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Society for American Archaeology

The Analysis of Cutmarks on Archaeofauna: A Review and Critique of Quantification

Procedures, and a New Image-Analysis GIS Approach
Author(s): Yoshiko Abe, Curtis W. Marean, Peter J. Nilssen, Zelalem Assefa, Elizabeth C. Stone
Source: American Antiquity, Vol. 67, No. 4 (Oct., 2002), pp. 643-663
Published by: Society for American Archaeology
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1593796 .
Accessed: 08/08/2011 13:44

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YoshikoAbe, CurtisW. Marean,Peter J. Nilssen, Zelalem Assefa, and ElizabethC. Stone

Zooarchaeologists utilize a diverse set of approachesfor quantifyingcutmarkfrequencies. The least quantitativemethodfor

cutmarkanalysis relies on composite diagrams of cutmarksoverlain on drawings of skeletal elements (diagramaticmethods).
Todate, interpretationsof these data have generally relied on qualitativeand subjectiveassessments of cutmarkfrequencyand
placement. Many analysts count the numberof fragments that have a cutmark,regardless of the numberof cutmarkson the
fragments (fragment-countdata). Others count the numberof cutmarks(cutmark-countdata). Both can be expressed as sim-
ple counts (NISP data), or as a count of some more-derivedmeasure of skeletal element abundance (MNE data). All of these
approachesprovide differenttypes of data and are not intercomparable.Several researchershave shown thatfragmentation of
specimens impacts thefrequency of cuts, and we show here thatfragmentation impacts all these currentapproaches in ways
that compromisecomparative analysis whenfragmentation differs between assemblages. Weargue that cutmarkfrequencies
from assemblages with differing levels offragmentation are most effectively made comparable by correcting thefrequency of
cutmarksby the observed surface area. Wepresent a new method that allows this surface area correction by using the image
analysis abilities of GIS. Thisapproachovercomesthefragmentationproblem. Weillustratethepower of this techniqueby com-
paring a highlyfragmented archaeological assemblage to an unfragmentedexperimentalcollection.

Los zooarque6logosutilizandiversos me'todospara cuantificarla frecuencia de huellas de corte. El me'todomenos cuantitativo

para el andlisis de huellas de corte utilizadiagramascompuestosde este tipo de huellas que se sobreponena dibujosde elemen-
tos esquele'ticos(me'tododiagramdtico).Hasta el dfa de hoy, la interpretaci6nde estas observaciones se ha basado en evalua-
ciones cualitativas y subjetivasde la frecuencia y posici6n de huellas de corte. Muchos investigadorescuentan el nu'merode
fragmentos 6seos con huellas de corte, sin considerarel numerode huellas en los mismosfragmentos(me'todode conteo defrag-
mentos). Otrosinvestigadorescuentansimplementeel nu'merode huellas de corte (metodode conteo de huellas de corte). Ambos
se pueden expresarya sea como cuantificaci6nsimple (datos de NISP), 6 como una medidaderivadade abundanciade elemen-
tos 6seos (datos de MNE). Todosestos metodosofrecendistintostipos de observaciones,los cuales nos son comparablesentresf.
Variosinvestigadoreshan mostradoque la fragmentaci6nosea afecta la frecuencia de huellas de corte. Nosotros mostramosen
este articulo que lafragmentaci6n6sea influyenotablementeen todos los metodosusados hasta el momento,y que, debido a ello,
se arriesgan los andlisis comparativoscuando el grado defragmentaci6n6sea es distintoentre las colecciones a comparar.Pro-
ponemos que cuandoel grado defragmentaci6n6sea varfaentrelas colecciones, lafrecuencia de huellasde cortepodrfa ser com-
parada en forma mds efectiva al corregir la referidafrecuencia con la medida del drea de la superficieobservada. Nosotros
presentamosun metodonuevo que permite estandarizarla frecuencia de huellas de corte por drea de superficiea travesdel uso
de andlisis de imagencon GIS.Este me'todosupera el problemade la fragmentaci6n6sea. Aqufmostramossu potencial al com-
parar una colecci6n 6sea altamentefragmentadacon otra coleccion experimentalnofragmentada.

T he analysisof cutmarks
on skeletalelements been used to reconstructbutcherystrategies,which
is a standardresearch endeavor in zooar- then are used to addressmore wide-rangingtopics
chaeology and has been used to addressa of greaterinterest.Weusetheterm"butchery" to refer
varietyof topics.Generally,studiesof cutmarkshave to the actionstakento rendera carcassinto usable

Yoshiko Abe and Zelalem Assefa * Interdepartmental DoctoralProgramin AnthropologicalSciences, SUNY at Stony Brook,
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4364
Curtis W. Marean * Instituteof HumanOrigins,Departmentof Anthropology,PO Box 872402, Arizona State University,
Tempe,AZ 85287-2402
Peter J. Nilssen * Departmentof Archaeology,Iziko - SouthAfricanMuseum, P.O. Box 61, Cape Town, 8000, SouthAfrica
Elizabeth C. Stone * Departmentof Anthropology,SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4364

AmericanAntiquity,67(4), 2002, pp. 643-663

Copyright? 2002 by the Society for AmericanArchaeology

ANTIQUITY (Vol.67, No. 4, 2002]

portions(Lyman1987), often for consumption,but havehopedto identifyfilletingversusskinning(Bin-

theproductionof rawmaterialsfortool manufacture ford 1981;Shipman1981;ShipmanandRose 1983;
can also be a single or relatedgoal. Wilson 1982). Yellen (1991) has arguedthat some
Butcheryby cutting for consumptiontypically butcherypatternshave a "style"that could be cul-
involvesskinning,disarticulation, defleshing,andin turallydetermined,thus holdingout the possibility
some cases removalof periosteum.Hammerstone thatbutcherypatternsmayprovideways to examine
percussionof skeletal elements is also technically ethnicity.
butchery,but thatprocess generallyhas the goal of This high promisehas been frustratedby several
fragmentingskeletalpartsto accessmarrowor make factors.First is a lack of detailed observationsof
themmoreeasily boiled for greaserendering.Ham- butcheryandits resultantpatterning.Therearemany
merstonepercussionleaves a markthat,to a trained studiesof butcheredmodernbones (Binford 1981,
analyst,is distinctfroma cutmark(Blumenschineet 1984;Crader1983;Gifford-Gonzalez1989;Gifford
al. 1996). Our focus here is on cutmarksand their andCrader1977),butnoneof theseactuallyobserved
analysis. the act of butcherythat producedmarks,and then
Studiesof cutmarksfigureprominentlyin human linkedthose specificactionsto specificcutmarks.A
originsresearchwherezooarchaeologistshavestud- recentstudy that filmed butcheryactionsclose-up,
ied patterningin cutmarksto investigatewhether thusprovidingthisunambiguouslinkage,foundthat
Plio-Pleistocene hominids were hunters or scav- manyof thedisarticulation ordefleshingmarksillus-
engers(Binford1981,1985,1988;Bunn1981,1991; tratedin Binford (1981), and regularlyused as a
BunnandKroll 1986, 1988;Potts 1983, 1988;Potts guide to butcheryanalysis, are not unambiguous
and Shipman1981; Shipman1986, 1988; Shipman indicatorsof specificactivities(Nilssen2000). Thus
and Rose 1983). Over time this dichotomous the strictcausal linkagebetweenobservedspecific
approachgavewayto usingcutmarkingto helpiden- behaviors(such as cuttingfor disarticulationor for
tify where in the sequenceof carcassconsumption defleshing) and their traces (such as cutmarkson
hominidsregularlyfit (Capaldo1995, 1998b;Sel- articularends versusshafts),called for by Gifford-
vaggio 1994, 1998). Studiesof cutmarkshave also Gonzalez (1991), is not yet fully developedin the
been used in modernhumanoriginsresearchto test literature.
Binford'ssuggestionsthateven late-occurringnon- Another critical problem is the diversity of
modernhominidswereprimarilyscavengersof large approachesfor recording the cutmarksand then
ungulates(Chase1986, 1988;GraysonandDelpech quantifyingtheirfrequency.Itis safeto saythatthere
1994; Marean1998; Mareanet al. 2000a; Marean is no acceptedmethodfor either.Ourreviewof the
andAssefa1999;MareanandKim 1998;Milo 1994, literatureshows that recordingcutmarkscan take
1998; Stiner 1994). two paths.One is to recorda countand description
However,cutmarkstudieshave been conducted of the cutmarksonto a database.This can be done
in manyotherresearchendeavorswherethe recon- eitherat a grosslevel (how manyareon a specimen)
structionof butcheryprocessesis seen as relevantto or a finer level (where on the specimenthey occur
other behavioraltraits.The optimisticview is that along with a diagnosisof theircharacter).A second
the butcheryprocessvarieswith the intendeduse of approachis to drawcutmarksonto a diagramof a
a carcass,andthatthis variationwill be expressedin bone, or what we will call a template. The two
the placement and frequency of cutmarkson the approachescan be easily combined,and probably
skeleton,allowingus to infer carcassuse from cut- often are.
markstudies.For example,it has been arguedthat Once the cutmarksarerecordedthe analystmust
butcheryshould vary between contexts where the choose a way to quantify,analyze,and presentthe
goals are immediate consumptionversus storage datain publication,andherethereis also a wide vari-
(Binford1978).Binford'swell-knownutilitymodel ety of approaches.This step is problematicdue to
haddifferingpredictionsforskeletalelementchoice, the potentialfor wide interanalystvariationin con-
and researchershave anticipatedthat cutmarking vention.This variationis a severeproblemfor com-
should also vary widely between, for example, an parativestudiesin zooarchaeologybecauseit makes
unselectiveor "gourmetstrategy"versusmoreinten- it difficult,if notimpossible,to comparedatabetween
sive utilization(Binford 1984). Zooarchaeologists researchers.Justas zooarchaeologistshave defined

anatomicallandmarksandmeasurementsthatstan- frequencyandplacement.It is ourimpressionfrom

dardize their approachto osteometrics (Driesch discussionswith many zooarchaeologiststhatthey
1976), zooarchaeologistsmust also strivefor stan- often begin theirrecordingof cutmarksby drawing
dardizationin otherformsof data.Importantly,not cutmarkson bonediagrams.However,in an attempt
only shouldtherebe standards,we needto knowthat to be more quantitativeand test for statisticalsig-
these standardsareeffective. nificance, zooarchaeologiststypically use various
In this paperwe begin with a briefreviewof the methodsforcountingandsummarizingcutmarkfre-
main approachesused by analyststo quantifycut- quencies,neveractuallyusingthediagrammatic data
marking.We then review the impactof bone frag- for anythingother than presentationand impres-
mentationon theeffectivenessof thesequantification sionableanalysis.
procedures.We arguethat these currentanalytical When analystspresentcutmarkdata,they typi-
approachesdo not adequatelyovercomeproblems cally choose to count one of two observations(see
causedby differentialfragmentation.Recentdevel- Table 1). Many analystscount the numberof frag-
opmentsin graphicalorimage-analysissoftware,we mentsthathavea cutmark,regardlessof the number
believe, hold promisefor solving manyof the prob- of cutmarkson the fragments,andwe referto these
lems inherentin quantifyingcutmarks.Finally,we as "fragment-count" data.Thesecanbe expressedas
presenta new approachwith GIS softwarethatwe a simplecountof fragmentsthatarecutmarked,what
thinkovercomesthe main problemsin quantifying we call "NISPdata"(NISP= numberof identifiable
and analyzingcutmarks.We illustratethis method specimens),oras a countof some morederivedmea-
with an applicationto two radicallydifferentcol- sure of skeletal element abundance,what we call
lections, a fragmentedMiddle Stone Age (MSA) "MNEdata."The MNE (minimumnumberof ele-
faunalcollection and an unfragmentedexperimen- ments)underliesmost otherderivedmeasuressuch
tal collection.Ourintentis not to review the issues as the MNI (minimumnumberof individuals)or
of how to define a cutmark,because that has been MAU (minimumnumberof animalunits),so we use
discussed in detail elsewhere(Blumenschineet al. thistermgenerallyto referto all MNE-derivedmea-
1996;Fisher1995;Shipman1981).Also, we do not sures.Analystsoften choose to presentthe dataas a
examinetheissue of how to diagnosehow manycut- proportion,andtypicallytheseoccuras theNISPcut-
marksarepresenton a fragment,suchas whetherto markeddividedby the totalNISP,or the MNE cut-
recordmultiplestriaeas one or moreindividualcut- markeddividedby the totalMNE.
marks(Lyman1987). Rather,ourgoal is to address Alternatively,
analystscan countthe frequencyof
the issue of how to recordandthenanalyzethe num- individualcutmarkson specimenswithina skeletal
bers afterone has diagnoseda cutmark,decidedon element,and/orwithina definedregion(suchas the
a count,andis readyto recordandultimatelyquan- proximalend or the middleshaft).We referto these
tify the samplefor meaningfulbehavioralanalysis, as "cutmark-count" data.Cutmark-count dataareoften
such as comparisonto moderncontrolassemblages expressedas botha raw value,or as a proportionor
or otherarchaeologicalassemblages. index.As withfragment-count data,the analystmay
employthe NISPor MNE as the denominatorin the
Review of Methods for proportioncalculation,resultingin the permutations
Quantifying Cutmark Frequency listedin Table1. Thereis no standardin zooarchae-
The literatureon cutmarkanalysis is vast, and our ology as to whatapproachto use, so as is indicatedin
goal here is not to review it all but ratherto distill our discussionbelow, much of the publishedlitera-
from thatliteraturethe basic methodsfor quantify- turepresentsdatathatis only directlycomparableto
ing cutmark frequencies. The least quantitative a narrowsampleof otherstudies.
methodforcutmarkanalysisrelieson compositedia- One of the simplest approachesto quantifying
gramsof cutmarksoverlainon drawingsof skeletal cutmarks,and otherforms of surfacemodification,
elements (Binford 1988; Grayson and Delpech has developed within the field of early hominid
1994:Figure10;Landon1996; Marshall1990). We research.This approachwas firstused by Blumens-
call these"diagramatic methods,"and,to date,inter- chine (1988) in his analysis of hammerstoneper-
pretationsof thesedatahavegenerallyreliedon qual- cussion and carnivoretooth marks,and was later
itative and subjective assessments of cutmark extendedto cutmarks(Capaldo1995, 1997, 1998a,
ANTIQUITY (Vol.67, No. 4, 2002]

Table 1. Approachesto CutmarkQuantification.

Expressed as NISP Expressed as MNE

Counts of Cutmarks NISP cutmark-countdata MNE cutmark-countdata
Counts of Cut Fragments NISP fragment-countdata MNE fragment-countdata

1998b;Mareanet al. 2000a;Selvaggio 1994, 1998). Marean1992; Parmalee1965;Wheat 1979). While

The goals in these studiesareprimarilytwo: identi- thedataarecarefullydescribedandpresentedin each
fying the position of hominids within the carcass of thesestudies,thevariationin analyticalprocedures
consumption sequence (early access versus late makescomparativeanalysissomewhatdifficult.
access), and measuringthe amountandintensityof It has become increasinglycommonfor analysts
carnivoreactionon thefaunalassemblagefollowing to presentandanalyzecutmarkdatacorrectedby the
hominid discard.These approachesfocus only on MNE, or a measurederivedfrom it (Binford1984;
long bone fragmentsthat are classified into three Graysonand Delpech 1994; Milo 1998). Binford
types: epiphyseal (technicallyarticular),near-epi- (1984) was one of the firstanalyststo presentcut-
physeal,andshaft(see Blumenschine1988fora def- markdatain thismanner,andhis tableson theKlasies
inition).The fragmentsmay or may not be grouped River fauna provide an MNE on cutmarkedfrag-
by skeletalelementfor analysis.Fragmentsareonly mentsby bovid size class and skeletalelement,and
assignedto body-sizeclasses(Brain1981),nottaxon, then a total MNE. Milo's analysis of the Klasies
and only ungulatelong bones are used. Fragments River fauna provides similar data (1998:Table
are tabulatedas having a markof a certaintype or 2:104): the MNI calculatedfrom all fragmentsper
not (numbersof marks per specimen are not uti- skeletalelementandportion,andtheMNIcalculated
lized), so this approachproducesNISP fragment- fromjust those fragmentsthatarecutmarked.Milo
countdata. (1998) also employs an index of cutmarks per
An example of NISP cutmark-count data is anatomicalzone (in this case joints), and these are
Stiner's (1994) presentationof Paleolithic faunas clearlyindexedMNE cutmark-countdata.By pro-
fromItaly.Stiner(1994) providesskeletaldiagrams vidingboth,he broadensthe potentialusefulnessof
of anatomicallycompletetaxawith the frequencies his presenteddata. His reasons for calculatingthe
of cutmarksindicatedon the skeleton(by numbers indexareclear(Milo 1998:109):"Absolutenumbers
pointingto a skeletalelement).Such diagramspro- of markscannotbe comparedbecauseof disparities
vide a useful visual summaryof the intensityof cut- in skeletalpartrepresentation." Note thatin all cases
ting at variousanatomicallocations. Stiner (1994) his denominatoris a derivedmeasureof skeletalele-
alsoprovidestablesof cutmarkedfragmentspertotal mentabundance,andhe uses it becausederivedmea-
NISP assignedto a specific taxon, so her presenta- sures "partly circumvent the problem posed by
tion includes both cutmark-countand fragment- differentialfragmentation"(Milo 1998:102). Milo
countdata,all in NISP. does not elaborateon this statement,but Bartram
Giffordet al. (1980) and Bunnand Kroll(1986) (1993) provided a thoughtfuldiscussion, and we
provideskeletaldiagramsthataresuperficiallysim- buildon thatbelow.
ilar to those in Stiner(1994), but the presentedval-
ues are frequenciesof cutmarkedfragments from a The Fragmentation Problem
particularskeletal element. These are NISP frag- The use of derivedmeasuresis often undertakento
ment-countdata,andthusverydifferentfromStiner's overcomeor at least minimizethe primaryanalyti-
skeletaldiagrams,despitethe similarityin presenta- cal problemfacing the analysis of cutmarks:cut-
tion.Giffordet al. (1980) also presentstablesof cut- markfrequenciesaresensitiveto fragmentation from
markedfragments,buttheyaresegregatedby skeletal both human and nonhuman processes (Bartram
element and body-size category,not species, and 1993). Bartramdiscussed the problems with cut-
thus are not directlycomparableto Stiner'stables mark-countdata,andwe summarizethatbelow,but
(1994). NISP fragment-countdata are common in not for fragment-countdata, so we extend his dis-
the literaturesince the 1960s (BunnandKroll 1986; cussion to those approachesas well.
Frison 1970; Gilbert 1969; Guilday et al. 1962; Figure 1 beginsthe illustrationof the fragmenta-

A) ' [ B)

Hammerstone Percussion

Expressed as: Expressed as:

Raw Proportion Raw Proportion Raw Proportion Raw Proportion

CutmarkCount 3 3.0 3 3.0 3 .375 3 3.0

FragmentCount 1 1.0 1 1.0 2 .25 1 1.0

Figure 1. a) Three cutmarks on a complete bovid femur, and b) the same femur fragmented by hammerstone percussion,
both showing the resulting counts and proportions using the various approaches discussed in the text. Small arrows on a)
indicate the position of cut marks.

tionproblem.Figure1a showsa femurthathas been ple fragmentbones at differentlevels of intensity

butcheredof its flesh, andtherearethreecuts on it. depending on their ultimate goal (Bartram1993;
At this pointin the taphonomichistoryof this spec- Binford 1978, 1981;Yellen 1991). For example,if
imen, the frequency of cutmarksand cutmarked bone boiling for grease renderingis a goal, then
fragmentsis 100 percent with either an NISP or bones areoften moreintenselyfragmentedto expe-
MNE approach.Thefrequencieswouldvaryby por- ditetheboilingprocess(Binford1978, 1981).Bones
tion (proximalend, proximalshaft,and so on) and of largeranimalsmay be more heavily fragmented
would be accuratelyreflectedby both an NISP and to fitintopotsforboiling(Marshall1990).Ithas also
MNE approach. Zooarchaeologists often create been shownthatbonesfromdifferent-sizedanimals
experimental assemblages of skeletal elements are differentiallyfragmentedduringhammerstone
butcheredundercontrolledcircumstancesfor com- percussion (Bartram1993; Bartramand Marean
parisonto archaeologicalcollections (Milo 1998), 1999): generally, the larger the animal the more
and this example illustratesthe conditionof those intensely the bones are fragmented for nutrient
assemblages. extraction.ThismeansthatNISP-basedmethodswill
Figurelb showsthe samefemurbrokenby ham- falsely illustratecutmarkfrequenciesacross body
merstonepercussionfor marrowaccess. This sim- sizes.
ple, and almost universal,stage in the taphonomic MNEapproachesworkbetterin thisexampleand
historyof a long bonelowersthe frequencyandpro- overcomethefragmentation problemas indicatedby
portionof cutmarksand cutmarkedfragmentsdra- the equality between the proportioncalculations
maticallyif the NISP is used. It is safe to say that before and afterhammerstonepercussion(see also
evenminimalpostbutcheryfragmentation will lower Bartram1993). If one were calculatingthe cutmark
the frequencyof cuts with any NISP approachand frequency,eitheras fragment-countorcutmark-count
makesNISP approachesnearlyuseless for anytype data, or by whole bone or portions, the MNE
of comparativeanalysisbetweenarchaeologicalcol- approachprovidesanaccurateassessmentof thecut-
lectionsandunfragmented experimentalcollections. markfrequenciesin this situation.We can takethis
Importantly, ethnographicaccountsshowus thatpeo- exampleevenfurther,andin twodirectionsthatmore
ANTIQUITY [Vol.67, No. 4, 2002]


Expressed as:
Raw Proportion Raw Proportion

CutmarkCount 5 1.66 5 1.66

FragmentCount 3 1.0 3 1.0

B) i

Expressed as:
Raw Proportion Raw Proportion

CutmarkCount 2 .666 2 .666

FragmentCount 2 .666 2 .666

Figure 2. a) Cutmarks on 3 proximal bovid femora broken by hammerstone percussion prior to attrition by sedimentary
processes, and b) the same three proximal bovid femora after attrition by sedimentary processes. The surviving fragments
are shown in dark outline while the original bone is shown in gray outline as a ghost image. Small arrows on a) indicate the
position of cut marks.

realisticallyportraythe realitiesof the taphonomic impactedthe fragments.Figure2b shows an exam-

historyof archaeologicalbone assemblages. ple of how the femorain 2a wouldtypicallysurvive
Figure2a shows threeproximalfemorabroken fragmentation and bone loss from sedimentary
by hammerstonepercussion,two withtwo cutmarks processes.It is widely believed that fragmentation
and one with one cutmark.This representsthe pre- by sedimentary processes is density mediated
depositionalstate,beforesedimentary processeshave (Grayson 1989; Klein 1989; Lyman 1984, 1985,

1992)andthefemoralheadsurvivesbetterin archae-
ological sites than the greatertrochanter,probably
becausethefemoralheadis significantlydenserthan
thegreatertrochanter(Lamet al. 1999).Inthisexam-
ple, boththe NISP approachandthe MNE approach
fail to providecomparabledatabetweenthe prede-
positional and postdepositionalstates with either
fragment-countor cutmark-countdata.In all cases,
fragmentationlowersthe proportionof cutmarksor
7 7
This resultis soberingfor anyoneattemptingto
conductcomparativeanalysesof cutmarkfrequency.
Wheninterpreting cutmarkfrequenciesfromarchae-
ological sites it is imperativeto have some type of B) DensityMediatedDestruction
controlassemblageto aid in interpretation. This is
often eitheran unfragmentedexperimentalsample,
or a humanlyfragmentedethnoarchaeological sam-
ple that was not fragmented by sedimentary
processes. Neitherof these two types of compara-
tive sampleswill providecomparablecutmarkfre-
quenciesto archaeologicalsamples,becauseof the
fragmentation problem.Thisproblemcanbe extrap-
olated to attemptsto comparetwo archaeological
sites of differing levels of fragmentation, and
betweenanimalsof differingbody size: the cutmark
Figure 3. a) Five fiat surfaces representing the bone surface
values simply will not be comparable. area of five bones of the same skeletal element, divided into
Thebasicproblemcanbe summarizedsimply.As four zones, each with one cutmark, but with zone 1 having
processes of bone destruction,such as postdiscard higher density than zones 2-4, and b) the survival of these
zones following density-mediated destruction.
carnivorescavengingand diagenesis, increasingly
fragmenta cutmarkedbone,fragmentation generally each a squarewith one cutmarkin it. Cutmarksare
decreasesthe numberof cutmarkedfragmentsand systematicallydistributedacross that surfacesuch
cutmarkcountsrelativeto totalfragments,andthus that each sample area has one cutmark.Like our
reducestherelativefrequenciesin NISPapproaches, bones, this flat surfacehas varyingdensity,and in
makingany NISP approachineffectivefor compar- this example sample area one (the darkestarea) is
ative studiesof cutmarkfrequency.The fragmenta- the densestarea(similarto the femoralhead in the
tion process also moves more fragmentsinto the exampleabove).If this imaginarybone surfacewas
unidentifiablecategoryanddestroysless-densebone subjectedto taphonomicprocessesof bone destruc-
altogether.Bothof theseprocesseseffectivelyreduce tion(Figure3b), sampleareaone thenpreservesbet-
the amountof bone surfaceareastudiedby the ana- ter than all others.OurMNE for the five flat bone
lyst. Sinceboneportionsappearto surviveas a func- surfaceswill always be high relativeto the amount
tion of density,MNE countswill resistthe impactof of bone surfaceareapreservedbecausesamplearea
fragmentationandremainhigh since the dense por- one continuesto preserveand overlapwith sample
tion is preserved,and countedby the analyst,again area one in other surfaces.The MNE may in fact
andagain,while the less denseareasof the bone are remainfive while mostof the othersampleareasare
lost through attrition. Unfortunately for MNE degraded.Statedanotherway, as density-mediated
approaches,the largerthe sample the greaterthe destructionattacksthe bone, the MNE counts on
biasingeffect. This is illustratedin Figure3. sample area one will decreaseat a lesser rate than
Imaginefive flat squaresurfacessubstitutingfor the othersampleareas.If we wereto countcutmarks
the surfaceof five bone fragments(Figure3a). We and divide by MNE, our resultingestimatewould
arbitrarilydividethatsurfaceintofoursampleareas, vastlyunderestimatethe frequencyof cutmarksrel-
ANTIQUITY [Vol.67, No. 4, 2002]

ativeto the originalsurface.This is why MNE data Rapson'ssuggestionto correctcutmarkcountsby

arenotimmuneto thefragmentationproblem.How- surfacearea,andhis use of a gross estimateof sur-
ever, if we dividedthe numberof cutmarksby the facearea,was anexcellentfirststep.Recentadvances
preserved surface area, our cutmarkfrequencies in image-analysissoftware, and particularlyGIS,
would closely matchthe originalfrequencies.This allow us to go far beyond that approach.GIS soft-
situationshouldhold if cutmarkingdoes not prefer- waremakespossible the following proceduresthat
entiallyoccur,ornotoccur,in denseregionsof bone. capturethebestof themethodsdiscussedabove,and
We haveno reasonto believethatcutmarkinginten- excel in severalcriticalways: 1) captureandcalcu-
sity systematicallyvarieswithbonedensity,buteven late the preservedsurface area of fragmentsin a
if it does, the GIS methodwe describebelow has a muchmorerealisticmannerandthussolve the frag-
meansto overcomethis problem. mentationdilemma, 2) precisely quantifythe fre-
Theresultis thatthelikelihoodof a cutmarkbeing quencyof cutmarkson a skeletalelementin anyway
preservedandcountedby an analystis a functionof desiredso thatpositionalquestionscanbe askedflex-
theamountof bonesurfaceareastudiedandrecorded. ibly,3) attacha descriptivedatabaseto a graphically
As more surfaceareais studiedandrecordedby an recordedcutmarkso thatcutmarkscanbe furtherana-
analyst,morecutmarkswill be found,andvice versa. lyzed by type, length, angulation, or any other
Thusif we cancorrectthenumberof cutmarksby the recordedvariable,4) allow diagrammaticrepresen-
amountof examinedsurfacearea,much as demog- tationof cutmarkplacementin any permutationof
raphersstandardizepopulationsize by estimating variablesdesired(taxon,provenience,cutmarktype,
populationdensity,thenwe can standardizecutmark and so on), and 5) if it is eventuallyfoundthatcut-
numbersbetween sites, between body sizes, even markingintensitysystematicallyvaries with bone
betweenanalyststhatmay differin theirchoice and density,thismethodwill allowthe analystto restrict
abilities to identify and record fragmentedbone. analysis to surface-areasamples that are density-
Importantly, as samplesize (andthussurfacearea)is equivalent.
increased,the frequenciesgeneratedby this method We have developeda series of methodsthatuti-
areless susceptibleto chanceoccurrencesthatcould lize ArcView GIS software, the ArcView Spatial
skew the results.The key is, of course,thatwe have Analyst extension, and several modificationsand
some way of recordingthe amountof examinedsur- extensions written in Avenue (the ArcView pro-
face areaandhow manycutmarks(orotherformsof gramminglanguage) and MicrosoftVisual Basic.
surfacemodification)were found. ThesematerialsincludeanArcViewprojectwiththe
Rapson (1990) recognized the fragmentation addedAvenuefeatures,an exampleprojectwith the
problem and recommended correcting cutmark digitalimages,a manual,andaVisualBasicprogram
countsby surfaceareawiththefollowingprocedure: developed to overcome several file management
calculatethe frequencyof cutmarksperunitareafor problemsassociatedwith linkingArcViewto exter-
each specimenby multiplyingthetotalcutmarksper nal databases.Therearealso instructionson how to
specimenby 1,000 and then dividingby specimen develop interfacesfor your own animalsof prefer-
area,resultingin a figurethatestimatedthe number ence (hare,fish, bird,or whatever),and splice them
of cutmarksper 1,000 mm2of bone surfaceareafor into ourprogrammingcode. All are availablegratis
each specimen,thencalculatethe meansurfacearea from Mareanby request(curtis.marean@asu.edu),
and the mean numberof cutmarksper unit areaby but you must alreadyhave a copy of ArcView,for
taxonomicgroup. Rapson'smethodfor estimating which manyuniversitieshave site licenses.
surfaceareaper specimeninvolvedmultiplyingthe
maximumlengthof a faunalspecimenby anapprox- The Image-Analysis GIS Method
imatemeasureof specimenwidth.Specimenwidth To understandour methodof cutmarkanalysis,we
is estimatedby measuringthe distancebetweenthe mustfirstexplainhow we calculatethe MNE using
maximumweatheringsurfaceandits oppositeaspect the image-analysis GIS approach(Mareanet al.
(the "weatheringprofile height"). Rapson argued 2001). Zooarchaeologicalsystemsforestimatingthe
thatthisapproachallowscomparisonof cutmarkfre- MNE, and othermeasuresderivedfrom it, can be
quenciesbetweendifferentiallyfragmentedsamples, classified into two types: fraction summation
in his case bighom sheep andbison. approachesand overlapapproaches(Mareanet al.

a),, b)GX; c)(i


Figure 4: a) Example of a femur fragment drawn onto a template, b) a second femur fragment where the MNE still equals
1, and c) a third femur fragment raises the MNE to 2. The darker shading indicates the area of overlap between the two

2001). Overlapapproaches(see Figure4) seek an files for you in a ratheruninformativeway, so we

actualcountof thenumberof overlappingfragments havedevelopedaVisualBasicprogramthatrenames
andthus a directestimateof the numberof skeletal all files by the specimennumber,allowingeasy file
elementsrepresentedby a seriesof fragments.How- management.The fragmentvectoroutlinesarelater
ever,these methods,when done manually,arecum- translatedinto bitmapsfor the variouscalculations
bersome,time consuming,and could be inaccurate describedbelow. Sittingon top of the templatedur-
when workingwith largecollections. ing theentryprocessis a high-resolutiondigitalpho-
We describeda new image-analysisGIS method tographof the bone thathelps the analystprecisely
(Mareanet al. 2001) that utilizes GIS softwareto positionthefragmentandsurfacemodificationon to
make the overlapapproachmore approachableand thetemplate.Figure5 showsanexampleof the frag-
accurate.The simplestandmost completerecordof ment entryinterfacewe have designedfor femur.
a fragmentwould be to drawits positionon a tem- Likewise,cutmarks(andothermodifications)are
plate.WiththeGISmethodwe usethemouseto draw entereddirectlyby mouseontothetemplateanddig-
the outlineof a fragmentonto an outlineof a com- italphotograph.We designedthe systemso thatcut-
pletebone, calleda template,bothof whicharevec- marksare enteredtogetheronto a single theme for
tor images (Figure5). Our procedureis to do this cutmarks.Eachcutmarkis namedon theunderlying
directlyto computer,butif neededan analystcould databasetable by specimennumberand described
generatehard-copyformsof the templatesandenter by a varietyof variables(angulation,cutmarktype,
them later.ArcViewtreatseach fragmentas a sepa- andso on).An analystcanaddto orlessentheamount
rate theme, and each theme is a relatedset of files of detailrecorded.
thatincludea shapefile (thevectorimage) linkedto Using varioussoftwareroutines,the position of
a tablefile (whereotherinformation,such as speci- fragmentsin relationto each othercan be assessed
men number,can be stored).ArcView names the accurately,andthe overlapscan be estimatedto the
652 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 67, No. 4, 2002]


l - _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
. ..... _

. ........ ......_....
.. _............
1 1
. *_

I ...........

. .... .... ....

11 ^1aih5. l! . |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
..... = =

Figure,- xml fte aaetysre frabvdlf emro u rVe 32famn nr sse.a hw h
stnarviwo h ____
ih igefamn rwni h iw tcvrs costetpto braeasre fbt
tosta activaeAeu oew aewittnt ak.Fo copihavreyo xml,telgtnnutngnr
atsbai tmltso th curn bn.:Tebtoslbee I ,3 acivat Aeue cod
the~ stp_o ~
acltn ~Nsfrtecretyvee oe o ietedaigpoes
n a oo no h iia
image~~~ cl t to the samefi
siz of th frgeti adb rt ete e h etrsta il epteaaytpoel
place1 th frgmn. To th leftW., the.mag, wit h hce oe,.are h itfie in the view.. FfOlithcurn
frametolgo (veto img) and thishsadttaluneyigtweroecnetrohr inomtn suc aspc
number... Eahsprt=rgetad nohrplgn(efO,FlO3,adso n.Flhtdgistedgtlpo

tograph of the feur A'''''ll'a:b'une'idvein'n nan f t ety




Anterior Lateral Posterior Medial
Figure6. Resultsof the GIS procedurefor estimatingMNEon a bovidfemur,fromMareanet al. 2091.

pixel level. Eachpixel has an MNE value, which is MNE map of the bone surface.Drawingeach frag-
the numberof fragmentsthat overlappedthe posi- mentprovidesthe mostcompleterecordof the iden-
tion of thatpixel. The MNE map generatedby this tified archaeologicalfragmentsas is possible, aside
image-analysisapproach(Figure6) is thus a com- fromextensivelyphotographing theactualfragments
positedigitalrecordof the physicalposition,shape, themselves,and is infinitelyeasierto analyze.
and size of all identifiablefragments.It is also a The digitalimages, once entered,can be manip-

a)~~ b_) c_)ME MNE 1I

NINE2= ~~~~750
250 pixels


Surface area Surface area

for whole femur: 4,000 pixels represented by fragments: 1,250 pixels

Surface area represented by fragments: (1 x 750) + (2 x 250) 1,250 pixels

Surface area for whole bone: 4,000 pixels

% Surface area represented by fragments: 1,250 / 4,000 x 100 = 31.3%

Figure 7. An example of percent surface area calculation. a) Example of a femur template. The pixel count for this template
is 4,000 pixels. b) Fragments are drawn onto the template. c) Example with fragments drawn onto the template. Darker
shading indicates the area of overlap between two specimens. The pixel count of the area with fragments is calculated as
1,250 pixels.
ANTIQUITY [Vol.67, No. 4, 2002]

% Surface area represented by fragments: 31.3%

Total numberof cutmarks: 10 cuts

cuts I % surface area: 10 / 31.3% x 100 = 31.9

MNE = o

Figure 8. Example of cuts I % surface area calculation (= CNC) using the femur example from Figure 7. The resulting value
is the number of cuts that would occur on a single complete bone.

ulatedand measuredfor many purposes.To obtain ber of surface-modification marks,in this case cut-
theMNEvaluefora skeletalelement,onewouldlook marks.The correctednumberof cutmarks(i.e., cut-
for the pixel with the highest value, or numberof marks/percent surfacearea)is the estimatednumber
overlaps.One can also count the numberof pixels of cutmarksthatwouldbe foundon one whole bone,
within a fragmentdrawing,which is a two-dimen- in this case the femur,as extrapolatedfromthe pre-
sional measureof the surfaceareaof the fragment served fragments.This procedureallows compar-
relativeto the template.The surfaceareaof multiple isons of differentiallyfragmentedassemblagesby
fragmentsin a skeletalelement(such as those seen correctingdirectlyfor preservedand recordedsur-
in theMNEmapin Figure6) canbe obtainedby mul- face area.Forconvenience,we will referto the cor-
tiplying the surfaceareawith the numberof over- rectednumberof cutmarkswith the acronymCNC.
laps. By dividingthe surfaceareaof the fragments It is importantto note thatthereis a slight over-
by the total surface area of each skeletal element lap between differentviews of the same bone and,
template,one can calculatethe percentsurfacearea of course, this is a 2-D renderingof a 3-D object.
preservedfor each skeletal element. A simplified The overlapoccursfromourdesireto maintaincon-
exampleis given in Figure7, wherethe surfacearea sistencywith traditionalformsof orientation(ante-
of the fragmentsis shownas a percentvaluerelative riorview, posteriorview, etc.) as well as the need to
to the whole skeletalelement.This correctedvalue clearly illustratefragmentsand marks.This means
can be used as a denominatorof other measures, that CNC comparisons,for examplebetween sites
such as the count of surfacemodificationmarks,to and analysts,must be done only between template
makecomparisonsacrossdifferentskeletalelements entrysystemsthatarerelativelysimilarto eachother
and differentcollectionspossible. in theuse of views. Inotherwords,it wouldnotwork
If the surface-modification to compareCNC between an analystwho records
identifiablefragmentsare recordedusing the same andestimatesfemurCNCin five views forthe entire
skeletal-elementtemplate,the informationbetween femurandone who does so in four.However,if com-
thesetwo sets of datacanbe linkedspatially.Inother parisonswere done within similarregionsor zones
words,it is possibleto identifythe positionof a sur- (such as proximalend),therewouldbe no problem.
face-modification markon a skeletalelement,as well
as the relativeabundanceof the areawherethe sur- Application of the Image-Analysis GIS Method
face-modificationmarkis found.Anothersimplified We will illustratethe use of CNC with an archaeo-
exampleis given in Figure8, wherethe percentsur- logical sampleandan experimentalsample.We use
facearea(ascalculatedin Figure7) correctsthenum- these two samples to illustrate how this method

Sum of

4. 4. 4. 4. pixel counts

MNE 00..... 800 pixels 200 pixels 450 pixels 800 pixels 2,250 pixels
MNE I ...... 0 pixels 500 pixels 300 pixels 0 pixels 800 pixels
MNE 2 ...... 0 pixels l00 pixels 50 pixels Opixels 15l pixels

3,200 pixels

Surfacearearepresentedby fragments: (1 x 800) + (2 x 150) = 1,100 pixels

Surfacearea for entiremiddle shaft zone: 3,200 pixels

% Surface area represented by fragments: 1,100 / 3,200 = 34.4%

Figure 9. Example of percent surface area calculation using middle shaft zone of femur.

allows directcomparisonof two samplesthatdiffer on a skeletal-elementtemplate,which was layered

widely in fragmentation: the archaeologicalsample overa high-resolution digitalphotographof thebone,
is highly fragmentedand dominatedby shaft frag- to ensureaccuratepositioningof the fragment.The
ments,while the experimentalsamplederivesfrom cutmarkswere recordedas line vectorimages with
whole bones. The archaeologicalsample is taken attacheddatatables thatdescribedthe characterof
from a series of MiddleStoneAge (MSA) layersat each mark and the specimen numberof the frag-
Die KeldersCave 1 (DK1) in SouthAfrica (Avery ment. The cutmarkswere enteredusing the same
et al. 1997; Mareanet al. 2000b). The DK1 MSA templateas thefragment,in orderto recordtheexact
large mammal(body size 3 and 4) bovid remains spatialpositioning.
were selected for this analysisbecause analysesof CNC can be calculated for any zone within a
toothmarksand percussionmarksdemonstratethat skeletalelementthatthe analystwishes, andthis is
people were the primary accumulators of these a realandnovel strengthof thisapproach.Forexam-
remains(Mareanet al. 2000b).Mostof theseremains ple, one could calculateCNC for the whole femur
derivefromeland (Taurotragusoryx)and are taken (as in Figure8), an arbitrarilydefinedzone (such as
fromlayers10-13. Theexperimentalsampleis from middle shaft, Figure 9), or zones defined by the
Nilssen's experimentalbutcheryof South African specificsof anatomy(such as femoralhead).In our
bovids (Nilssen 2000). study, the long bones of both archaeologicaland
The fragmentsand cutmarksfrom both studies comparativesampleswere separatedinto five arbi-
were recordedusingArcViewGIS softwareversion trary,roughlyequal zones: proximalend, proximal
3.1 withtheArcViewSpatialAnalystextensionver- shaft, middle shaft, distal shaft, and distal end
sion 3.0 on aWindows95/98 platform.Thefragment (MareanandSpencer1991).Thesezone boundaries
outlines were recordedas polygon vector images do not follow epiphysealfusion lines or any other
and converted to grids (pixel images) using the anatomicalfeature.
methodoutlinedin Mareanet al. (2001). The shape Forbothsamples,thecutmarkswererecordedon
andpositionof each identifiedfragmentwas drawn templatesthatshowedfourviewsof eachskeletalele-
ANTIQUITY [Vol.67, No. 4,2002]

Total femur (four views) ..................... 16,000 pixels

Total middle shaft portion (four views).. 3,200 pixels

Surfacearearepresentedby four femurs: 16,000 x 4 = 64,000 pixels

Surfaceareafor whole bone: 16,000 pixels

% Surface area represented: 64,000 /16,000 = 400.0%

Surfacearearepresentedby four middle shaft zones: 3,200 x 4 = 12,800 pixels

Surfaceareafor one whole middle shaft zone: 3,200 pixels

% Surface area represented: 12,800 / 3,200 = 400.0%

Figure 10. Example of percent surface-area calculation for whole bones (four whole femora).

ment,andwithDK1 the fragmentswererecordedas calculatedusing the SpatialAnalyst extension of

well (as in Mareanet al. 2001). The cutmarkcounts ArcView,for both assemblages.All cutmarksthat
andthepixel countsof fragmentsforeachzone were intersecteda zone were counted.We used the inter-
summedacross the four views. Figure9 illustrates sect principlefor this analysis,butotherapproaches
the summationof pixel countsfor the middle shaft areavailable.Usingintersect,if a cutmarkfallswithin
zone. In actualpractice,the pixel countsareusually two adjacentzones, the cutmarkis countedin both
much largernumbersand quite unwieldy.The cal- zones. This approachis most appropriateif we are
culationmustalso be done for all five zones. Using attemptingto evaluatethefrequencyof cuttingwithin
the ArcView summationfeature,one can produce, particularzones. We used these five zones in an
in one step,a summationtableof pixelcountsby zone attemptto capturediffering frequencies between
and by MNE value for the whole skeletalelement, articularareas(wheredisarticulation cutmarkswould
which can be transferredto spreadsheetsfor further be concentrated), near-articulation areas(whereboth
analysis.The same calculationneeds to be done for disarticulation and defleshing marks would be
theexperimentalassemblage,butsincethecutmarks found), and middle shaft areas (where defleshing
occuron whole bones we can calculatepercentsur- cutmarkswouldbe concentrated).
face area with a much less-computer intensive Nilssen conducted his experimentalbutchery
approach.Figure10 illustratesthe calculationof the study using both small and large African bovids
percent surface area for a sample of four whole (Table2). He observedandfilmedthebutcheryactiv-
femurs.As this value in effect calculatesthe per- ities by subsistencebutchersof the Karoo (South
centage of one whole bone or portionpresent,the Africa),andstudiedthesurfacemodificationsleft by
percentageis, as expected,400 percent. these activities.Since all activitiesandactionswere
Thenumberof cutmarksfoundwithina zone was directlyobservedandfilmed,each cutmarkin most

Table2. Species and Sample Sizes of Nilssen's ExperimentalAssemblage.

Species Used in Experiment Sample Size n Bones n Cutmarks

Small Bovids (sizes 1 and 2): Humerus 12
Steenbok (Raphiceruscampestris) Radius 12
Springbok(Antidorcasmarsupialis) Femur 16
Tibia 14
Large Bovids (sizes 3 and 4): Humerus 18 688
Blesbok (Damaliscus dorcas phillipsi) Radius 18 619
Black Wildebeest (Connochaetesgnou) Femur 18 225
Eland (Taurotragusoryx) Tibia 18 176
Note: The size I and 2 sample is not includedin this analysis, so we have not calculatedthe numberof cutmarks.

cases could be directlylinked to its exact activity. obtainthe CNC. The CNC correctionallows us to
Nilssen controlledthe sequenceof butcheryto sim- directlycomparetheDKl sampleto theexperimental
ulatedifferingbutcheryactivitiessuchthatthe sam- samples.
ple has some animals filleted without any Cutmarkanalysesof archaeologicalfaunaaretyp-
disarticulation,andalso filletedafterdisarticulation. ically interestedin the intensityof cuttingin partic-
Whenall thesamplesanddiagnosesof cutmarkfunc- ularzones on skeletalelements.Forexample,in the
tion were combined,we were able to develop two debateover scavengingversushunting,it has regu-
differentsets of cutmarkfrequenciesrepresenting larly been arguedthat intensive cutting along the
two differentbutcheringactivities.These represent shaftof long bones suggestsremovalof flesh. More
quantitativemodels of the two differingbutchery importantly,regularremovalof flesh is believed to
strategies: indicateearlyaccess to meatycarcasses,andthere-
1.TheFilleting-Onlydatasetrepresentsremoval fore is consistentwith hunting(e.g., Binford 1981,
of flesh without disarticulationand implies early 1988;Bunn and Kroll 1986, 1988). Similarly,with
access to a carcass when significantquantitiesof our experimentaldatawe would expect a Filleting-
flesh are available.The cutmarksin this category Only approachto have highercutmarkfrequencies
thusrelateto the removalof meatin long stripssuit- in the shaftareasversusthe ends relativeto a Disar-
able for dryingand storage. ticulation-and-Filleting strategy.TheDisarticulation-
2. TheDisarticulation-and-Filletingdatasetrep- and-Filletingstrategyshould have higherfrequen-
resentsdisarticulation followedby meatremovaland cies of cutmarkson the ends near the joint areas,
implies early access to a carcass when significant reflectingthegreaterintensityof cuttingatthejoints.
quantitiesof flesh are available.Technically,disar- A key assumptionthat all zooarchaeologistsmake
ticulationcouldoccurafterfilleting,buttheseexper- in this type of analysisis thatmoreintensivecutting
iments were conducted such that disarticulation (morecuttingactions)resultsin higherfrequencies
precededfilleting.It is possiblethatthe cutmarksig- of cutmarkson the bone surface,andwe follow that
naturescoulddifferdependingon thesequence.The assumptionhere. However,we know of no experi-
cutmarksin this categorythusincludecutmarksthat mentaldocumentationof this assumption.Though
could be fromdisarticulationand meatremoval. Nilssen's experimentaldata could be analyzedfor
For both the experimentaland archaeological such a test, it has not yet been done.
sampleswe includedbovid size 3 and4 femur,tibia, The CNCfrequenciesfromthe experimentalFil-
humerus,andradius.As separatetemplatesexist for leting-Only and Disarticulation-and-Filleting
the left and right elements, we have addedthe left datasets show patternsthat on visual inspection
andrightcutmarkcountsandpixel countsbeforethe appeardistinctfromeach other(Figures11 and 12).
CNC calculation.Forthe experimentalsample,cut- In the figureswe have scaled the CNC to 100 per-
marks were counted separatelyfor each of these cent for eachbone to facilitatevisualcomparisonof
activitycategories,across the five arbitraryzones. therelativeintensityof cutting.Cutmarkson theends
Thesenumberswereenteredintoa spreadsheetpro- arerelativelymore abundantin the Disarticulation-
gramanddividedby the numberof whole bones of and-Filletingdataset,while cutmarksin the shaft
each category(e.g., fourbones = 400 percent= 4) to zones arerelativelymore abundantin the Filleting-
AMERICAN [Vol.67, No. 4,2002]

Table 3. Mann-WhitneyU Test and Spearman'sRank CorrelationStatisticsBetween the ExperimentalDatasets and DK1.

ExperimentalDatasets U p Rs P
Filleting Both Limbs 342 < .0001 .34 > .05
Disarticulationand Filleting 243 < .0001 .21 > .05
Both Limbs
Filleting Forelimb,Disarticulation 268 < .0001 -.08 > .05
and Filleting Hindlimb
Disarticulationand Filleting 315 < .0001 .47 < .05
Forelimb, Filleting Hindlimb

Onlydataset,closely followingourexpectations.We Interestingly,the overallCNC frequenciesin the

would expect that the intensity of cutting within DK1 datasetare significantlyhigher than all four
zones would co-vary weakly between the experi- experimentalmodels (Table3). Nilssen's butchers
mentaldatasetssince 40 percentof the zones (the used metalkniveswhile the overwhelminglydomi-
articularends) are being treateddifferentlyin the nantlithicrawmaterialatDK1 is quartzite,andmost
butchery procedure, while 60 percent should be of these are large unretouchedflakes and blades
treatedsimilarly.In otherwords,there shouldbe a (Thackeray2000). This resultwouldappearto con-
weak tendencyfor cutmarkfrequenciesto increase firmuntestedexpectationsthatmetalbutcherymay
anddecreaseconsistentlybetweenthe two datasets. resultin overallfewercutmarksthanstonetoolbutch-
The Spearman's Rank correlation coefficient ery (Fisher 1995; Lyman1987). In our experience,
between pooled forelimband hindlimbdatasetsis stone tools become rapidlyless effectiveas a result
consistentwith this expectation(rs= .46, p < .05). of dullingedges andfat adheringto the surface,nei-
Even thoughwe would expect some discontinu- ther of which is as significant when using metal
ities in the way cutmarkfrequenciesincreaseand knives.Thecorrectionof thecutmarkfrequenciesby
decrease between the experimentaldatasets, we surfaceareaallows us to measurethis differencein
would expect the overallcutmarkfrequenciesto be intensity of cutting quite precisely. Such abilities
similarbetweenthetwo datasets.Thisis becausethe may in the futurehold out the possibilityof directly
butcheris using the same tools (metal knives) and relatingtool resharpeningand reductionintensity
butcheringthe carcassesunderthe same conditions (Dibble 1995)to cutmarkfrequency,andmeasuring
(for consumptionand the productionof biltong) in the impact of changes in raw materialquality on
both experimentaldatasets.This null hypothesisis butcheryefficiency.
supportedby a lackof significantdifferencebetween Ourresearchon the DK1 faunalassemblagehad
themediansof thetwo pooledforelimbandhindlimb as one if its goals the testing of Binford's (1984)
datasets(Mann-WhitneyU = 119,p = .367). hypothesisthat MSA people in SouthAfrica were
Giventhe patternsof cutmarkingassociatedwith not behaviorallymodem and tended to scavenge
the two differentactivities,we can now examinethe large antelope of the size representedhere in our
relationbetween the DK1 patternand the experi- sample.BinfordarguedthattheKlasiesRiverassem-
mentaldatasetsandask whichexperimentaldataset blage showed a patternof butcherythat failed to
is most similarto the DK1 dataset.To examinethis resemblethatproducedby modernbutchers,in that
question, we producedfour experimentalmodels cutmarkswere relativelyrarein areasof bones that
from the two experimentaldatasets.Two of these have large amountsof flesh. The DK1 largebovid
experimentalmodels precisely reflect the experi- forelimbpatternvisually shows a compellingsimi-
mentaldatasetsin thattheyrepresenta Filletingstrat- larity to the Disarticulation-and-Filletingexperi-
egy applied consistently to both limbs, and a mentaldataset(Figure 11), in that cuttingis more
Disarticulation-and-Filletingstrategyappliedto both abundant at the tight humeral-radialjoint. The
limbs.However,atleasttwo otherstrategiesarepos- hindlimbvisuallyresemblesthe Filletingdatasetin
sible,producedby applyingFilletingto theforelimb its distribution(Figure 12). Thus, we would expect
combinedwith Disarticulation-and-Filleting to the thatthe DK1 CNC frequencieswould increaseand
hindlimb,and vice versa. decrease across the long-bone zones most consis-

m9.4 03 4.3 X ) HU proximalepiphysi 26.3

m6.7 g 1.7 < HU proximalsha 15.2
6.3 1-1 11 HUmidshaft 10.7
m8 E 5 X HU distal shaft 14.2
5.3 15.7 HU distalepiphysis 25.5

1.7 4 RAproximalepiphysi 45.1

m3.8 m1.5 t RAproximalshaf 1 18.6
2.9 1 1 RAmidshaft 16
3.8 RA distal shaft 11.5
0.1 RA distalepiphysi 5
0 0 0 0 0 0
O o o
o 0 o 0 o o o
,n C

Filleting only Disarticulation DKI bovids

followed by (Sizes 3 and 4)
Figure 11. Cutmark frequencies across the length of forelimb long bones, expressed as percentages (each skeletal element
adds up to 100 percent). Cutmark frequencies (data labels) are the CNC values.

4.. .= = = FE.proximal
i- <) epiphysi 5.6 3
m9.4 m 12.3 t
FE proximalshaft 1 12.3

7.2 ] 3.3 F
FEmidshaft 24.5
9.1 l:i 6 t FEdistalshaft 20.6
|l 4.5 P 9 | ;_ 4 FE distal epiphysisi 14.1
. s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ......

0.6 6.8 TI proximalepiphysi 2 6.7

2.1 | 1.3 TI proximalshaf ? 14.8

1 3.8 mid shaft>
~~~~~~~~~TI 18.5
0.9 | 1.8 p TI distal shaft 15.7
0.1 TI distal epiphysis| 6 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
o 0o 0 0 0

Filleting only Disarticulation DKI1bovids

followed by (Sizes 3 and 4)
Figure 12. Cutmark frequencies across the length of hindlimb long bones, expressed as percentages (each skeletal element
adds up to 100 percent). Cutmark frequencies (data labels) are the CNC values.
ANTIQUITY [Vol.67, No. 4, 2002]

tentlywiththeDisarticulation-and-Filletingforelimb the faunalassemblageor analysis.The GIS method

andFilletinghindlimbmodel. The correlation
analy- we havepresentedhereovercomesthatproblemwith
sis presentedin Table3 supportsthis hypothesis. its abilityto presentan MNE densitymap acrossa
In summary,throughthe use of the CNC analy- bone surfacealongwitha compositediagramof cut-
sis we were able to directlyandquantitativelycom- markplacement.Moreimportantly,the GIS method
parethe frequencyof cutmarksin long-bonezones can quantitativelycorrectthe intensityof cutmark-
betweena highly fragmentedfossil bone collection ing by thepreservedsurfaceareain anyway theana-
(DK1) and an actualisticassemblageof cutmarked lyst desires.
whole bones. This allowed us to discovertwo pat- NISP cutmark-countdata and NISP fragment-
terns with the following likely conclusions: 1) the countdataareextremelysensitiveto fragmentation
DK1 MSA people butcheredsize 3 and 4 animals becausewithincreasingfragmentation thetotalnum-
such thatthe cuttingintensityco-variedacrosslong ber of fragmentsrises more rapidlythan the total
bones in a way that significantlycorrelateswith a numberof eithercutmarksor cutmarkedfragments.
model where modernpeople disarticulatedand fil- Comparisonsof archaeologicalNISP cutmarkdata
leted the forelimband filletedthe hindlimb,and 2) to unfragmented experimentalcollectionssimplyare
that the use of stone tools at DK1 likely caused a not effectiveunless the archaeologicalcollection is
higheroverallfrequencyof cutmarksper unit bone completelyunfragmented.Likewise,comparisonof
surface.Clearly,the calculationof CNC (madepos- NISP cutmarkdatabetweenarchaeologicalsites of
sible by the image-analysisGIS approach),when evenlimitedvariablefragmentation will be spurious.
combined with highly controlledactualisticdata, MNE cutmark-countand MNE fragment-count
allows us to significantlyimproveupon traditional data have been arguedto be resistantto the frag-
approachesto cutmarkanalysisthatrely on qualita- mentationeffect.Whilein somecases theMNEmay
tive assessmentsof cutmarkpatterningguided by mollify the fragmentationeffect, it does not over-
anecdotalknowledgeof butcherypatterns. come it. This is becauseas processesof attritionact
on a bone, they tend to destroythe less-dense por-
Discussion and Conclusions tions first, leaving the denser portions preserved.
Zooarchaeologistshavedevelopeda wide varietyof MNEs based on these denserportionswill remain
approachesfor recordingand presentingcutmark high,whilemanycutmarksandcutmarkedfragments
data, and they vary accordingto what is counted are lost to the analysiseitherbecause they are ren-
(cutmarksor cutmarkedfragments)andthe way the deredunidentifiablethroughfragmentation,or are
valuesareexpressed(NISPor MNE). Ourreviewof completelydestroyed.
the literaturefindsfive basictypesof presenteddata: Accuratelyquantifyingcutmarkfrequenciesis a
diagrammaticdata,NISPcutmark-count data,MNE surface-areaproblemsimilarto samplingproblems
cutmark-countdata,NISP fragment-countdata,and involvingsurfaceareain otherdisciplines.Forexam-
MNE fragment-countdata.Thereis no widespread ple, whenecologistssamplehabitatsto estimatepop-
agreementas to themosteffectiveway to presentthe ulation size, the proper correction is population
data,andthereis also an undercurrent of concernas dividedby area.Zooarchaeologistshavetriedto use
to the effectivenessof thesedifferentapproaches.To the MNE as a proxy for area,but it does not work
ourknowledge,only Bartram(1993) has provideda becauseboneportionsdo notallhaveanequalchance
detaileddiscussionof the problemssufferedby cut- of surviving attritionalprocesses. Rapson (1990)
markanalysisas a resultof bone fragmentation. suggesteda way to attemptan aerialestimate,but
Diagrammaticdataprovidesa usefuloverallview the methodis fairlycoarseandprovidesdataof lim-
of the placementof cutmarks,butit is nearlyuseless itedanalyticalvalue.TheGISmethoddoes anexcel-
for comparativeanalysisthatattemptsto go beyond lentjob of correctingfor preservedsurfaceareaand
qualitativeandsubjectiveimpressions.Furthermore, makes possible the meaningfulcomparisonof cut-
diagrammaticrepresentationscan be very mislead- markfrequenciesbetween heavily,lightly,and un-
ing in regardto cutmarkintensityif there is sub- fragmentedsamples.
stantialintra-bonedifferentialsurvival.Cutmarks The GIS image-analysis approachhas several
can be absent from locations on the bone simply otherstrengths.It providesa multitudeof possible
becausethose locationsare not well representedin analysesthatgo beyondany otherextantapproach.

The GIS methodallows the analystunlimitedflexi- Acknowledgments:We thankGrahamAveryand the rest of the
bility in the definitionof zones to calculatesurface staff in the Department of Archaeology, South African
Museum, for their help duringthe analysis of the Die Kelders
area and count cutmarkfrequency.For example,if
Cave 1 fauna. Thanks to Antonieta Jerardinofor the Spanish
the analystwantsto examinethe intensityof cutting abstract.The Die Kelders analysis was funded by NSF grant
on just the femoralhead,thenthe femoralheadcan SBR-9727491 and a Wenner-Grengrant to Marean, and the
be identifiedas thezoneforquantification. If theana- development of the GIS software was funded by NSF grant
lyst wishes to comparethe intensityof slicing and SBR-9727668 to Marean.
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