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what does mean by this In network and hierarchical DBMSs, low-level procedural

query language is generally embedded in high-level programming language with

simple example and defination
In the context of network and hierarchical Database Management Systems (DBMSs),
a low-level procedural query language refers to a type of language that requires the
programmer to specify exactly how data should be retrieved from the database. This
is in contrast to high-level declarative languages like SQL, where the programmer
only needs to specify what data is required, not how to retrieve it.
Here’s a simple definition and example:
Definition: A low-level procedural query language in network and hierarchical
DBMSs is a language that allows the programmer to navigate the database, record
by record, using procedural commands. The programmer must provide a detailed
sequence of operations to find, retrieve, and process the data.
Example: Consider a hierarchical DBMS where data is organized in a parent-child
relationship. To retrieve a specific record, a programmer might have to:
1. Open the database.
2. Navigate to the correct parent record.
3. Loop through the child records to find the desired data.
In pseudocode, this could look like:
OPEN database
FIND FIRST parent_record
WHILE NOT end_of_records
IF child_record meets_condition THEN
RETRIEVE child_record
FIND NEXT child_record
CLOSE database
This procedural approach gives the programmer control over the exact path through
the database but requires detailed knowledge of the database’s structure and can be
more complex to write and maintain. Modern DBMSs typically use high-level
declarative languages like SQL, which abstract away these details and let the system
optimize data retrieval123.

Programmer’s responsibility to select most appropriate execution strategy. what

does mean by this Programmer’s responsibility to select most appropriate execution
strategy. in simple word and examples

The phrase “Programmer’s responsibility to select the most appropriate execution

strategy” means that it is up to the programmer to decide the best way to
implement a solution to a problem in terms of performance, efficiency, and resource
usage. This involves choosing the right algorithms, data structures, and design
patterns that fit the requirements and constraints of the project.
Simple Explanation: Imagine you’re cooking a meal and you have several pots and
pans, but only a few burners on your stove. You have to decide which pot or pan to
use for each part of the meal and which burner to place them on for the best
cooking results. Similarly, a programmer must choose the right tools (like data
structures and algorithms) and the order in which to use them (execution strategy)
to ‘cook up’ an efficient program.
Example: Let’s say you need to sort a list of numbers.
The statement “Programmer’s responsibility to select the most appropriate
execution strategy” means that it is the programmer’s job to choose the best
method or approach to solve a problem or complete a task in programming. This
involves considering various factors such as the complexity of the task, the
performance of the program, and the resources available.
In simple words: It’s like a chef deciding on the best way to cook a dish. The chef
must consider the ingredients, the kitchen tools available, the time it takes to cook,
and the taste preferences of the guests. Similarly, a programmer must decide which
programming tools (like algorithms and data structures) and techniques will best
address the problem at hand, given the constraints and goals of the project.
• If a programmer needs to sort a list of numbers, they might choose a quicksort algorithm for
its speed, but if memory usage is a concern, they might opt for a mergesort algorithm instead.
• When designing a website, a programmer might choose between different frameworks
based on factors like ease of use, community support, and performance.
Ultimately, the programmer must use their knowledge and experience to select the
execution strategy that will lead to the most efficient and effective solution.
what about this one With declarative languages such as SQL, user specifies what
data is required rather than how it is to be retrieved. Relieves user of knowing
what constitutes a good execution strategy with simple word and examples
In declarative languages like SQL, the user tells the system what data they want,
not how to get it. This is like ordering a meal at a restaurant; you tell the waiter what
you want to eat, and the chef decides the best way to cook it.
Simple Explanation: You don’t need to know how to prepare the dish or the steps
involved in cooking it. You just expect it to be served as you requested.
Example: If you need a list of all customers from New York in a database, you simply
write in SQL:
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE city = 'New York';
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You don’t worry about how the database finds these customers. It could be
searching through a list, using an index, or any other method. The database figures
out the most efficient way to retrieve the data for you. This saves you from having to
understand and write complex procedures to get the information you need.
what is query optimization? with examples
Query optimization is the process used in a database management system to
determine the most efficient way to execute a query. The goal is to reduce the time
and resources required to run the query and retrieve the desired data.
Simple Explanation: Think of it like planning a road trip. You want to find the best
route that gets you to your destination quickly and without using too much gas.
Query optimization is like using a GPS to find the fastest route with the least traffic
for your database queries.
Example: Suppose you have a database with a table called Employees and you want to
find all employees who live in ‘New York’. Without optimization, the database might
scan every row in the table to check the city. With optimization, the database might
use an index on the city column to quickly find all rows with ‘New York’, which is
much faster.
Here’s how a simple SQL query might be optimized:
• Original Query:
SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE city = 'New York';
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• Optimized Query: The database might use an index on the city column to quickly locate all
employees in ‘New York’, rather than scanning the entire table.
The database system’s query optimizer automatically determines the best way to
execute the query, considering factors like available indexes, the size of the data,
and the complexity of the query12.

what about this one Two main techniques for query optimization: heuristic rules
that order operations in a query; comparing different strategies based on relative
costs, and selecting one that minimizes resource usage. with simple defination and
The two main techniques for query optimization are:
Heuristic rules: These are general guidelines or best practices that help order the
operations in a query to improve performance. For example, applying filters as early
as possible in the query to reduce the amount of data processed.
Example: If you’re looking for employees in a certain department, it’s more efficient
to first filter by department before applying other conditions, like sorting by name.
Cost-based optimization: This involves comparing different strategies for executing a
query and selecting the one that minimizes resource usage, such as CPU time or
memory. The database system estimates the cost of various query execution plans
and chooses the most efficient one.
Example: When joining two tables, the database might estimate whether it’s
cheaper to perform a nested loop join or a hash join based on the size of the tables
and available indexes.
These techniques aim to make queries run faster and more efficiently by minimizing
the use of system resources12.

please explain me in simple word and examples I can't understand

Certainly! Query optimization is like a navigation app in your phone. When you want
to go somewhere, the app helps you find the quickest route. Similarly, query
optimization helps a database find the fastest way to get the data you asked for.
Heuristic rules are like the basic rules of the road that the app knows, like ‘highways
are faster than side streets’ or ‘avoid rush hour traffic’. The database uses similar
simple rules to decide how to get the data quickly.
Cost-based optimization is when the app looks at all possible routes and calculates
which one will be the fastest and use the least fuel at that moment. The database
does something like this too. It looks at different ways to get the data and chooses
the one that uses the least amount of computer resources, like memory and
processing power.
So, when you ask the database a question, these optimization techniques help it give
you an answer as quickly and efficiently as possible, just like a navigation app helps
you reach your destination.
what about this one Disk access tends to be dominant cost in query processing for
centralized DBMS with examples
In a centralized Database Management System (DBMS), disk access is often the most
significant cost during query processing. This is because reading from and writing to
disk storage is much slower than operations in memory.
Simple Explanation: Imagine you have a bookshelf full of books (the disk storage)
and a small table (the computer’s memory). If you need information from a book, it
takes longer to find the book on the shelf and bring it to the table than to read the
pages already on the table. In databases, it’s similar: getting data from the disk is like
getting a book from the shelf, and it’s the slowest part of the process.
Example: If a database query needs to check through a large amount of data, it
might have to read many “pages” from the “bookshelf” (disk). If the data isn’t
organized well, it could be like looking for a specific page scattered across many
books, which takes a lot of time. That’s why databases use indexes, which are like a
book’s index, to find data faster without checking every “page”.
what is Query Processing (QP) with examples?
Query Processing (QP) is the series of steps that a database management system
takes to execute a query and retrieve the requested data. It’s like a librarian finding a
book for you. You ask for a book on a specific topic, and the librarian goes through a
process to find it in the library.
Here’s a simple breakdown with an example:
Parsing and Translation: The system checks if your query is written correctly and
translates it into a form it can understand.
o Example: You write SELECT * FROM Books WHERE Topic = 'Space';. The system
checks the syntax and converts it into an internal format.
Optimization: The system figures out the best way to get the data you asked for, just
like a librarian might know the quickest way to find a book based on its topic.
o Example: The system decides whether to search by author, title, or topic to find
your ‘Space’ books quickly.
Evaluation: The system starts looking for the data, similar to the librarian searching
the shelves.
o Example: The system scans the ‘Books’ table for entries where the topic is ‘Space’.
Execution: The system retrieves the data and presents it to you, just like a librarian
hands you the book.
o Example: You get a list of all books about ‘Space’ from the database.
This process ensures that you get the exact data you need in the most efficient way

what about this Aims of QP: transform query written in high-level language (e.g.
SQL), into correct and efficient execution strategy expressed in low-level language
(implementing RA); execute strategy to retrieve required data. with examples
The aims of Query Processing (QP) are to:
Transform a high-level query: Take a query written in a high-level language like SQL
and convert it into a detailed plan that the database can execute. This is like turning
a recipe into a step-by-step cooking process.
Example: You write SELECT name FROM employees WHERE department = 'Sales';. QP turns this
into a series of steps for the database to follow, such as finding the ‘employees’ table,
looking up the ‘Sales’ department, and retrieving the names.
Execute the strategy efficiently: Carry out the plan in a way that uses the least
amount of resources, like time and memory. This is like cooking the meal in the
quickest and most energy-saving way.
Example: The database might use an index on the ‘department’ column to quickly
find all ‘Sales’ employees, rather than checking every single row in the table.
These steps ensure that the database can quickly and correctly give you the
information you asked for12.

what about this Query Optimization Defined as: the Activity of choosing an
efficient execution strategy for processing a query. As there are many equivalent
transformations of same high-level query, aim of QO is to choose one that minimizes
resource usage. Generally, reduce total execution time of query. May also reduce
response time of query. Both Approaches of optimizations make use of Database
Query Optimization (QO) is the process of finding the most efficient way to execute a
database query. It’s like a game where the goal is to get the answer you need using
the least amount of moves (resources).
Here’s what it means in simple terms:
• Efficient Execution Strategy: This is like choosing the best route to get to a destination
quickly and without wasting gas.
• Minimize Resource Usage: The aim is to use the least amount of computer power and
memory, just like saving money by using less gas on a trip.
• Reduce Execution Time: The goal is to get the answer from the database as fast as possible.
• Reduce Response Time: This means not only getting the answer quickly but also delivering it
to you quickly.
• Use of Database Statistics: Just like a GPS uses traffic data to find the best route, QO uses
information about the database to make decisions.
So, QO is all about making database queries run faster and more efficiently, saving
time and resources12.
here are many equivalent transformations of same high-level query, please show me
this using ms sql server code
Certainly! In SQL Server, you can often write the same query in different ways to
achieve the same result. These are known as equivalent transformations. Here are a
couple of examples using SQL Server syntax:
Example 1: Using JOIN
SELECT e.Name, d.DepartmentNameFROM Employees eJOIN Departments d ON e.DepartmentID
= d.IDWHERE e.Status = 'Active';
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Example 2: Using Subquery

SELECT e.Name,
(SELECT DepartmentName FROM Departments WHERE ID = e.DepartmentID) as
DepartmentNameFROM Employees eWHERE e.Status = 'Active';
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Both queries will return the same result: a list of active employees and their
department names. However, the first query uses a JOIN to combine the tables,
while the second query uses a subquery to fetch the department name for each
Example 3: Using IN
SELECT Name FROM EmployeesWHERE DepartmentID IN (SELECT ID FROM Departments
WHERE DepartmentName = 'Sales');
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Example 4: Using EXISTS

d.ID = e.DepartmentID AND d.DepartmentName = 'Sales');
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In these examples, both queries retrieve the names of employees who work in the
‘Sales’ department. The first query uses the IN clause to specify the condition, while
the second query uses the EXISTS clause with a subquery.
These examples demonstrate how you can approach the same problem with
different SQL constructs, each with its own advantages and use cases.

Analysis of each Query Expression Let n, m , i, j be all staff, all branches, managers
and London branches respectively Analysis Q#1: i. read each tuple from the two
relations →n+m reads ii. create a table of the Cartesian product→ nXm writes iii. test
each tuple of step 2→nXm read Total No. of Disk access: ➔2(nXm) +n+m Analysis
Q#2: i. read each tuple from the two relations →n+m reads ii. create a table of the
Join→ n writes iii. test each tuple of step 2→n read Total No. of Disk access: ➔3(n)
+m Analysis Q#3: i. read each tuple from the two relations →n+m reads ii. create a
table for Manager staff and London Branches→ i+j writes iii. Create a join of
Manager Staff and London Branches →i+j reads Total No. of Disk access: ➔n+m+
i+j +i+j= (n+m+2*(i+j)) explain this with examples
Certainly! Let’s analyze each query expression with examples:
Query #1:
• Read each tuple from the two relations: This means we are accessing every entry in both
the staff and branches tables. If there are n staff and m branches, this results in n + m reads.
• Create a table of the Cartesian product: This is the process of combining each staff with each
branch, resulting in n * m possible combinations. Writing these combinations to a table requires n *
m writes.
• Test each tuple of step 2: We then need to read each of these combinations again to apply
any conditions or further processing, leading to n * m reads.
Total number of disk accesses: (2(n \times m) + n + m)
Query #2:
• Read each tuple from the two relations: Similar to Query #1, this involves n + m reads.
• Create a table of the Join: Assuming a join condition that significantly reduces the number of
results, we might end up with n relevant entries. Writing these to a table requires n writes.
• Test each tuple of step 2: Each of these n entries must be read again for further processing,
resulting in n reads.
Total number of disk accesses: (3n + m)
Query #3:
• Read each tuple from the two relations: Again, this involves n + m reads.
• Create a table for Manager staff and London Branches: If i represents managers
and j represents London branches, creating a table with these entries requires i + j writes.
• Create a join of Manager Staff and London Branches: Joining these two subsets requires
reading each entry, resulting in i + j reads.
Total number of disk accesses: (n + m + 2(i + j))
Example for Query #3:
Let’s say we have 5 staff members (n = 5), 3 branches (m = 3), 2 managers (i = 2), and 1
London branch (j = 1).
• Reading each tuple from the two relations: 5 (staff) + 3 (branches) = 8 reads
• Creating a table for Manager staff and London Branches: 2 (managers) + 1 (London branch) =
3 writes
• Creating a join of Manager Staff and London Branches: 2 (managers) + 1 (London branch) =
3 reads
So, the total number of disk accesses would be: 5 + 3 + 2(2 + 1) = 14 accesses.
This example demonstrates how the number of disk accesses is calculated based on
the given parameters for each query expression.
please example me how can I determine disk access like above, is there role
Certainly! Determining disk access involves understanding how data is read from and
written to the disk during database operations. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help
you determine disk access:
Identify the Operations: Look at the database operations being performed, such as
reading tuples, joining tables, or writing results.
Count the Reads and Writes: For each operation, count the number of reads and
writes to the disk. Reading a tuple from a table is a read operation, and writing a
result to a table is a write operation.
Apply the Rules for Each Operation:
o For a Cartesian product, you multiply the number of tuples in one table by the
number of tuples in the other table to get the total number of writes.
o For a join operation, the number of writes depends on the join condition and the
number of matching tuples.
o For filtering operations (like selecting managers or London branches), you count the
number of tuples that meet the condition.
Calculate Total Disk Access: Add up all the reads and writes you’ve counted for the
Here’s an example using the rules you provided:

Query #1: If you have n staff and m branches:

o Reads: n + m (reading each tuple from the two relations)
o Writes: n * m (creating a table of the Cartesian product)
o Total Disk Access: (2(n \times m) + n + m)

Query #2: If you have n staff and m branches, and the join results in n tuples:

o Reads: n + m (reading each tuple from the two relations)
o Writes: n (creating a table of the Join)
o Total Disk Access: (3n + m)

Query #3: If you have n staff, m branches, i managers, and j London branches:

o Reads: n + m (reading each tuple from the two relations)
o Writes: i + j (creating a table for Manager staff and London Branches)
o Total Disk Access: (n + m + 2(i + j))
Remember, the actual number of disk accesses can vary based on the database’s
physical design, indexing, and the specific query optimizer’s execution plan. The
rules provided are a simplified model for educational purposes. In practice, database
systems use complex algorithms to minimize disk access and improve performance.
what is Phases of Query Processing Query Processing(QP) has four main phases:
decomposition (consisting of parsing and validation); optimization; code
generation; execution. with examples
Query Processing (QP) is a crucial aspect of database management systems, where a
user’s query is transformed into an efficient execution plan. Here’s a breakdown of
the four main phases of Query Processing with examples:
This phase involves parsing and validation. The query is analyzed to ensure it’s
syntactically correct and semantically meaningful. The system checks if the tables
and attributes mentioned in the query exist and if the query conforms to the rules of
Example: Consider the SQL query SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Salary > 5000;. During
decomposition, the system will parse the query to construct a parse tree and
validate that the ‘Employees’ table exists and has a ‘Salary’ attribute.
The optimization phase aims to find the most efficient way to execute the query.
This involves considering various query execution plans and choosing the one with
the lowest cost in terms of resources like CPU time and disk I/O.
Example: For the above query, the optimizer might decide whether to use an index
on the ‘Salary’ attribute if available, or perform a full table scan, depending on which
is more efficient.
Code Generation
In this phase, the system generates an executable code for the query. This code is
often in the form of a series of operations in a low-level database language.
Example: The executable code for our query might involve operations like ‘open
table’, ‘fetch row’, ‘evaluate condition’, and ‘return row’.
Finally, the generated code is executed to retrieve the requested data. The database
management system carries out the operations and returns the result to the user.
Example: The system executes the code, accesses the ‘Employees’ table, checks each
row to see if the ‘Salary’ is greater than 5000, and if so, includes it in the result set.
These phases work together to ensure that the user’s query is processed accurately
and efficiently, providing the requested data in a timely manner.
Learn more

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what about this one with examples Dynamic versus Static Optimization The Two
times when the first three phases of QP can be carried out: dynamically every time
query is run; statically when query is first submitted. Advantages of dynamic QO
arise from fact that information is up to date. Disadvantages are that performance
of query is affected, time may limit finding optimum strategy.
Dynamic and static optimization are two approaches to query optimization in
databases, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:
Dynamic Optimization
• When it occurs: Dynamic optimization happens every time a query is run.
• Advantages: The main advantage of dynamic optimization is that it uses the most current
information available, such as the latest data distribution and index statistics. This can lead to more
accurate and efficient query plans.
• Disadvantages: The downside is that it can affect the performance of the query because the
optimization process takes time. If a query is run frequently, this overhead can add up. Additionally,
there may not be enough time to find the optimal strategy, especially for complex queries.
Example: Imagine a database that stores sales data. A query to find the total sales
for the current month might be optimized dynamically to take advantage of the
latest indexes on the sales table. However, if this query is run multiple times a day,
the optimization process could slow down the overall response time.
Static Optimization
• When it occurs: Static optimization is done when a query is first submitted.
• Advantages: Since the optimization is done only once, there’s no overhead of optimizing the
query every time it’s run. This can lead to faster execution times for queries that are executed
• Disadvantages: The disadvantage is that the optimization might be based on outdated
information if the data distribution changes over time. This can result in suboptimal query plans.
Example: Consider a query that’s part of a monthly report on employee performance.
If the query is optimized statically when first created, it will run quickly each month
without additional optimization overhead. However, if the structure of the employee
table changes, the static optimization might no longer be efficient.
In practice, databases often use a combination of both approaches, statically
optimizing queries when possible and dynamically re-optimizing as needed when
significant changes in the data are detected.

explain this Query Decomposition Aims are to transform high-level query into RA
query and check that query is syntactically (parsing) and semantically (Validation)
correct. Typical stages are in this phase: analysis, normalization, semantic
analysis, simplification, query restructuring. with examples each stages with
simple explaination and examples
Query Decomposition is a process in database query processing that transforms a
high-level query (like SQL) into a lower-level form (like Relational Algebra) while
ensuring both syntactic and semantic correctness. Here’s a simple explanation of
each stage with examples:
This stage involves breaking down the query into its constituent parts to understand
its structure and meaning. Example: For the query SELECT name FROM employees WHERE
age > 30;, analysis would identify ‘SELECT’, ‘FROM’, and ‘WHERE’ as key components
of the query structure.
Normalization converts the query into a standard form, making it easier to
process. Example: If the original query had multiple nested queries, normalization
would aim to simplify this into a single, more straightforward query.
Semantic Analysis
Semantic analysis checks the query against the database schema to ensure that it
makes sense. It verifies that the fields and tables referenced in the query exist and
are used correctly. Example: The query SELECT name FROM employees WHERE age > 30; is
checked to ensure that the ‘employees’ table exists and has the fields ‘name’ and
Simplification attempts to streamline the query by removing redundancies and
optimizing conditions. Example: If the query had redundant conditions like WHERE
age > 30 AND age > 20, simplification would remove AND age > 20 as it’s unnecessary.
Query Restructuring
Query restructuring involves reorganizing the query to improve its efficiency without
changing its semantics. Example: A query might be restructured to take advantage of
an index on the ‘age’ field, changing the order of operations to filter by age before
selecting names.
These stages help in creating an efficient execution plan for the query, ensuring that
it is correctly formed and optimized for the best performance against the database

what is Lexical and Syntactical analysis?in query decomposition with examples

Lexical and syntactical analysis are two fundamental processes in the parsing of
queries, especially in the context of programming languages and databases.
Lexical Analysis: Lexical analysis, also known as tokenization, involves breaking down
a string of characters into meaningful tokens. These tokens can be keywords,
identifiers, symbols, and other elements that are significant in the language’s syntax.
For example, in the query SELECT * FROM table;, the lexical analyzer would break this
down into tokens such as SELECT, *, FROM, table, and ;.
Syntactical Analysis: Syntactical analysis, or parsing, takes the tokens produced by
the lexical analysis and constructs a syntactic structure, often represented as a parse
tree. This structure helps to understand the grammatical relationships between
tokens, ensuring that the query is structured correctly according to the rules of the
language’s grammar. For instance, in the same SQL query mentioned above, the
syntactical analysis would recognize that SELECT * FROM table; forms a valid statement
with SELECT as the operation, * indicating all columns, FROM as the preposition,
and table as the object.
In the context of query decomposition, these analyses are crucial for breaking down
complex queries into simpler components that can be more easily optimized and
executed by a database management system. For example, a complex SQL query
might be decomposed into subqueries that can be individually analyzed and
Here’s a simplified example of how a query might be decomposed:
Original Query:
SELECT name FROM employees WHERE department = 'Sales' AND salary > 50000;
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Lexical Analysis Tokens:

• name
• employees
• department
• =
• ‘Sales’
• salary

• 50000
• ;
Syntactical Analysis (Parse Tree):
/ \
department AND
| / \
= salary >
/\ /\ /\
'Sales' > 50000
Decomposed Subqueries:
-- Subquery for departmentSELECT name FROM employees WHERE department = 'Sales';
-- Subquery for salarySELECT name FROM employees WHERE salary > 50000;
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Each subquery can then be individually optimized and executed, potentially

improving the performance of the original complex query. The results of these
subqueries might be combined to form the final result set1234.

Analysis After Lexical and Syntactical analysis, query is transformed into some
internal representation, more suitable for processing. Some kind of query tree is
typically chosen and constructed as follows: Leaf node created for each base
relation. Non-leaf node created for each intermediate relation produced by RA
operation. Root of tree represents query result. Sequence (of operations) is
directed from leaves to root and from left to right explain this only with examples
Certainly! The process of transforming a query into an internal representation
involves constructing a query tree. Here’s how it typically works with an example:
1. Leaf Nodes: Each base relation in the query becomes a leaf node in the tree.
2. Non-Leaf Nodes: Each intermediate relation produced by a relational algebra (RA) operation
becomes a non-leaf node.
3. Root Node: The root of the tree represents the final result of the query.
4. Sequence of Operations: The sequence is directed from the leaves to the root and from left
to right.
Let’s consider an example SQL query and its corresponding query tree:
SQL Query:
SELECT E.nameFROM Employee E, Department DWHERE E.dept_id = AND = 'Sales';
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Query Tree Construction:

Step 1: Identify the base relations, Employee and Department, which become the leaf

Step 2: Apply the selection operation σ for the condition = 'Sales' on
the Department relation.

Step 3: Perform the join operation ⋈ between Employee and the result of the
selection on Department with the condition E.dept_id =

Step 4: Project π the desired attribute at the root to get the final result.

Here’s a visual representation of the query tree:
π (
⋈ (E.dept_id =
/ \
Employee σ ( = 'Sales')
In this tree:
• The
Normalization Converts query into a normalized form for easier manipulation.
Predicate ( conditions) can be converted into one of two forms: Conjunctive normal
form: (position = 'Manager' salary > 20000) (branchNo = 'B003') Disjunctive
normal form: (position = 'Manager' branchNo = 'B003' ) (salary > 20000
branchNo = 'B003') explain with examples
Normalization in the context of databases often refers to the process of organizing
data to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity. However, when it comes to
query conditions or predicates, normalization can refer to transforming these
conditions into a standard form for easier manipulation and evaluation. The two
common forms are:
Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF): This is a conjunction of disjunctions, meaning it is
an AND of ORs. In CNF, the query is expressed as a series of conditions that must all
be true, where each condition can be a disjunction (OR) of literals.
Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF): This is a disjunction of conjunctions, meaning it is
an OR of ANDs. In DNF, the query is expressed as a series of conditions where at
least one must be true, and each condition is a conjunction (AND) of literals.
Let’s take a look at examples of both forms using the predicates you provided:
Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF): The CNF form of the predicate would be:
This means that for a record to satisfy the query, it must be from branch ‘B003’, and
either the position must be ‘Manager’ or the salary must be greater than 20000.
Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF): The DNF form of the predicate would be:
This means that for a record to satisfy the query, it must either be a ‘Manager’ from
branch ‘B003’, or it must have a salary greater than 20000 and be from branch
Here’s an example using a table of employees:
EmployeeID Name Position Salary BranchNo

1 Alice Manager 25000 B003

2 Bob Sales 30000 B003

3 Carol Manager 18000 B002

4 Dave Sales 21000 B003

Using CNF, employees 1, 2, and 4 would satisfy the query because they are all from
branch ‘B003’, and either their position is ‘Manager’ or their salary is greater than
Using DNF, employees 1 and 2 would satisfy the query because employee 1 is a
‘Manager’ from branch ‘B003’, and employee 2 has a salary greater than 20000 and
is from branch ‘B003’.
Normalization of predicates into CNF or DNF can simplify the evaluation of complex
queries and is particularly useful in query optimization processes within database

Semantic Analysis Rejects normalized queries that are incorrectly formulated or

contradictory. Query is incorrectly formulated if components do not contribute to
the generation of result, which may happen if some join specifications are missing.
Query is contradictory satisfied by any tuple. if its predicate cannot be Algorithms
to determine correctness exist only for the subset of queries that do not contain
disjunction and negation. For these queries, could construct: A relation connection
graph. Normalized attribute connection graph. Relation connection graph Create
node for each relation and node for result. Create edges between two nodes that
represent a join, and edges between nodes hat represent the source of Projection
operations. If not connected, query is incorrectly formulated. Attribute Connection
Graph If the graph has a cycle for which the valuation sum is negative, the query is
contradictory. To construct a normalized attribute connection graph, we create a
node for each reference to an attribute, or constant 0. We then create a directed
edge between nodes that represent a join, and a directed edge between an attribute
node and a constant 0 node that represents a selection operation. Next, we weight
the edges a → b with the value c, if it represents the inequality condition (a ≤ b + c),
and weight the edges 0 → a with the value −c, if it represents the inequality
condition (a ≥ c).explain this all with examples
Semantic analysis in query processing serves to validate the query against the
schema and to reject queries that are incorrectly formulated or contradictory. Let’s
explore the concepts of relation connection graphs and attribute connection graphs
with examples:
Relation Connection Graph: A relation connection graph is used to check if all
components of a query contribute to the result. Here’s how it works:
• Nodes: Each node represents a relation in the query.
• Edges: Edges represent joins or projection operations between relations.
For example, consider the following SQL query:
SELECT, D.nameFROM Employee E, Department DWHERE E.dept_id =;
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The relation connection graph for this query would have two nodes, one
for Employee and one for Department, and an edge between them representing the join
condition E.dept_id = If the graph is connected, the query is correctly formulated.
Attribute Connection Graph: An attribute connection graph helps identify
contradictions in a query. Here’s how to construct one:
• Nodes: Create a node for each attribute reference and a special node for constant 0.
• Directed Edges: Create directed edges between nodes that represent a join condition, and
between an attribute node and the constant 0 node for selection conditions.
• Weights: Assign weights to edges based on inequality conditions.
For example, consider the following conditions:
WHERE E.salary <= D.budget + 10000AND E.salary >= 30000
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The attribute connection graph would have nodes for E.salary, D.budget, and 0. There
would be a directed edge from D.budget to E.salary with a weight of 10000 representing
the condition E.salary <= D.budget + 10000, and a directed edge from 0 to E.salary with a
weight of -30000 representing E.salary >= 30000.
If the graph has a cycle with a negative valuation sum, the query is contradictory. For
instance, if there was another condition D.budget <= E.salary - 15000, it would create a
cycle with a negative sum, indicating a contradiction.
These graphs are tools within semantic analysis to ensure that the query is both
logically consistent and meaningful with respect to the database schema123.

Simplification Detects redundant qualifications, Eliminates common sub-

expressions, Transforms query to semantically equivalent but more easily and
efficiently computed form. Typically, access restrictions, view definitions, and
integrity constraints are considered for such simplifications. Assuming user has
appropriate access privileges, first apply well-known idempotency rules of Boolean
algebra. Examples: for two predicates p and q , P V~P= True, p (qv~q)=P …etc.
In Relational Algebra, we have Transformation rules to do so explain with examples
Simplification in query processing is a crucial step that involves optimizing the query
by detecting and removing redundancies, eliminating common sub-expressions, and
transforming the query into a form that is semantically equivalent but more efficient
to compute. Here’s how simplification works with examples:
Detecting Redundant Qualifications: This step identifies and removes unnecessary
conditions from the query. For example, if a query includes a condition like WHERE
age > 30 AND age > 20, the condition age > 20 is redundant because age > 30 already
implies it.
Eliminating Common Sub-Expressions: If a sub-expression is used multiple times
within a query, it can be computed once and reused. For instance, if a query
calculates the total sales multiple times, it can be computed once and stored in a
temporary variable or table.
Applying Boolean Algebra Idempotency Rules: These rules help simplify the query
by applying logical simplifications. For example:
o ( p \lor \neg p = \text{True} ): This rule states that a predicate or its negation will
always be true.
o ( p \land (q \lor \neg q) = p ): This rule simplifies the expression by removing the
redundant ( q \lor \neg q ), which is always true.
Transformation Rules in Relational Algebra: These rules are used to rewrite queries
in a more optimized form. For example:
o Selection Pushdown: Moving the selection operation closer to the leaf nodes in the
query tree to reduce the size of intermediate results.
o Projection Pushdown: Similar to selection pushdown, this moves the projection
operation closer to the leaf nodes to eliminate unnecessary columns early on.
Let’s consider an SQL query and apply these simplification steps:
Original Query:
SELECT nameFROM employeesWHERE (salary > 30000 OR salary <= 30000) AND department
= 'Sales';
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Simplified Query:
SELECT nameFROM employeesWHERE department = 'Sales';
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In the original query, the condition (salary > 30000 OR salary <= 30000) is always true and
thus redundant. The simplified query removes this condition, resulting in a more
efficient query that is easier to understand and execute.
These simplification techniques are part of query optimization, which aims to reduce
the computational cost and improve the performance of database systems12.

Transformation Rules for RA Operations The Heuristic Approach to QO is based on

the transformation rules of Relational Algebra. Conjunctive Selection operations
can cascade into individual Selection operations (and vice versa). p q r(R) =
p( q( r(R))) Sometimes referred to as cascade of Selection. branchNo='B003'
salary>15000(Staff) = branchNo='B003'( salary>15000(Staff)) Commutativity of
Selection. p( q(R)) = q( p(R)) For example:
branchNo='B003'( salary>15000(Staff)) = salary>15000( branchNo='B003'(Staff))
In a sequence of Projection operations, only the last in the sequence is required.
L M … N(R) = L (R) , provided that L is in M and M is in N For example:
lName branchNo, lName(Staff) = lName (Staff) Commutativity of Selection and
Projection. If predicate p involves only attributes in projection list, Selection and
Projection operations commute: Ai, …, Am( p(R)) = p( Ai, …, Am(R)) where p {A1,
A2, …, Am} For example: fName, lName( lName='Beech'(Staff)) =
lName='Beech'( fName,lName(Staff)) Commutativity of Theta join (and Cartesian
product). R pS = S p R R X S = S X R Rule also applies to Equijoin and Natural join. For
example: Staff staff.branchNo=branch.branchNo Branch = Branch
staff.branchNo=branch.branchNo Staff
The transformation rules for Relational Algebra (RA) are essential for query
optimization. They allow the restructuring of queries into more efficient forms
without changing their semantics. Here are some of the key transformation rules
with examples:
Cascading of Selection Operations: Selection operations can be broken down into a
cascade of individual selections.
For example:
Commutativity of Selection: The order of selection operations can be interchanged.
For example:
Projection Operations: In a sequence of projection operations, only the last one is
provided that ( L \subseteq M ) and ( M \subseteq N ). For example:
Commutativity of Selection and Projection: If a predicate ( p ) involves only
attributes in the projection list, the selection and projection operations can be
where ( p \in {A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_m} ). For example:
Commutativity of Theta Join and Cartesian Product: The order of the relations in a
theta join or Cartesian product can be reversed.
This rule also applies to equijoins and natural joins. For example:
These rules are used heuristically to improve the performance of RA operations by
reducing the size of intermediate results and the overall complexity of the query
execution plan. They are fundamental to the heuristic approach to Query
Optimization (QO).
Heuristical Processing Strategies 1. 2. 3. Perform Selection operations as early as
possible. Keep predicates on same relation together. Conjunctive selects
→individual selects( cascade of selection) Push Selections to the respective tables
Use associativity of binary operations to rearrange leaf nodes so leaf nodes with
most restrictive Selection operations executed first.(reduces size of join) Combine
Cartesian product with subsequent selection whose predicate represents join
condition into a Join operation. . 5. Perform Projection as early as possible. Keep
projection attributes on same relation together. Push Projection to the respective
tables. Compute common expressions once (prefType in the example seen
Heuristic processing strategies in query optimization are designed to improve the
efficiency of query execution. Here are some strategies explained with examples:
Perform Selection Operations as Early as Possible:
o Cascade of Selection: Break down conjunctive selects into individual selections.

o Push Selections Down: Apply selection operations directly to the tables they pertain
to, reducing the size of the data that needs to be processed in subsequent steps.
Use Associativity of Binary Operations to Rearrange Leaf Nodes:
o Arrange the leaf nodes so that the most restrictive selection operations are
executed first. This reduces the size of the intermediate results and, consequently, the cost of the join
Combine Cartesian Product with Subsequent Selection into a Join Operation:
o Instead of performing a Cartesian product followed by a selection, combine these
into a single join operation, which is generally more efficient.

Perform Projection as Early as Possible:
o Similar to selection operations, perform projection operations early to reduce the
size of the data being carried through the query plan.
o Push Projections Down: Apply projections to the tables as soon as possible to
eliminate unnecessary attributes.
Compute Common Expressions Once:
o Identify expressions used multiple times within a query and compute them once,
reusing the result to avoid redundant calculations.
Here’s an example to illustrate these strategies:
Original Query:
SELECT E.nameFROM Employee E, Department DWHERE E.dept_id = AND E.salary > 60000
AND D.location = 'New York';
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Optimized Query Plan:

Apply selection to Employee and Department tables individually:
Perform the join on the results of the selections:
Cost Estimation for RA Operations Many different ways of implementing RA
operations. Aim of QO is to choose most efficient one. Use formulae that
estimate costs for a number of options, and select one with lowest cost. Consider
only cost of disk access, which is usually dominant cost in QP. Many estimates are
based on cardinality of the relation, so need to be able to estimate this. Cost
Estimation is then done for the operations involved in an expression. The
Expression with the lowest cost is chosen for execution Database Statistics Success
of estimation depends on amount and currency of statistical information that DBMS
holds. Keeping statistics current can be problematic. If statistics updated every
time tuple is changed, this would impact performance. DBMS could update
statistics on a periodic basis, for example nightly, or whenever the system is idle.
eg. MSSQL Server has Maintenance Workflow for updating statistics Another
approach taken by some systems is to make it the users’ responsibility to indicate
that the statistics should be update Pipelining Materialization- output of one
operation is stored in temporary relation for processing by next. (heuristic approach)
Could also pipeline results of one operation to another without creating temporary
relation. Known as pipelining or on-the-fly processing or stream-based
processing(in-memory stream data) Pipelining can save on cost of creating
temporary relations and reading results back in again. Generally, pipeline is
implemented as separate process or thread.
Cost estimation for Relational Algebra (RA) operations is a critical aspect of Query
Optimization (QO). The goal is to select the most efficient execution plan based on
estimated costs, primarily considering disk access, which is often the dominant cost
in query processing. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

Cost Estimation: It involves using formulas to estimate the costs of different
implementation options for RA operations. The option with the lowest cost is chosen
for execution. These estimates are usually based on the cardinality of the relations

Database Statistics: The accuracy of cost estimation relies heavily on the database
management system’s (DBMS) statistical information about data distribution and
usage patterns. However, keeping these statistics up-to-date without affecting
performance is challenging. Some systems update statistics periodically, such as
nightly or during idle times, while others may require users to initiate updates2.

Pipelining: This is an alternative to materialization, where the output of one
operation is directly fed into the next operation without storing it in a temporary
relation. Pipelining can reduce the costs associated with creating and reading
temporary relations. It is typically implemented as a separate process or thread to
facilitate on-the-fly or stream-based processing12.

In summary, cost estimation and pipelining are techniques used to enhance the
performance of query processing by minimizing resource usage and execution
time. The effectiveness of these techniques depends on accurate and current
database statistics, which can be a complex task to maintain123.

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