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Copy 1988, Coumeton Corporation Welding FittingseFlanges LAGOVEN s. 4. Tnspeccién de Equipos Divisién - Oriente hac Catalog 4ti Tube Turns’ Catalog No. 411 has been designed to inform and assist those who are concerned with piping in any of ite various phases. Whether you are 2 piping system designer. piping engineer, piping contractor. or purchasing agent. you will find accurate, informative, and valuable date in this catalog. Catalog No. 411 is a complete reference work. It includes the more than 12,000 items available in Tube Turns’ constantly expanding line of welding fittings, flanges and specialty piping components, And it provides up-to-the-minute information en both the technical and non-technical aspects of piping tet) pivision oF cHemernon conPORATION Naboo: 2900 W. BROADWAY @ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 40212 DISTRICT OFFICES AND DISTRIBUTORS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES, CANADA CHEMETAOW TUBE TURNS DIVISION 21 York Strat, Ridgeionn, Ont. @ Toronto « Mantras! « Calgary MEXICO TUBE TURNS DE MEXICO, S.A, AV, Hany Fo1d 326, Mexico 18, 0 UNITED KINGDOM CHEMETAON LTD. CLYDE TURE FORGINGS DIVISION ‘North Hulington, Glasgow SW. 2, Seouand KIRK & CO, (TUBES! DIVISION Cambrian Works, nyclve, Glamorean, Males [An Alegheny International Company Pictorial Index cars Pages 67-71 80° ELBOWS LAP soINT J sTus ENDS Pages 72-73 ELBOWS LATERALS Long Tangeat One End Page 12 REDUCING ELBOWS re SHADED mprLes Page 14-17, Page 75 aneveons sueeves ea" r saoDues at Page 76 s0° eveons ] FULL EwcIncLeMENT Shon Hades \ saonces rye 821 ta? 45° ELBOWS: WELDING RINGS vn nactus = me 12 Zk 180° RETURNS WINGED CLOSURES ‘Long Ratius Pages 80-63 Paper 27-31 and BS 180° RETURNS Te0.T Short R CLOSURES Page 33.35 Pages 84-85 ee are CROSSES VENTURI on EXPANDER FLANGES TAEDUCERS, WELDING NECK FLANGES se | pote sz General Terms And Conditions of Sale 4. Soler efor to sal to Buyer, or accepts Buyer's ‘otter to purchese, onthe conaticn that Buyer ‘Sssents fo the terme contained herein, Buyer's {allure o provide Sell with notation of any ‘bjection to thote terme win por ol fe days ‘her receipto! thls nstumart or Buyers accept ‘ance 0! any proguct shipped nereunger constitutes ‘urer ‘ccootance hereot le inited and reticed to these {erm Seller cojacs i ane reluses fo be Bound’ Dy any terms adaional oor diferert from those tubjost to change without notion, ‘anc all orders are tobe voiced at Seers Scns Drevaling at time ot stiomen’. ‘3 Any taxes which Seller may be required o pay for collec under axsting or foture law spon ot with ‘eapect to the ste, purchane. celery, ranspane. tion, storage, processing, use, or conzunption of any ‘of the products or services coveree hereby. inclcing flltaxes uncn of measured by receipts trom elas {Sr sorviens, shal befor the ascourt of Buyers whe ‘shall promotly pay te amourt ered! to Seller {pon oman. “4 All accoun's ae payable in United Siater unde, ro of exchange, ellection or other charges. ‘Buyer taste fli Oe terms o! payment crf ‘Seller shal nave any doubt at any umes to Buyer's tnanc'al responsibly. Seller may sus Droduction and/or decine 'o make shipment or ‘otherwise specifcaly provided heran, dalvery willbe made Ln point of pment. a Fete of bee eral pats fo Buyer upon davry te Carer and Buyer anallbe respon for taming insurance t dearea The mato ane agency ot ttansportetion ané the foutna unless speciied on the faceheraot willbe selctee by Sete ane ‘Soir teseres the right to ship Height cotect. Shipping cates ere approximate and ae bared on Prompt recep! o al necessary information. 6" Sel shal rot baile Yor any ely in pertormance dus fofireexsoeion, cary ska other labor sificutes, snorage ef mater Uiltys Testy or lebor. detey in breatown ar accicet coma me ion 9" any couse wher sntar oF {ssimia’ beyord Sele"s feasonable sero), ang Sete shal have sah adsonal ine operon: Sroumstanses end the ight to sppertion Ra pro Seton smeng Wd customersin shy macoetf Soest hry aims tor sortages, camsone products cor hon contormance of produce wit he order ‘musts mage in witing vin fen (10) ays efter fecerprersnipmen. and Sellar must be forces shonportuity to investigate 'PEancelation or alertion ofan order or return tary prosuel by Buyer may nt be made witout siciecwrkien come ty Seller bea eaters piten shal be subject to & canceltion, aeration or eturn charge seseptable to Sele a Soar warrants ratte prota ene trom sects matoral and workmanship the time o sper io Buyer "inthe event of reach of eny warranty herauncarSellorsasie and excinive abity shal Beat option ether to renee o eatace, tab pont Or ahnment ay cece prose ore acc ‘lund the porenaae pce in ater cate rovigea {hatch product wihin 12 morse rom aate ot ‘SMipmont fo Buyer fa feund by Selor fo have boon Selective atthe time of such shipment, that he 8 writn spproval, an tha! ‘Buyer nettles Sever n wring within 15 days ater {he defect becomes apparent and prompt frrighes {ull parculare in conection therewith and prowioee {unhor thet ina event shal the aggregate Hesity ot Soller in connwetion with breach OF tny warranty or warranties exceed the ruchase price Paid forte Droducts purchased hereuncer Sal ansportation and duties prepal, to esiabisn ary ‘lain of detect mace by Buyer EXCEPT AS EXPAESSLY STATED INTHS INSTRUMENT. SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND DOES NOT WAAMANT THAT THE. PRODUCTS SOLD HEREUNDER ARE MERCHANTABLE OF FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR, PURDOSE. 1 Sali wil detond at its own expense any sult egal proceeding inattues against Bayer, ana wi Bay any Gamapes anc costs awarded thera against Buyer Insoar as the ste are Based nw cla tat ny produet furniahed horeunce, excop ‘xcloced below, nselt conativies an inringament ‘lary Untec Siaes pater, proves Buyer gives Sele promot writen notes of seh infrngermant ‘lait arto the Ineiuion ef uch ut or reseeaing and also gives Seller all necessary {uihonty, information and reasonable alsa to tnatie Seiler. a! Sellers option, 10 sete or datend the same. Incase any sala produc i hele In uch Sit ocnnattte an infringement ahd he use {nionce, Sellerat ks own expense wil her brocure for Buyer the right to continue vsing ao ‘rogue cr mocity same so tnt becomes non Intingit. or replace with 2 nansiningng prada fr remove the product and refund the purshave price eid therefor oy Buyer. The loregcing provisions Sate Sete’ etire obigaion ana apity fo” patent intinonment: and tie undartaod ane agreed thet thal be excluded fom the operation of ealé ny and al products tuniahed pecticgtions or pied presaried by Buyer and not cntorariyillewed by Lollerintne courve of te general business, an Buyer wil naemrity and hold harmless Sele rom nd against al lore, cost expense, damage ane Eaauity of ay nature or ine foro! an account of ny patented or unpatented invention or wade secre! ‘rien compliance with any such designs, Spectticatons or nsvucions is embodied i any rogusttrnished hereunder 12 Sal purchase trom Buyer, or use, ery Prosucts suppted hereuncer for camages of any king, ncuing, But net miedo, erect, direc, special or Eenseaventiai damages or loss af production or loss trite resulting Irom ary cause whaiecover, ‘ndiucing, but ot init 1, any Seay, ach eror oF omisson of Seer 3. Technidlinlormalion, recommendations ang sevice tn to properion and uasger of raters, enign, instlaton and uae of products, engineering Srcother matters are proved as 0% {ccommodation and are intended only 88 Supgestons. Although they are believed tobe {ecurat, based on Selle beet knowledge and Siperionce, Sele assumes ne biigalion o haatlty ‘or any results obtainea nine Use or spaication, And they are net oe conetrusd as establishing ary area ecprese or imsling ANSI 518.5 LAP JOINT FLANGES > S RING & HUB FLANGES aes goa ab 2 aus ins te vehi riness Ss “tick ances 2 ones 108 eet class sw ‘ANS BYES = r= TAPER FACE, WELD NECK = Pages 86-108 Pages 152-154 Suna Franses a SOCKET WELD FLANGES SS ‘CLASS 125 LT. WT. FLANGES y es 96 «108 Page 155 iEDULIN Panes Ss a (stiles Pages 156-157 1 AAS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TO MATCH pains. ES CLASS 125 LG. DIA. FLANGES = cane La mssaras LASS 29 LANGE DIA weioive neck Fuances ASLPON FLANGES ae ise Pounie SLIP-ON FLANGES SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOMATCH MSS SP-44 Pages 125-128 APLSTO. 605, WELDING NECK FLANGES ge 127 BLIND FLANGES SPECIALLY DESIGNED TO MATCH APLSTD. 65 BLIND FLANGES SPECIALLY DESIGNED TO MATCH CLASS 250 LG. DIA. FLANGES Page 161 CLASS 75 PRESSURE VESSEL WELD NECK SLIP-ON FLANGES Pages 103 - 168 BLIND FLANGES SPECIALLY DESIGNED TO WATCH CLASS 75 P.V. FLANGES ae AS eran VE onic reaoes Su ae ela ee Page 170 Tube Turns ahistory of expansion and leadership Seamless forged welding pipe fittings were used by American Industry for the first time in 1927. These first seamless fittings were the result of a new forging process pioneered by Tube Turns. Since 1927, Tube Turns has continued this tial leadership with progress and expansion. From its first small plant of 600 square feet, Tube Turns has enlarged its Louisville manufacturing facilities to over two million square feet. Keeping pace with the ever-expanding piping requirements of industry, Tube Turns has steadily increased its manacturing capabilities to broaden its product line. Welding fittings and flanges are produced in sizes up to 84”, in all types, all schedules and all piping materials. Specialty piping components such as bellows expansion joints, hinged closures, insulated joints, et added to make the Tube Tums line the most General offices $3800 Wert ronda, complete piping products line available. In addition to its main manufacturing plant i Louisville, Tube Turns has plants in Houste Texas, and Philedelphia, Pa. District Sales Offices are located in Atlant= Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Houston, L Angeles, New Orleans, New York, Pittsburgh, Se Francisco and Tulsa. ‘Tube Turns products are stocked by, and st through, authorized distributors and agents locat- in principal cities throughout the world. Affiliate companies of Tube Tums are: TL Tums of Canada Limited, Ridgetown, Ontar Tube Turns de Mexico, Mexico City; anc Chemetron Limited whose Clyde Tube Forgir Division is located in Glasgow, Scotland, and K division in London, England and Pontyclun, Wales All have manufacturing plants. “Tube Turn of Canaos Limlied, logetown, ¢ LABORATORY CONTROL NUMBER MATERIAL or TYPE NUMBER WALL THICKNESS NOMINAL PIPE SIZE TURE TURNS’ IDENTIFICATION ASTM A23 eat] —oatsog | wor] wa ea] RPE MATE | rm | cunerer | ounerex | rmcouss |, | toraa | scamue | weonm | uns Ean is ean le 5 3300 31 aR ane ee 75 4 4.500 4124 gg) 516 6 7.0 =z 6 6.625 6172190) 816 ° 182 2 > os & ¢ sks VOguy,. 200 ss ne 8 1010750 toate) ses 0 2 12 12.750 12.250 25000) 516 18 81 Zz et = 2 a ib Ole cee a, 16 108 3 ee ee ee he 10 168 2 1 tbh ee Oe he © 194 ¥ : : = = 20 20.000 19.500 250 516 3 10 241 = no Et ee | ae ANSI 816.94 ASTM A234 * NOMINAL | OUTSIDE THSIDE Watt ‘enrtR TRIPE] APPROXIMATE ; ie piamerer | piamerer | tmicaness | 10 race | sceoute Weice bp siz 0.0. Lo. z 4 wumsers | _1 pounos rE % £40 622, 109 Tig 40 16 % 1.080 ‘24 m3 1% 40 16 se 1315 104s Tiss mses 1% 1.380 149 40 é Ms 1-610 40 8 z ee __ 21087 Owe 3° 2% 2.468 30 a 3 3068 a5 = — a 5.047 = 6256085 e 8.625 "7.981 < 10.750 10.020 12:760___12000_ 2 14.000 13.280 ° 16,000 151250 a 18100017280 i 20.000 19.230 ° 22:00 21280 = Z4.000___23.250 Fs 26.000 25.250 28:00 27/250 30,000 33.250 35.250 "41.250 41.250 ee coat ca see oar Ses Mite (378 378 378 375 st 54 SP 1170 63 ~ spe 1810 R sta 2850 Dera] ee Part No.2; ANSI B16.9+ ASTM A234 wORNAL | OTE] oF Wat ear —] arom rie |piameren | piameren | twtcnness | to race | scueoue | weicnr be. 1 wumvers | _m ounos a Ta 30 a 18 3 fr 30 278 he - 1500 5 12 = 138 i 20 2 3.003 30 40 2 2.900 BO 56.0 = Beer ale __ 8.0 < 3.825 12 = im ii S 5761 3 ee ot 7.625 12 68 = 3550 rd 108 < 35 is a oe 713.000, zi 138 S 18.009 a 23 Heo. a , Ed 2 19.000 30 2 es 21.00) 3 $03 S ___ B00 % ee = 25.000 39 713 a 28.000 27.000 42 829 30.000 29.000 5 - 953 32.000 ~~ 31.000 “8 1090 34.000 33.000 a i $8000 5.000 a 133) 42.000 41.000 @ a doo 47.000 a xs 20 Sea ma reaae ANSI B16.94 SCHEDULE 160 — PART NO. 43, WOMINAL ‘OUTSIDE | INSIDE WAIL CENTER APPROXIMATE, ep Pure puameree | oamerex | thiceness ro fact wack = ‘SHE 0D. 1D. 1 A JN POUNDS 3 1 1.315 B15 250 Ta 6 1% 1.660 eo 280 ‘% 19 m% 1.00 11338 "ZBL au 18 2 2.378 1.887 34d z 3.0 2 2878 235 28 34 50 2 3 2.624 438 4 8.5 5 3.438 Sl 6 18 z 4.313 625 ™ 33 Siar is 3 3 < eel “208 12 120 5 3500 1s 5 230 woes Asa 18 Ed o / = DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG. = = % 44 308 3 2 1 599 358 1.0 oO hy 290 ‘bee 13 a be 1.100 “400 2.0 a 2 11503 436 3 40 © 2 1 S82 By 70 = 3 2.300 600 +e 11.0 a 3% 2.728 636 By 15.0 4 182 ‘sia 3 208 5 4.068 “150 Th en 8 4687 “864 9 e 8 6578 “Bis 2 15 ec eae ce nasa carton ah pai ah ANSI B16.94 ASTM A234* STANDARD WEIGHT — PART NO. 1.1 NOMINAL | OUTSIDE Tae WATE] TANGENT [CENTER TO FACET os a ne pumerer | ouameree | ritceness | urncrh [~SHoer 7 — tows] Mme ME | sme op. bo. 1 c won| ene 1% 1.900 1610 145 T 2% 3% 18 2 2.375 2.087 “154 la 3 4% 19 2 2808 2.489 “203 MK 3% 8 33 3 3.500 3.088 216 1% 44 3% 54 3y4 4.000 3.548 1226 M4 8% 84 76 2 4 4500 4.028 231 M4 6 Th 10 3 8 8.553 5.047 288 1% Th 9 7 E é 6.625 8.085 “280 1% 8 10% 28 < 8 8.625 7881 “32a 1 1 13% 85 So 10 10.750 10.020 368 2 15 1 a a 12 12.750 12,000 318 2% 18 20% 132 & < CLO hoo 200 1 3% z 2 2.375 1.938 “Z18 1y a ° 2% 2.878 2.323 28 1% 5 a 3 3.500 2.900 300 4 By ey 3 4.000 3.364 ‘318 M4 &% = 4 4.500 a6 337 Mm Te = 8 5.563 4.813 315 Bs Th 8 = 6 6.625 5.761 432 V4 9 10% 8 8.628 628 '500 Bi 4 133, 10 10.750 9.750 1500 2 18 17 us ir 12.780 11.780 500 2% 8 20% m7 ANSI B16: Special Schedulest Part Nos. 201, 301, 401, 601, 801, 1001, 1201, 1401 or bere aera seepage bs -AForinlormaion on tht Standards 9396 89, eT aa eT —— vot | sana ndaciare| | paaaes | ats, aves, || wee vena mic io | sn Boel ieee eee Ea bree een pee eg Sea + Me si ce ee Se ee 5 tome eel os ik é z é 10 1001 near Si) 2 a i 8 120 1201 Lier “ng, we 8 Ls a 140, 1401 ‘Tool a1? 2 108, < ae ee a a a oe g es ey oe we = es me ee a z ; e ea a ee & oe ee ee dyes owe me ee : 2 Da 21 280 18 a o tons ee Pees ee . 4 MS Me = ee ols 2 ee he eae ii cee ee a e 2 100 1001 844 18 253 a 2 120 1201 1,000 8 206 a ane 2. ee sh 2c $A a wo Ec eile a neers Ee top ANSI B16.9 4 ASTM A234 ¢ STANDARD WEIGHT vont | Stmer | omer | ar | sumer | sueer [ar [ove | woe us tenn | tanceeno | cance enn | saatteno | snareewo | saatt one | race ™ race 1. 1 on, i" 1 | roves 2375 «2.067 ~—ASA 1900 «IDSC 15 2.375 208714 isso 80M uM 2995 2067 14 115 a8 13 2.875, 2468208 2a7s 2067 ASL 8% 23 5 2.3875 2463203, 1900810 KS 8% 25 = 2.075 2459203 Lsso 08% 23 eS 20% 2500388 ats2TS 289 aM rr e 2 x2 2.500 088 16 2ars 2087 SAA 40 = 3 oxl% 3500 goss als 19n0 1.810 MS 4% 38 iS Yad 4.000 358.225 3500 3.068 285% 8.0 2 OYixdve 4.000 8ste 228 2875 2.469, 203° 5% 35 ° Svxz 4.000 asus 228 zo7s 2.087 50 2 430% 4500 40.207, 000th 2B 85 2 4x3 4.500 4.026 207 3.500 9.068 160 OC«* 80 = 4% 4500 Per ee 78 42 4.500 4025 297 23752087 70 sox S563 8047288 ASOD 408207 7H 140 5 x0 5.583 507 288 «4.000 3B 227180 90° Reducing Elbows Standard Weight and Extra Strongt ae 20, a. : on. o : | rovor 356) ~~SONT=~CSESC*~‘a CS SC*C«t SSCS 555) 50W7 258 kas kts] 0] ox cers 605s 0Se]S]CiaskS 210 ext 62 605500500 kome:( ima 200 oa es wes 28] 000s 199 ox) soc; = 2a)500 0a 7s ax6 ass 7981 «aks RSS Sag) 40 axé eee 7901 aak SO]. 5 ext 2625 am 8a, ame 35 1oxe 10780 pe ee ee 16 0x6 10750 10.020 56s, 82S 0S ag] °7 1oxs 10750 10.020 ss]? e wxio «12750 = z000 SS a7S-—Ssd750.=soomdsS dk axe 12750 = (1200075, BS 7B] wk 126 12750 12000 «a8, RS GUESS kD 0 =z ‘14x12 14,000 19.250 375 12.750 12,000 375 a1 “7 ° 14x10 14000 «13.250 .375, 10.750 toot 38S 2 M40 =a ‘4x8 14.000 13,250 375, 8.625 7.981 (322 a) 125, i? See eee ° Wer 16.000 «15250 a78 1.000130 S208 a Wel2-«16.000«=«15280=a7S8_—=—n750.~=—=sak000aS 2k 2 16x10 16.000 ‘15.250 375 10.750 10.020 385 4 190 -t Sige a ee S lexi6 1725075 =—sB00SsS5O S278 é exi4 1728037500 nso Stak a ‘18x12 ‘17.250 375 12.750 12,000 (375 a7 260 we 18x10 17250 © 9751.5 = 100203887 7 = x 20x18 20.000 19.250 375 18.000 17.250 375 20 952 = 20x16 «0.000 «18280 «97518000 asso as 00a aox4-—=« 20.000» «19280 «= a78,Std.g00 sso a7 0a ax12 «0.00 «1928078750 12.000S 7S 00288 2oel0 «20.000 «8.28078. 80a 90° Reducing Elbows Standard Weight and Extra Strongt eae ATT] — ST] eT aT a ima ar | sumer | amor [ar | to | ween | un = uactes | mato | waite | mace Bat 27 m2 a1 =~ SSCSC« RO 24x20 ‘375 192013758 24x18 378 17290 0478 216 375 152803758 rey) 28 1925075 GD 2401 275 12000 4786 EXTRA STRONG — PART NO. 2-R Pore ee es a a a a) 20 21% a7 aa L.aTB a 18 axl 29751808218 987 3 1s BV Pe ee ee a ee 2 2Yaxl 2.875 2.323 (276 1.900 1.500 200 3% 3s ° zn ars at) are.) = < 22% «850090090027 o ant 3500 200 300s2aS—sdgaad CSS 5 oxlh 3.500 2.900 300 1,900 1.500 200 MM 5.0 = 8%x9 4,000 9,964 18 2.900 300 5M 83 = Sina 4.000 ask 23078 = BMx2 4,000 3.364 318 1.939 218 SMe 70 ° a EXTRA STRONG — PART NO. 2% u 4x32 4.500 3.826 337 4.000 9.064 218 6 us c 4a soo 3828307, 38002900300 108 a 2% soos 2S 2S aC 10.9 wd asco 38880720752 2s st sso 48s aS ASOD aT HONS 53% S58 ee ee eee ee eS) a so 813.75, 800280030074 Svcs 55, | ASS SSNS CTH os sss 7s as2 8.888 ane 2 ead ses 57s1 ata 800388 20 oy =os S781 al koa 23 9 eens 87612 2.900308 28 Sonor ne same sizer thictess oF seveduia, Tt 90° Reducing Elbows Standard Weight and Extra Strongt pana DIAM. OF ‘BLAM, OF ar | DIAM. OF AM. OF ar 1. wiser ust aE Se 8x5 8.625 7.825 ‘500 5.563 4.813 (375 12 37 xt 8625 7825 500 4.500 3.8268 SoTeae 2 53 ye\ T | jam (NA ae Laxl2 14.000 13.000 00 12.750 11.750 5002) 184 5 Tare eet eee ca lee.) Steel eG Tee ia | fay aa co ee ee |S necis “Skee, EE Se) eee etsy 16x10 16.000 15.000» 500S«10.750 970 sD 7 BE 19x16 18.000 17.000 500 16.000 15.000 50027 382 iS 18x10 17.000 S00 10.750 8.750 300027 291 = axis 20.000 «13.000 0018000700 song = =n ana ee ee ee ee He Se 5 ee pte as ee ae wonmat WORIWAL WAL TalODNRE Toe aT me | comer ]__appnox, were wek___| a 154 3.0 4.0 2% 7) 2.0 a 216 92 124 3% 48 61 4 231 118 24.1 5 81 1g 6 280 432 18 8 64 mM 24 34 8 322 500 24 92 140 10 46 69 10 365 500 30 164 221 12% 81.5 108 12 378 .500 36 241 317 18 ls 187 M4 375 500 42 308 407 IT 184 202 16 315 500 46 408 534 19% 201 265 18 S18 500 84 S14 era 2% 286 338 20 378 500 60 27 841 24% 317 419 22 375 500 66 ™ 1020 27% 388 508 28 378 500 2 20 1220 2'%e 458 606 26 375 500 8 1081 1430 8256 539 23 30 378 800 80 1441 1910 37% 720 953 34 375 800 102. 1654 24st 4214 926 1230 36 375 800 108 2082 2764 44's 1040 1380 42 375 500 126 2635 3788 52M ise 1883, with thote for Staneare er tor Exire Strong Wai ASTM A234* ANS! 816.28" wanna] OnE] WaT] WAT] — eT] aR | me | wm | sume | rocnes || cava || seen | coer || SITE 0.0. Lp a A NUMBERS: IK POUNDS we 1 Tai Low as 7 wo Bs ee gg0 a 4 Po ‘0 a eet is wo 2 23 oe 2 ‘0 1 3 2% 2.878 2.409 203 2% 40 2 6 3 3.500 3.088 216 3 40 3 = 2 % 4006 2% 4 < i so 40827 ‘ to $ eS 5 8.583 8.047 288 5 40 10 va 6 6.025 6.065 280 8 4 1s < 8 8.625 7.981 322 8 40 32. z 0 wor = oad re 3 z 12 12.780 12.000 378 12 ST 82 a M os 30 108 u 8 ios % 13 2 18 18.000 17.280 315 18 sTu 12 - 2 wo 8] 20 zal % ao | aA 2 2 THE FOLLOWING Si2ES ARE NOT COVERED IN ANSI 816.28 30 30.000 29.250 375 30 SsTw 470 % soo sts ese nic Ad asta EES 1m ness a “Gaal, escent on fe etn ce secon Vil ot ma ast Extra Strong* es Part No. 4 “3 ans 816.288 ASTM A234 Tana. | — OnE] WB] Wa] — aE] it | ommerce | oumerer | twicewess | ro race | seams | weir og SIZE oD. Lb. 1 a NUMBERS 1K POUNDS . is Te00 1.800 200 iM 3 7 a ass = ess 8 2 8 20 ay 2.875 2.323 276 My 80 3.0 3 3.500 2.900 300 3 80 45 2 3% 4,000 3.364 318 a4 80 65 ) 4 4,500 3.826 337 4 80 Bs = & 5 8.563 4.813 375 8 80 13.8 o 8 ses Tel a8 6 80 23.0 = 8 8.625 7.625 500 & 80 43.0 a x 10 107% © 8.750500 10 2 2 wars 11.780 500 2 101 z i 14000 19.000 500 4 120 o o 16 16.00 15.000 00 e 40 178 z 1 18.00 17.000 «300 6 me aM 2 2» 20.000 «18.000 «500 20 2 278 © 24 (24.000 23.000 500 24 xs" 390 “THE FOLLOWING SIZES ARE NOT COVERED IN ANS! 816.25 30.000, 28.000 500 30 2 eu soto 38.000 «500 36 20 13 42000 = 41.00 = 500 2 xs» 1490 mevenenireats "ue ™ : abet Pi ASTM A234* ANSI B16.288 TT OUTsIOT TIDE WAI] GENTE] APPROMIMATE nee | soutbULE piaweter | piamerte | twiceness | To Face | wrichT IN size__|_ numa oo. rounds 4 120 4.500 104 5 120 5.563 186 28 a. Sat 8.638 30.0 8 20 8.625 244 8 30 8.625 21.0 2 8 60 8.628 310 S 8 100 8.625 56.0 = 8 120 8.628 86.0 a 8 140 8625 740 a 10 20 10.750 8.2 = 10 30 10.750 46.0 re 10 Bip 10780 _ 85.0 a 10 100 10.750 106.0 iS 10 120 10.780 123.0 z 10 140 10.750 148.0 é 546 70.0 a 9.0 o ns = 140 & a 48 “4 ug “594 14 188 48 18 197 “362 18 282 334 20 328 862 24 481 ANSI 816.9* ASTM A234 * WomWAT | —OuTTIE —] — WBE] — wart ea] RE | ARNE | ve | uwerer | uncrin | rweness | PE | rovact | senor | woe | sit oo. io. + | wumaee | rounos 3 3500 Bias tam) 20 4 4.500 4124 gg) 517 21/2 as 2 ‘ ees 6170) 5174 a 5 a, A ee = 10 10312 aie) 517 e/a 249 sj B 250 aso)? Tan 403 a = t 10 52. 5 10 0 o na No Ole a “cape a oS = 20 «0000-19800 stan aw & 400 = 28800 aS he oe 22 ANSI B16.94 ASTM A234 © NOMINAL OUTSIDE WDE Walt CENTER) {PIPE APPRORIWATE) PIPE pumeree | oiamerin | ThicuNess «| TO FACE scnepute | weight nr se__| 00 1b. 1 + | wmaer | rounos % 840 622 108) % 0 10 % 1.050 “824 a3 he 40 10 1 1318 14g “iy 033 < Bea os “140 0 4 143, 40 5 2 2 “184 40 8 E 203 40 ie ae 40 28 ° “226 __ 40 bEs.5 a 23 40 40 a ‘238 40 18 a ines eu eae 222 40 23 Zo ‘355 40 rt 3 378 ST. 50 a 30 19 i 30 107 o eri: ee = 20 1m 20 192 = p23 oo” ST 269 315 ST az 318 ST 388 32.000 31.250 373 y ST 408 34:00 33280 375 al STi 463 36.000 «35.250 375 2a ST: 563 42.000 41,250 318 26 st! 00 48,000 47280 318 29% st: 1320 STR. Da arenes earn tat gteee XKO.0, A WANS LPS ANSI B16.9* ASTM A234* WORWAT—) — UTeIDE —] — wBT Wat canta Tree | RRONNATE | rire iancren | oiameren | rmonuss | rorace | scour | wacerm | sat oo. i. 1 2 wun rovns % 649 “SH 147 5 £0 12 2 10s Te 1st i 5 i : 1315 ‘$57 13 " % 30 14 1.960 12re ig1 1 % = i 1800 1500 200 iy & é 2 2.375 1.939 218 1% 80 10 Zz 2 2.875 2.323 276 14 £0 2.0 2 3 3.500 2300 ‘300 2 2 a8 iE Bu 4.000 ae aie br 8 3 & 4 4,500 3.826 ‘337 24 S 5 5563 “ais 35 34 = a 6.625 5.761 Cam 0S 3y = 3 8.625 7925 “300 5 a 0 10.750 9750 “300 & < 2B 12790 11-280 “300 Mh XS = 4 14.000" 13.000 “900 B; S 16 jeo00 ‘15.000 ‘S00 0 1B 1.000 17.000 500 is a » 20.000 19.00 500 124 w 2 22.000 21.000 500 13% 30, = a zoo «23.000 500 8 Bo = 26 26.000 25.000 500, 16 20 a a z000 21.000 300 ih 2 30 30.000 29.000 500 18%, 20 32 32.000 31.000 500 19%, 20 4 300 © 34.000 $00 2 2 36 36.000 38.000 300 2a, 2 2 $2.00 41.000 “500 26 xs: 6 $8.00 47.000 300 Bn 38. 48,008, 39,000, 32.002, 60,006 a rae For Dimensional Taerences see pace “Double mers ANSI B16.94 ASTM 234% SCHEDULE 160 — PART NO. 64 wownal | OUTSGE waar wa] eae] aA], wre munca | ounrie | mcmwess |) torace | wou | suk ou. » ee Es runs x4 1,080 B12 219 The 1s 1 1.315 B15 280 Ve 4 ly 1,880 1,160 280 1 8 Dy 1300 13338 i 3 2.18 130 eae 2 ars bigs 1 a0 a 3 — Sapo —— at a es TO 500 3.438 ay 85 = 33 sa % 4 < os 8? a Be Co 625 6.813 36 a 8 850 183 & 12 tere i Dov tA FONG — Pak NO 2 = z 1.080 1 1315 ° Im a8 & 2 is 100 1 2 2a % 9 uy 2.875 ae c 3 3.500 2 = 3% 4,000 ay 4 4.800 2 5 862 2% 5 Sess 3 8 8.625 8 Cech ieeuncmemenmemngmr nt So ii can italien oe on ANSI B16.9 ASTM A234 1 For farmstonn tne Stan roe | saroue |," | une | ounere | maouess | tore | ween | F 2 Sf Sein ae se z : pe ee ° ee ees = fee ee oe : & ee 2» 205 2° : L S = fe z 10 190 1005 7 ca 10 120 1205 < = [ : oe 12 30 0S ° a s 8 2 oe S 2 oe a BO = i Soe & " Part No. 518 = ansi p16.9* Ast azos Toma | OnE | WE [WAR] yg eT ane] TET ree | ouneree | ouarre | coess| y", |rocaner| rorace | soetue | wecat | A Mf | easel! aimee oe | inate | “rows ae eee 7 er re ee a 6 ae Gey ae) oes ea =e ae __ 1. z ° sas ney) Bete os 2 1 teso toate zis) stam xe0 g 12 ta7s0 ao asol) sts ve ° s = 1414000 ==assto gosh 1 ae = 1 6000 tssto aso 1m = 18 18.000 17.500 250 51B 54 % 10 422 °o o : a mao smo 1 He 8 ooo sm 1 one = = "ANSE 836.10 for ses see bate 89, A ANSI B16.9* ASTM A234* WOMINAL | OUTSIDE THSIDE WAI) GOITER) ACK] _]PIPE 1) APPROKIMATE rire | oiamever | oiamerer | Twickness | 10 cenrer | ro race | scheome | welch ay sume o.0. Lp. 1 o K wumaens |_in pounps | _ PRE BAO 822 18 3 Iie 0 38 1.050 B24 “113 2 40 38 1315 1.089 1133, 3 40 7 1.860 1.380 2140 3% 40 10 1.900 1610 248 4% 40 1s = 2.378 2.087 2184 é 40 25 o g laa - 2% 2.875 2.489 203 ™ 40 58 < 3 3.500 3.088 40 8 o 34 4.000 3.548 40 125 5 4 4.500 4.028 237 12 0 18 & 5 5.863 5.047 258 18 40 29 me 6 6.625 6.065 280 18 40 48 ie 8 8.625 7.981 32a 24 40 99 o 10 10.750 10.020 (388 30 40 168 & 12 12.750 12,000 ‘378 38 ST) 288 a 6 14.000 13.250 318 2 28 30 319 e 16 16.000 18.250 318 8 32 30 422, x 18 18.000 17.250 375 54 36 sT» 517 a 20 20.000 19.250 218 6 40 20 632 22 22.000 21.250 318 6 44 20 ™ 24 24.000 23.250 315 bcd 48 20 902 ‘THESE SIZES ARE NOT COVERED BV ANSI B16.9 26 26.000 25.280 315 B 52 st net 30 30.000 29.250 375 90 60 ST 1841 2 Batra, Silos se e ANSI B16.94 WOMINAL | OUTSIDE ASIDE WAL) CeuTeR 0A PIPE] APPROXIMATE ripe | piamerer | DiaMereR | THICKNESS | TO ceNrER | To ract | scuepuis | wuiGHT A site @ifioa vel | LD. i ° K numvers | m rounns | PRE % 840 546 “a7 3 Tie 0 45 % 1.050 742 154 2% Iie £0 48 1 1.918 987 178 3 2 me £0 1.0 ae 1.660 1278 3% 2% 80 15 I 1,900 1.800 4% By 80 2 2 2 2.378 1939 6 en) 4 2 2M 2.875 TM ae 80 8 & 3 3.500 9 8% 80 1 ° 3 4.000 10% 1% 80 18 5 4 4.500 12 8% 80 24 a 8 5.563 18 10 544 80 2 = 6 6.628 1B 12 % 80 6 s 8 8.65 7.625 500 24 80 139 5 10 10.780 9.750 500 x” 20% 60 218 5 ry 12.750 11.750 +300 6 24% XSa 308 a 4 14,000 13.000 500 2 2B XS" 393 2 16 16.000 18,000 300 48 2 40 530 ic 18 18.000 17.000 00 54 6 xs 664 a 2 20,000 19.000 500 © 40 A 22 22,000 21.000 “300 66 44 80 1020 Er 24.000 23.000 800 @ 48 xs 1220 THESE SIZES ARE NOT COVERED BY ANSI 816.9 20 26,000 25.000 500 B 20 20 30.000 29.000 500 20 Sane REE. ANSI B16.9* ASTM A234 * ScHEDULE 160 —PART NO. 45 NOMINAL] OUTSIDE THSIDE WAIL cenTeR BACK PROXIMATE PIPE piamerer | piamener | tuickness | to center | to FACE weight a8 size 0.0. Lb. 1 ° K 1m pounds bia 1 1.315 B15 250 3 2%, 12 1% 1660 1160 250 3a 24 20 M4 1.900 1.338 “281 4 3% 3.0 2 2.375 1.887 344 10 24 2.815 2.128 1318 105 3 3800 2624 438 118 4 4.500 3.438 331 2 8% 38 8 5.563 4313 1628 15 10H. 86 6 6.525 5.187 718 18 losis 108 8 8.525 6.13 906 24 16545 231 10 10.750 8.500 1125 30 20% 460 12 12.780 10.126 ¥312 36 24% 762 DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG — PART NO. 121/, ti: 2 2.378 1.803 436 6 60 4 21878 v7 582 TM 135 E 3.500 2.300 1800 9 2 Bu 4000 2728 a6 10% 32 4 4500 31152 374 12 8 5 5.953 4.063 730 18 10546 Tt 6 5.625 4887 ‘B54 18 16 128 8 8.628 6.875 35 a 18540 231 Ey Fo bevel deta eregeass _SpedalSchedulest Long. Radius. ANSI 816.9" ASTM A234 | Part Nos. 207, 307, 407, 607, 807, 1007,1207,1407 . Ae pase: WOMINAE | FPP] paqg )OUTSDE] DE] walk] cen] — BRC [APPROMATT] — > rire | sctoure | AR | nunerin | punerer | rncents 10 comer) ro race | wucet | guy sz_| nome a0, iB. i 0 1 Pounos

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