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Course Code and Name CMPE 160 Introduc6on to Object Oriented Programming

Course Type Compulsory

Semester Spring 2023-2024
Credits & Contact Hours Credits Lecture (hours/week) P.S. (hours/week) Lab (hours/week)
4 (ECTS: 8) 3 2 0
Instructor Berk Gökberk, E-mail:, Office: CMPE Building, Room 15
Course DescripAon This course uses Java programming language to teach object-oriented programming concepts such
as classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism. AddiTonally, basic data structure concepts such
as stacks, queues, linked lists, and trees are taught.
Course Learning Outcomes AVer successful compleTon of this course, students will be able to:
1: Use OOP concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.
2: Design algorithms to solve a given task using basic data structures.
3: Develop Java soVware using object-oriented programming concepts.
Prerequisite(s) CMPE 150
Course Materials Lecture contents are provided through lecture slides.
Recommended Textbook: IntroducTon to Java Programming and Data Structures Comprehensive
Version, Daniel Liang, Pearson.
Recommended Online Course: Java Masterclass, Tim Buchalka, Udemy

Grading Method QuanAty Percentage

Midterm Exam 1 30
Final Exam 1 40
Projects (equal weight) 3 30

Course Content & MathemaTcs and Basic Science 10%

ContribuAons Engineering Science 40%
Engineering Design 50%
Other (social sciences etc.) 0%

Dates & Classrooms Lectures: MMW568 (BM A2), Lab: FF56 (BM A4)
Office Hours Contact the instructor via e-mail to schedule a meeTng.
Course Policies Course AdministraAon
All course content & announcements are managed through Moodle.
Your university e-mail addresses are used for course communicaTon.
Project Policy
Students should do the projects individually.
Submission of projects is mandatory.
If you do not submit a project aVer the late submission period, you fail the course.
Project Late Submission Policy
The maximum late submission period is two days.
Late submissions are evaluated on a grade scale of 50% of the original grade.
If you submit your project aVer two days, it will be treated as not submieed.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism leads to a leeer grade F. YÖK regulaTons will be applied.
AMendance: Students are encouraged to parTcipate in lectures and lab sessions.

Topics (TentaAve) 1 IntroducTon to Java Fundamentals (Part 1)

2 IntroducTon to Java Fundamentals (Part 2)
3 Classes and Objects (Part 1)
4 Classes and Objects (Part 2)
5 Classes and Objects (Part 3)
6 Array Lists
7 Inheritance
8 Polymorphism
9 Abstract Classes and Interfaces
10 IntroducTon to Algorithm Analysis
11 IntroducTon to Basic Data Structures (Lists, Stacks, and Queues – Part 1)
12 IntroducTon to Basic Data Structures (Lists, Stacks, and Queues – Part 2)
13 Trees & Hashing

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