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- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 2 M1 for [0].35… [0].34

34% 0.345
or B1 for three in the
correct order

2 2 B1 for 4 in correct
58% 0.6
or M1 for 0.583[...],
[0.6], 0.58, 0.615[…] or
0.61 or 0.62, 0.66[...] or
0.67 or 0.667 or 0.7

3(a) 7:5 1

3(b) 66.7 or 66.66 to 66.67 3 M2 for


or for oe

or M1 for oe
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

3(c) 24 576 5 M4 for complete method,

40 × 60 + 0.7 × 220 × 84
+ 0.3 × 220 × 140 oe
B1 for 40 [children]
M1 for
0.7 × 220 × 84 oe
M1 for
0.3 × 220 × 140 oe
B1 for 2400 or 12936
or 9240 nfww

4 198 4 B3 for 197.7…. or

answer 198.00
M2 for

B2 for answer 1998
M1 for

If B0 then B1 for seeing

their answer in decimal
form correctly written to
the nearest integer
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

5 1597 cao 4 B3 for 1597.39.. or

1597.3[9...] or 1597.4 or
or B2 for 6597.3[9...] or
or B1 for

If B1 scored
B0 scored and an attempt
at compound interest is
SC1 for their 6597[...] −
5000 evaluated correctly
provided answer positive
SC1 for their final
answer rounded correctly
to nearest $ from their
more accurate answer

6(a) M1 for 3

B1 for oe
or oe

A1 for Established with no

errors or omissions
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

6(b) 2 B1 for
where or

or for

6(c) 20 2 FT 2 × their positive root

M1 for substituting their
positive root into four
lengths or for stating
2x + 6

7(a) 4.5[0] 1

7(b)(i) 09 50 1

7(b)(ii) 11.5[0] 1

7(c) 6.5[0] 3 B2 for 32.5

or M2 for
([0] + 8.5 + 12 + 12) –
or M1 for
[0] + 8.5 + 12 + 12
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

8(a)(i) 1
187 or 186.7 to 186.8 or

8(a)(ii) 2 : 7 : 42 cao 2 B1 for 106 : 371 : 2226

or any equivalent ratio
If 0 scored, SC1 for 2 : 7
: 42 in the wrong order

8(b) 33.3 or 33.28 to 33.29 2 M1 for


8(c) 1706 cao nfww 3 B2 for 1705 to 1706.0…

or 1710
or M1 for

oe or better
If 0 or M1 scored, SC1
for rounding their
decimal answer seen to
nearest integer
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

9 2 M1 for 3 in correct order

or for three of
[18.4% =] 0.184,

[Total: 44]

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