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San Mateo Municipal College

General Luna St., Guitnangbayan I, San Mateo, Rizal


I. Directions: Multiple Choice: Read and answer the questions honestly. Encircle the best answer for
each question.

1. These are the salient features of curriculum EXCEPT:

A. Universal kindergarten B. Spiral progression

C. New normal D. Gearing up for the future

2. The teacher chooses topics or questions, and students designed the product or solution.

A. Structured inquiry B. Controlled inquiry

C. Guided inquiry D. Free inquiry

3. The teacher chooses topics and identifies the resources that the students will use to answer questions.

A. Structured inquiry B. Controlled inquiry

C. Guided inquiry D. Free inquiry

4. _____ is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store, create, share or
exchange of information.

C. WWW D. Internet

5. The following are some of the benefits of problem- based learning EXCEPT.

A. Promotes self directed learning B. Promotes self confidence and motivation

C. Increases students responsibility in learning D.It creates some anxiety because learning is messier.

6. The following are some of the benefits of the features of scaffold knowledge integration EXCEPT.

A. Makes thinking visible

B. Encourages listening to others design, discussion and highlights cultural norms
C. Helps students learn from others
D. Integrates basic discipline of all subjects.

7. Teachers play a very important role in the facilitation of student learning. This is being done through
the following EXCEPT?

A. Addressing B. Designing
C. Implementing D. Evaluating

8. One of the Salient Features of the curriculum through integration of technologies for teaching and
learning helps the students to retain their Ethnic identity, culture, heritage, and values. Which among this
Salient Features being referred to?

A. Strengthening Early childhood Education ( Universal Kindergarten)

B. Making the Curriculum Relevant to Learners ( Contextualization and Enhancement)
C. Building Proficiency ( Mother- tongue Based Multilingual Education)
D. Nurturing the Holistically Developed Filipino ( College and Livelihood Readiness, 21st century skills)

9. According to Avsec and Kocijncic (2016), teachers should consider the following when designing an
Inquiry- Based Learning EXCEPT?
A. Prior knowledge and capacity B. Context- Learners require meaning from experience
C. Process D. Objectives

10. One of the tips shared by Brigg (2014) regarding making learning engaging and personally relevant,
as cited by Willis, Faeth, and Immordino Yang, is: _____.

A. Build relatedness B. Foster autonomy

C. Emphasize competence D. Provide choice

11. In the_____phase of 4A's lesson plan, teachers focus entirely on the lesson, reinforcing students’
existing knowledge while guiding them toward a deeper understanding.

A. Activity B. Analysis
C. Abstraction D. Application

12. In 4A's lesson plan, the learning objective states what a student will learn by the end of a lesson or
module. It should include a measurable verb like the ____ domain, which includes objectives relating to
interests, attitudes, and values related to learning the information.

A. Affective B. Cognitive
C. Psychomotor D. None of the above

13. He proposes, reinforces, supplements, and improves skills. Who is the educator and established those
ideas and fundamentals for combining ICT into learning?

A. Margaret Lloyd (2005) B. John Pisapia (1994)

C. Bernard Bahati (2010) D. UNESCO (2005)

14. The incorporation of ICT can occur within three areas: curriculum, topic, and lesson. Who is the
pioneer and developed the concepts and fundamentals for combining ICT into instructions?

A. Joh Pisapia (1994) B. Margaret Lloyd (2005)

C. Bernard Bahati (2010) D. Qiyun Wang and Huay Lit Woo (2007)

15. What does inquiry mean? EXCEPT.

A. Asking a question B. It is a request for information.

C. A systematic investigation D. Asking for attention and follow up

16. Briggs (2014) shared a few tips for making learning engaging and personally relevant as cited by
Willis, Faeth, and Immordino Yang. EXCEPT?

A. Use suspense and keep it fresh. B. Connect it to their lives and to what they do not yet know.
C. Make it student-directed. D. Provide utility value.

17. It is learning basic concepts that lead to a more complex and sophisticated version of the general
concepts entails TPACK: Technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and content knowledge.

A. Universal Kindergarten B. Contextualization and Enhancement

C. Mother-tongue Based Multilingual Education D. Spiral Porgression

18. An educator who mentioned integrating technology with teaching means the use of learning
technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills.

A. John Pisapia (1994) B. Margaret Lloyd (2005)

C. Bernard Bahati (2010) D. Tialo (2009)
19. In the 21st century classrooms, the three components are needed in an ICT- based learning
environment such as pedagogy, social interaction, and technology. Who proposed this component?

A. Moursund (2005) B. UNESCO (2020)

C. Ratheeswari (2018) D. Wang (2008)

20. _______ is a learning theory that describes a movement toward integrated lessons helping students
make connections across curricula; making connections with a major, between curriculum, co-curriculum,
or between academic knowledge and practice.

A. Integrative approach B. Thematic teaching and learning by design

C. Content based instruction (CBC) D. Scafold-knowledge integration

21. ________and the Practical inquiry model/ demonstrates an Activity or a process of a given

A. Knowledge-based community building model B. Experiment

C. Cyclic inquiry model D. Inquiry-based approach

22. The following are the suggested assessment of cyclic inquiry model and practical inquiry model,

A. Formal and informal observations B. Discussions/conferences

C. Task done in groups D. Standardized tests, quizzes and homework/assignments

23. Below are the features of Content Based Instruction (CBI). EXCEPT

A. Themes-Text-Topics- Threads-Tasks-Transitions
B. Tasks- Transitions- Terms- Threads- Themes- Topics
C. Threads- Time- Themes- Topics- Transitions- Task
D. Themes-Text-Topics- Threads-Tasks-Technology

24. A type of Collaborative Approach that prepares learners to be responsible individuals in a

technologically advanced society.

A. Jigsaw Method B. Think-Pair-Share

C. Peer Teaching D. Online Collaborative

25. According to Sara Bernard (2010), what is crucial for students to value their curriculum?

A. Memorization of facts and figures

B. Emotional engagement and personal connection
C. Strict adherence to standardized testing
D. Distance from real-life application

II. Directions: True or False: Read and answer the questions honestly. Encircle the best answer for each

26. Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning.

A. True B. False

27. In structured inquiry students are allowed to choose their own topics without any reference to a
prescribed outcome.

A. True B. False

28. Ali (2019) described PBL as a process that is used to identify problems with a scenario to increase
knowledge and understanding.
A. True B. False
29. One of the benefits of problem based learning is that it promotes self-confidence and motivation.

A. True B. False

30. The internet or the World Wide Web offers lots of platforms for mining information. It has become
the most sought out source of information because of the variety of tools that abound. Language is no
longer a barrier in one’s search for information.

A. True B. False

31. The only approach for lesson planning is the 4As Approach.

A. True B. False

32. When using PBL or (Problem-based learning), the learning competencies are not the the primary
consideration together with the content and performance standards before the technology integration.

A. True B. False

33. Problem -Based Learning is an approach that involves a process of inquiry and solving open -ended
questions that served as the main problem that learners will work on.

A. True B. False

34. In the process of engaging Problem- Based Learning, the learners will able to learn several skills such
as problem- solving, communicating, and research which are essential in the workplace.

A. True B. False

35. Project- Based Learning is an approach but has evolved as inquiry method that engages in a series of
planned tasks resulting to the generation of solutions to real- world problems.

A. True B. False

36. Inquiry - Based Learning is an approach involves tasks requiring learner’s active participation in
finding answers to simple questions.

A. True B. False

37. Reflective approach involves only educators critically examining their experiences, learning
processes, and outcomes, excluding students from the process.

A. True B. False

38. In the 4th practice event of the teaching and learning framework, learners participate in hands-on
activities such as field trips and role-plays, and they receive feedback on their performance to improve
their learning outcomes.

A. True B. False

39. In the constructivist approach, learners are subtly discouraged from actively participating in the
process of constructing meaning and knowledge, contrary to the conventional understanding.

A. True B. False

40. In crafting the daily lesson plan, the 4A format typically includes Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and

A. True B. False

41. Inquiry-Based Learning is a teaching method that can develop learners, critical thinking skills,
communication skills, and collaboration skills.

A. True B. False
42. Humans are intrinsically technological or tool-using beings.

A. True B. False

43. In this modern world, technology keeps going to transform and change. We need to collaborate with
other colleagues and students to determine what tools are useful for learning and teaching.

A. True B. False

44. Integrating technology in teaching is the best approach that can capture the attention of learners.

A. True B. False

45. Before the pandemic, teachers in public and private elementary and secondary schools had been using
the 4As format in crafting their Daily Lesson Plan (DLL) or Daily Lesson Plan (DLP). This format entails
Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application.

A. True B. False

46. Guided Inquiry is an approach essentially involves tasks requiring learner’s active participation in
finding answers to curricular questions. The questions can run from very specific simple questions to
more complex questions in relation to the curriculum.

A. True B. False

47. Lo (2009, p. 208) proposed a six-stage process used in the adoption of the online Problem-based
learning. One of stages that he sited is the Collecting and analyzing the information wherein it generate
ideas; tackle the problem though self-directed questioning; arouse students intrinsic motivation.

A. True B. False

48. The AICDR is a suggested activity of Knowledge- Build Community Model.

A. True B. False

49. Encourages listening to others, designs discussion, and highlights cultural norms is one of the scafold-
knowledge integration features.

A. True B. False

50. The practical inquiry model is used to engage learners of all ages to learn by exploration and

A. True B. False

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