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Consumer’s Level of Awareness on Jollibee Foods Corp.

Corporate Social
Responsibility and their buying behavior towards a Strategic Corporate
Social Responsibility in Lipa City

Chapter I

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept in which corporations

integrate social and environmental concerns into their business operations and
interactions with the stakeholders. It has become an important aspect of
business strategy, as consumers increasingly value companies that are socially
One company that has been lauded for its CSR initiatives is Jollibee Food
Corporation, a fast-food chain that is beloved by many Filipinos. Jollibee has
committed to several CSR initiatives, such as promoting sustainable sourcing of
ingredients, supporting local farmers, and providing scholarships to
underprivileged students.
However, despite Jollibee’s efforts to promote CSR, the level of
awareness among consumers in Lipa City remains unclear. This study aims to
investigate consumers’ awareness of Jollibee CSR initiatives and how it affects
their buying behavior.

In an increasingly interconnected world, the concept of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) has gained prominence as stakeholders demand greater
accountability and ethical practices from corporations. Companies are expected
to go beyond their core business activities and take responsibility for their impact
on society and the environment. One such company that has embraced CSR as
a key component of its business strategy is Jollibee Food Corporation, a leading
fast-food chain in the Philippines with a global presence.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an integral part of

business operations in today’s globalized world, with companies increasingly
expected to consider their social and environmental impact. Jollibee Food
Corporation, a prominent fast-food chain in the Philippines, has taken steps to
integrate CSR into its business strategy, aiming to create a positive impact on
society and the environment. However, the extent to which consumers in Lipa
City, a City in Batangas province and a key market for Jollibee are aware of the
company’s CSR initiatives and how this awareness influences their buying
behavior remains a gap in current research.
On a global scale, companies are recognizing the importance of CSR in
building brand loyalty, attracting socially-conscious consumers, and contributing
to sustainable development. However, the effectiveness of CSR initiatives can
vary at the local level, where consumer expectations and perceptions may differ.
Understanding how consumers in Lipa City perceive Jollibee's CSR efforts and

the extent to which this awareness influences their purchasing decisions is

crucial for both the company and the local community.

This study aims to address this research gap by examining the level of
awareness among consumers in Lipa City regarding Jollibee Food Corporation's
CSR initiatives and how this awareness impacts their buying behavior. By
focusing on a strategic CSR framework that links Jollibee's CSR activities to
consumer behavior, this research seeks to provide insights into the role of CSR
in shaping consumer preferences and choices at the local level.

By exploring the research problem from a global perspective down to the

local context of Lipa City, this study aims to contribute to the existing literature on
CSR and consumer behavior, offering practical implications for businesses,
policymakers, and other stakeholders in the region. Through a nuanced
understanding of the relationship between CSR awareness and consumer
behavior, this research seeks to inform strategic decision-making and contribute
to the promotion of sustainable business practices in Lipa City and beyond.
Background of the Study
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly
important aspect of business operations, as companies are expected to not only
focus on profit maximization but also on ethical, environmental, and social
concerns. In the context of Lipa City, Batangas, a growing urban center in the
Philippines, the concept of CSR is gaining prominence as consumers are
becoming more socially conscious and aware of the impact of their purchasing
decisions on society and the environment.
Jollibee Food Corporation, one of the leading fast-food chains in the
Philippines, has been actively involved in CSR initiatives aimed at giving back to
the community, promoting environmental sustainability, and upholding ethical
business practices. Despite these efforts, there is a need to assess the level of
awareness and understanding of consumers in Lipa City regarding Jollibee's
CSR initiatives and how these initiatives influence their buying behavior.
The current scenario in Lipa City reflects a changing consumer landscape, with
more individuals expressing interest in supporting companies that demonstrate a
commitment to social responsibility. Understanding the factors that influence
consumers' buying behavior towards companies with strategic CSR initiatives,
such as Jollibee, can provide valuable insights for both the company and
policymakers in developing sustainable business practices that align with
consumer preferences.
The rationale behind conducting this study lies in the importance of
understanding the relationship between consumers' awareness of CSR initiatives
and their buying behavior towards companies like Jollibee in Lipa City. By
exploring this relationship, the study aims to contribute to the existing literature
on CSR and consumer behavior, particularly in the context of a local setting.
Furthermore, as companies increasingly focus on CSR as a strategic business
imperative, it is essential to assess the effectiveness of these initiatives in
influencing consumer perceptions and preferences. Through this study, valuable

insights can be gained on how companies can leverage their CSR efforts to
improve brand reputation, enhance customer loyalty, and drive sustainable
business growth in the long run.
Overall, the study is significant as it sheds light on the evolving dynamics
between CSR and consumer behavior in a specific locality like Lipa City,
providing practical implications for companies, policymakers, and other
stakeholders in promoting responsible business practices that benefit both
society and the environment.
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to identify the relationship of consumer’s awareness of
Jollibee Foods Corporation’s (JFC) Corporate Social Responsibility Programs
and their buying behavior of their consumers in Lipa City.
1. What is the demographic profile of consumers in terms of:
1.1. Age
1.2. Gender
1.3. Educational Attainment
1.4. Employment status
2. How do consumers be assessed with the Jollibee Food Corp. CSR program
with regard to:
2.1. Education
2.2. Environment
2.3. Housing and Community Development; and
2.4. Other CSR Program
3. Do the awareness of consumers significantly affects the buying behavior of
consumers in Jollibee Food Corp.
4. What plan of action will be proposed to solve the problem

5. Based on the study what would be the cause of action and assessing the
level of Awareness on Jollibee Food Corp. CSR programs and their buying
behavior towards a strategic corporate social responsibility

Theoretical Framework
Figure 1 shows the study where the first box shows the socio-demographic
profile of the respondents, the second box contains CSR Awareness and
Effectiveness, which will both relate independently to consumer buying behavior.
The socio-demographic profile of the respondents was determined, particularly
age, gender, educational attainment, and employment status. The information
gathered was processed and related to the consumer buying behavior.
The JFC CSR Programs are treated as motivating mechanisms in this research.
At this point, the implementation of these CSR programs was being used by
consumers to present and support the Attribution Theory of Weiner. The
consumers were assessed through JFC’s CSR programs, which may or may not
cause a change in their buying behavior.
These CSR programs are clustered into four themes pre-determined by Jollibee
Foods Corporation namely, Education, Environment, Housing and Community

Development, and Other CSR programs. These themes have three programs
under them, which Jollibee has been doing over the past five years.

The level of awareness on Jollibee Foods Corporation’s CSR programs in terms

of Education, Environment, Housing and Community Development, and other
CSR Programs will be identified. Awareness of the consumers on these CSR
programs under these CSR themes shall be ranked and identify which of the
CSR programs the consumers are most aware of. These factors were processed
and be related to consumer buying behavior. These are the intervening variable
to determine the consumers’ buying behavior. The buying behavior of consumers
in relation to CSR programs and towards JFC as an organization shall be

The meaningful contract between the businesses and the society is getting more
significant. The organizations were more concerned with the society they belong.
While realizing that aside from doing their normal operations, the organization
has a shared responsibility to the community. By the nature of operating on a
certain locality, businesses exhaust resources to conduct their operations,
through the social contract, businesses give back to the company, through CSR
efforts or improvement of operation’s systems and procedures.
Conceptual Framework
This section contains your own framework or design for your own study.
You need to present your conceptual paradigm and discuss the contents of such
figure/model. The figure and discussion should contain the variables (profile and
test variables) you included in the statement of the problem and your own
assumptions regarding the relationships of such variables.
Hypothesis of the Study
The study tested the hypothesis given below:
Ho: There is no significant difference on … when grouped according to … .
(or if there are two or more hypotheses)
The study tested the following hypotheses:
Ho1: There is no significant difference on … when grouped according to … .
Ho2: There is no significant relationship between … .
Ho3: The … has no significant effect on … .

(The order of the hypotheses should be in the same order as the corresponding
research question in the statement of the problem.)
Scope and Limitations of the Study
In this section, you need to include the discussion on the following: what is
the study all about, what are the objectives of the study and what are the
variables used; why is there a need to conduct the study; who were your
respondents; when and where was the study conducted; how did you conduct
the study; and what are the perceived limitations or weaknesses of the study (the
unavoidable cases or circumstances that made the study or the results of the
study “weaker”).
Significance of the Study
Introductory statement … .
To first beneficiary (state the first and foremost beneficiary, in bold
letters), this study will … ;
To second beneficiary, this study will … ;
To third beneficiary, this study will … ;

… ; and
To future researchers, this study will … .
Definition of Terms
Introductory statement … .
First Term. (bold letters, capitalize first letter of major words in the term,
with period after the term) State the conceptual definition, one sentence only,
then at the end of sentence, before the period, indicate the reference (book,
journal article and other reliable source; do not use thesis, dictionary and
unreliable web article as reference), in APA style author-year format (Author,
year). State a one-sentence operational definition, usually starting with “In this
Second Term. Conceptual definition (Author, year). In this study, … .
Third Term. Conceptual definition (Author, year). In this study, … .

Last Term. Conceptual definition (Author, year). In this study, … .

Note: The terms should be arranged alphabetically. Only important terms should
be defined here, usually, but not limited to, the terms included in the title and in
the main research question or statement of the problem.
Chapter II

This chapter deals with the review of related concepts and studies found
in previous literature. It also presents a synthesis of reviewed research literature.
(Or any similar introduction of the chapter)
Conceptual Literature
Provide an introductory statement for this section. Then present a review
of conceptual literature related to your present study in topical approach and in
an order starting with the general topic then the specific topics, particularly the
variables used (test variables) in the same order as in the statement of the
problem. Provide at least five literature reviews for each topic and use more
recent literature (i.e., not older than 10 years). Old literature or references may
still be allowed for conceptual literature depending on the level of its importance
or significance to the present study or if no recent literature is available.
Conceptual literature include books, other reliable general references,
government laws and issuances, and articles published in research journals
(provided that in case of articles only concepts and theories should be included in
the review of conceptual literature and the empirical findings or results of study
are to be included in the review of research literature). For conceptual literature
review, it is not necessary that one paragraph has only one reference.
General Topic
Present here the review of concepts and theories related to your general
topic. Do not just copy the literature. You need to rephrase or paraphrase the
literature you read but still properly cite the reference using APA Style 6th edition.
Variable One (the order is according to Statement of the Problem)
Present here the review of concepts and theories related to your first
Variable Two
Present here the review of concepts and theories related to your second
Until the Last Variable
Present here the review of concepts and theories related to your last
Research Literature
Present here the review of related studies or researches at one-study-one-
paragraph approach (except in few cases where more than one paragraph per
study may be allowed, provided that citation is clearly stated per paragraph). The
presentation should be from the most-related down to the least-related study.
Research literature include theses, dissertations, case studies, feasibility studies,
capstone projects and the like from local and foreign higher education
institutions, and research articles published in refereed journals, whether in print
or electronic (provided that, in case of published articles, the methodology and
empirical findings or results of study, and not merely the concepts or theories,
shall be presented here). At least 10 related researches should be reviewed and
presented here. Do not include degree-requirement researches (theses,

dissertations and the like) that are older than 10 years. Published articles in
refereed journals older than 10 years are still acceptable depending upon its
importance or significance to the present study but student-researchers are
highly encouraged to look for and use more recent articles.
Each review of related research shall include the following (whenever
available in the research reviewed and useful for the present study): main topic
and objectives of the study with the variables used, research design and data
gathering instrument used, sampling design and respondents of the study, and
salient findings or results of the study. The title of thesis or research article
should not be mentioned as is but the topic of the research reviewed has to be
clearly stated. For example, instead of stating: The study of Castillo (2014)
entitled “Employability Skills of Graduating Business and Accounting Students of
Batangas State University” …; you may write: Castillo (2014) assessed the
employability skills of graduating business and accounting students of Batangas
State University … (or any similar sentence not mentioning the title as is).
Present a synthesis of reviewed researches, that is, combining two or
more generally related studies in one paragraph and discuss their similarities and
differences to your present study. The synthesis should include all the
researches reviewed and usually presented in not more than two pages, usually
2 to 4 paragraphs. In mentioning the references, the author-year format (APA
Style 6th edition) should still be used.
Be reminded further that the author may not necessarily be a person or
persons; it may also be an organization or an institution. Regarding citation of
references with multiple authors, similar authors, similar surnames of authors, no
author, no date or year, same authors with the same year, online references, and
other queries on citation and referencing, refer to the rules on APA Style 6 th
Chapter III

This chapter deals with the research methods used in the study. It
includes discussion on research design, respondents of the study including
sampling, data gathering instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical
treatment of data.
(Or any similar introduction of the chapter)
Research Design
State here the research design used and provide a brief discussion
regarding such design. You may include a definition or description of the
research design from a reliable reference, usually a book on research methods
(do not use previous thesis as reference for this), and properly cite the reference
using APA Style.
This section usually consists of only two or three paragraphs. On the last
part, state a justification for the use of such design or why the design is the most
appropriate for your present study.
Respondents of the Study
Mention who are the respondents, describe their characteristics and
explain why they are the suitable respondents for your study. Include the number
of respondents and explain how you arrived at such number or how you
determined the sample size.
State the sampling design used and discuss how this was actually utilized
or conducted (there is no need to define and explain the sampling design as
found in books). If all members of the population are your respondents (or target
respondents), clearly state and explain why it was necessary to conduct a
census on the whole population instead of sampling.
Indicate which sampling technique will be employed by the researchers.
Give a brief overview of the sampling technique and then state the reason why is
the mentioned sampling was used by the researcher.
Data Gathering Instrument
State the data gathering instrument used. If the data gathering instrument
is a survey questionnaire made or constructed by you as researcher, you need to
present here the following: how the questionnaire was constructed, the content of
the questionnaire, who validated it and how it was validated, the conduct of dry
run – when, where and who were the respondents for the dry run, the reliability
analysis and its result, how it should be administered including the ethical
considerations on its administration, and the scoring to be used for the
For scoring and interpretation, the following is sample:
The scoring and interpretation used for the questionnaire is presented in
Table 1.
Table 1
Scoring and Interpretation
Response Scale Mean Score Interpretation

4 3.50 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50 – 3.49 Agree
2 1.50 – 2.49 Disagree
1 1.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree
Reminder: Do not use the term “self-constructed questionnaire”. Take note
that “the questionnaire cannot construct itself”! Instead, you may use
“researcher-made questionnaire” or simply, “survey questionnaire”.
If the questionnaire to be used is standardized, explain how you had
acquired the questionnaire including whether it is in the public domain or you
have the permission to use the questionnaire from the copyright owner (author,
publisher or both). You also need to discuss the content of the questionnaire, its
reliability, how to administer the questionnaire, and the scoring and interpretation
used by the author of the questionnaire.
Data Gathering Procedure
Discuss here the actual data gathering procedure, for example, how you
had distributed, administered and retrieved your data gathering instrument (if
using a survey questionnaire). You may start the discussion here with asking
permission from concerned authorities regarding the actual conduct of data
gathering through letters or personal visits to concerned offices. Include details
such as period (days or months) covered in the data gathering, where and how
this was conducted, who were involved, time spent by a respondent in answering
the questionnaire or in an interview, retrieval of the questionnaire and response
rate, and the like.
Do not include here your library works; this is not the data gathering that is
mentioned here. The data that need to be discussed how these were gathered
are those data that were subjected for statistical analysis. Do not also repeat the
contents of Data Gathering Instrument.
Statistical Treatment of Data
This section contains the statistical tools used corresponding to the
research questions in the statement of the problem. There is no need to define or
explain the statistical tools. There is also no need to state the formula, especially
if using statistical software. Just state the statistical tool and its particular use in
your present study.
(The following is an example.)
The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was employed in the
statistical analysis of data. The following statistical tools were used in the study:
(Sample only: See if these are applicable for your study.)
Frequency and Percentage. This was used to determine the profile … in
terms of … .
Mean. This was used to assess the … with regard to … .
Independent Samples T-Test. This was used to determine if there is
significant difference on … when grouped according to … .
Analysis of Variance. This was used to determine if there is significant
difference on … when grouped according to … .
Pearson’s Correlation. This was used to determine if there is significant
relationship between … .

A Very Important Note: Different research designs may require contents of

Chapter III that are different from those presented here.
Chapter IV

This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of

data. It contains the textual and tabular presentation of data, quantitative and
qualitative analysis of data, and interpretation of data in the light of relevant
(Or any similar introduction of the chapter)
1. Subtitle One (for example: Profile of the Respondents)
Note: The subtitles here should correspond to your statement of the
problem (SOP) but should be short and not exactly the same as in the SOP. A
brief introductory statement for each section may also be made.
For each table of data, the following should be the order of presentation or
organization: (1) introduce the table and its content, (2) present the table, (3)
analyze or discuss the main contents of the table and give your own
interpretation, and (4) explain findings in the light of relevant theories and
concepts and relate with findings of previous researches. Tables should be
numbered consecutively using Arabic numeral and continuously from Chapter I
to Chapter V. (For example: )
Table 2 presents the profile of the respondents in terms of sex.
Table 2
Distribution of Respondents by Sex
Sex Frequency Percent
Male 50 50
Female 50 50
Total 100 100

As seen in Table 2, … (present the major contents of the table, analyze

and interpret in your own words, and discuss relevant conceptual or research
literature in relation to your findings). Literature that may be mentioned here
should have been included as well in Chapter II.
Table 3 presents the profile of the respondents in terms of … .
Table 3
Distribution of Respondents by Profile Variable Name
Profile Variable Name Frequency Percent
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
and so on …
Total 100

It can be deduced from Table 3 that … (present the major contents of the
table, analyze and interpret in your own words, and discuss relevant conceptual
or research literature in relation to your findings).
2. Subtitle Two (e.g. Assessment on … short title from Statement of the
Problem No. 2, single space if subtitle will consume two lines)

Table 4 shows the assessment on _____ in terms of test variable name.

Table 4
(Sample) Assessment on _____ in terms of Test Variable Name
Test Variable Name Mean Interpretation
1. Item or statement 1
2. Item or statement 2
3. Item or statement 3
and so on …
Composite Mean

As shown in Table 4, … (present the major contents of the table, analyze

and interpret in your own words, and discuss relevant conceptual or research
literature in relation to your findings). The discussion of contents, interpretation
and literature support, usually starts with the composite mean, and then some
items or statements with higher means and then those with lower means.
Table 5 provides the overall assessment on _____.
Table 5
Overall Assessment on _____ (if applicable or necessary)
Overall Construct Name Mean Interpretation
Test Variable 1
Test Variable 2
Test Variable 3
and so on …
Overall Mean

As shown in Table 5, … (present the major contents of the table, analyze

and interpret in your own words, and discuss relevant conceptual or research
literature in relation to your findings).
3. Subtitle Three (e.g. Differences on … )
Table 6 shows the differences on ____ when grouped according to ____
(profile/grouping variable with two categories only).
Table 6
Differences on _____ When Grouped according to Profile Variable Name
(Sample only; you may have different table presentation for results of t-test)
Decision Interpretatio
Variable Variable Mean t-value p-value
on Ho n
Test Category 1
Variable 1 Category 2
Test Category 1
Variable 2 Category 2
and so Category 1
on… Category 2
Overall (if Category 1
necessary or Category 2


It was clearly shown in Table 6 that there is significant difference on ___ in

terms of ____ when grouped according to ___ as indicated by p-value of ___,
which is less than .05 level of significance. State also which group/category has
higher assessment/mean than the other. (Then, analyze and interpret in your
own words and discuss relevant conceptual or research literature in relation to
your findings. You have to do this for each variable/scale/construct with
significant difference.)
However, with a p-value of ___ which is greater than .05, there is no
significant difference on ___ in terms of ___ when grouped according to ___.
(Then, analyze and interpret in your own words and discuss relevant conceptual
or research literature in relation to your findings.)
Note that p-values should be written without “0” before the decimal,
e.g. .007 instead of 0.007. Do not also write p-value as .000, instead write it as
If you have used Mann-Whitney U-test instead of Independent Samples t-
test, the following is a sample tabular presentation of results:
Table 7
Differences on _____ When Grouped according to Profile Variable Name
Mean U- Decision Interpretatio
Variable Variable p-value
Rank statistic on Ho n
Test Category 1
Variable 1 Category 2
Test Category 1
Variable 2 Category 2
and so Category 1
on… Category 2
Overall (if Category 1
necessary/ Category 2

Table 8 shows the differences on ____ when grouped according to ____

(profile/grouping variable with more than two categories).
Table 8
Differences on _____ When Grouped according to Profile Variable Name
(Sample only; you may have different table presentation for results of ANOVA)
p- Decision Interpretatio
Variable Variable Mean F-value
value on Ho n
Test Category 1
Variable 1 Category 2
and so on
Test Category 1
Variable 2 Category 2

and so on
and so on Category 1
Category 2
and so on
Overall (if Category 1
necessary/ Category 2
and so on

As presented in Table 8, there is significant difference on ___ in terms of

____ when grouped according to ____ as indicated by p-value of ___, which is
less than .05 level of significance. You also need to state which groups have
higher assessments than other groups. (Then, analyze and interpret in your own
words and discuss relevant conceptual or research literature in relation to your
findings. You have to do this for each variable/scale/construct with significant
However, with a p-value of ___ which is greater than .05, there is no
significant difference on ___ in terms of ___ when grouped according to ___.
(Then, analyze and interpret in your own words and discuss relevant conceptual
or research literature in relation to your findings. You may combine the
discussion for all variables with no significant difference).
If you have used Kruskal-Wallis H-test instead of Analysis of Variance, the
following is a sample tabular presentation of results:

Table 9
Differences on _____ When Grouped according to Profile Variable Name
Profile Chi-
Mean p- Decision Interpretatio
Variable Variable square
Rank value on Ho n
Name value
Test Category 1
Variable 1 Category 2
and so on
Test Category 1
Variable 2 Category 2
and so on
and so on Category 1
Category 2
and so on
Overall (if Category 1
necessary/ Category 2
and so on

Further Notes:
“Cut” table (i.e. a single table in two pages) should be avoided. You may
cut discussions but not the table, except when the table does not fit in one page,

and in such a case, Table Number with the word “Continued” enclosed in
parenthesis and column headings should be repeated in the succeeding pages.
If the contents of the table are not results of your study and from another
source, indicate the source below the table.
If you use abbreviation in the table, indicate the meaning of such
abbreviation below the table.
If testing significant differences is not applicable to your study and instead
there is just a need to compare the mean responses of different groups of
respondents, then your results may be presented as follows:
4. Subtitle Four (e.g. Comparison of … )
Table 10 shows the comparison of responses of the different groups of
respondents based on _____ (profile/grouping variable).
Table 10
Comparison of Responses of Different Groups based on Profile Variable
Profile/Grouping Variable Name
Variable Category 1 Category 2 and so on
Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation
Variable 1
Variable 2
and so on
Overall (if

As seen in Table 10 … (present the results of comparison, analyze and

interpret in your own words and discuss relevant conceptual or research
literature in relation to your findings).
If the study also involves test of relationship or correlation test, the
following is a sample presentation:
5. Subtitle Five (e.g. Relationship between ____ and ____ … )
Table 11 shows the relationship between ____ and ____.
Table 11
Relationship between _____ and _____
Name of Variable 2
Pearson’s r p-value Decision on Interpretatio
Ho n
Name of
Variable 1

But if the relationship of each sub-variable of Variable 1 to Variable 2

needs to be indicated, aside from the relationship between the two variables,
then the table may be presented as:

Table 12
Relationship between _____ and _____
Name of Variable 2
Variable Pearson’s r p-value Decision on Interpretatio
Ho n
Sub-variable 1
Sub-variable 2
and so on…
Name of
Variable 1

As presented in Table 12, there is significant relationship (or there is no

significant relationship) between variable 1 and variable 2 as indicated by p-value
of ___, which is less than .05 level of significance (or greater than .05 level of
significance – if no significant relationship). Further (if there is significant
relationship), the Pearson’s r of ____ shows that the relationship is positive (or
negative), which means that …. (Then, analyze and interpret in your own words
and discuss relevant conceptual or research literature in relation to your
Present also the results of relationships between each sub-variable of
variable 1 and variable 2, with significant relationships first before those with no
significant relationships. (Then, analyze and interpret in your own words and
discuss relevant conceptual or research literature in relation to your findings. You
have to do this for each sub-variable).
If Spearman correlation was used instead of Pearson correlation, the
sample table is as follows:
Table 13
Relationship between _____ and _____
Name of Variable 2
Variable Spearman p-value Decision on Interpretatio
rho Ho n
Sub-variable 1
Sub-variable 2
and so on…
Name of
Variable 1

As presented in Table 13, there is significant relationship (or there is no

significant relationship) between variable 1 and variable 2 as indicated by p-value
of ___, which is less than .05 level of significance (or greater than .05 level of
significance – if no significant relationship). Further (if there is significant
relationship), the Pearson’s r of ____ shows that the relationship is positive (or
negative), which means that …. (Then, analyze and interpret in your own words
and discuss relevant conceptual or research literature in relation to your

Present also the results of relationships between each sub-variable of

variable 1 and variable 2, with significant relationships first before those with no
significant relationships. (Then, analyze and interpret in your own words and
discuss relevant conceptual or research literature in relation to your findings. You
have to do this for each sub-variable).
If Chi-square test was used, the sample table is as follows:

Table 14
Relationship between _____ and _____
Name of Variable 2
Variable Chi-square p-value Decision on Interpretatio
value Ho n
Sub-variable 1
Sub-variable 2
and so on…
Name of
Variable 1

As presented in Table 14, there is significant relationship (or there is no

significant relationship) between variable 1 and variable 2 as indicated by p-value
of ___, which is less than .05 level of significance (or greater than .05 level of
significance – if no significant relationship). Further (if there is significant
relationship), the Pearson’s r of ____ shows that the relationship is positive (or
negative), which means that …. (Then, analyze and interpret in your own words
and discuss relevant conceptual or research literature in relation to your
Present also the results of relationships between each sub-variable of
variable 1 and variable 2, with significant relationships first before those with no
significant relationships. (Then, analyze and interpret in your own words and
discuss relevant conceptual or research literature in relation to your findings. You
have to do this for each sub-variable).
Similar tables may be constructed if test of relationships involves more than two
variables such as the following:
Table 15
Relationship among _____
Variable 4
Variable Pearson’s r p-value Decision on Interpretatio
Ho n
Variable 1
Variable 2

Variable 3

As presented in Table 15, there is significant relationship (or there is no

significant relationship) between variable 1 and variable 2 as indicated by p-value
of ___, which is less than .05 level of significance (or greater than .05 level of
significance – if no significant relationship). Further (if there is significant
relationship), the Pearson’s r of ____ shows that the relationship is positive (or
negative), which means that …. (Then, analyze and interpret in your own words
and discuss relevant conceptual or research literature in relation to your
Present also the results of relationships between each sub-variable of
variable 1 and variable 2, with significant relationships first before those with no
significant relationships. (Then, analyze and interpret in your own words and
discuss relevant conceptual or research literature in relation to your findings. You
have to do this for each sub-variable).
Table 16
Relationship among _____

Variable 3 Variable 4
r p Dec. Int. r p Dec. Int.
Variable 1
Variable 2

If the study also needs to test the effect, impact, influence and the like, the
following is a sample presentation:
6. Subtitle Six (e.g. Effect of ____ on ____ … )
Table 17 shows the results of bivariate regression analysis on the effect of
____ on ____.
Table 17
Effect of _____ on _____

Variable B Std. t- p- Decision Interpretatio

Error value value on Ho n
Model Summary: R = ______; R2 = _______
Regression Model: F = ______; p = _______
Or if you have more than one independent variable or you want to
consider the sub-variables as independent variables, then it may be presented as
Table 18 shows the results of multiple regression analysis on the effect of
____ on ____.
Table 18
Effect of _____ on _____

Variable B Std. t- p- Decision Interpretation

Error value value on Ho
Variable 1
Variable 2
Variable 3
Variable 4
Variable 5
and so on …
Model Summary: R = ______; R2 = _______
Regression Model: F = ______; p = _______
Present the results by giving the statistical interpretation of the values.
Then analyze and interpret in your own words and discuss relevant conceptual or
research literature in relation to your findings.
You may also present and interpret the regression equation.
7. Subtitle Seven (e.g. Proposed Strategies on … )
Present the rationale for the proposed output.
Table 19 shows the proposed strategies on … .
Table 19
Proposed Strategies on ____
(Sample only)
Area of Findings Proposed Objective Persons Expected
Concern Strategies s Involved Outcome
with lowest
mean (or
upon the

Table 19 (Continued)

Area of Findings Proposed Objective Persons Expected

Concern Strategies s Involved Outcome
Chapter V

This chapter presents the summary of objectives and methodology, the

salient findings, the conclusions drawn from the findings, and the
(Or any similar introduction of the chapter)
This section usually consists of two paragraphs in not more than two
pages. In the first paragraph, briefly restate the general and specific objectives of
the study or the statement of the problem (SOP) in declarative-paragraph form.
The hypotheses or hypothesis, if any, of the study may be mentioned also.
In the second paragraph, present a summary of the methodology that
should include the resign design, the data gathering instrument and its validation
and reliability test result, the respondents of the study and sampling design, a
brief account on how the data were gathered including the research environment
(if applicable) that may have affected the data gathering or its results, and the
statistical tools used.
There should be a one-to-one correspondence between the findings and
the objectives of the study. In other words, for each specific objective stated in
the SOP, you should state here the findings that serve as answers to the
research questions and in the same order as the SOP. Findings should be listed
by number and usually summarized in one paragraph. Presentation of findings
includes numbers or figures such as percents, means, p-values and the like. No
inference and no interpretation should be made here. Findings are just stated,
not explained nor elaborated, and should be stated as concisely as possible. Do
not also introduce new data or do not include data that were not part of Chapter
Specifically, for findings for each profile variable: only the highest and
lowest frequency and percentage should be presented. For results of mean
assessment for each variable: present the composite mean and then the item
with highest mean and item with lowest mean. For results of test of significant
difference, relationship or effect: summarized the significant differences,
relationship or effects and then those with no significant difference, relationship
or effect. For findings regarding comparison of mean scores or responses:
present those with different responses and then those with similar responses. For
the output: give a brief description of the proposed output.
There should also be a one-to-one correspondence between conclusions
and findings. Conclusions are inferences and generalizations that should be
drawn directly from the findings and recapitulate the answers to the research
questions or objectives. These should be logical, valid and precise and no
indirect conclusion should be made. Conclusions are also listed by number, each
of which usually consists of only one sentence and without any statistical figure.
Specifically, for conclusion on profile: state the characteristics of the

majority (if more than 50%) or most (if the highest but less than 50%) of the
respondents. For conclusion on mean assessment: state the interpretation of the
composite means of each variable. For conclusion on significant difference,
relationship or effect: state a summary of significant difference, relationship or
effect and the non-significant difference, relationship or effect. For conclusion on
comparison of responses: state a summary of different and of similar responses.
For conclusion on output: state the importance or substance of the proposed
Recommendations should be based on findings and conclusions.
Recommendations are appeals to concerned individuals, institutions or
organizations to solve or help solve the problems discovered in the study, to
enhance or improve a procedure or system, to continue or sustain a good
practice or system, and the like. However, no recommendation that is not directly
related to the study should be made. Recommendations should also be practical
and attainable; it is useless to recommend the impossible.
Recommendations are suggestions and not requirements; thus, words
that are compelling or obliging should not be used. These are also listed by
number and each is stated in only one sentence. A recommendation for further or
future related study should also be included and placed in the last number.


A. Books

Surname, F. M. (year). Title of Book in Italic. Place (city only) of Publication:

Name of Publisher.

Surname, F. M. (year). Title of Book in Italic. Place (city only) of Publication:

Name of Publisher. Retrieved from URL

Surname1, F. M. & Surname2, F. M. (year). Title of Book in Italic. Place (city

only) of Publication: Name of Publisher.

Surname1, F. M., Surname2, F. M. & Surname3, F. M. (year). Title of Book in

Italic. Place (city only) of Publication: Name of Publisher.

Surname1, F. M., Surname2, F. M., Surname3, F. M., Surname4, F. M.,

Surname5, F. M., Surname6, F. M., & Surname7, F. M. (year). Title of
Book in Italic. Place (city only) of Publication: Name of Publisher.

Surname1, F. M., Surname2, F. M., Surname3, F. M., Surname4, F. M.,

Surname5, F. M., Surname6, F. M., … Surname Last Author, F. M. (year).
Title of Book in Italic. Place (city only) of Publication: Name of Publisher.

B. Journals

Surname, F. M. (year). Title of Article in a Research Journal. Name of Journal in

Italic, Volume Number (Issue Number.), page number-page number.

Surname, F. M. (year). Title of Article in a Research Journal. Name of Journal in

Italic, Volume Number (Issue Number.), page number-page number. DOI:

Surname, F. M. (year). Title of Article in a Research Journal. Name of Journal in

Italic, Volume Number (Issue Number.), page number-page number.
Retrieved from URL

C. Theses and Dissertations

Surname1, F. M., Surname2, F. M. & Surname3, F. M. (year). Title of Thesis or

Dissertation in Italic. Name of College or University, Location (city only).

Surname1, F. M., Surname2, F. M. & Surname3, F. M. (year). Title of Thesis or

Dissertation in Italic. Name of College or University, Location (city only).
Retrieved from URL

D. Electronic References

Surname, F. M. (year). Title of Web Article. Retrieved from URL

Name of Organization as Author. (year). Title of Web Article. Retrieved from URL

E. Other References

Name of Agency. (year). Memorandum Order or Issuance No. ___, Title of Order
or Issuance.

Republic Act No. ___, (year). Title of the Act.

Surname, F. M. (year, month day). Title of Article. Name of Newspaper or

Magazine. p. page number.

Surname, F. M. (year, month day). Title of Article. Name of Newspaper or

Magazine. Retrieved from URL

Title of Article. (year, month day). Name of Newspaper or Magazine. Retrieved

from URL

The references should be alphabetized separately for each section. Authors may
not only be particular persons but may also be organizations.

Please see APA Style 6th edition for detailed instructions on listing the references
and some samples.

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