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Pretest (Components of Scientific Investigations)

Name_____________________________ Grade and Section___________________ Score______________

Teacher____________________________ School__________________________________ Date___________

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet.

1. Bryan will make an experiment to find out if stray cats in their yard will be prevented by strong garlic odor. Before
he conducts his experiment, he must formulate first his hypothesis. Which of the following statement is the best

A. The cats will like the odor of the garlic.

B. The garlic odor can be applied in the yard.

C. The garlic odor will prevent the cats in the yard.

D. The cats will still roam in the yard even when garlic odor is placed

2. Annabelle records the different volumes and masses of the beakers during their laboratory experiment. What step of
scientific method was performed by Annabelle?

A. Stating the problem C. Gathering data

B. Formulating hypothesis D. Making conclusion

3. Which of the following word best describe hypothesis?

A. Testable B. Experimental C. Observable D. Scientifically proven

4. A scientist testing the effects of a chemical on apple yield sprays an orchard with the chemical. A second orchard
does not receive the chemical. In the fall, the number of apples harvested from each forest is counted. What is the
independent variable or manipulative variable?

A. The chemical C. The first orchard

B. The second orchard D. The number of apples

5. Which of the following is the process of testing a hypothesis or answering a problem?

A. experimentation C. scientific attitude

B. interpretation D. scientific method

B. For Numbers 6 – 10, identify what science processes are revealed in the following statements: Write your answer
on the space provided after the number.

communicating experimenting generalization inferring

hypothesizing identifying the problem

6. A girl is standing in an open field. There is no shadow formed because it is 12 noon. __________________

7. Blue litmus paper turned red when it was dipped into an unknown liquid. ____________________

8. The liquid in the test tube is an acid. ____________________

9. The laptop computer is not functioning anymore. Maybe the battery got discharged. ___________________.

10. A nail turned rusty. What made it that way? ________________

C. For numbers 11-17, read the following items carefully. Determine the steps of scientific method each event
suggests. Write 1 for the first step, 2 for the second step and so on.

___ Dr. Edward Jenner concluded that introducing a dying virus cowpox into a person’s body gives protection.

___ Dr. Jenner suspected that a cow pox could give a form of immunity.

___ Dr. Jenner tested the use of cow pox vaccines on other people.

___ Dr. Jenner took some of the discharge form the cowpox sore on a young woman’s arm and transferred it in the
arm of the boy who developed cowpox.

___ Six weeks later the boy was injected with smallpox sore but did not get the dreadful disease.

___ Dr. Jenner noticed that when a person had cowpox before, he would not be infected with smallpox anymore.

___ Dr. Jenner wanted to find out if a smallpox is very common deadly disease during his time could be controlled.

D. For numbers 18-20, read the following description of an experiment and then answer the questions that follow.

A scientist wanted to investigate the effect of sunlight to the growth of plants. The hypothesis being tested was:
“Plants require sunlight to grow.” The scientist placed one tray of sunflower seedlings in the sun and another tray of
sunflower seedlings in a cupboard in the laboratory. Both had same amount of soil. The seedlings were watered and
after 6 weeks the height of each seedling was measured.

Set up A: sunflower seedlings in the sun Set up B: Sunflower Seedlings in a


18. Which variable/factor was investigated and changed? ____________________________

Which variables/factors were controlled or kept the same?

19. ______________________________________________



Pretest (Pure Substance: Elements and Compounds)

Name_____________________________ Grade and Section___________________ Score______________

Teacher____________________________ School__________________________________ Date___________

A. Identify the key concept or term being described in each statement. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answers on a separate sheet.

1. It is a form of matter that has definite or uniform composition.

A. compound B. element C. mixture D. pure substance
2. The two classifications of pure substances are ____________________.
A. Acid and Bases C. Elements and Solution
B. Compounds and Elements D. Homogenous and Heterogeneous

3. It is a compound used as a food preservative and known as salt.

A. Calcium carbonate C. Sodium Chloride
B. Hydrochloric acid D. Water

B. Identify the key concept/s or term/s being that forms the link between the set of pairs.
4. ___________: only one kind of atom :: __________: combination of two or more element
A. element; compound C. homogenous; heterogeneous
B. compound; element D. colloid; suspension

5. __________ : element :: ____________ : compound

A. Chlorine; Sulfur C. Water; Sodium
B. Calcium: Arsenic D. Sodium; Water

C. Determine if the given statements are correct. Write your answer on separate sheet.
Write A, if the first sentence alone is correct;
B, if the second statement alone is correct;
C, if both sentences are correct; and
D, if none of the sentence is correct.

6. A. Sodium chloride and Barium Chloride is an example of salt.

B. Salt is a substance that is composed of a combination of two metals

7. A. An element is a combination of different atoms.

B. Element and Compound belongs to a pure substance.

8. A. Examples of Non- Metal are the Copper, Nickel and Mercury.

B. Non- Metal are elements that are good conductor of heat and

D. Select the answer that best supports the given statement.

9. Element A was hammered, and it broke into pieces. Element B was also hammered, and it
was deformed but it did not break. The two elements were heated, and element became
hotter easily. It took longer time for element A to heat up.
A. Both elements are metals. C. Element A is a non-metal
while element B is a metal.
B. Both elements are non-metals. D. Element A is a metal
while element B is a non-metal.

10. The following statements are correct EXCEPT one.

A. When two compounds combine physically, they form a mixture.
B. When two compounds combine chemically, they form a mixture.
C. When two elements combine chemically, they form a compound.
D. When two compounds combine chemically, they form a new

Pretest (Mixtures)
Name_____________________________ Grade and Section___________________ Score______________

Teacher____________________________ School__________________________________ Date___________

A. Identify the key concept or term being described in each statement. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answers on a separate sheet.

1. Two substances are combined physically.

A. compound B. element C. mixture D. suspension
2. When a substance is uniformly distributed throughout the mixture, it only shows on phase.
A. colloid B. compound C. heterogeneous D. homogeneous
3. The light scatters due to the dispersed particles of colloids.
A. adsorption C. solubility
B. Brownian movement D. Tyndall effect

4. Sugar in a water is an example of heterogeneous mixture.

A. true B. false C. maybe D. sometimes

5. If a drink container tells you to “shake well” before drinking, the mixture in the container is most likely a
A. solution B. suspension C. colloid D. expansion

6. Colloids are mixtures that will settle out.

A. sometimes B. maybe C. false D. true

B. Identify the key concept/s or term/s being that forms the link between the set of pairs.

7. mayonnaise: ___________::cornstarch in cold water : ______________.

A. colloid; solution C. solution; suspension
B. colloid; suspension D. suspension; saturated

8. _______________ : colloid :: _________________ : solution

A. homogenous; heterogenous C. compound; element
B. heterogenous; homogenous D. element; compound

9. ________ : appear only one kind or phase :: ___________ : appear two or more kind of phase
A. homogenous; heterogenous C. compound; element
B. heterogenous; homogenous D. element; compound

10. _____________: homogenous mixture :: _______________ : heterogenous mixture

A. suspension; colloid and solution C. solution; colloid and suspension
B. solution; supersaturated and unsaturated D. colloid; solution and

C. Fill the table below with the number of observable phases and classify each mixture as homogeneous or

Mixtures No. of Observable Phases Homogeneous or

Seawater 11. 12.
Chalk dust and water 13. 14.
Gasoline 15. 16.
Fruit Salad 17. 18.
Rubbing Alcohol 19. 20.

Pretest (Solutions)
Name_____________________________ Grade and Section___________________ Score______________

Teacher____________________________ School__________________________________ Date___________

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet.

1. Solution A contains 50 ml of water and 10 mg of sugar. Solution B

contains 100 ml of water and 20 mg of sugar.
A. The two solutions have equal concentration.
B. Solution A is more concentrated than solution B.
C. Solution B is more concentrated than solution A.
D. Solution A and solution B are supersaturated solutions.

2. Solution A has 30 ml of alcohol, solution B has 50 ml. Both solutions

contain 70 ml of water.
A. Solution A is more diluted than solution B.
B. Solution B is more diluted than solution A.
C. The two solutions have equal concentration.
D. The amount of water does not affect the concentration of the

3. You are tasked to make a saturated saline solution.

A. Dissolve a small amount of salt in water.
B. Put salt on water. Keep adding until it cannot dissolve the salt
C. Put big amount of salt in a beaker. Add water until the salt is
totally dissolved. Do not stir while adding water.
D. Heat the water while putting salt in it. After putting the desired
amount of salt, cool the solution and wait for the solute to

For items 4-8, refer to this table.

Set X Set Y Set Z

Sample A Sample B Sample A Sample B Sample A Sample B
Solute powdered powdered crystal alum powdered rock salt rock salt
juice (10mg) juice (10mg) (10mg) alum (10mg) (10mg) (10mg)
Solvent water (85°C) water (5°) water (30°) water (30°) water (30°) water (30°)
Stirred no no no no no yes
Rate of 3 sec. 11 sec. 26 sec. 5 sec. 17 sec. 4 sec.

4. What factor affects the rate of dissolving in set up X?

A. agitation B. pressure C. size of particles D. temperature

5. How does the size of solute affects the dissolving rate as shown in set up Y?
A. The bigger the particles, the faster it dissolves.
B. The bigger the particles, the slower it dissolves.
C. The smaller the particles, the faster it dissolves.
D. The size of the particle of the solute does not affect the rate of dissolving.

6. What conclusion can you make based on set up Z?

A. Agitation speeds up the rate of dissolving.
B. Agitation slows down the rate of dissolving.
C. Agitation does not affect the rate of dissolving.
D. Agitation keeps the rate of dissolving the same.

7. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A. If the solution is agitated, the rate of dissolving is slower.
B. If the temperature is higher, the rate of dissolving is faster.
C. If the temperature is lower, the rate of dissolving is slower.
D. If the size of particle is smaller, the rate of dissolving is faster.

8. What do you think will happen if sample B in set up X will be stirred?

A. The solute will dissolve faster. C. The rate of dissolving will not be affected.
B. The solute will dissolve slower. D. The rate of dissolving will remain the same.

9. You are asked to prepare a solution in your experiment. Which mixture will you
A. oil and water B. sugar in water C. sand and water D. flour and water

10. Which of the following set-ups shows a saturated solution?

A. 30.0 g of table salt dissolved in 100 ml of water at 25°C.
B. 36.0 g of table salt dissolved in 100 ml of water at 25°C.
C. Both A and B
D. none of the choices
For items 11-14, please refer to the following diagram:
Set-up: Plastic cups labeled
A: sea water salt in cold water C: iodized salt in cold water
B: sea water salt in hot water D: iodized salt in hot water

Table: Dissolving time of Set-up A, B, C, and D

Setup Dissolving Time

A 5 min
B 3 min
C 4 min
D 1 min

11. Which of the following setup has the fastest dissolving time?
A. Setup A B. Setup B C. Setup C D. Setup D

12. Which of the following setup has the slowest dissolving time?
A. Setup A B. Setup B C. Setup C D. Setup D

13. Which factor/s affect/s the rate of dissolving time?

A. size of particles C. size of the plastic cups
B. temperature of water D. A and B only

14. Which type of salt has the greater dissolving time in hot water?
A. Sea water salt C. Iodized salt
B. data is insufficient to answer the question D. none of the above

15. Solution is said to be diluted when it contains _____________________________.

A. large amount of solute in fixed volume solvent
B. small amount of solute in fixed volume of solvent
C. large volume of solvent in fixed amount of solute
D. small volume of solvent in fixed amount of solute

Post Test (Components of Scientific Investigations)

Name_____________________________ Grade and Section___________________ Score______________

Teacher____________________________ School__________________________________ Date___________

A. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a part of an experiment that contain variables being tested.

A. Control Group C. Stable Group

B. Experimental Group D. Field Group

1. A scientist testing the effects of a chemical on apple yield sprays an orchard with the chemical. A second
orchard does not receive the chemical. In the fall, the number of apples harvested from each forest is
counted. What is the independent variable or manipulative variable?
A. The chemical C. The first orchard
B. The second orchard D. The number of apples

2. Bryan will make an experiment to find out if stray cats in their yard will be prevented by strong garlic odor.
Before he conducts his experiment, he must formulate first his hypothesis. Which of the following
statement is the best hypothesis?
A. The cats will like the odor of the garlic.
B. The garlic odor can be applied in the yard.
C. The garlic odor will prevent the cats in the yard.
D. The cats will still roam in the yard even when garlic odor is placed.

3. In the research problem, “Effects of Papaya extract to the inhibition zone of Pseudomonas aeroginosa.
What is the dependent variable?
A. Amount of Aloe Vera C. Growth of E. Coli
B. Humidity D. Temperature

4. Annabelle records the different volumes and masses of the beakers during their laboratory experiment.
What step of scientific method was performed by Annabelle?
A. Stating the problem C. Gathering data
B. Formulating hypothesis D. Making conclusion

A. Design an experiment following the steps of the scientific method. Use the situation below for your

A student set up the experiment below to learn about plant growth. The student added different amount of
water to four identical containers, each containing four seeds in 100 cubic centimeters of soil. All the
containers were placed in the same locations.

6-7. Statement of the Problem: __________________________________________________________

8-9. Hypotheses:

10-11. Variables:

Dependent: ________________________________________________

Independent: _______________________________________________

12-13. Materials/ Equipment:

____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________

14-15. Procedure:


16-17. Analysis and presentation of data: (This may include tables,

graphs, charts.)

18-20. Conclusion: Is your hypothesis accepted or rejected? ___________

Justify your answer:


Post Test (Pure Substances: Elements and Compounds)

Name_____________________________ Grade and Section___________________ Score______________

Teacher____________________________ School__________________________________ Date___________

Directions: Identify what is being described by the following statements. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Two or more elements are combined chemically.

A. alloyB. compound C. mixture D. substance

2. Carbon is made up of only one kind of substance so it is a/an;

A. element B. mixture C. compound D. solution

3. Water is made up of H2 and O, this means that water is a/an;

A. element B. mixture C. compound D. solution

4. Table salt is made up of Na and Cl and it is a compound because;

A. You can identify Na and Cl
B. You can identify Na but not Cl
C. You can identify Cl but not Na
D. You can’t identify the properties of Na and Cl

5. Some compounds contain hydroxide ion (OH-) in which pH is more than 7 and commonly used in cleaning
products like soaps and detergents.
A. acid B. base C. neutral D. salt

6. Compounds are made up of particles which are composed of two or more atoms.
A. cell B. electron C. molecules D. protons

B. Directions: Fill in the appropriate idea to form the relationship between pairs.

7. atoms : molecules :: element: ___________

A. compound B. mixture C. solution D. substance

8. metals : conducts heat and electricity :: nonmetals: ________________________

A. conductors C. insulators
B. indicators D. facilitators

C. Compare and Contrast

9-10. element and compound
11-12. nutrition facts and ingredients

13-14. metals and nonmetals

D. Answer the following questions

15-16. How are pure substances important to life of man and another organism?

17-18. Why is there a need to handle acids with safety and precaution?

19-20. How do substances we take in and those around us affect our health?

Post Test (Mixtures)

Name_____________________________ Grade and Section___________________ Score______________

Teacher____________________________ School__________________________________ Date___________

A. Directions: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

There are four substances A, B, C, and D.

A and C are pure substances. They cannot be broken down into anything simpler by chemical methods. B consists of
A and D, which are not chemically bonded together. D is a pure substance. We can decompose D into A and C using

1-2. Which substance is a compound?


3-4. Which substance is a mixture? What kind of methods can be used to separate its constituents?



5-6. A student says that all pure substances are elements. Do you agree? Why or why not?



B. Match the following with their proper classification by writing the letter of the correct answer.

_______ 7. Orange Juice A. Element

_______ 8. Apple Juice B. Compound

_______ 9. Granite Rock C. Homogeneous Mixture

_______ 10. Milk D. Heterogeneous Mixture

_______ 11. Salt Water

_______ 12. Carbon Dioxide

_______ 13. Oxygen

_______ 14. Air

_______ 15. Water

C. Classify the following mixtures into solution, colloid or suspension

16. ________________

17. ________________

18. ________________

19. ________________

20. ________________

Post Test (Solutions)

Name_____________________________ Grade and Section___________________ Score______________

Teacher____________________________ School__________________________________ Date___________

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.

____ 1. In sweetened tea, the sugar is called _____________.

A. solute B. solution C. mixture D. substance

____ 2. The substance that does the dissolving (the tea), is called __________.

A. solute B. substance C. solvent D. gas

____3. If a solute is unable to be dissolved in a given solvent, the solute is said

to be __________.

A. dissolvable B. soluble C. insoluble D. solvable

____4. The following are not ways to speed up dissolving, which is not?

A. freezing B. heating C. stirring D. crushing

____5. What is the universal solvent?

A. juice B. coffee C. hot chocolateD. water

____6. When two liquids are combined, they mixed totally with each other.

A. immiscible B. insoluble C. miscible D. soluble

B. Select the answer that best supports the given statement. Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate

7. A solvent can dissolve a certain amount of solute only. The students heated the solvent containing the
maximum amount that it can dissolve. They added more solute in the solution and the solute they added were
dissolved. They let the solution cool down. They dropped a small amount of the same solute to the solution and
crystals start to form.
A. saturated C. supersaturated
B. semi-saturated D. unsaturated

8. Solution A contains 50 ml of water and 10 mg of sugar. Solution B contains 100 ml of water and 20 mg of
A. The two solutions have equal concentration.
B. Solution A is more concentrated than solution B.
C. Solution B is more concentrated than solution A.
D. Solution A and solution B are supersaturated solutions.

9. Solution A has 30 ml of alcohol, solution B has 50 ml. Both solutions contain 70 ml of water.
A. Solution A is more diluted than solution B.
B. Solution B is more diluted than solution A.
C. The two solutions have equal concentration.
D. The amount of water does not affect the concentration of the solution.
10. You are tasked to make a saturated saline solution.
A. Dissolve a small amount of salt in water.
B. Put salt on water. Keep adding until it cannot dissolve the salt anymore.
C. Put big amount of salt in a beaker. Add water until the salt is totally
dissolved. Do not stir while adding water.
D. Heat the water while putting salt in it. After putting the desired amount
of salt, cool the solution and wait for the solute to crystalize.

For items 11-13, refer to this


There are four test tubes. Each test

tube was filled with 20 ml of water. A
certain amount of a similar type of
coffee was dissolved in each of them.
The test tubes contain different
amount of coffee. The appearances of
the solutions are shown on the right.

11. Which of the following factors are kept constant?

I. amount of coffee III. type of coffee

II. amount of water IV. appearance of the solution

A. I and II B. I and IV C. II and III D. III and IV

12. Which among the solutions is the most concentrated?


13. Which is the correct order of the solution if it will be arranged from the most to least concentrated?

C. ANALOGY: Fill in the appropriate idea to form the relationship between pairs.
14. __________ : salt solution; heterogeneous mixture: starch solution

15. unsaturated solution: amount of dissolved solute is less than the maximum capacity; saturated solution:




1. C
2. C 1. D
3. A 2. B
4. A 3. C
5. A 4. A
6. Interpretation 5. D
7. Observation 6. C
8. Generalization 7. B
9. Hypothesizing 8. A
10. Identifying problem 9. C
11-17. 6-3-7-4-5-2-1 10. C
18. sunflower seedlings 11. D
19. soil 12. B
20. amount of water
Post Test 1. B
1. B 2. A
2. A 3. C
3. C 4. A
4. C 5. B
5. C 6. C
6-20. Answers may vary 7. A
8. C
MIXTURES 9-20. answers may vary
1. C
2. D
4. B
1. B
5. B
6. C 2. A
7. B 3. C
8. B 4. D
9. A 5. B
10. C 6. A
11. 1 7. A
13. 2 9. B
15. 1 10. B
17. 2 12. A
19. 1 14. C

1-2. A, C 1. A
3-4. A, D 2. C
7. D 4. A
8. A 5. D
9. C
6. C
10. D
7. C
11. C
12. B 8. B
13. A 9. A
14. C 10. C
15. B 11. C
16. COLLOID 12. B
18. COLLOID 14. Homogeneous solution
19. SOLUTION 15. amount of dissolved solute is more than the
20. SUSPENSION maximum capacity

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