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Report (Part 2)

How should I approach the task?

A group of students from Australia is coming to stay in your town for two weeks
as part of an exchange programme. The organizer has asked you to write a report
suggesting places the group should visit and activities they could take part in during
their stay.

Write your report in 140-190 words.

What is the purpose of a report? A report is intended to give information, evaluate

something or make suggestions and recommendations.
Who will read it? Usually the person or people who have asked for the report. This may
be a teacher, an official body (e.g. a town council) or your boss, for example.
What style should I use? Reports are usually written in a formal, impersonal style,
avoiding overuse of the pronoun 'I'.
What information should I include? Give only essential information and
recommendations. Avoid unnecessary detail. Make a number of points, giving some
description and explanation. Conclude with a personal recommendation if required.
How should I structure a report?

This report will consider what a group of exchange students from Australia could do
while they are staying in our town. Several visits and other activities will be suggested.
Use clear headings to help
the reader see how the report Places to visit
is organized. Introduction and Since our town is well-known as a cultural centre, many foreign visitors find the
Recommendations or Conclusion following particularly interesting places to visit:
are often appropriate. - the cathedral - the palace
- the market, where local craftsmen sell traditional products
Give each section in the report its ~ Activities
own paragraph. Use numbers or
bullets to make them stand out. In the past, students from abroad have said they would like to meet and do things
Where appropriate, divide sections with students here. For this reason, joint activities between our visitors and our college
into paragraphs. students should be considered. The following could be organized:
- a sports competition - a party

Use your conclusion to summarize I suggest a variety of visits and activities for the visitors during the fortnight.
briefly. Make sure that you express During their first week, they could visit the cathedral and the palace and go to the
your personal recommendation if market, which is held on Saturdays. Also, a basketball and / or football competition
this is asked for in the question. could be held against students at our college. At the end of their second week, we
Make points clearly and directly. could organize a farewell party at the college.
I am sure that a combination of sightseeing and socializing, as suggested, would give
students a very positive experience.

What phrases can I use?

Stating aims • The aim of this report is to ...
This report will consider / examine / compare ...
This report is intended to ...
Giving reasons • Since / As (our town is well-known), ...
For this reason / these reasons, ...
Making suggestions or In view of this, I (would) recommend / suggest (that) ...
recommendations We/ I suggest (that) ...
• They / We could ...


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