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Proposal for Stock Inventory Management

A stock inventory management system is designed to track and manage the

inventory of products within a business or organization. The main objective of
the project is to provide a platform for the user to list and manage their stock
inventory, sales and purchases. It will make the user easier to handle their
massive inventory with ease.

1. Product Information Management:

- Ability to record and maintain detailed information about each product,

including name, price, supplier details.

2. Inventory Tracking:

-Tracking of inventory levels, including current stock quantity, units sold,

units received, and available stock.

3. Order Management:

- Processing and fulfillment of customer orders, including order creation,

order status updates, and order tracking.

4. Inventory Analysis and Reporting

- Customizable dashboards and visualizations to provide an overview of

inventory status.

5. User Roles and Permissions:

- Support for multiple user roles (e.g., admin, manager, staff) with varying
levels of access and permissions.

6. Scalability and Performance:

- Ability to handle a large number of products and transactions without

compromising system performance.

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