Project Proposal

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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Republic of the Philippines

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and
International Hospitality Management
Batangas City



Arellano, Isabela Christine

Castillo, Angel Joy A.
Guerra, Jairo
Gutierrez, Bea
Manalo, Kate Nichole
Marasigan, Jhon Andrei
Sastado, Jezane Abegail D.
Velasquez, Alea Mae


Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 1

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Table of Contents
Narrative/ Technical Proposal
I. Need Assessment Plan………………………………………………………………7
II. Empathy Study Plan………………………………………………………………...10
III. Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………...………16
IV. Statement of Needs………………………………………………….………..….…18
V. Draft Image of Prototype………………………………………………………..….20
Project Goals…………………………………………………………………………….…..….21
Project Hypothesis and Structure……………………………………………………....….…....24
Time Frame…………………………………………………………………………………..…26
Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………………………….....…....28

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 2

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management


Proper waste management can help people maintain cleanliness and make their community

safe from pollution and floods. To help the community of Palindan, we students came up with the study

entitled "From Trash to Treasure: Trade Machine Solution Empowers Residents to Prevent Excessive

Waste in Palindan, Ibaan, Batangas." This study was conducted in order to gain empathy for the

problems and challenges that the community is facing right now and also to raise awareness about the

problem and the current situation in the community. In order to achieve the objectives, a waste

management system must be implemented with an effective prototype. To know more about the current

situation in the community, we conducted a survey about the residents perspective on why their

community has an excessive waste problem. Based on the survey we conducted, some of the most

common reasons why the community has so much waste are the lack of awareness and discipline among

the people, the lack of a garbage dump, and the lack of garbage collectors in the communit. In this study,

in order to effectively implement proper waste management, a prototype and strategies are presented

based on waste management problems in the community. Finally, it is revealed that this project is

necessary to efficiently implement waste management in the same context by sharing information about

waste. According to the residents having knowledge about proper waste disposal and segregation of

waste is a big factor in making the environment clean and free from pollution and some diseases caused

by too much waste. After implementing the proposed solution of the students in the chosen community,

the proponents believe that it will be a big help to the community to reduce so much waste in their

barangay and to have a clean and safe environment.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 3

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management


Responsible consumption and production are two of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

(SDGs) established by the United Nations in 2015 that must be adhered to. Poor waste management is

one of the biggest problems that our chosen community is facing right now, which is Palindan, Ibaan,

Batangas. Excessive waste is a significant issue that poses a threat to the health of the community and

the environment. The improper disposal of waste can lead to air, water, and soil pollution, which can

harm human health and ecosystems. It can also impact the local economy and tourism industry, as waste

can deter visitors and affect the quality of life for local residents. The proponents chose this topic because

it causes significant environmental problems. Some people in Barangay Palindan, Ibaan, Batangas are

not following the correct rules for proper waste disposal. They don't know what the consequences are

when you just throw trash everywhere. In short, they don't have much knowledge when it comes to

disposing of garbage, what the right way is, what to do when you see garbage, and where to dispose of

garbage. That’s why the proponents conducted research and chose the communities of Palindan, Ibaan,


Nowadays, excessive waste has become a major environmental issue worldwide. In Barangay

Palindan, Ibaan, Batangas, on how to properly dispose of their garbage and find alternative ways to

eliminate it. It also focuses on how the practices of the people in the community can affect their health.

The goal of this research is to investigate the issue of excessive waste, the reasons why the community

has this issue, and the solutions that may be implemented. The problem of excessive waste has been a

growing concern in many parts of the world. With the increasing population and changing behavior of

people, the amount of waste generated is on the rise, leading to numerous environmental and health

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 4

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

problems. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the negative impacts of excessive waste

and the need for sustainable waste management practices. The issue of excessive waste has been studied

extensively by environmentalists, policymakers, and academics worldwide. These studies have

identified the causes and consequences of excessive waste as well as potential solutions to mitigate the


The impacts of excessive waste have become increasingly evident in Palindan, Ibaan,

Batangas, affecting both the environment and the health of the community. Poor waste management

practices, such as improper disposal, have led to a rise in the amount of waste generated in the area,

causing negative impacts on residents.

The target users of the study are the residents living in the barangay. As the people who directly

experience the impacts of excessive waste, their involvement is crucial in identifying the problems,

developing solutions, and implementing effective waste management practices. The residents of the

barangay are the ones who generate waste and are affected by its negative impacts. Thus, their

participation in the study is crucial in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the current waste

management practices in the barangay, identifying the root causes of excessive waste, and developing

sustainable solutions that are appropriate and effective for the community. Moreover, involving the

residents in the study fosters community engagement, enabling them to take an active role in creating a

more sustainable and healthier environment. By involving the target users, the study can develop

recommendations and solutions that are practical, feasible, and socially acceptable to the community.

Therefore, the study aims to engage and collaborate with the residents of the barangay to create a more

sustainable and responsible approach to waste management. By involving the target users in the study,

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 5

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

we can develop recommendations and strategies that meet the needs and priorities of the community,

contributing to a more sustainable and healthier environment for all.

Local governments have an essential role in promoting responsible waste management

practices and ensuring the health and well-being of their communities. However, when faced with

stubborn individuals who refuse to cooperate, governments must find creative and effective ways to

engage with the community and address the root causes of excessive waste.

Our group came up with this study entitled "Trash to Treasure: Trade Machine Solution

Empowers Residents to Prevent Excessive Waste in Palindan, Ibaan, Batangas". The study will be highly

beneficial in the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically

on responsible consumption and production, which is Goal 12 that is relevant to substantially reducing

waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse in the communities of Palindan,

Ibaan, Batangas against flooding and disease caused by garbage. The residents would be the primary

beneficiaries of the research, as the expected outcome will indicate the appropriate action that will help

solve the problem. It will increase their knowledge of the generated data, their understanding of the

community, and their research ethics. It would also teach them new techniques for gathering credible

inputs and broaden their perspective on analyzing the data gathered in order to produce a comprehensive

data analysis. The researchers also benefited from the interviews they conducted with the participants of

the study because it assisted them in developing the proponents' communication skills, which will be

very important for future studies they will be working on.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 6

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Narrative/ Technical Proposal

I. Need Assessment Plan

What is the Is there any existing solution to

Who are the problem/challenge the problem? Is there a need for a
Community target users? faced by the target new solution?
user in the project
Manghinao People inside the Robbery and drugs There is no existing solution. The
proper Bauan, compound. are the biggest solution that might be implemented
Batangas problems in our is to put CCTV in every corner of
barangay, so the the compound to determine what is
people in our going on and who is violating the
barangay are rioting. curfew. This CCTV has an
electrifying laser with detection;
when it sees you stealing or you are
seen on the CCTV doing drugs, the
CCTV will attack you with a laser
with electricity so that the people in
the compound will be afraid of
stealing and doing drugs.

Our first chosen community was Manghinao proper, Bauan, Batangas, because this is what

really needs to be solved. But we did not choose this community because it is too difficult to solve. With

the innovation/invention we made for this, people who commit robbery and do drugs will be hurt by the

CCTV laser. This is therefore very difficult to resolve.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 7

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Community Who are the What is the Is there any existing solution to
target users? problem/challenge the problem? Is there a need for a
faced by the target new solution?
user in the project
Pulang Lupa, Resident in One of the serious There is no existing solution. The
Mabini, barangay and problems in the solution that might be implemented
Batangas riders. barangay is is to provide roundabouts and
congested roads, traffic lights as effective solutions
which cause for addressing the problem of
transportation delays, congested roads in barangay. By
especially when improving traffic flow and reducing
trucks come here. the occurrence of accidents, these
innovations can help create a safer
and more efficient road network for
everyone. By considering the use of
these and other innovative traffic
solutions, barangay can work to
create a more livable, sustainable,
and safe environment for all.

Our second chosen community was Pulang Lupa, Mabini, Batangas because this problem has

caused many drivers to get stuck in traffic because of their heavy trucks. So we thought of an innovation

for this problem, but we didn't do it because the cost of this innovation was too high.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 8

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Community Who are the What is the Is there any existing solution to
target users? problem/challenge the problem? Is there a need for a
faced by the target new solution?
user in the project
Palindan, Residents lived in Excessive waste There is no existing solution. The
Ibaan, the barangay. solution that might be implemented
Batangas is to have a trading machine that
accepts waste in exchange for fruits,
vegetables, plants and tree seeds.
This will help reduce waste spread
across the barangay. This machine
also separates waste into reuse,
reduction, and recycling. This
machine is available in all purok of
the barangay.

Barangay Palindan, Ibaan, Batangas is our chosen community because many other barangays

have similar problems with excessive waste. We chose this because we want to use this innovation as

an example. With the help of this innovation, many residents of barangays have benefited and become

more aware of the importance of the environment.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 9

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management


We conducted a survey of 17 people to find out why there is so much waste in Barangay
Palindan, Ibaan Batangas.

1. What are your thoughts on why your barangay have so much waste? (You can answer
in Filipino language.)

Lack of awareness and Improper waste disposal Lack of trash cans No

Discipline garbage
Lack of discipline of the My thoughts on why our Ang aking naiisip Walang
people and improper barangay have so much waste kung bakit marami garbage
segregation of waste. is the improper waste disposal pa ding basura sa truck.
ang the lack of aming barangay ay
discipline of the people. hindi mismo
nagkakaroon ng
pagkakaisa kung
saan ito itatapon at
Simpleng pagtatapon sa For me, having so much waste because there is no
basurahan ay hindi nila is the barangay main problem. proper garbage dump
ginagawa. Pag They don't have proper waste in the barangay.
nanunuod ako ng liga management
minsan napapansin ko disposal, so that the
na walang sako na community will throw their
pwedeng pagtapunan. waste everywhere. And not
only the barangay itself is the
problem, it is on the people
who are not responsible on
their waste.
Kasi Hindi sinusunod Hinde nag tatapon ng tama sa Walang maayos na
Ng ibang mamamayan basurahan. tapunan ng
ang batas na pag-tatapon basurahan.
Ng basura.
Kulang sa pagkakaisa o Lack of discipline of the
pagtutulungan. people and improper
segregation of waste.
Walang sapat na Some people don't put their
kaalaman tungkol sa waste in the proper place.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 10

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

basura at ang epekto

People become Para sa akin kaya madaming
irresponsible. basura ay gawa ng nga taong
basta na lang nagtatapon ng
nga kalat nila kung
saan saan tulad na lang sa
kalsada at siguro ay gawa din
na kulang Ang mga basurahan
sa aming Barangay.
For me, having so much
waste is the barangay
main problem. They
don't have proper waste
disposal, so that the
community will throw
their waste everywhere.
And not only the
barangay itself is the
problem, it is on the
people who are not
responsible on their
Dahil sa walang
disiplina ang mga taong
nagtatapon na lang ng
basta ng basura sa kung
My thoughts on why our
barangay have so much
waste is the improper
waste disposal ang the
lack of discipline of the
9 6 3 1

9 of the 15 people we surveyed said they 'lacked awareness and discipline.' Secondly, 6 people
said improper waste disposal was an issue. Thirdly, 3 people mentioned 'no garbage collectors.' Lastly,
1 person mentioned ‘No garbage collectors.'

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 11

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

2. What are the common waste found in your barangay? (You can answer in Filipino
Plastics 16
Plastics Bottles 7
Bottle Glass 4
Kitchen Waste 2
Metal/Cans 2
Cigarette Butts 2
Leaves 1
Paper 1
Diaper 1

The common waste found in Barangay Palindan, Ibaan, Batangas based on survey is the
plastics have answered by 16 people, next is Plastic Bottles answered by 7 people, Bottles Glass
answered by 4 people, Kitchen Waste, Metal/Cans and Cigarette Butts answered by 2 people and lastly
Leaves, Paper, Diaper answered by 1 people.

3. What are the possible solution may be implemented? (You can answer in Filipino

Proper Set some Being garbage
waste goals/programs 3R’s responsible truck and
Penalty the
disposal collector
Proper Define the mag Proper Magkaroo Pedeng Clean the
disposal problem. And set impleme disposal and n ng ang environme
and some goals. nt sila ng being a garbage solusyo nt.
being a 3R’s responsible truck kaht n ay
responsi Reduce, resident. twice a pagmul
ble Reuse week. tahin
resident and ang
Recycle mga
upang sa taong
ganon ay nagtata
mabawas pon ng
an ang basura

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 12

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

mga sa kung
basura. saan.
Tapos sa
y sila ng
dable at
e para

Be a Maaring Be a The
responsi Pagkakaisa. solusyon responsible possible
ble dito ay individual solution
individua humingi and practice may be
l and ng tulong proper implement
practice sa waste ed to have
proper barangay managemen a garbage
waste o matuto t collection
manage tayong schedule
ment. mag for each
recycle house.
ng basura
tiulad ng
mga bote
tulong ito

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 13

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Mainam Isang proyekto Do the
na mag kung saan 3R's.
impleme matatalakay kung
nt sila ng ano bang dapat
3R’s gawin sa mga
Reduce, basura.
upang sa
ganon ay
an ang
Tapos sa
y sila ng
dable at
e para
Huwag Mag patupad ng
itapon basura mo ei uwi
kung mo.
saan saan
ang mga

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 14

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

ko ay
y ng
n sa
poste ng
ilaw ng
they may
nted is
in every
6 4 3 2 2 1 1

Based on the survey, many people answered that the possible solution that was

implemented was proper waste answered by Six people, Set some goals or programs answered by 4

people, 3 R's answered 3 people, Being responsible and having a garbage truck and collector

answered 2 people, and lastly penalty and cleaning the environment answered 1 person.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 15

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

III. Statement of the Problem

One of the major problems in every community is excessive waste with the growing population

leading to excessive waste generation. Barangay Palindan, Ibaan, Batangas is one of the communities

that is struggling with excessive waste, which is causing significant environmental problems like

flooding. The objective of this study is to explore the problem of excessive waste, the causes why the

community has this problem, and the steps that can be taken to address it.

We conducted a survey to determine what residents think is the cause of excessive waste, the

waste that is commonly found and their insights about a possible solution to this problem. Based on the

results, the two most common causes of excessive waste in the community are a lack of awareness and

discipline and improper waste disposal. One of the respondents said that his thoughts on why your

barangay has so much waste His answer was, "It is because people are unaware of the consequences of

their responsible acts." Other respondents also answered, "They are not following the correct rules of

proper waste disposal." Many people don't know what the consequences are when you just throw trash

everywhere. They also don't know what the shortage is if they throw it in the right trash. In short, they

don't have much knowledge when it comes to disposing of garbage, what the right way is, what to do

when you see garbage, and where to dispose of garbage. Other causes of excessive waste are a lack of

trash cans and garbage trucks. One of the respondents answered, "For me, there are many people who

just throw their garbage everywhere, just like on the road, and maybe it's also because the trash cans in

our barangay are not enough." Others answered, "No garbage collectors." There is a lot of waste in this

barangay because there is a lack of trash cans and there are no garbage collectors, which is why the

residents of the barangay are throwing it everywhere.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 16

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

According to residents, the most common waste that can be found is plastic, plastic bottles, and

kitchen waste. Based on the survey, the residents think that proper waste disposal, the 3 R's, and being

a responsible individual can be possible solutions to prevent too much waste. If people continue these

irresponsible habits about their waste, their community will suffer and will face other problems such as

air pollution, floods, and many more.

The possible solution to reducing excessive waste in Palindan is to be aware of how to

segregate waste and to practice proper waste disposal. Proper waste management and having discipline

are important to help the community have a clean environment and prevent a high amount of waste in

their community. Segregation of waste is also important, not only for protecting our environment but

also to save on costs and reduce expenses for disposal. Also, proper segregation of waste makes it easier

to recycle waste items. The community also needs to set goals or have programs that will help their

residents have some information or ideas on how they will dispose of their waste properly. They can

also do the 3 R's, or "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle," to lessen waste, and at the same time, they can also

use their creativity on how they can recycle those waste items. Residents can also clean their

environment every day and always check the canals to see if there are any waste stacks on them, like

plastics. The barangay can also implement some rules, such as having a penalty and schedule for truck

collectors every day.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 17

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

IV. Statement of Needs

The present study aims to propose a solution that empowers the residents of Palindan, Ibaan,

Batangas to prevent excessive waste accumulation. The community is facing a significant excessive

waste problem as many residents throw away their trash indiscriminately due to the lack of existing

solutions for proper waste disposal. This study aims to address this issue by proposing an effective and

sustainable solution that encourages waste reduction and proper waste management practices among the


The proponents proposed a plan to create a prototype that would benefit a chosen community

by helping them reduce waste and maintain a clean and safe environment. One such community is

Barangay Palindan, where residents suggested the need for a garbage truck collector to pick up waste on

a weekly basis. However, the proponents came up with an innovative solution that not only reduces

waste but also provides residents with a seed of vegetables, fruits, plants, and trees that they can plant in

their community to grow fresh food. The prototype is designed to incentivize residents to dispose of

their trash properly by offering them the opportunity to receive seeds in return. This encourages the

community members to take responsibility for their waste and to dispose of it properly, reducing the

amount of waste and pollution in the area. By engaging the residents in proper waste disposal practices,

the community can prevent excessive waste and pollution from accumulating, contributing to a healthier

and more sustainable environment for all.

The proponents came up with this innovative solution and the importance of the materials that

will be use in the prototypes:

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 18

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Trade Machine: The trade machine is a machine that encourages recycling and sustainability by

allowing people to trade their waste for seeds of fruits, vegetables, plant and trees. It accepts various

types of waste, including biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and recyclable materials and has four main

parts, including the segregation trash can, 3rs main trash can, obtainable seeds, and claiming seeds. The

trade machine helps people to view their waste as a resource and separates them from the concept of

waste. It is designed to have a length of 1600, a width of 1200, and a thickness of 350, with red and gray

colors for easy visibility.

Segregation trash can: The segregation trash can is a waste disposal system that is designed to help

people sort their waste properly. The can is divided into several boxes labeled with "Reuse," "Reduce,"

and "Recycle," promoting the 3Rs principles. It has a length of 470 and a width of 280, and its color is


3R’s main trash can: The 3Rs main trash can serves as a collection point for waste that has been sorted

into the segregation trash can. The trash can has a length of 615, width of 545, and thickness of 540. The

color of the 3Rs main trash can is red.

Obtainable seeds: The obtainable seeds can be acquired by trading in a certain amount of waste in the

trade machine. These seeds can come in a variety of types, including fruits, vegetables, plants, and trees.

The container that holds the obtainable seeds is made of glass and has a length of 450 and a width of


Claiming seeds: The process of claiming seeds allows users to obtain the seeds that were generated

from the waste they traded in the trade machine. By giving users the right to claim and use these seeds,

they can be used to grow plants and promote sustainability. The claiming seeds container is made of

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 19

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

glass, which allows for easy viewing of the seeds inside, and has a length of 400 and a width of 250. The

claiming seeds area is located within the trade machine and provides users with a way to collect the

seeds that are generated from their traded waste.

V. Draft Image of Prototype

Front View Back View

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 20

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Project Goals

The purpose of this study is to propose a solution that empowers the residents of Palindan,

Ibaan, Batangas to take an active role in reducing excessive waste. The proponents want to develop an

innovative solution that will solve the problem of the chosen community. So the proponents came up

with a plan to reduce excessive waste by introducing a trade machine in every purok of the barangay.

The trade machine is designed to encourage proper waste disposal and promote the principles of reduce,

reuse, and recycle. In exchange for trading their waste materials, residents will receive seeds that they

can use to beautify their community. The goal of this innovative solution is to foster a sense of

environmental responsibility among the community and encourage active participation in waste


The proponents were able to formulate the following goals in the proposed solution of problem:

• Educational opportunities: The trade machine could also serve as a tool for educating the

community about waste reduction and environmental sustainability. The machine could be

equipped with information about the benefits of reducing waste and recycling.

• Public Health: The trade machine can reduce the presence of unsanitary waste in the community

and promote proper waste management practices, which can help to prevent the spread of

diseases caused by exposure to garbage.

• Community beautification: It could be to beautify the community by promoting the exchange of

waste for seeds of fruit, vegetables, plants, and trees. These seeds can be used by residents to

enhance public spaces such as parks, sidewalks, vacant lots, and their own houses. This could

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 21

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

help to improve the appearance and livability of the community while also reducing waste and

promoting environmental sustainability.

• Community involvement: The trade machine could be a great opportunity to involve the

community in sustainability efforts. Residents could be encouraged to share their experiences

with the machine on social media, participate in plant swaps or exchanges, or even organize

community gardening events.

• Data collection: The trade machine could be designed to collect data about the types of waste

being traded. This data could be used to track progress towards waste reduction goals, identify

trends in waste disposal behavior

• Creative financing: While the trade machine could be funded through traditional government or

community organization channels, there could also be opportunities for creative financing. For

example, the machine could be sponsored by local businesses or individuals who are committed

to sustainability and want to support the project.

• Expansion potential: Once the trade machine is successfully implemented in one barangay, there

could be potential for expansion to other communities. This could help spread awareness about

sustainability practices and encourage more individuals to get involved.

Trade Machine: The purpose of this solution is to reduce the amount of waste in the community by

incentivizing residents to dispose of their waste properly while promoting sustainable practices and

community beautification efforts.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 22

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Segregation trash can: The purpose of this solution is to provide an accessible and convenient way for

residents to sort their waste into different categories (Reduce, reuse, recycle), helping to reduce

contamination and promote recycling efforts.

3R’s main trash can: The purpose of this solution is to promote sustainable waste management

practices among residents in Palindan, Ibaan, Batangas. By providing a separate container for each type

of waste, the 3R main trash can encourages residents to properly sort their waste and adopt the 3Rs:

reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Obtainable seeds: The purpose of this solution is to promote sustainable living and beautification of

the barangay by providing residents with an opportunity to plant the seeds they obtain which can

ultimately lead to a cleaner and more sustainable environment. Additionally, the availability of

obtainable seeds in the trade machine promotes awareness of the benefits of gardening and encourages

residents to cultivate their own green spaces.

Claiming seeds: The purpose of this solution is to encourage residents to participate in waste reduction

and community beautification efforts by providing them with an opportunity to obtain valuable seeds

through the trade machine. By claiming the seeds generated from the waste they trade, residents can see

the impact of their actions and feel empowered to make positive changes in their community. This not

only helps to promote sustainability but also fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility among

community members.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 23

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Project Hypothesis and Structure

After conducting surveys and creating an innovative solution the proponents believed

that after the implementation of the proposed solution the problem of the community will be solve.

Prototype Current situation Expected outcomes Objectives

Trade Machine The current situation The proponents believe The objective of this
in the community is that it will reduce the solution is to help the
excessive waste, and amount of waste in the community and the
a waste management community and residents reduce
program has not yet encourage residents to excessive waste and
been implemented. dispose of their waste in have a clean and safe
the proper place. environment.
Segregation The current situation The expected outcomes The objectives of this
trash cans in the community is of this solution are the solution are to promote
that some residents knowledge of responsible waste
are not disciplined. undisciplined residents management practices
They are not aware who do not know how to among residents,
on how to properly properly segregate waste. reduce excessive
segregate the waste. This solution can educate waste, encourage
They just throw their residents on the recycling efforts,
garbage anywhere, importance of proper improve the overall
so it cannot be waste management and cleanliness and health
segregated properly. encourage them to use of the community, and
designated trash cans for increase awareness
different types of waste. and responsibility
towards proper waste
management practices.
3R’s Main The current situation The expected outcomes The objective of this
trash can in the community is of this solution is to help solution is to ensure
that they lack trash streamline the waste that people do not put
cans in some areas. disposal process and their waste anywhere
make it more efficient for and boost their
garbage collectors in the creativity in recycling
community. By having waste. Furthermore,
separate containers for these trash cans help
different types of waste, people because they
the time and effort can put their waste in
required to sort and the proper place, and
dispose of waste will be the garbage collector

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 24

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

minimized, ultimately can easily collect the

leading to a cleaner and garbage.
healthier environment for
all residents.
Obtainable The current situation The expected outcome of The objectives of this
seed in the community is this solution is that when solution are to promote
that there are no free you trade your waste for a sustainable living,
seeds available in the seed, it will be beautiful encourage responsible
barangay when you plant it. That in waste management
simple trash there is practices, beautify the
beauty in return. barangay, increase
awareness of the
benefits of gardening,
and foster a sense of
engagement and

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 25

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Time Frame

Date Assigned Task Activities

March 20-March 21 ⚫ Asking Questions. ⚫ Each member asks a question in
their barangay about the major
problem in their community.
⚫ Sharing of the answers.
March 22-March 23 ⚫ Creation of Need ⚫ Choosing three communities.
Assessment Plan. ⚫ Choosing the final community.
⚫ Do the final Need Assessment
March 24-March 25 ⚫ Creating ⚫ Leader asks the members to
Questionnaires. send atleast three possible
⚫ Finalizing the questions for
making the survey.
March 26-March 29 ⚫ Conducting a online ⚫ Sending the survey to the
survey through google residents of the chosen
form. community.
March 30 ⚫ Compiling all the ⚫ Arranging the answers.
answers and making a ⚫ Making a tally of the
tally. respondents' answers.
March 31 -April 3 ⚫ Creating Empathy Study ⚫ Gathering all the respondents
Plan. answer and thinking about the
possible solution.
April 4 ⚫ Thinking of the title. ⚫ Members started to think about
the possible title.
⚫ Sharing their ideas to the group.
⚫ Choosing and finalizing the
April 5 ⚫ Assigning of task. ⚫ Leader started to distribute the
task to its members.
April 11- April 28 ⚫ Creation of all assigned ⚫ Creation of all the content of
task. proposal.
April 29 - May 2 ⚫ Finalizing all the papers. ⚫ Leader check all the members
assigned task.
May 3 ⚫ Checking Proposal ⚫ Our group is preparing the final
proposal for the sir to review.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 26

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management


Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 27

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Curriculum Vitae


NAME: Isabela Christine Arellano

DATE OF BIRTH: May 1, 2004

HOME ADDRESS: Talaibon, Ibaan, Batangas

AGE: 19

SEX: Female



RELIGION: Roman Catholic


MOTHER'S NAME: Carina T. Arellano



ELEMENTARY : Talaibon Elementary School

: S.Y. 2010-2016
SECONDARY SCHOOL : Dr. Juan A. Pastor Memorial Integrated National High School
: S.Y. 2016-2022
TERITARY SCHOOL : Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus
: S.Y. 2022 up to the present

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 28

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Curriculum Vitae


NAME: Jairo N. Guerra

DATE OF BIRTH: September 21, 2004

HOME ADDRESS: Palindan, Ibaan, Batangas

AGE: 18

SEX: Male



RELIGION: Roman Catholic


MOTHER'S NAME: Jesebel N. Guerra

FATHER'S NAME: Roy R. Guerra


ELEMENTARY : Procopio Mailig Memoril Integrated School

: S.Y. 2010-2016
SECONDARY SCHOOL : Dr. Juan A. Pastor Memorial Integrated National High School
: S.Y. 2016-2022
TERITARY SCHOOL : Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus
: S.Y. 2022 up to the present

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 29

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Curriculum Vitae


NAME: Bea C. Gutierrez

DATE OF BIRTH: October 21,2004

HOME ADDRESS: Bungahan, Ibaan, Batangas

AGE: 18

SEX: Female



RELIGION: Roman Catholic


MOTHER'S NAME: Mercy C. Gutierrez

FATHER'S NAME: Felecio M. Gutierrez


ELEMENTARY : Bungahan Elementary School

: S.Y. 2010-2016
SECONDARY SCHOOL : Dr. Juan A. Pastor Memorial Integrated National High School
: S.Y. 2016-2022
TERITARY SCHOOL : Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus
: S.Y. 2022 up to the present

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 30

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Curriculum Vitae


NAME: Jezane Abegail D. Sastado

DATE OF BIRTH: February 25, 2004

HOME ADDRESS: Sto. Ni ño, Ibaan, Batangas

AGE: 19

SEX: Female



RELIGION: Roman Catholic


MOTHER'S NAME: Aizalyn D. Sastado

FATHER'S NAME: Jerry D. Sastado


ELEMENTARY : Sto. Niño, Elementary School

: S.Y. 2010-2016
SECONDARY SCHOOL : Dr. Juan A. Pastor Memorial Integrated National High School
: S.Y. 2016-2022
TERITARY SCHOOL : Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus
: S.Y. 2022 up to the present

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 31

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Curriculum Vitae


NAME: Angel Joy Alban Castillo

DATE OF BIRTH: August 21, 2002

HOME ADDRESS: Pulang Lupa, Mabini, Batangas

AGE: 20

SEX: Female



RELIGION: Roman Catholic


MOTHER'S NAME: Severina A. Castillo

FATHER'S NAME: Pepito G. Castillo


ELEMENTARY : Talaga Elementary School

: S.Y. 2010-2016
SECONDARY SCHOOL : Anselmo A Sandoval Memorial National High School
: S.Y. 2016-2022
TERITARY SCHOOL : Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus
: S.Y. 2022 up to the present

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 32

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Curriculum Vitae


NAME: Kate Nichole De Torres Manalo

DATE OF BIRTH: September 23, 2003

HOME ADDRESS: Bilogo Batangas City

AGE: 19

SEX: Female



RELIGION: Roman Catholic


MOTHER'S NAME: Lenie Manalo

FATHER'S NAME: Gilmar Manalo


ELEMENTARY : Bilogo Elementary School

: S.Y. 2010-2016
SECONDARY SCHOOL : Dagatan National High School
: S.Y. 2016-2022
TERITARY SCHOOL : Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus
: S.Y. 2022 up to the present

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 33

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Curriculum Vitae


NAME: Alea Mae Velasquez

DATE OF BIRTH: June 24,2004

HOME ADDRESS: Taysan,Batangas

AGE: 18

SEX: Female



RELIGION: Roman Catholic


MOTHER'S NAME: Mylen Velasquez

FATHER'S NAME: Junjun Velasquez


ELEMENTARY : Conde Elementary School

: S.Y. 2010-2016
SECONDARY SCHOOL : Dagatan Integrated National High School
: S.Y. 2016-2022
TERITARY SCHOOL : Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus
: S.Y. 2022 up to the present

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 34

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Pablo Borbon Campus
Rizal Avenue Ext., Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Curriculum Vitae


NAME: Jhon Andrei Maquimot Marasigan

DATE OF BIRTH: June 8, 2004

HOME ADDRESS: Sitio San Fermin Pandayan Bauan, Batangas

AGE: 18

SEX: Male



RELIGION: Born Again Christian


MOTHER'S NAME: Glenda M. Marasigan

FATHER'S NAME: Rommel A. Marasigan


ELEMENTARY : Bauan Adventist Elementary School

: S.Y. 2010-2016
SECONDARY SCHOOL : Bauan Technical Integrated Highschool
: S.Y. 2016-2022
TERITARY SCHOOL : Batangas State University Pablo Borbon Campus
: S.Y. 2022 up to the present

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation 35

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