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Proprioception of the Shoulder Joint

After Surgical Repair for Instability
A Long-term Follow-up Study
Wolfgang Pötzl,*† MD, Lothar Thorwesten,‡ PhD, Christian Götze,† MD,
† †
Stefan Garmann, MD, and Jörn Steinbeck, MD

From the Department of Orthopaedics, University Hospital Münster, Münster, Germany,

and the Department of Sports Medicine, University Hospital Münster, Münster, Germany

Background: Proprioceptive capabilities play an important role in stability of the shoulder joint.
Hypothesis: Decreased proprioceptive capabilities can improve by surgical repair of shoulder instability.
Study Design: Prospective long-term study.
Methods: The proprioceptive capabilities of 14 patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability were examined preoperative
and with a minimum follow-up of 5 years postoperative using the angle reproduction test. The patients’ data were compared to
a healthy control group.
Results: The joint position sense improved significantly in abduction, flexion, and rotation (P < .05). The preoperative difference
from the target joint position was 9.3° (SD, 4.6°) for the summarized positions in abduction, 9.1° (SD, 4.5°) in flexion, and 10.1°
(SD, 5.1°) in rotation. Postoperatively, it improved to 5.6° (SD, 2.9°) in abduction, 5.6° (SD, 2.7°) in flexion, and 5.0° (SD, 1.8°) in
rotation. The joint position sense of the uninvolved contralateral shoulder improved too.
Conclusions: Five years after surgical repair for shoulder instability, the joint position sense improved significantly, to a level of
normal, healthy shoulders.
Keywords: proprioception; shoulder instability; Bankart repair; angle reproduction test

In addition to mechanical restraining function, the capsu- ception of the shoulder are published in the litera-
loligamentous complex of the shoulder provides the neuro- ture. We are not aware of any published study that
histological basis for a reflex arc to the shoulder muscles investigates proprioceptive capabilities before and after
on spinal and/or cortical level.8,9,19,23,28,29 surgical repair for shoulder instability in the same patient
Proprioception is a specialized variation of the sensory group.
modality and includes different qualities, such as active The joint position sense is 1 proprioceptive quality and
and passive joint position sense, kinaesthesia, movement represents the angle of joints and therefore the position of
replication, sensation of resistance, and appreciation of the joints to each other. The active angle reproduction test
joint velocity. Joint proprioception appears to play an is a clinical test that allows the assessment of the patient’s
important role in stabilizing the glenohumeral joint by capability to reproduce a given joint position using the
providing information from the joint capsule and liga- joint position sense.10
ments to the central nervous system for the management The purpose of this study was to investigate the propri-
of muscular activity.4 Recently, different aspects of propri- oception of the shoulder joint using the angle reproduction
oception of the shoulder joint have been evaluated in test in patients with glenohumeral instability before sur-
anatomical, histological, and neurophysiological stud- gical repair and with a minimum follow-up of 5 years after
ies.4,9,13,23,24 Only a few clinical studies regarding proprio- the stabilizing operation.

* Address correspondence to Wolfgang Pötzl, Department of

Orthopaedics, University Hospital Münster, Albert Schweitzer Str. 33, PATIENTS AND METHODS
48149 Münster, Germany (e-mail:
The inclusion criteria were the following: recurrent anteri-
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 32, No. 2
DOI: 10.1177/0363546503261719 or shoulder dislocation, preoperative proprioception exam-
© 2004 American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine ination using the angle reproduction test, open or arthro-

426 Pötzl et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

scopic reconstruction, and at a minimum follow-up of 5 could be measured with the markers at the elbow and the
years, postoperative repetition of the angle reproduction wrist. The motion of the reflecting markers was recorded
test. Patients with any prior surgery on the shoulder and by a change-coupled device (CCD) camera under normal
any neurologic pathology were excluded from the study. light conditions and transduced via an interface to a PC,
Fourteen consecutive patients met the inclusion criteria. using a measuring frequency of 50 Hz. The accuracy
The average age of the 7 women and 7 men was 28 years depends on the distance between the CCD camera and the
(range, 16-52 years) at the time of operation and 36 years markers, which was 5 m, and on the marker size, which
(range, 22-58 years) at the time of latest follow-up. The was 2 cm. The resolution of the camera was 512 × 312 pix-
dominant shoulder was involved in 13 of the 14 patients els. Under these conditions, the total maximum error was
(Table 5). ≤ 0.98%, consisting of an error regarding angle calculation,
A healthy control group, consisting of 15 volunteers with the error due to the skin movement, and the joint position
no history or clinical evidence of any shoulder disease, was adjustment error by the examiner.
examined at the time of the preoperative proprioception
testing. The mean age of the control group was 28 years Operative Technique
(range, 19-33 years).
Ten patients underwent an open Bankart repair using
Proprioception Testing suture anchors, and 4 underwent an arthroscopic repair
using the transglenoid suture technique as described by
After a standardized warm-up program, the appropriate Morgan et al.2,18 The detailed technique of the open and
joint positions were adjusted by the patients under control the arthroscopic stabilization has been described previous-
of the examiner, using a water level and a goniometer. ly.25 An open Bankart repair was performed if the detached
Then, the patients had to actively reproduce 9 standard- labral-ligamentous complex was thin and frayed and of
ized joint positions. To avoid influence of skin perception, poor quality. Due to capsular hyperlaxity in 4 patients with
measurements were performed stripped to the waist in a positive sulcus sign, an additional medial-based capsular
males and with a bikini top in females. To reduce external shift was performed in combination with the open Bankart
influence, the measurements were taken in a closed room procedure.2 Postoperatively, the patients were immobilized
under standardized conditions with a temperature in the in a sling for 3 weeks. Full range of motion was allowed 6
room of 21°C and no external visual or acoustic influences. weeks postoperatively; strengthening exercises were start-
All tests were performed on the dominant as well as on the ed 12 weeks postoperatively.
nondominant side with and without visual control. At first, The preoperative angle reproduction test was performed
all joint positions were tested under visual control; then, in all patients within 1 week prior to the operation by an
the subjects were blindfolded to exclude visual control. The independent examiner. After an average follow-up of 5.9
patients had to reproduce 36 joint positions each starting years (range, 5.5-7.5 years), the patients returned for physi-
from the neutral (0) position. The following joint positions cal examination and repetition of the angle reproduction
were tested: test. The follow-up (angle reproduction) test was performed
by the same independent examiner under identical condi-
1. 50°, 100°, and 150° abduction in the scapular plane; tions as preoperatively. The constant score, the Rowe score,
2. 50°, 100°, and 150° flexion; and and the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES)
3. 45° external rotation, 0° rotation, and 45° internal score were used for assessment of the clinical results at the
rotation in 90° abduction. time of the postoperative angle reproduction test.5,20,22

The difference from the target joint position was averaged Statistical Analysis
for the 3 positions in abduction, the 3 positions in flexion,
and the 3 positions in rotation. The SPSS 10.0 software package (SPSS Science, Chicago,
Illinois) was used for statistical analysis. The Kolmogorov-
Testing Device Smirnov test was used to prove normal distribution.
Regarding the prerequisites, the Student t test for paired
Angle reproduction tests were performed using a contact- samples or Wilcoxon test was applied as well. The t test for
free motion analyzing system (Kinemetrix 3.0, Orthodata, unpaired samples was used for calculating group differ-
Germany) and low-weight passive reflective markers (size, ences. Furthermore, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was
2 cm2; weight, 2 g). The markers were fixed at the elbow calculated to identify interrelations. The statistical level of
joint and the wrist in a distance of approximately 30 cm significance was set at P < .05.
and illuminated by pulsed infrared light. A third marker
was fixed at the shoulder. During testing of abduction and
flexion, the patients were instructed to keep the elbow at
0° of flexion. During testing of rotation, the patients had to After an average follow-up of 5.9 years, the patients’ capa-
keep the elbow at 90° of flexion. The correct elbow flexion bility to reproduce a given joint position in the operated
was controlled by the examiner and via the reflective shoulder without visual control improved significantly in
marker at the shoulder. This way, the shoulder position flexion, abduction, and rotation. The average preoperative
Vol. 32, No. 2, 2004 Proprioception of the Shoulder Joint 427

16 ˚
Results of Involved Shoulders
12 * * * Abduction Flexion Rotation

10 Preoperative 9.3° (SD, 4.6°) 9.1° (SD, 4.5°) 10.1° (SD, 5.1°)
Postoperative 5.6° (SD, 2.9°) 5.6° (SD, 2.7°) 5.0° (SD, 1.8°)
8 Postopeartive P value <.05 <.05 <.01
4 age Rowe score of the patients with stable shoulders was
2 85.9 (SD, 15.7). The average constant score was 90.6 (SD,
9.3) in all patients and 92.8 (SD, 7.8) in patients without
0 redislocations. The average ASES score was 74.6 (SD, 22.9)
Abduction Flexion Rotation in all patients and 79.1 (SD, 20.1) in the patients with sta-
ble shoulders.
Figure 1. Preoperative and postoperative proprioceptive The results of the follow-up angle reproduction test cor-
capabilities of involved shoulders. Mean difference from the relate for abduction and flexion with the Rowe score, con-
target joint position. Asterisk indicates significant difference stant score, and ASES score. The strongest correlation was
between preoperative and postoperative. found between abduction and the constant score and
between flexion and the Rowe score. For rotation, we found
difference from the target joint position was 9.3° (SD, 4.6°) no correlation with the clinical scores. The operative pro-
for the 3 positions in abduction, 9.1° (SD, 4.5°) in flexion, cedure (open versus arthroscopic) did not correlate with
and 10.1° (SD, 5.1°) in rotation. As the joint position sense the results of the angle reproduction test. The postopera-
improved significantly in all planes postoperatively, the tive stability (no redislocations versus redislocations) cor-
average difference decreased. It was 5.6° (SD, 2.9°) in related only with the joint position sense for flexion
abduction, 5.6° (SD, 2.7°) in flexion, and 5.0° (SD, 1.8°) in (Table 4).
rotation (Tables 1 and 5; Figure 1).
Mean values of the postoperative angle reproduction
tests were compared again to the original data of the DISCUSSION
healthy control group. Preoperatively, the results of the
patients were worse compared to the healthy control Proprioception is considered to play an important role in
group, but only in rotation at a statistically significant the stabilization and coordination of the shoulder joint.
level. Five years postoperative, the patients’ data were bet- Tibone et al demonstrated an afferent electrical pathway
ter than the data of the control group, but again only in originating in the capsuloligamentous complex of the
rotation at a statistically significant level (Table 2). shoulder to the central nervous system using somatosen-
The joint position sense of the uninvolved contralateral sory cortical evoked potentials.26 Free nerve endings and
shoulder improved as well. The preoperative difference several mechanoreceptors as Pacinian corpuscles, Ruffini
from the target joint position in the uninvolved shoulder receptors, and Golgi endings have been found to be the ori-
was 7.7° (SD, 3.8°) in abduction, 7.2° (SD, 2.9°) in flexion, gin of proprioceptive qualities.8,21,24,27 Several studies on
and 6.8° (SD, 3.2°) in rotation. The follow-up angle repro- the ankle6,7 and knee joint3,14,15 showed a significant
duction test of the uninvolved shoulders showed a differ- decrease of proprioception after ligament injury and with
ence of 4.5° (SD, 2.1°) in abduction, 5.1° (SD, 2.4°) in flexion, instability of these joints.
and 3.4° (SD, 1.3°) in rotation. This difference was signifi- The present study investigates proprioceptive capabili-
cant for abduction and rotation (Table 3 and Figure 2). ties before and after surgical repair for shoulder instabili-
Three of the 14 patients had redislocations during fol- ty in the same patient group with a long-term follow-up.
low-up. The average Rowe score of the 14 patients was 75.7 Active joint position sense was tested using a contact-free
(SD, 24.7) at the time of latest follow-up. When excluding motion analyzing system. The active joint position sense
the 3 patients with postoperative redislocations, the aver- was tested in this study because we think that an active

Preoperative and Postoperative Comparison of the Patients to the Control Group

Abduction Flexion Rotation

Preoperative Patients 9.3° (SD, 4.6°) 9.1° (SD, 4.5°) 10.1° (SD, 5.1°)
Control 7.4° (SD, 4.0°) 7.3° (SD, 3.8°) 6.8° (SD, 2.5°)
P value .19 .21 <.05
Postoperative Patients 5.6° (SD, 2.9°) 5.6° (SD, 2.7°) 5.0° (SD, 1.8°)
Control 7.4° (SD, 4.0°) 7.3° (SD, 3.8°) 6.8° (SD, 2.5°)
P value .15 .14 <.05
428 Pötzl et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

Results of Uninvolved, Contralateral Shoulders Correlation Between Proprioceptive Results and Clinical
Scores, Operative Procedure, and Postoperative Stability
Abduction Flexion Rotation
Preoperative 7.7° (SD, 3.8°) 7.2° (SD, 2.9°) 6.8° (SD, 3.2°) Rowe Constant ASES Procedure Stability
Postoperative 4.5° (SD, 2.1°) 5.1° (SD, 2.4°) 3.4° (SD, 1.3°)
P value <.05 .055 <.01 Abduction –0.511 –0.662 –0.532 –0.185 –0.444
Flexion –0.775 –0.568 –0.54 –0.327 –0.69
Rotation –0.23 –0.202 –0.059 –0.245 –0.213

Similar results have been published by Blasier et al and

14 ˚ Lephart et al.4,16 At least 5 years after surgical repair, a
12 significant improvement of joint position sense was found
in the operated shoulders. One possible explanation of the
10 long-term improvement of proprioceptive capabilities is
* Preoperative
the retensioning of the capsuloligamentous structures

* Postopeartive after surgical stabilization.
Only a few clinical studies regarding proprioception
of the shoulder are published in the literature.1,4,12,16,17
4 Lephart et al reported deficits in proprioception in unsta-
2 ble shoulders. He used a proprioception testing device to
assess the threshold to detection of passive motion, repre-
0 senting the joint motion sense, and the reproduction of
Abduction Flexion Rotation passive positioning, representing the joint position sense.
In a patient group that had undergone surgical reconstruc-
Figure 2. Preoperative and postoperative proprioceptive tion for shoulder instability, he found the deficits in pro-
capabilities of uninvolved, contralateral shoulders. Mean dif- prioception to be normalized.15 Machner et al demonstrated
ference from the target joint position. Asterisk indicates sig- similar results testing the joint motion sense. He compared
nificant difference between preoperative and postoperative. patients with unstable shoulders to patients that have under-
gone arthroscopic stabilization and found an improvement
test system is more reliable in a clinical situation than a of proprioceptive deficits.17 Aydin et al compared the joint
passive test setting. The results of the preoperative propri- position sense of healthy subjects to patients after surgical
oception tests have been published previously and are repair for shoulder instability using an isokinetic dynamo-
comparable to the results published in literature.4,12,16 meter. He found neither an influence of hand dominance
Decreased proprioceptive capabilites in unstable shoulders nor significant differences between surgically repaired
were ascertained compared to a healthy control group. shoulders and uninvolved contralateral shoulders.1

Clinical Data and Results of the Preoperative and Postoperative Angle Reproduction Testa

Patient Preoperative Preoperative

Number Age Gender Sport Diagnosis Dislocations Hyperlaxity Operative Procedure

1 25 Male 0 Traumatic Yes No Arthroscopic

2 28 Male 0 Traumatic Yes No Open Bankart
3 29 Male 1 Traumatic Yes No Open Bankart
4 51 Female 1 Traumatic Yes No Open Bankart
5 34 Female 1 Traumatic Yes No Arthroscopic
6 52 Male 0 Traumatic Yes No Arthroscopic
7 31 Female 1 Traumatic Yes No Open Bankart
8 27 Male 1 Traumatic Yes No Arthroscopic
9 23 Male 1 Traumatic Yes No Open Bankart
10 19 Male 0 Traumatic Yes No Open Bankart
11 16 Female 0 Nontraumatic Yes Yes Open Bankart + Shift
12 31 Female 0 Nontraumatic Yes Yes Open Bankart + Shift
13 19 Female 0 Nontraumatic Yes Yes Open Bankart + Shift
14 16 Female 0 Nontraumatic Yes Yes Open Bankart + Shift
Sport: 0, sport activities only occasionally at a recreational level; 1, sport activities regularly at a recreational level. Results of angle
reproduction test are cited as mean difference from the target joint position.
Vol. 32, No. 2, 2004 Proprioception of the Shoulder Joint 429

Interestingly, the joint position sense of the uninvolved dure using suture anchors, and a third patient with a non-
contralateral shoulder was also significantly worse in the traumatic instability and capsular hyperlaxity who was
patients preoperatively. The uninvolved contalateral treated with a combined open Bankart procedure and
shoulder improved postoperatively as well. This result is in medial-based capsular shift.
contrast to Lephart et al. He reported a normal joint posi- In conclusion, this study compares joint position sense of
tion sense of the uninvolved contralateral shoulder.16 unstable shoulders preoperatively and under the same con-
Proprioceptive deficits of an uninvolved contralateral joint ditions with the same examiner at least 5 years postoper-
have also been published in ACL-deficient knees.11 The atively. The results demonstrate the recovery of the joint
explanation of this phenomenon is that the joint position position sense after surgical repair for shoulder instability.
sense is regulated on a central level also, and the injury of
one side can influence the proprioceptive capability of the
uninvolved contralateral side as well. REFERENCES
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