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• A hydrocele is a painless collection of serous
fluid between tunika vaginalis that surrounds
the testicle or along the spermatic cord.
• It is common in newborn males.
• Most hydroceles in newborns are harmless and
will resolve on their own by 12 months of age.
• The causes of hydroceles that develop in children
are different from those in adults.
• In adult : mostly secondary to minor trauma,
testiscular torsion, epididimitis, varicocele
operation or testicular tumor.
Type of Hydroceles
• Communicating hydrocele
• Non-communicating hydrocele
Communicating Hydroceles
• In communicating hydroceles : a patent
processus vaginalis connects the peritoneum
with the tunica vaginalis, which allows
peritoneal fluid to flow freely between both
• If the connection is large : abdominal content
(bowel, omentum) may enter the groin and
this compliction is termed as inguinal hernia
Communicating Hydrocele
Non-communicating Hydrocele
• A non-communicating or simple hydrocele
occurs when the processus vaginalis is closed
and more fluid is being produced by the
tunica vaginalis than is being absorbed
Non-communicating Hydrocele
Risk Factors for Hydrocele
• Male sex
• Prematurity and Low birth weight
• Infants < 6 months of age
• Infants whose testis decend relatively late
• Scrotal mass
• Translumination
• Enlargment of scrotal mass following activity
• Variation in scrotal mass during the day
• Andrews procedure
• Jaboulay or Winklemen procedure
• Lord porcedure
Andrews Procedure
Jaboulay or Winkleman Procedure
Lord Procedure
• Haematoma is the most common
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