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Annual Report 2019-20 STANDALONE BALANCE SHEET AS AT MARCH 31, 2020 ee 208 Vie 5 wat nap tarde and amen arson 2018 Cie STANDALONE STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2020 4 Fortis Notes Year ended Year ended March31,2020 March 31,2019 ( intacs) ( inbaes) 1 Revenue from operations box) 7018456 65,649.24 (Other income Shei) 93,83424 52.49.17 Total income (+ 164,018.80 118,098.41 Expenses i) Purchase of medical consumable and drags 15,166.73, 1307174 1). Changes in inventories of medical consumable and drugs Stew) (1924) 95.87 ii) Employee benefts expense Sox) 15506.10 1495299 iv) Finance costs Sox) 1601680 19,227.27 ¥)__ Depreciation and amortisation expense Sow) 9581.29 2na27 vi) Other expenses box 33,089.00 5007073 ‘Total expenses V) 088.68 100,133.87 V_ Profit before exceptional and tax item (ll 74,930.12 17,968.54 VI_ Exceptional items Sex) 86257) Vil_ Profit before tax(V-V)) 2,067.55 1796854 VIIL Tax expense Sto) Current tax 1271496 424057 i) Deferred tax (1,980.31) 141559 Total tax expense (Vil) 10,734.65 5,656.16 1K Profit forthe year (VI 31,332.90 72,308.38 Other comprehensive income 1) tems that ll not be reclassified to profit or loss (a) Remeasurements ofthe defined benefitablties 213) 3445 (b)income tax relating to items that will not be 978 (205) reclassified to profit or loss X_ Total other comprehensive income for the year (net of tax) (1235) 2240 X1_ Total comprehensive profit forthe year (IK+%) 51,3205 12,330.78, Earnings per equity share of 10 each: 1) Basie fin’) See) 680 202 i) Dilated Gin) Shoes) 680 202 ‘See accompanying notes forming part of the stan 137 statements Interns of our report attached For BSR&Co.LLP For and on behalf of the Board of Diectors Chartered Accountants FORTIS HEALTHCARE LIMITED Firm Registration Number: 101248)W/W-100022 say. sa sa RAJESH ARORA [ASHUTOSH RAGHUVANSHI INDRAJIT BANERJEE Partner Managing Diector & Chief Executive Officer Independent Director Membership Number:076124 DIN:02775637, DIN 01365405 sa sal SUMIT GOEL VIVEK KUMAR GOYAL Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Membership No: F8661 Place: Gurugram Place: Gurugram Date: June 17,2020 Date: June 17,2020 Annual Report 2019-20 STANDALONE CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2020 ‘Cash lows from operating activities Profit before tax Adjustments f Exceptional items Finance cost Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment (net) Allowance for doubtful trade receivables Allowance for doubtful advances Provision for contingencies Depreciation and amortisation expense Share based payment to employees (refer note 13) Receivables written off Provision / liability no longer required written back Interest income Financial guarantee income Dividend income ‘Operating profit/(loss) before changes in following assets and liabilities Change in operating assets and liabilities Decrease / {Increase} in trade receivables (Increase) / Decrease in inventories Decrease in loans, other financial assets and other assets Increase in other nancial liabilities, provisions, other liabilities and trade payables Cash generated by / (used) in operations Income taxes paid (net) Net cash generated by / (used) in operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Interest on non-convertible bonds ‘Acquisition of subsidiaries (refer note 26), Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible asset Proceeds on sale of property, plant and equipment Investment in bank deposit (net) Interest received Loans/ advances given to subsclaies Loans/ advances received from subsidiaries Dividend received” Net cash generated by /(used in) investing activities Year ended March 31, 2020 ( inLacs) 62,067.55 1286257 1601580, 7992 10139 2391 4785 9168129 676.02) (2241247) (390.25) (70,455.88), 6,746.45 12934 (419.24) 621.69 402055 11,098.79 3165.11 (2440.50) 1,003.43 1998.49 18,70693, (28,896.28), 2932061 58,145.83 a Year ended March 31, 2019 ( intacs) 17,964.54 1922727 261.12 904.83 6227 8.08 2naa7 33656 3.00 eran (2747322) (285.59) (2427068), (10,879.77) (2.17728) 9687 7.60651 438450 (969.17) (5,156.38) (6,125.55) (465,218.36) (593.65) s178 1522640 (61,25419), 18,586.16 2427068 STANDALONE CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2020 4 Fortis Notes Year ended Year ended March 31,2020 March31,2019 ( inLacs) ( intacs) Cash flows from financing activities refer note S(xv)) Proceeds from issue of equity instruments of the Company 245 40097677 Proceeds from long-term borrowings 64551.29 30,431.00 Proceeds from (Repayment of) shor-term borrowing (net) (107,000.00) 95,400.00 Repayment of long-term borrowings (24,934.09) (28,757.68) Finance cost paid (including interest on lease labilty ~ 7,344.18 lacs) (16,384.42), (1881681) Payment of lease ability (3387.95) Net cash (used in) / generated by financing activities 197,152.71) 479,233.28 Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (6,156.94) 5 ‘Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning ofthe year (1.88490) (6.19145) Cash and cash equivalents atthe end of the year Sosa) (8,047.84) (1,884.90) "Net of tax” 12,310.05 lacs for the year ended March 31, 2020. See accompanying notes forming part of the standalone 137 financial statements In terms of our report attached For BSR&Co.LLP For and on behalf ofthe Board of Directors Chartered Accountants FORTIS HEALTHCARE LIMITED. Frm Registration Number: 101248W/W-100022 sai sar sai: RAJESH ARORA [ASHUTOSH RAGHUVANSHI INDRAJIT BANERJEE Partner Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer Independent Director Membership Number: 076124 DIN: 02775637 DIN: 01365405 sal. sai: SUMIT GOEL. VIVEK KUMAR GOYAL Place :Gurugram Date June 17,2020 Company Secretary Membership No: F661 Place :Gurugram Date June 17,2020 CChief Financial Officer Annual Report 2019-20 202"41 sun 380 essing 26 22240 eoueUts PRD ae) 5 puede aaneanva tira Yow Hsarva ssore'ts > : ssore'is &e : : ‘sez, oszeeis oszeeis - = SREEOSL LETT OOH WGE9e HVE WRU WEL, ese ooweobor «FOU¥ZE solvers wees SLOree a wore OE = sewed Liceseer SP9LROLE GeEIS'S — oa9st Gi igre Gestee ——LeseLine esee's = ene tuno33e rede ‘faba aninroy —aniorassSuyuins Buipurinino unnuoid suey mie aaipeyeiel jean voieunsjewy poureny vendo sreys renumes — Aimbyse10M San951 29910 ‘smd pue sonoroy jouw) Ande x30) ‘nba sermon 0707 ‘LE HDYWW G3IGN3 HVA HL OS ALINOA NI SIDNWHD JO LNAWALVLS ANOTWONWLS

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