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The eruption of Cotopaxi volcano in 2015.

In the months leading up to the Cotopaxi volcano eruption in 2015, Ecuador had been
experiencing increased seismic activity and an increase in gas emissions from the volcano.
Scientists and local authorities had been closely monitoring the situation, issuing warnings and
preparing evacuation plans for communities. Tensions were high as residents prepared for a
possible eruption, hoping the threat would go away.

Then, in those days of August 2015, the main event unfolded when Cotopaxi erupted with
powerful volcanic activity. The eruption sent columns of ash and smoke across the sky; a
shadow could be seen over the mountains. The ash fall covered nearby towns and cities, causing
much fear and concern. The sounds of the explosions were very loud.

Following the eruption, the following year the communities had to be more careful and rebuild
some affected places. The inhabitants carried out cleaning tasks in all the streets, because there
was a lot of ash on the ground and in the houses. The government and other organizations are
providing aid to those affected, donating food, medicine and construction materials.
Meanwhile, scientists continued to monitor Cotopaxi for any signs of increased activity,
because there were still some threats of another eruption. Since then, the Cotopaxi eruption
served as a lesson to be more attentive to natural phenomena, and to be more careful.

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