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It is easy to hurt your back if you lift heavy objects 1 (1).

2 (2) the correct way to pick

up heavy items will stop you from 3 (3) back ache or damaging your body. 4 (4) back
injuries 5 (5) by an incorrect lifting technique. So what 6 (6) to do if you don't wan't
to get an injury?
Before you lift, ask yourself, ‘Is it possible to lift this object safely on my own?’. After
all, there is a difference between how much weight you can lift and how much weight
is safe to lift. It may be 7 (7) to ask for help but if there isn't 8 (8) around to help you,
just be careful. If your goal is to raise the object from the floor to shoulder height,
you 9 (9) rest it on a table during the lift, so have a chair ready because you 10 (10)
need it. It's also important to remove anything from the floor 11 (11) might cause you
to trip or fall. Once the area 12 (12) clear, you can begin lifting.
It’s important to keep your balance as you lift, 13 (13) keep your feet apart and wear
flat shoes. Put one foot 14 (14) the other and keep your back as straight as
possible 15 (15) you are lifting the object. Move smoothly. Keep your head up and
don't twist your back.

1. a) wrong b) wrongly c) wronger

2. a) Learn b) To learn c) Learning
3. a) getting b) to get c) get
4. a) Lots of b) Much c) A lot
5. a) cause b) will cause c) are caused
6. a) do you have b) have you c) you have
7. a) safer b) more safe c) more safer
8. a) no-one b) anyone c) someone
9. a) would b) should c) will
10. a) would b) must c) might
11. a) which b) who c) what
12. a) will be b) is c) would be
13. a) because b) so c) but
14. a) between b) in front of c) opposite
15. a) once b) while c) as soon as

The Glastonbury Festival is a big music festival. It is held at Michael Eavis’s

farm 1 (1) the southwest of England on the last weekend in June. It is widely 2 (2)
internationally, and many popular bands play there every year.
The festival is extremely popular. About 100,000 people attend it each time, and this
number 3 (3). When the tickets for the 2019 event 4 (4) on sale, they were all sold in
just 36 minutes. But the organisers have to sell all the tickets 5 (5) avoid losing
money. It costs about £40 million to put on the event each year, and the festival also
donates £2 million annually to the charities it supports.
Farmer Michael Eavis 6 (6) his first festival in the 1970s after (7) an open-air Led
Zeppelin concert. He held festivals every few years until 1981. Since then, the
festival 8 (8) place most years. 9 (9) , about every five years, there is a “fallow year”
when the festival 10 (10) . This is to give the land, the local population, and organisers
a break. 2018 was a fallow year, and 11 (11) a festival was planned for 2020, it was
cancelled because of the covid pandemic.
The festival aims to encourage youth culture from around the world in all its forms,
including music, theatre and creative arts. Thousands of people perform 12 (12) the
festival each year, and many bands have released albums 13 (13) were recorded
there. 14 (14) into the festival is not always easy. Transport and traffic are often
problematic, and there are often long queues. But once inside, people enter an
alternative world with different social rules. It’s a dirty, friendly, wild event which is
loved (15) people of all ages, nationalities, backgrounds and musical tastes.

1. a) in b) at c) on
2. a) know b) known c) knew
3. a) is still increasing b) have still increased c) still increases
4. a) had gone b) have gone c) went
5. a) so b) to c) for
6. a) was hosted b) hosted c) has hosted
7. a) he was seeing b) seeing c) seen
8. a) has taken b) takes c) was taken
9. a) However b) Since c) Although
10. a) doesn't organise b) hasn't organised c) isn't organised
11. a) however b) although c) if
12. a) on b) at c) in
13. a) what b) that c) who
14. a) Get b) Getting c) Have got
15. a) of b) by c) for

1. We are very interested ........... modern art.

2. The children are excited ............. going to the zoo.

3. The teacher was disappointed .............. the students' exam.

4. I really need to speak ............ you.

5. Molly is afraid .............. the dark.

6. Are you listening ............... me?

7. Sam looks similar .............. his sister.

8. We are looking ............. some photos.

9. Nick is thinking ................ the exam.

10. Oliver is bad ............. maths.

1. a) at b) on c) in

2. a) at b) about c) in

3. a) at b) on c) with

4. a) for b) to c) at

5. a) with b) in c) of

6. a) at b) to c) on

7. a) with b) to c) on

8. a) on b) at c) in

9. a) for b) in c) about

10. a) about b) in c) at

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