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The Hound of the Baskervilles

The Hound of the Baskervilles is a “Sherlock Holmes” novel written by his creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It is a
popular detective and Gothic fiction novel. The Novel was Published in 1902. It is the story of the famous detective
Sherlock Holmes and his loyal friend Dr. john Watson. They investigate the mysterious death of Sir Charles
Baskerville. It is also about a ghostly dog that has haunted the Baskerville family for hundreds of years.

The story revolves around the curse that haunts the Baskerville family and the investigation conducted by Sherlock
Holmes and Dr. john Watson to unravel the mystery. The novel is filled with suspense, mystery, and atmospheric
settings that add to the overall sense of foreboding. Doyle use of skillful red herrings, false leads, and unexpected
twists. Conan Doyle keeps readers engaged until the thrilling conclusion. “The Hound of the Baskervilles” remains a
beloved classic in the detective fiction genre.

About Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a Scottish author and physician, best known for creating the iconic world-
famous character of Sherlock Holmes.
Doyle’s works have had a significant influence on the detective fiction genre, and his writing style is characterized by
keen observation, logical deduction, and vivid descriptions of settings and characters.
His notable works are The Hound of The Baskeryllles, The Sign of The Four, A Study In Scarlet, The Adventures of
Sherlock Homes, “Stories of Sherlock Holmes" and ‘The Lost World". His writing Genres are Detective Fiction,
Fantasy, Science-Fiction, and Historical Novels.

Baskervilles as a Detective Fiction

The Hound of the Baskervi|les is one of the most famous and influential works of detective fiction ever written. The
novel features the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his trusted friend Dr. john Watson as they investigate a
mysterious death and the legend of a monstrous hound that haunts the Baskerville family.

The novel combines elements of the detective genre that is creating a thrilling and suspenseful story that keeps the
reader guessing until the end. The detective genre is characterized by a plot that revolves around a crime, usually a
murder, that is solved by a clever and rational detective using clues and logic.

The novel delves into the impact of family curses and Jegacies. The Baskervilles are haunted by a curse that has been
passed down through generations, and the characters struggle with their fam i|y history and the expectations placed
upon them. It shows the character of Sir Henry, who must confront his family‘s da rk pa st and come to terms with
his inheritance.

As the investigation progresses, the novel masterfully builds suspense through vivid descriptions of the wild and
desolate moorland, creating a Dreadful atmosphere. The characters of Sir Henry Baskervil|e, the last surviving heir of
the Baskerville estate. jack Stapleton, a suspicious neighbor, is introduced, adding complexity to the mystery.
Holmes’s keen observation skills and deductive reasoning are showcased as he unravels the clues and evidence.
Sherlock Holmes detect the real crime reason that was Jack Stap|eton who planned to kill everyone on mysteriously
Baskervi||es estate’s member with the help of a trained hound.
The Hound of the Baskervilles is a masterpiece of detective fiction that demonstrates how Arthur Conan Doyle
skillfully blended detective and gothic genres to create a captivating and memorable story. It also showcases how
Sherlock Holmes Is one of the most brilliant and charismatic detectives In literature, who can solve any case with his
logic and wit.

Narrative Technique of the Novel

The novel employs various narrative techniques to create a captivating and atmospheric story that exp|ores
rationalism versus superstition, nature versus civilization, and family inheritance.
One of the main narrative techniques used in the novel is the first-person narration by Dr. Watson, Holmes’s loyal
friend, and assistant. Watson acts as a narrator who reports the events of the story to the reader, as well as a
character who participates in the action and interacts wirh other characters. Watson‘s narration allows the reader to
follow his perspective and share his curiosity, confusion, and admiration for Holmes.
Watson also serves as a contrast to Ho|mes, highlighting the |atter’s superior intellect and skills. For example, in
Chapter 3, Watson is amazed by Holmes’s ability to deduce that Dr. Mortimer has a dog from his walking stick, whi|e
Watson himself could not notice any clues on the stick. Watson’s narration also creates suspense and mystery by
withholding some information from the reader until Holmes revea|s it at the end. For examp|e, in Chapter 1 2,
Watson does not know that Holmes has been secretly investigating the case on the moor until he sees him disguised
as an o|d man.

Another narrative technique used in the novel is the use of Gothic elements to create a dark and dreadful setting
that enhances the mood and theme of the story. The nove| is set in Dartmoor, a remote and desolate region of
England that is known for its wild and rugged landscape. The moor is described as a place of danger and mystery,
where supernatural forces seem to |urk.
For example, in Chapter 6, Watson
describes his first impression of the moor: “Over the green squares of fields and low curves of woods there rose in
the distance a grey melancholy hill with a strange jagged summit dim and vague in the distance like some fantastic
landscape in a dream.”

The moor is also associated with the legend of the hound of the Baskervilles, a monstrous creature that is said to
haunt and kill the members of the Baskerville family. The hound represents the Gothic element of horror and terror
that challenges the rational and scientific approach of Holmes. The novel also uses other Gothic elements such as an
ancestral curse, a ruined abbey, a mysterious portrait, and a villainous schemer.

A third narrative technique used in the novel is the use of red herrings to mislead and confuse both Watson and the
reader. Red herrings are false clues or suspects that divert attention from the real solution. The novel contains
several red herrings that make the case more complicated and interesting. For example, one red herring is
Barrymore, the servant of Baskerville Hall, who acts suspiciously and secretly at night.

Watson initially suspects that he might be involved in Sir Charles’s death or Sir Henry’s danger. However, it turns out
that Barrymore is actually helping his wife’s brother escape from prison.
Another red herring is Stapleton’s wife Beryl, who appears to be his sister at first. Watson thinks that she might be
an accomplice or a victim of Stapleton’s plot. However, it turns out that she is actually his wife who was forced to
help him by pretending to be his sister.

These narrative techniques make The Hound of the Baskervilles an engaging and memorable work of detective
fiction that showcases Conan Doyle’s mastery of storytelling and character creation.

Summary And Analysis Of‘ The Hound Of the Baskervilles

Dr. Mortimer and the new heir to the Baskerville title come to London to hire Sherlock Holmes to investigate a
suspicious murder. Their concerns are based on a generations-old legend about the family and Hall that includes a
curse of a supernatural hound. Mortimer suspects that Sir Charles was frightened to death by the horror hound, and
asks Holmes to help protect his heir, Sir Henry Baskerville, who has just arrived from Canada. The doctor has
suspicions that the hound is real but needs the efforts of a detective to look into the possibility.

Holmes agrees to take the case, but he is too busy with other matters to go to Dartmoor himself. He sends Dr. john
Watson instead, with instructions to observe and report everything that happens there. Watson meets Sir Henry and
accompanies him to Baskerville Hall, where they encounter a number of suspicious characters and events. They also
hear the terrifying howl of the hound at night and see a mysterious figure lurking on the moor.

Meanwhile, Holmes secretly follows them to Dartmoor and conducts his own investigation. He reveals himself to
Watson and tells him that he has discovered the identity of the culprit behind the murder of Sir Charles and the plot
against Sir Henry. It is none other than jack Stapleton, a neighbour who is actually a distant relative of the
Baskervilles. He has trained a ferocious dog to look like the legendary hound and has used it to scare and kill his
relatives in order to inherit their fortune. He also has an accomplice, his sister Beryl, who is actually his wife.
As the investigation progresses, Holmes and Watson uncover the truth behind the mystery of the Baskerville curse
and the monstrous hound. Stapleton is revealed to be the culprit, using the legend of the hound to cover up his
Holmes and Watson manage to save Sir Henry from being attacked by the hound and confront Stapleton at his
Stapleton escapes into the moor, where he is presumably killed by his own hound or by sinking into a bog. Beryl is
rescued and confesses everything to Holmes and Watson. The novel ends with Holmes explaining how he solved the
mystery using his powers of observation and deduction.
The novel explores the contrast between superstition and science. The belief in the supernatural ghostly hound and
the curse that haunts the Baskerville family is contrasted with Holmes’ rational and logical approach to solving the
Doyle challenges the prevalent beliefs of the time and highlights the power of reason and science in solving
The novel also reflects the societal and cultural norms of the Victorian era. The stark contrast between the wild and
untamed moorland and the civilized world of Victorian England is portrayed through the setting and characters. The
characters’ actions and beliefs are influenced by the social structure and expectations of the time, providing insights
into the social and cultural context of the era.

The Hound of the Baskervilles is a masterpiece of detective fiction that showcases Arthur Canon Doyle‘s skillful
storytelling, unique narrative technique, and rich analysis of various themes. The novel challenges superstition with
reason explores the impact of family curses and legacies, and reflects the societal norms of the Victorian era.
The novel showcases Doyle’s masterful intricate plot, and vivid descriptions of the moorlands, which create a sense
of atmosphere and suspense. The characters, particularly Holmes and Watson, are well-drawn and showcase the
dynamics of their unique partnership. “The Hound of the Baskervilles” is a captivating tale of mystery, intrigue, and
detective work.
The novel shows the power of superstition and legend, the impact of inheritance and family legacy, and the triumph
of reason and logic over fear and deception. It also highlights the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by the
characters, as they navigate the complexities of human nature and the consequences of their actions. “The Hound of
the Baskervilles” is a timeless classic that shows us its intriguing plot, memorable characters, and rich themes.

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