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The lesson is about being human. It is a reflection on what it means to exist as a person.

Question: What is the way to understand the implications of human freedom and basis for
acting in a way that recognizes and honors that freedom?.

Question: Why then is it important to take course in ethics? Does not everyone already have a
Sense of what is good and bad behavior? Does not everyone have an instinct about what one
ought to do, and what one’s duties are? Why is there a need to spend time thinking about what
is already inherent in everyone’s mind?

Research, What is moral Act

One way of ensuring the rationality and impartiality of moral decisions is to follow the seven-
steps moral reasoning model. These steps can serve as a guide in making choices of moral
import. ( provide and write or type your own explanation).

1. Stop and think.

2. Clarify goals.

3. Determine facts.

4. Develop options.

5. Consider consequences.

6. Choose.

7. Monitor and modify.

Research for the following the importance of rules to social beings.

Moral vs Non- Moral standards
Dilemma and moral dilemma
Reasons and Impartiality

Explain Why only human beings can be erthical.

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