Rubric - Journal - Copy #2

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Tarlac State University

Center of Development in Teacher Education
Reaccredited Level IV by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges
and Universities of the Philippines


Name: Saunar, Allaine Joy T. Date of Submission: 03/29/2024

Addie, Gagne’s Nine Event and Dale Cone of Expirience
Course and Section: BEED 2A Topic/s: Model
Course/Subject: EDUC 204 – Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Activity/Task: Individual Reflective Journal #3

In this activity, you are expected to:
1) write a reflective journal on lessons, activities, or assignments presented in the class; and
2) show the desirable traits of a reflective learner and a research enthusiast.

Descriptions of the Task: Each student is expected to write a reflective journal on lessons/activities/assignments related to the course.

Instructions: Before you submit your reflective journal, please evaluate the quality of your journal based on the given numerical scale and its corresponding description.
Check (/) the indicator that is evident in the reflective journal and cross it out (X) if it is not evident. Write NA if the indicator is not applicable.

Quality/Performance Levels Rating

Criteria & Indicators Weighted
4 2 1 Weight (%)
3 Grade
Self Peer Instructor
Excellent Very Good Good Poor
The journal is The journal is The journal is The journal is
submitted on/ submitted 1 submitted 2 submitted more
5% 4
1. Promptness before the day after the days after the than 2 days af-
deadline. deadline. deadline. ter the deadline.

2. Compliance with the requirements of the Satisfies all Satisfies only Satisfies only Satisfies none
Work the require- 2 of the re- 1 of the re- of the require-
1. A copy of the rubric is attached to the ments of the quirements of quirements of ments of the
submitted journal with a self-rating work. the work. the work work.
2. The journal with 1-3 page/s, font AR-
IAL, size 12, margins and spaces, (1 ½
spaces, 1 in margin on all sides) and long 10% 3
bond paper.
3. References with complete information fol-
lowing APA 7th edition format

Reference: Balagtas, M.U. (2021). Reflective Journal Rubric. Manila. Philippine Normal University.
Tarlac State University
Center of Development in Teacher Education
Reaccredited Level IV by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges
and Universities of the Philippines

3. Visual Appeal Satisfies all of Fails to sat- Fails to sat- Fails to satisfy
the indica- isfy 1 of the isfy 2-3 of the 4 or more of
tors. indicators. indicators. the indicators.
a. Journal is free from grammatical errors.

b. Journal is free from typographical errors.

c. Journal is easy to read.

d. Information is complete (bears

the owner's name, date of 20% 3
accomplishment, lesson on
which the reflection is based).

e. Layout or writing style is unique/creative/at-

tractive (e.g. with graphics that are related or
with explanations for inclusion, with sayings
that are related to the topic, the layout is dif-
ferent, not purely narrative)

f. Others (pls. specify)

4. Evidence of Thoughtfulness Satisfies ALL Satisfies only Satisfies only Satisfies only 40% 3
of the given 6-7 of the in- 3-5 of the in- two or fewer of
indicators. dicators. dicators. the indicators.
a. Focuses reflections on the lessons, activi-
ties, or assignments presented in class.

b. Supports reflections with examples from a

personal account or real-life professional ex-

c. Reveals feelings (negative or positive) to-

wards the topic or work with explanation.

d. Relates current insights with the past/

present/future students’ experiences.

Reference: Balagtas, M.U. (2021). Reflective Journal Rubric. Manila. Philippine Normal University.
Tarlac State University
Center of Development in Teacher Education
Reaccredited Level IV by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges
and Universities of the Philippines

e. Relates lessons learned with what one al-

ready knows or to a real-life situation.

f. Encompasses all topics discussed or as-

signed as coverage of reflection

g. Reflects on the lessons learned and

experiences about one’s stated
philosophy in learning/teaching

h. Presents no questionable idea.

i. Others (Pls. specify)

5. Evidence of being a Research Scholar Cited at least Cited only 2 Cited only 1 Cited no litera-
a. Supports ideas by citing reviewed litera- 3 literature or literature or literature or ture or studies
ture and studies. studies re- studies re- studies re- reviewed.
viewed. viewed. viewed.

Final Grade 100%

Grade Range: 3.0 – 4 = 90-100%; 2.0 - 2.9 = 80-89%, 1.0 -1.9 = 70-79

Reference: Balagtas, M.U. (2021). Reflective Journal Rubric. Manila. Philippine Normal University.

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