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Everyone has a moment in his or her life that changes everything forever.
The moments may be good or bad, big or small, scary or calming. It could be the birth of a child, the death
of a father, or the marriage of a couple.
1- An artist's life-changing moment maybe the first time he picks up a paintbrush.
2- A Coach’s moment maybe when he wins national championships after 30 years of trying.
Whatever the moment, it changes a person whether it be for the better or for the worse.
Any moment can become a life-changing moment.
Q: Who Is Responsible for Life-Changing Moments?
You yourself are the only individual who can bring sudden changes in your life.

Let’s take an example: An inspirational speaker visits your town and you somehow end up being among a
group of some 200-something individuals from different walks of life.

The speaker delivered the same message with the same conviction to everyone, but out of this lot (only a
few) will make a resolve and go about making considerable changes in his/her life.

So, there can be numerous motivations around but at the end of the day, giving a positive and powerful
response is only something you yourself can do.
Q: What Is Your Happiest Moment in Life?

Happiest Moments in Every Girl’s Life

1. The First Salary of The First Job

2. The Moment She Knows She is Pregnant
3. When She Wears White Dress

Happiest Moments in Every boy’s Life

1. When his child utters his first words and says Papa before Mama

➢ Life is never a peaceful journey, it is a mixture of both happiness and sadness. And we usually
experience certain emotions which become lifelong memories, they can be happy or sad ones.

For that, I’d like to tell you about the happiest moment in that young man's life that changed his life
A 24-year-old boy seeing out from the train's window shouted: Dad, look the trees are going behind! Dad
And a young couple sitting nearby looked at the 24-year old's childish behavior with pity.
Suddenly Boy again exclaimed: Dad, look that clouds are running with us.
The couple couldn't resist and said to the old man: why don't you take your son to a good doctor?
The old man smiled and said, I did, and we are just coming from the hospital!
My son was blind since birth. he just got his eyes today.
So, the moral of the story is:
People will keep judging you no matter what. Live your life to the fullest without thinking much.
Never ever judge anyone without knowing anyone's story. Everyone has a different story.
People would like to see you doing good but not better than them, the only person who loves you more than
themselves are your parents
We should all try to change because the moment can change your day. The day may change your life. Your
life can change the world.

BY: Mustafa AL-Khatib

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