Programming Suggestion and Assignment 01 For Mid Term

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Structure Programming

Programming Sugges on and Assignment: 01 for Mid-Term

1. Write a C program to print your name, date of birth, and mobile number.
2. Write a C program that accepts two integers from the user and calculates the product of
the two integers.
3. Write a C program that accepts an employee's ID, total worked hours in a month, and
the amount he received per hour. Print the ID and salary (with two decimal places) of
the employee for a particular month.
4. Write a C program to add two numbers.
5. Write a C program to Multiply two numbers.
6. Calculate the area of a triangle.
7. Suppose you have some plot. You want to cultivate some crops in those plots. Before
cultivating something, you want to know the area of those plots. Your plots are
rectangular in shape. Now write a C program to calculate the area of those plots.
8. Suppose you are working as an HR in a company. After COVID, you have to minimize
the cost of your company. Now you are laying off some employees who have odd IDs.
Now take the employee’s ID and print his status.
(If he is in the company then print okay otherwise not okay)
9. Suppose you are in a shop. You bought some goods for your home. Now the problem
is you need to pay cash but the shopkeeper doesn’t have any retail money. So, you have
to pay him the exact amount of money. Now write a C program to calculate how many
notes you need to give him to pay the bill.
You have spent 3740 Taka
The note you need to give:
1 thousand taka: 3
5 hundred taka: 1
1 hundred taka: 2
10 taka: 4
Note: You have 1000,500,100,50,20,10,5, and 2 taka’s Note
10. Suppose you are working as an exam controller. Now you need to make a system that
converts your mark into a grade. Take a mark as an input.
Then show the grade.
a. if mark>=80 ------> A+
b. if mark>=75 ------> A
c. if mark>=70 ------> A-
d. if mark>=65 ------> B+
e. if mark>=60 ------> B
f. if mark>=50 ------> C+
g. if mark>=40 ------> D
h. if mark<40 ------> F
11. Calculate the area of a circle
12. Calculate whether a year is a leap year or not
13. Find the largest and smallest number among 3 numbers.
14. Find the summation of this series 1+2+3+4+5+.......+N
15. Find the summation of this series 100+96+92+.......+1
16. Calculate the summation of those numbers which are divided by 3 and 5(1-1000)
17. Calculate the sum of even and odd numbers in a range.

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