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Why are stereotypes so

Makenzie Wise
● Why are stereotypes so dangerous?
● Many types of people were prosecuted due to the stereotype partnered
with them.
● Stereotypes are far more dangerous than i believe people realize.
What was the holocaust?
● The holocaust took place over world war II
● There where many targets of extreme discrimination during the holocaust.
● The dissabled, jewish people, and homosexuals where large targets.
● This plays an imprtiant role in history today as it affects the backgrounds of
How where people killed?

● People were killed quite brutally as the were shot down, died of starvation or disease. Or where thrown in
a gas chamber.
● For years this has been used as death row penalties but these methods where used mercilessly against
innocent people.
● The unjust way the natzi’s treated people will forever be remembered as Unjust and nothing less.
What happened after the holocaust?

● Many were left inable after the holocaust ended. Many where traumatized and confused.
Millions where left as refugees.
● Many where left in a state of poverty and poor health. Most where refusing to return to thier
homes in Europe.
● Due to people refusing to return home, many migrated to the land of the free. (the U.S)
meaning, that many Jews now exist in the U.S because of the holocaust.
● The holocaust was a heavily unjust racial squirmish in Natzi germany and drove
many out of thier homes.
● Not only where many types of people killed, but many were left in poverty and
poor health.
● Although all this happened so timely many survivors continued and where on the
scale slightly more successful than the average person.
● Looking at Germany today, no natzis are supported and many jews now exist in
america as a result.

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