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No Description Standards
1. When Page is refreshed it should delete previous
data in editable text box.
2. The Text written in button should be unique for
entire application.
3. For single word it should be start with capital Password,
letter in Button, Text Box Description etc. Submit,Reset,Cancel
4. Design should be proper for GUI purpose
specially for home page.
5. Navigation should be unique for entire project.
6. Alert message should be unique for same error, its
not differ page by page in any application.
7. Mandatory field and error message text should be
in only Red color.
8. In drop down box "select" is first item and data
should be in alphabetical order.
9. For each wrong input, message should be proper.
10. 1. For past action date and
time should not be greater
than system date & time.
Date and time validation. 2. For future action its not
less than current date and
3. By default its take current
system date and time.
11. In any text box where data is selected through
Browsing then it’s never take input by the user.
Only allow to copy and paste the address.
12. A page in which update or edit button is exist
there is Cancel button is required.
13. Page title should be Static or Dynamic for entire
14. Every text box has a fixed character length.
15. Once user Logout then without login he can't do
any thing. Also put time validation for time out of
the page.
16. In each web page" ©Copyright name of
company or owner "should be present.
17. At once there is only one alert message is
18. When new record is added the alert message
should be "Data or Record added successfully".
19. When record is deleted the alert message should
be "Data or Record deleted successfully".

20. When record is modified or change the alert

message should be "Data or Record updated
21. Popup window should open without status and
tool bar.
22. Display of Price list or cost should be standard Rs.45.25
23. Number text box should accept only numeric Ph.No. Mob.No, Pin or Zip
character. code etc.
24. Amount text box should never accept negative or Only 0-9 and decimal.
positive sign it’s accept only Numeric character.
25. Always put validation in text for special character
(By Default).
26. Size of page can’t change by the user (for Desktop
27. Try to show the visited links should be in different
color or disable the hyper link.
28. Avoid more flash images and large picture at
home page in any web application. Its increase the
response time to down load the page.
29. When user performs any action and if it’s
successfully done then message should be in green
color not in red color.
30. Font and size of the text for entire application
should be constant.
31. E-mail ID never accept special character except
these three (@,”_ “and “.”)
32. Password should accept only Alpha and/or Only A-Z and 0-9.
Numeric character. it never accept blank space or
special character
33. Don’t put more than one link in a page, specially When user open the
for the Sign IN, Sign UP and Sign Out registration form then only
Login link should be
present and wise versa
34. Always use same font in a page for the Link so
that it is easily understandable by the user.
35. Provide space between two words of text box or Ex. Last Name, Zip Code
text field. etc
36. Most of the project of US client so at Zip Code
restrict up to 5 digits.
37. For any form it should be Cleary mention which
field are mandatory and which r not, if all
mandatory the display a message that all fields are
mandatory, at top the form.
38. When user update any data and if he want to go to
the previous page. Provide a back button so that
user easily move to last visited page. Or put
Cancel button on pressing that its redirect to the
previous page.
39. For Minimum and Maximum field, put validation
for the same.

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