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1. What are your greatest strengths?

2.What are your greatest weaknesses?

3.Tell me about yourself.
4.How would you describe yourself?
5.What makes you unique?
6.Why did you choose finance as your specialization in MBA?
7.What are the GDP, growth rate, and inflation rate of the country?
8.What are SLR, CRR, REPO, and Reverse Repo Rate?
9. MEANING OF FINANCE and financial management ?
10.What do you mean by accounting concepts?
11.What are the golden rules of accounts?
12. Double Entry system of Accounting?

13.What is the link between the income statement and the balance sheet?

14.Explain cash flow statements.

15.Explain the different types of accounts?

16.How do you define success?
17.Fundamental of financial accounting and cost accounting?
18. Management accounting and corporate accounting?
19. What is direct tax and indirect tax?
20.Financial reporting and advance reporting?
21. Why did you think of doing an MBA?
22. Where do you see 5 years from now?
1. My greatest strength is my passion for continuous learning. I enjoy exploring
and learning every aspect of the software, as I believe it's essential to stay
ahead in this ever-evolving industry.

2. sometimes have trouble saying ‘no’ and end up overwhelmed

by my workload. I would take on so many projects that I’d work
evenings and weekends. It was stressful. I realised this was
counterproductive so I started using workload management tools
and setting better expectations for myself and my teammates.”
3. I completed my bba in Finance from manipal University
Jaipur and have always been passionate about finance.
During my academic years, I interned at HDFC BANK where I
gained valuable experience in THE FIELD OF FINANCE.
4. goals for myself, so I have something to strive towards. I am not
comfortable with settling, and I am always looking for an opportunity
to do better and achieve greatness.
5. I don’t just wait around for things to happen, and when I can, I’m always
eager to step in and take on new projects, pick up new skills, or brainstorm
new ideas.”

6. I chose finance because I've always been fascinated by the

world of numbers and money management.I believe finance
plays a crucial role in every aspect of business, and I wanted
to be a part of the decision-making process that drives a
company's success.My coursework in finance has only
solidified my passion for this field.
7.The annual average rate of change of the gross domestic product
(GDP) at market prices based on constant local currency, for a given
national economy, during a specified period of time. The lowest CPI this
year was recorded in May at 4.25%. In the last two years, CPI hit
the highest of 7.79% in April 2022, and the lowest of 4.06% in Jan.
8.SLR (Statutory Liquidity Ratio), CRR (Cash Reserve Ratio),
REPO Rate, and Reverse Repo Rate are terms related to
monetary policy and central banking. SLR and CRR are reserve
requirements, while REPO and Reverse Repo Rates are interest
rates at which banks borrow and lend money from the central
9 .Financeis a broad term that involves managing money
and includes activities such as investing, borrowing,
lending, budgeting, and forecasting. Financial
management is the efficient and effective use of financial
resources to achieve the organization's goals.

10. Accounting concepts are principles and guidelines

used in preparing and presenting financial statements.
They include principles like the going concern concept,
matching principle, and historical cost concept.
11. The golden rules of accounts are basic principles
used in double-entry bookkeeping: Debit the receiver,
credit the giver; Debit what comes in, credit what goes
out; Debit expenses and losses, credit income and gains.

12. Double Entry system of Accounting is a method

where every transaction is recorded in at least two
accounts, ensuring the accounting equation (Assets =
Liabilities + Equity) remains balanced.

13. The income statement shows a company's revenues

and expenses over a specific period, while the balance
sheet provides a snapshot of a company's financial
position at a specific point in time.
14. Cash flow statements show how changes in balance
sheet accounts affect cash and cash equivalents,
providing insights into a company's operating,
investing, and financing activities.

15. Different types of accounts include assets, liabilities,

equity, income, and expenses.

16. Success can be defined in various ways, often

involving achieving personal or professional goals,
making a positive impact, or finding fulfillment and

17. Financial accounting focuses on external reporting of

a company's financial performance, while cost
accounting involves the measurement and analysis of
costs for internal decision-making.

18. Management accounting provides information for

internal decision-making, while corporate accounting
deals with the financial reporting and compliance of a

19. Direct taxes are imposed on individuals or entities,

like income tax, while indirect taxes are levied on goods
and services, like value-added tax (VA
20. Financial reporting involves the disclosure of a
company's financial information to external users, while
advance reporting may refer to more forward-looking
or detailed reporting practices.
21. An MBA can lead to advancement opportunities in
my career, such as a management role. Leadership
development: An MBA can instil skills that are helpful
for various leadership.

22. In five years, I see myself continuing to work hard

and progressing in my current role. I hope to have
acquired the necessary skills and experience to
successfully lead a team where I want to be seen as a
valuable member. I would also like to have developed a
good working relationship with all team members.

.Discuss your top 5 expectations from a management program ?
Hey Priyanka! Sure, I can explain my top 5 expectations from a
management program in a bit more detail for you. Here we go!

1. Practical Approach: One of my main expectations is that the

management program takes a practical approach to learning. I
believe that hands-on experience is crucial for truly understanding
and applying the concepts we learn. It would be great if the program
incorporates real-world case studies, simulations, and projects that
allow us to tackle actual business challenges. This way, we can
develop problem-solving skills and gain valuable experience that will
be useful in our future careers.
2. Networking Opportunities: Another expectation I have is that the
program provides ample networking opportunities. Building a strong
professional network is essential for career growth. It would be
fantastic if the program organizes networking events, guest lectures,
and workshops where we can meet and connect with industry
professionals. These connections can open doors to internships, job
opportunities, and mentorship, which can greatly enhance our career

3. Diverse Curriculum: I believe that a well-rounded management

program should cover a wide range of subjects. From leadership and
strategy to finance, marketing, and operations, a diverse curriculum
ensures that we gain a comprehensive understanding of different
aspects of business management. This broad knowledge base will
enable us to adapt to various roles and industries, making us versatile
and valuable professionals.

4. Experienced Faculty: Having experienced and knowledgeable

faculty members is crucial for a quality management program. I
expect the program to have professors who not only have academic
expertise but also practical industry experience. Their insights and
real-world examples can help us bridge the gap between theory and
practice, providing valuable guidance and mentorship throughout our
learning journey.

5. Career Support: Lastly, I believe that a good management program

should offer robust career support services. This includes resume
building, interview preparation, and job placement assistance. Having
access to career advisors who can provide guidance on career paths,
help us refine our job search strategies, and connect us with
potential employers can greatly enhance our chances of securing
meaningful employment after graduation.
So, these are my top 5 expectations from a management program.

Certainly! A management program is designed to equip individuals

with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively lead and organize
resources within an organization. Here are five expectations that one
might have from a management program:

1. **Comprehensive Curriculum:**
- A strong management program should offer a well-rounded
curriculum covering various aspects of management such as
leadership, strategic planning, organizational behavior, human
resources, finance, marketing, and operations. It should provide a
comprehensive understanding of both the theoretical and practical
aspects of managing an organization.

2. **Practical Application and Case Studies:**

- The program should incorporate real-world case studies and
practical exercises to help students apply theoretical concepts to
practical situations. Exposure to real business challenges enhances
problem-solving skills and prepares individuals for the dynamic and
complex nature of managerial roles.

3. **Effective Leadership Development:**

- A key expectation from a management program is the
development of strong leadership skills. This includes fostering
qualities like communication, decision-making, conflict resolution,
and the ability to motivate and inspire teams. Practical leadership
experiences, mentorship opportunities, and leadership assessments
can contribute to this aspect of the program.

4. **Global Perspective and Cultural Sensitivity:**

- In today's interconnected world, a good management program
should provide a global perspective. This involves understanding
international business practices, cultural diversity, and the
implications of globalization on organizational management.
Exposure to different cultural contexts prepares individuals to
navigate diverse working environments.

5. **Networking Opportunities and Industry Exposure:**

- Networking is crucial in the business world, and a management
program should facilitate opportunities for students to connect with
industry professionals, alumni, and fellow students. Internship
programs, guest lectures, industry visits, and networking events can
contribute to building a strong professional network and gaining
insights into the practical aspects of various industries.

In addition to these expectations, factors such as accreditation,

faculty expertise, career support services, and the program's
reputation also play a significant role in determining the overall
quality and effectiveness of a management program.
Certainly! However, please note that the following responses are
fictional and should be adapted to align with your actual experiences
and aspirations.

1. **Tell me a little bit about Genpact:**

Genpact is a global professional services firm specializing in
business process outsourcing, digital transformation, and technology
services. It was initially a division of General Electric before becoming
an independent company. With a focus on driving efficiency and
innovation, Genpact partners with businesses worldwide to enhance
their processes and achieve sustainable growth.
2. **What value do you bring to Genpact or what is your vision for
generating an impact in the world while working at Genpact?**
I bring a diverse skill set encompassing [mention relevant skills] and
a passion for driving operational excellence. My vision at Genpact is
to leverage my expertise to contribute to the company's mission of
transforming businesses through innovation and efficiency. I believe
in making a positive impact by fostering collaboration, implementing
cutting-edge solutions, and ensuring sustainable business practices
that align with global standards.
3. **Will you be able to relocate to other parts of India?**
Yes, I am open to relocation to other parts of India. I believe that
adapting to different environments not only enhances professional
growth but also allows me to contribute effectively to the company's
diverse projects and initiatives.

5. **Why are you interested in working at Genpact?

I am impressed by Genpact's commitment to driving digital
transformation and its reputation as a global leader in professional
services. The company's emphasis on innovation, efficiency, and
creating meaningful impacts aligns with my own professional values.
I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to Genpact's dynamic
team and be part of the exciting projects that will shape the future of
the industry.


thank you for giving me the opportunity to

introduce myself in front of you.
My name is Priyanka kumari . I am from Gaya
Bihar. I am currently pursuing my bachelor
OF business administration(BBA) from
manipal university jaipur rajasthan.I did my
schooling from mody school lakshmangarh
sikar Rajasthan.My hobbies are reading
novles ,painting and travelling. I am also
good at sports . Sports has been an integral
part of my life. I am a black belter and
national plus international player in karate. I
am also a ncc cadet and recive governer
certificate in Guide. I have won many prizes
in sports like gold medal in state level
championship in karate and silver medal in
Asian karate championship. 6 month ago I
did my 2 month internship with hdfc bank
where I gained valuable experience in THE
FIELD OF banking like how to maintain and
open fresh accounts ,managing customer
relation management ,Responded to
employee questions and concerns through
proactive communication and
documentation. Apart from this I have done
two certification program one in Infosys
Springboard Young Industry Enthusiast –
Banking in this I have learn how the banking
system work in india and what all are the
services provided by the bank. And the 2 nd
one is in business writing.

.Why did you choose finance as your specialization in MBA?

I chose finance because I've always been

fascinated by the world of numbers and money
management.I believe finance plays a crucial role
in every aspect of business, and I wanted to be a
part of the decision-making process that drives a
company's success.My coursework in finance
has only solidified my passion for this field.
1 .please elaborate on why you would like to
pursue ab mba from mit pune?

Pursuing an MBA from MIT Pune can provide me

with a great opportunity to enhance my business
skills, expand my professional network, and gain
valuable knowledge in various areas of
management. MIT Pune has a reputation for
offering quality education and practical learning

In five years, I see myself continuing to work hard and

progressing in my current role. I hope to have acquired the
necessary skills and experience to successfully lead a team
where I want to be seen as a valuable member. I would also like
to have developed a good working relationship with all team

Short-term Career Goals: In the short term, my

primary focus is to leverage the skills and
knowledge gained through the MBA program at
Alliance University to secure a challenging
position in amazon or in city bank, Additionally, I
plan to establish a strong professional network
within the industry, participating in relevant
conferences and networking events.
Long-term Career Goals: I aspire to assume
leadership roles where I can contribute to the
strategic direction of the organization. This may
involve decision making, leading teams to
achieve ambitious goals, and driving innovation
within the industry. Ultimately, my aim is to
make a meaningful impact on the corporate
sector and contribute to the success and
sustainability of the organizations I work with.

1. **Describe Yourself in Five Words:**

- Adaptive
- Knowledgeable
- Responsive
- Creative
- Analytical
2. **Boss's Comments:**
- "Consistently meets deadlines with
quality work."
- "Quick learner, adaptable to changes."
- "Excellent problem-solving skills."
- "Strong team player, collaborative
- "Demonstrates creativity in solutions."

3. **Characteristic Setting Me Apart:**

- Adaptability: My ability to adapt to new
situations and learn quickly.

4. **First Noticeable Thing:**

- Professional demeanor: A well-organized
and approachable presence.

5. **Three Most Important Decisions:**

- Choosing my career path.
- Pursuing higher education.
- Embracing a growth mindset.

6. **Future Plans Post-Graduation:**

- Five years: Establishing expertise in my
- Ten years: Assuming leadership roles.
- Twenty years: Contributing to industry

7. **Background and Abilities in Job:**

- Background: Relevant education and
- Abilities: Strong analytical and
communication skills.

8. **Industry Impression:**
- Innovative contributor: Eager to push
boundaries and drive progress.

9. **Staying or Pursuing Goals:**

- Balance: Current role aligns with career
- Seeking new challenges to foster growth.

10. **Why an MBA:**

- Skill Enhancement: Develop leadership
and strategic skills.
- Networking: Build a strong professional
- Career Advancement: Open doors to
higher-level opportunities.

11. **Post-MBA Abilities:**

- Strategic Planning
- Leadership Development
- Global Market Insight

12. **Dealing with Failure Post-MBA:**

- Learn from the experience.
- Adjust strategy and persevere.
- Seek mentorship for guidance.

13. **Admired International Business

- Elon Musk: Visionary and innovative
14. **Attributes for Successful Leadership:**
- Visionary Thinking
- Effective Communication
- Adaptability
- Integrity
- Empathy

15. **Global Viewpoint in Business:**

- Navigate diverse markets and cultures.
- Identify global trends for strategic

16. **Definition of Leadership:**

- Inspiring and guiding a team towards a
common goal.

17. **Impact of Socioeconomic Trends:**

- Shifting focus on sustainability and
ethical business.
18. **Recent Global Event's Impact on
Leadership Perception:**
- COVID-19: Emphasized the importance of
adaptability and crisis management.

19. **Top Five Hopes from an MBA:**

- Leadership Skills
- Networking Opportunities
- Strategic Thinking
- Industry Insights
- Career Advancement

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