.A, 4.C, 5.B, 6.B


1.What does Rebecca think about joining a gym?

a.It's a waste of money.
b.It motivates her to exercise.
c.It doesn't provide enough variety for her.

2.What is Rebecca's advice about friends and exercise?

a.Make friends with people who like exercise.
b.Encourage your friends to exercise with you.
c.Don't be embarrassed about exercising alone.

3.What caused Jeff to start exercising?

a.A new electric bike.
b.A new girlfriend.
c.A lack of money.

4.Since exercising more regularly, Jeff has…

a.started appreciating nature more.
b.included exercise in his everyday routine.
c.taken up other sports too.

5.As a young man, Leo kept fit because…

a.he was always worried about his health.
b.he was a member of various sports teams.
c.he had a generally active lifestyle.

6.Leo has found that exercising with other people has…

a.had little impact on his fitness level.
b.introduced him to several new sports.
c.enabled him to return to his past fitness level.

Answers: 1.B, 2.A, 3.C, 4.B, 5.C, 6.A,


Dolphins are different from the fish in the sea in many ways. They’re part of the family of whales.
They’re warm, they (1)…………… babies which stay with (2)…………… mothers for years, and
usually swim together in family groups called ‘herds’.
People think that dolphins are unusually clever animals. Dolphins ‘talk’ to one another and
understand each other very well and (3)…………… dolphins can learn to understand words in our
language. They also will (4)…………… instructions. They’re friendly and enjoy playing games,
too. You often see (5)…………… swimming near ships at sea.
Dolphins prefer to eat certain kinds of food which they can find even if it’s dark, (6)……………
they don’t need to drink. They get all the water that they need from the fish they eat.
1 A has B have C are having
2 A its B their C our
3 A many B any C a lot
4 A follow B following C followed
5 A him B it C them
6 A because B but C or

Ice cream
Fifty years ago, people only ate ice cream in the hot summer months – but now (1)…………… is
eaten at any time of the year. Who made the first ice cream is a question (2)…………… we can’t
answer, but we think an Italian adventurer called Marco Polo saw people (3)…………… ice cream
in China 700 years ago. He brought the idea back to Italy. It soon became very popular.
Ice cream then became very popular in France, (4)…………… only very rich people had enough
money to buy it. Before we had fridges, people used large pieces of ice from lakes to (5)
…………… ice cream cold. The first ice cream factory opened in America in 1851. Americans eat
more ice cream than (6)…………… other nationality – 23 litres per person per year!
1 A they B it C she
2 A that B who C when
3 A doing B making C liking
4 A but B so C or
5 A keep B kept C keeping
6 A all B any C each

1B 2B 3A 4A 5C 6B

Answers: 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 A 6 B

1. Excuse me. I'm a(n) ............... in this neighbourhood.
Can you tell me what number bus will take me to the
town center, please? I want to do some shopping.
A) foreigner
B) customer
C) tourist
D) stranger
E) immigrant

2. How much must I ............... a good second-hand car?

A) buy from
B) pay for
C) borrow from
D) own for
E) lend to

3. It's getting quite ______. I think it's going to rain soon.

A) windy
B) hot
C) foggy
D) cold
E) cloudy

4. The ............... today is full of the news of yesterday's

A) press
B) publisher
C) reporter
D) literature
E) journalism

5. It's a very ............... picture. I laugh at it all the time.

A) laughing
B) smiling
C) joking
D) funny
E) serious

6. Nobody gave him a hand. He did it on his ______.

A) single
B) self
C) alone
D) own
E) lonely

7. GNP stands for "gross ............... product".

A) national
B) global
C) international
D) universal
E) regional
8. He received another letter from the ...............
demanding more money.
A) burglar
B) thief
C) pickpocket
D) robber
E) blackmailer

9. "How much is the ______?" she asked the bus

A) fare
B) price
C) cost
D) prize
E) fee

10. Come to Turkland, and ............... all these places

where history lives on.
A) inform
B) define
C) memorize
D) describe
E) discover

11. There are a lot more television ............... today than

there were some twenty years ago.
A) spectators
B) visitors
C) onlookers
D) viewers
E) sightseers

12. How was your ............... back?

A) sightseeing
B) vacation
C) trip
D) luggage
E) holiday

13. FATHER: "Tell me. Do you love him or not?"

DAUGHTER: "Well, I'm very ______ of him."
A) keen
B) friendly
C) fond
D) likeable
E) romantic

14. Yes, we certainly want to move to a bigger house, but

our ............... of money is only part of the problem.
A) inflation
B) presence
C) shortage
D) absence
E) border

15. Sorry, it's much too expensive for me; I can't

............... it.
A) help
B) stand
C) forgive
D) export
E) afford

16. His friends advised him to see a doctor about his

headaches, but he ............... to listen to them.
A) remembered
B) refused
C) memorised
D) requested
E) mentioned

1: D
2: B
3: E
4: A
5: D
6: D
7: A
8: E
9: A
10: E
11: D
12: C
13: C
14: C
15: E

90 words
Your friend from Britain would like some information about your attitude towards the seasons in
your country. Write a letter to him/her, in which you will mention the following points:
• your favourite season, giving reasons,
• the influence of seasons on your personality and everyday activities,
• the climate conditions in which you would most like to live, giving reasons.


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