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EADI sky and ground display is provided by

a) synthetic TV signals
b) raster scan
c) stroke pulse

2. HSI heading is valid if the heading flag is

a) in view
b) green
c) out of view

3. The command bars on an ADI relate to

a) path required
b) path being followed
c) roll indications

4. Typical displays on an EHSI are

a) VOR, Map, Plan and weather radar
b) VOR, Plan, Map and Attitude
c) Engine indications

5. An EADI display showing a moving runway moves down during the final stages of an approach.
The aircraft must
a) fly up
b) fly down
c) hold descent path

6. During an instrument approach, the glideslope pointer deflects below the glideslope centre mark.
This means the aircraft is positioned
a) above the glideslope
b) below the glideslope
c) to the left of the localiser

7. The rising runway is positioned from information derived from

a) barometric height
b) vertical speed
c) radio altimeter

8. Flight director command bars are moved to the correct position by

a) position feedback
b) amplifier gain
c) calibration

9. What is the fixed feature of an ADI?

a) The glideslope pointer
b) The lateral deviation bar
c) The aircraft symbol

10. on an EADI, the Flight Director command bars show

a) the actual path with respect to the required path
b) the required path with respect to the actual path
c) the path with respect to the horizon

11. What instrument includes a display of a rising runway?


12. EADI sky and ground display is provided by

a) synthetic TV signals
b) raster scan
c) stroke pulse

13. If an EFIS has 3 symbol generators, what is the purpose of the 3rd symbol generator?
a) Comparison with No.1 symbol generator
b) Standby
c) Parity function

14. The control of the speed or rate that the flight director command bars move can be controlled by
a) position feedback
b) rate or velocity feedback
c) amplifier gain

15. The third EFIS Symbol Generator is operated

a) with EICAS
b) in an emergency
c) as a standby to the No1 and No2 system

16. What functions are available on the EHSI?

a) Full arc and Wx only
b) Full arc, Wx and Map Mode
c) Full Arc only

17. EFIS displays of the right hand and left hand displays are compared by comparators in the
a) FMS
c) Symbol Generators

18. When is a radio altimeter active?

a) Up to 10,000 ft
b) Up to 2,500 ft
c) Up to 100 ft

19. An EADI display of flight director commands are coloured

a) cyan
b) red
c) magenta

20. EFlS systems have two control panels, their purpose is

a) to provide display control by one control panel whilst the other provides a standby
b) one for the EADI display and one for the EHSI display
c) one to control the type of EFlS display and the other to select the source of the information being

21. The left and right cockpit displays

a) are supplied from separate Symbol Generators at all times
b) are supplied from the same Symbol Generator
c) will only be supplied from the same symbol generator when all other symbol generators have

22. What are the outputs from digital clocks used for?
a) VOR, ILS and DME
b) Flight data acquisition unit, Flight management computer and Voice recorder
c) Weather radar, TCAS and ACARS

23. What would you expect to see displayed on an EADI display?

a) Flight director command bars, slip indicator, rate to altitude & autoland
b) Compass heading, selected heading and VOR
c) Course information, weather radar, way point alert and bearing pointers

24. An EFIS ADI display will show along with pitch and roll
a) flight director bars, autoland, compass rose, altitude
b) flight director bars, autoland, altitude, range to altitude, decision height
c) decision height, autoland, rad alt, altitude

25. If on a flight deck EFIS system all the displays were missing one bit of information this is most
likely to be
a) the symbol generator and display
b) the input sensor bus and display controller
c) the display controller and symbol generator

26. In an EFIS display, the lines, Scales, Indicator and Synoptic are generated by
a) synoptic scan
b) stroke scan
c) raster scan

27. In modern aircraft, the output from the clock is used

a) to synchronise the signals on the control bus
b) give GMT details to the flight recorder and other systems
c) to provide a clock pulse for CRT

28. within an EFIS display system, all displays have 1 bit of information missing. What would be the
most probable cause?
a) Symbol generator and sensor input
b) Display controller and sensor input bus
c) Display controller and symbol generator

29. If the glideslope pointer is below the centre mark the aircraft is
a) on the glideslope
b) below the glideslope
c) above the glideslope

30. On an EFIS system the weather radar is displayed on

a) the EADI
b) the EHSI
c) the FMC CDU

31. If one EICAS CRT fails

a) the remaining CRT will display primary EICAS data
b) the FMS CDU will display the failed CRT data
c) the standby CRT will automatically take over

32. EADI displays

a) pitch and roll attitudes
b) heading and weather radar
c) pitch, roll and waypoints

33. on an EHSI in weather radar mode, a severe storm would be shown as

a) orange areas with black or yellow surrounds
b) red areas with black surrounds
c) blue areas with white background

34. Variations in light on EFIS displays are compensated for by

a) integrated light dependant resistors in the display compensating for each display individual
b) An external light dependant resistor mounted on the flight deck compensating for all displays
in a parallel-parallel format
c) manual adjustment by flight crew on EFIS controller

35. The self test function on an EFIS system can be tested

a) in the air only
b) on the ground only
c) in the air and on the ground

36. Each of the symbol generator outputs in an EFIS system can be

a) displayed of each individual display
b) only no. 2 can be displayed on the no.1
c) can not be interchanged

37. During flight (non fault conditions) the EICAS system displays on the lower CRT
a) secondary engine parameters
b) synoptic display
c) flight phase page

38. Modern aircraft with electronic displays would display information on airframe and engine on
which system?
a) Flight management system
b) Electronic centralised aircraft monitoring system (ECAM)

39. Radio altitude is displayed on a EFIS system

a) on the Electronic horizontal situation indicator
b) on the electronic artificial direction indicator
c) on the RMI

40. EADI pointers, dials and engine data is produced using

a) stroke
b) raster
c) electromagnetic waves

41. a EFIS system ADI displays pitch, roll

a) autoland, altitude, compass rose and flight director bars
b) autoland, decision height, range to altitude and flight director bars and slip indicator
c) autoland, rad alt, decision height and slip indicator

42. During normal functioning of an ECAM system the engine data shown on the Engine/Warning
display comes from the
a) EFIS channel of DMC3
b) ECAM channel of DMC1
c) ECAM channel of DMC3

43. in the EICAS system, when is the maintenance mode available?

a) On the upper and lower screens - only available on the ground
b) Lower screen only - only available on the ground
c) In flight

45. How is the symbol generator detecting the program error

a) looking at the odd parity without error
b) looking at the even parity without error
c) check sum bites for error detect

46. Where is the rising runway?

c) CRTs in the passenger cabin

47. An electronic flight instrument display consists of;

a) ADC, Altimeter, VSI and ASI
b) Mode control panel, Raster and Stroke generator display, microprocessor and Data inputs
c) ADI, HSI and Symbol generator

48. An aircraft on an ILS approach is below the glideslope centre line, the glideslope pointer is
a) above the centre line
b) below the centre line
c) level with the datum

49. EHSI information displayed, is invalid in the pre-set heading mode when
a) flags out of view
b) flag green
c) flag in view

50. EICAS provides the following

a) engine parameters only
b) engine parameters and system warnings only
c) engine parameters and engine warnings only

51. Engine parameters are displayed on


52. Engine parameters are displayed on

c) CDU

1 B 11 A 21 C 31 A 41 C 51 A
2 C 12 B 22 B 32 A 42 B 52 A
3 A 13 B 23 A 33 B 43 B 53
4 A 14 B 24 C 34 A 44 A 54
5 B 15 C 25 B 35 B 45 A 55
6 A 16 B 26 B 36 A 46 A 56
7 C 17 C 27 B 37 A 47 B 57
8 A 18 B 28 B 38 B 48 A 58
9 C 19 C 29 C 39 B 49 C 59
10 B 20 C 30 B 40 A 50 B 60

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