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Many people in the world are affected by Bipolar disease or

It's called manic depression. It’s not rare and a little bit

it’s characterized by a mental dysfunction that causes excessive

mood swings with manic highs (mania) and emotional lows
(depression). When a human is affected by the Bipolar he feels
depressed at random times without obvious cause. It often lasts
for days or even longer. On the other hand, he may feel sad or
hopeless and loses excitement over everyday’s activities.

On one side , during a period of depression, the bipolar person

shows symptoms like self doubting , lacking energy , lost of
Feeling worthless and guilty and obviously feels always
pessimistic .

More symptoms worth mentioning are having sleep issues,

losing focus and experiencing memory losses and the patient
may even experience having suicidal thoughts.

On the flip side, the bipolar person experiences manic phase of

bipolar disorder like feeling energetic and being communicative,
it can even reach the stage of euphoria.

Something worth mentioning, the patient may have an extreme

sense of ego and self-esteem such as being arrogant and often he
makes decisions or says things that are out of context which can
harm his family and people surrounding him.

Finally, it’s difficult to have a bipolar friend or to live with him

because a person with bipolar disorder often cannot tell what’s
right and wrong.

It’s horrible because he can experience strange

sensations like imagining and communicating with things that
are not there. These types of symptoms are known for psychotic
episodes. Thankfully, people nowadays are starting to know
more about this mental disease at schools and at other
educational establishments.

Also there are a lot of bipolar celebrities like Selena Gomez ,

she posts about it on her social media accounts and she teaches
people how to deal with bipolar people.

As a matter of fact, I studied with a bipolar girl and she told me

about her disease and no one believed her because it was
considered so strange because students weren’t told about it
before. She used to act like an insane human being.

Sometimes, she was nervous and cried a lot without apparent

reasons, simultaneously, she had severe depression and full
of negative vibes. And in no time, she switches to being very
happy like she was flying over the clouds and full of positive

In fact I considered that she is crazy or a liar , once she told my

friend and I that she saw a ghost and heard voices. We were
scared and we avoided talking with her again because we
thought that she was possessed by a supernatural creature, a
djinn for instance. Personally I was very afraid of her and when
I saw her in the school I used to run away.

All students were bullying on her and they were afraid of her
behavior because during a few weeks , she used to say bad
words, wore clothes like indecent girls, drank alcohol and posted
nudity pictures on instagram and some weeks after she wore a
hijab and started acting like a real believer. Months after she
took off her hijab and she went back to partying
hahahahahahaha oh my
God. She was an insanely crazy wallah and by the way her name
is Ranim.

In the end, her mother came to school and she had a talk
with teachers about that. Then we knew that she was really
suffering from bipolar mania.

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