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A. Filter

1. Login to your Chief CID Account

2. Select the Category you wish to filter (Kinder, Grade 1-10 or Senior
High School
3. Select name of school or choose “Select All”
4. Select quarter or school “Select All”
5. Select subject or “Select All”
6. Click Filter button

1. Select Category

4. Select Subject

2. Select School 3. Select Quarter

5. Click Filter button
B. Search

1. Input a text in the search bar

2. Table will auto search and filter.

Search Bar

C. Summation

D. Print

1. Login to your Chief CID Account

2. Select the Category you wish to print (Kinder, Grade 1-10 or Senior
High School
3. Select name of school or choose “Select All”
4. Select quarter or school “Select All”
5. Select subject or “Select All”
6. Click Filter button
7. Click Print button

1. Select Category

2. Select Subject

2. Select Schools 3. Select Quarter 6. Click Print

5. Click Filter
E. Download

1. Login to your Chief CID Account

2. Select the Category you wish to download (Kinder, Grade 1-10 or
Senior High School
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the table
4. Select the Category you wish to filter (Kinder, Grade 1-10 or Senior
High School
5. Select name of school or choose “Select All”
6. Select quarter or school “Select All”
7. Select subject or “Select All”
8. Click Filter button

1. Select Category

2. Scroll to bottom

5. Select Subject

3. Select School 4. Select Quarter 6. Click Download

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