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— eee and Exploitation: Distance from mainland and meagre = Teading to more dislusionnea ed thet voice from being heard in the corridors of aa nares ‘ent, thereby making call of the gun more attractive. pecan — Army: Promulgation of AFSPA has further alienated th local lace. as drac i isati per been vilified by various insurgent Brips ow Haman Ris organisations a asus often ound at, With litle protection available from the state government, - as F cal i ron ee ‘enient to bribe the militant groups for peace, rather than risk state of stable anarchy: Some ‘where the rule of law and othe Sollusive arrangements, to serv Issue of Autonomy- Parts of the North East now represent a state of ‘stable anarchy” * institutions of governance are subverted directly or through Autonomy ae rac ends of the — aa Ser the 97 - . some of t VI schedule: Constitution failed to satisfy the people due to ceed ‘and central government. o Forex-3 Autonomous District Councils of Meghalaya urged National Commission for Scheduled Tribe to direct the State government not to interfere into their affairs. Slow policy measures: Northeast has not figured prominently in the policymaking of national leaders. For ex - Fencing 4,095 km long Indo-Bangladesh border, pitted as solution for cross border militancy and illegal migration, has progressed at tardy pace. 4,Other reasons G Internal Displacement: From the 1990s to 2011, over 8 lakh people were forced to flee their homes due to inter-ethnic violence in western Assam, External support: Countries such as Pakistan and China have supported rebels through supply of arms and ammunitions, providing place of refuge etc. : Tough terrain and Geographical reasons - Difficult terrain and weak infrastructure facilitating insurgents involved in conflict as they are able to hide and this gives them an advantage where they can utilize hilly areas for guerrilla warfare etc Easy availability of weapons and drugs: Due to cross border support and existence of golden triangle in proximity, helped insurgents get youth under their influence, making them easily susceptible to be indoctrinated and brainwashed and used for perpetrating violence, smuggling etc. Growing capabilities of groups: With availability of small arms in the region, capabilities of even smaller groups to challenge state authority has grown resulting in transformation of militant groups into abduction and extortion rackets collecting regular contributions from the public, government servants and the business houses. Lack of media attention: The region has also received little attention from either the national or the international media further increasing their isolation. Transformation into terrorist organization: Most of the militant outfits in the region have been quick to transform themselves into purely terrorist entities, bereft of their original objectives and ideology. | © For ex - Militant outfits in Tripura, National Liberation Front of Tripura and All Tripura Tiger Force espousing the tribal cause have indulged in a number of attacks on the tribal population. overnmey “Aetiment initiatives |. Constitutional provisions Article 244 (1): As per it, the provisions of the 5% schedule shall apply to the administration or control of scheduled areas and scheduled tribes we

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