Advancements in Technology

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Advancements in Technology

1. If we could live in a virtual world like in "The Matrix," what kind of world would you create?
2. Would you choose to live in a virtual reality where everything is perfect? Why or why not?
3. If scientists could make you stronger or smarter with a special pill, would you take it?
4. Imagine if we could talk to computers with our minds. What would you want to tell them?
5. What if you could have a robot to do your homework? How would that change your life?
6. If you could use technology to see or hear better, would you want to? Why?
7. Imagine if we could live forever with the help of science. What would be the best part? The worst
8. What if you could download any skill into your brain, like in a movie? What skill would you choose?
9. If cars could fly with new technology, how would our cities look different?
10. Would you want to travel to space if technology made it easy and safe? Why or why not?
11. If we could talk to animals with a device, what animal would you want to talk to first?
12. What if technology could make your dreams appear on a TV screen? Would you share them with
13. Imagine if you could change the weather with a machine. What weather would you choose for today?
14. If you had a robot friend, what activities would you do together?
15. What if you could eat a pill instead of food to get all the nutrition you need? Would you miss eating
regular food?
16. Imagine if everyone could choose what they look like with technology. How would you choose to look?
17. If we could clean the oceans with a giant vacuum, what else should we clean up with technology?
18. What if houses could build themselves with robots? What kind of house would you design?
19. If you could wear glasses to understand any language, which language would you want to understand
20. Imagine if you could teleport to school instead of walking or driving. What would be the best thing
about it?
21. What if plants could talk to us with technology? What would you ask them?
22. Imagine if you could change the color of anything with a special device. What's the first thing you'd
23. If you had a gadget that could make you invisible, where would you go and what would you do?
24. What if we could create a shield around the Earth to protect it from meteors? How else could we use
25. If you could have a hologram of yourself to go to school while you stay home, would you use it?
26. Imagine technology could turn your drawings into real objects. What's the first thing you'd draw?
27. What if you could remember everything you ever learned with a memory chip in your brain?
28. If you could have a pet robot, what features would it have?
29. Imagine if we could grow food in a day with a special machine. What food would you grow?
30. What if we found a way to breathe underwater without equipment? Where would you want to

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