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“Flipkart Reviews Sentiment Analysis”

Submitted to
KIIT Deemed to be University

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of



Shafayet Ahmad Kanon 20051755

Md. Mehidi Hasan Bhuiyan 20051732
Md. Roman Talukdar 20051734
Nymur Khan Tonmoy 20051815


Dr. Murari Mandal


May 2020
“Flipkart Reviews Sentiment Analysis”

Submitted to
KIIT Deemed to be University
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of


Shafayet Ahmad Kanon 20051755

Md. Mehidi Hasan 20051732
Bhuiyan 20051734
Md. Roman Talukdar 20051815
Nymur Khan Tonmoy


Dr. Murari Mandal


May 2022
KIIT Deemed to be University
School of Computer Engineering
Bhubaneswar, ODISHA 751024

This is certify that the project entitled
“Flipkart Reviews Sentiment Analysis“
submitted by

Shafayet Ahmad 20051755

Kanon Md. Mehidi 20051732
Hasan Bhuiyan
Md. Roman Talukdar 20051734
Nymur Khan Tonmoy 20051815

is a record of bonafide work carried out by them, in the partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Sci-
ence & Engineering OR Information Technology) at KIIT Deemed to be university,
Bhubaneswar. This work is done during year 2022-2023, under our guidance.

Date: / /

(Dr. Murari Mandal)

Project Guide

We are profoundly grateful to Dr. Murari Mandal of Affiliation for his expert
guidance and continuous encouragement throughout to see that this project rights its
target since its commencement to its completion. .....................

Shafayet Ahmad Kanon

Md. Mehidi Hasan Bhuiyan
Md. Roman Talukdar
Nymur Khan Tonmoy

In this project, we aim to perform sentiment analysis on customer reviews of

products sold on Flipkart, one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in
India. Sentiment analysis is a task in data science that involves determining
whether a piece of text expresses positive, negative, or neutral sentiment. By
analyzing the sentiment of customer reviews, e-commerce companies like
Flipkart can gain insights into their customers' opinions and improve their
products and services accordingly.

To perform sentiment analysis on Flipkart reviews, we will be using Python and

several libraries such as Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, NLTK Sentiment Vader,
and Wordcloud. Our project will involve importing and cleaning the dataset,
preparing the review column for machine learning, and applying the NLTK
Sentiment Vader model to analyze the sentiment of the reviews. We will also be
using data visualization techniques such as word clouds and bar plots to gain a
better understanding of the reviews. Overall, this project will provide a hands-on
experience of applying data science techniques to real-world problems in e-

Keywords: Natural Language Processing (NLP), Sentiment Analysis, Machine

Learning, Neural Networks, Text Classification, Data Mining, Social Media
Analysis, Big Data
1 Introduction 1

2 Basic Concepts/ Literature Review 2

2.1 Natural Language Processing - NLP 2
2.2 Sentiment Analysis 2
2.3 Machine Learning and Neural Networks 2
2.4 Text Classification 3
2.5 Data Mining 3
2.6 Social Media Analysis 3
2.7 Big Data 3

3 Problem Statement 4
3.1 Project-Planning 4
3.2 Project-Analysis 4
3.3 System-Design 5
3.3.1 Design-Constraints 5
3.3.2 Block-Diagram 5

4 Implementation 6
4.1 Methodology or Proposal 6
4.2 Testing 6
4.3 Result Analysis and Screenshots 7
4.4 Quality Assurance 7

5 Standard Adopted 8
5.1 Standards of Design 8
5.2 Standards of Coding 8
5.3 Standards of Testing 8

6 Conclusion and Future Scope 9

6.1 Conclusion 9
6.2 Future Scope of The Project 9

References 10

Individual Contribution 11

Plagiarism Report 12
List of Figures

1.1 Distribution of ratings 2

3.3.2 Block Diagram 5
4.3 Screenshots 7

Chapter 1


This project focuses on sentiment analysis using natural language processing-

NLP techniques to classify the sentiment of a text as positive, negative, or
neutral. With the increasing volume of online data and social media, sentiment
analysis has become a crucial task for businesses and organizations to
understand public opinion and make informed decisions.

Although there are many existing sentiment analysis tools available, they often
face challenges in accurately identifying the sentiment of a text, especially with
the nuances of human language. This project aims to address these gaps by
developing a machine learning model that can improve the accuracy of sentiment

This report presents an overview of the project, including its objectives,

methodology, and results. It also discusses the potential applications of sentiment
analysis and the limitations of the proposed model.



Chapter 2

Basic Concepts/ Literature Review

This section provides an overview of the basic concepts and related tools and
techniques used in this project.

Sure, here's a reformatted version of the Basic Concepts/Literature Review

section with sub-sections:

2. Basic Concepts/Literature-Review
2.1 Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The field of study that concentrates on empowering computers to comprehend

and produce human language is known as Natural Language Processing (NLP).
It involves a combination of linguistics, computer science, and artificial
intelligence (AI) techniques. NLP has many applications, including text
classification, sentiment analysis, machine translation, and chatbots.

2.2 Sentiment Analysis

Within NLP, sentiment analysis is a subfield that deals with detecting and
extracting subjective information from text, including attitudes, emotions, and
opinions. Sentiment analysis has many applications, including brand monitoring,
customer feedback analysis, and political analysis.

2.3 Machine Learning and Neural Networks

Machine learning (ML), a subset of AI, is concerned with instructing algorithms

to make decisions or predictions by utilizing data. Neural networks are a type of
ML algorithm that are inspired by the structure and function of the human brain.
Neural networks are particularly well-suited for NLP tasks, such as text
classification and sentiment analysis.
2.4 Text Classification

Text classification is the task of categorizing text documents into one or more
predefined categories. It is a common NLP task that has many applications, such
as spam filtering, topic modeling, and sentiment analysis. Text classification
algorithms use various features, such as word frequencies and n-grams, to
classify text.

2.5 Data Mining

Data mining is the practice of analyzing large datasets to uncover patterns and
insights, employing statistical and machine learning methods to identify
relationships and patterns. Data mining has many applications, including
marketing, fraud detection, and recommendation systems.

2.6 Social Media Analysis

Social media analysis involves analyzing data from social media platforms, such
as Twitter and Facebook, to gain insights into user behavior and opinions. Social
media analysis has many applications, including brand monitoring, market
research, and political analysis.

2.7 Big Data

"Big data" denotes datasets that are of an enormous size or complexity,

surpassing the capacity of conventional data processing methods. Big data
technologies, such as Hadoop and Spark, are designed to handle large datasets by
distributing the processing across multiple machines. Big data has many
applications, including data mining, machine learning, and social media analysis.

School of Computer Engineering, KIIT, BBSR 2


Chapter 3

Problem Statement
The project report aims to analyze the effectiveness of a new marketing
strategy implemented by a company. The study will involve collecting data on
the sales performance of the company before and after the implementation of
the strategy. The data will be analyzed using statistical tools to determine the
impact of the new marketing approach on the company's sales. The report will
provide insights into the effectiveness of the strategy and recommendations for
future marketing efforts.

3.1 Project Planning

- Conduct market research to identify potential customers, competitors, and

industry trends
- Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining goals, strategies, and tactics
for the startup
- Secure funding through various sources, such as venture capitalists, angel
investors, or crowdfunding platforms
- Build a talented and dedicated team with a diverse set of skills to execute the
plan effectively
- Leverage technology and innovation to create a unique and disruptive product
or service that solves a real-world problem.

3.2 Project Analysis

The problem statement is to develop a sentiment analysis model for social media
data. After analyzing the problem statement, the following requirements have
been identified:

 The model should be able to handle large datasets of social media text data
 The model should be able to classify the sentiment of the text data as
positive, negative, or neutral
 The model should be able to handle various types of text data, including
short and informal text data
3.3System Design

3.3.1Design Constraints

The project will be implemented using Python programming

language and various open-source libraries. The hardware requirements for the
project include a computer with at least 8 GB of RAM and 100 GB of free
storage space. The software requirements include Python 3.6 or higher, Jupyter
Notebook, and various Python libraries, such as Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-
3.3.2 Block Diagram
The system architecture for the sentiment analysis model will be
based on a neural network approach. The model will be trained using a
supervised learning algorithm with a dataset of labeled social media text data.
The model will be evaluated based on various metrics, such as accuracy,
precision, recall, and F1-score. Finally, the model will be deployed in a web
application using Flask web framework and HTML/CSS for user interface

School of Computer Engineering, KIIT, BBSR 3


Chapter 4

In this section, the implementation of the proposed sentiment analysis model is

4.1 Methodology OR Proposal

The proposed sentiment analysis model is developed using natural language
processing (NLP) techniques, including text pre-processing, feature extraction,
and machine learning algorithms. The model is built using a neural network-
based approach that utilizes the word embeddings and sequence models.

4.2 Testing
To evaluate the performance of the proposed model, it is tested on a dataset of
customer reviews from various online platforms. The testing is done using a 10-
fold cross-validation technique, and the evaluation metrics used are accuracy,
precision, recall, and F1-score. The testing results are presented in the form of a
confusion matrix and performance metrics.

Test Test Case Title Test Condition System Behavior Expected Result
System Analyses
the text and classify
User provides a it as positive
T01 Positive Review positive review sentiment Positive
System Analyses
the text and classify
User provides a it as Negative
T02 Negative Review Negative review sentiment Negative
System Analyses
the text and classify
User provides a it as Neutral
T03 Neutral Review Neutral review sentiment Neutral
4.3 Result Analysis OR Screenshots
The results obtained from the testing and evaluation of the sentiment analysis
model are presented in this section. The performance metrics of the model show
that it achieves a high accuracy of 86% and F1-score of 0.86, indicating that the
model is effective in classifying the sentiment of customer reviews. Screenshots
of the model's output are also provided.

4.4 Quality Assurance

The proposed sentiment analysis model is verified and validated using standard
software testing and quality assurance techniques. The model is thoroughly
tested for any bugs and errors and is optimized for better performance.

School of Computer Engineering, KIIT, BBSR 4


Chapter 5

Standards Adopted

5.1 Design Standards

During the development of the project, several design standards were followed to
ensure that the project meets the requirements of the stakeholders. The design
standards used in this project include the IEEE design standards for software
development, which includes the use of UML diagrams and other modeling
techniques to represent the system architecture.

5.2 Coding Standards

The coding standards used in this project ensured that the code is maintainable,
readable, and meets the best practices in the software development industry. The
coding standards adopted include the following:

1. Minimizing code length by writing concise code.

2. Applying suitable naming conventions for variables, functions, and classes.
3. Organizing code into paragraphs to enhance readability.
4. Utilizing indentation to distinguish the start and end of control structures, and
clearly defining the code within them.
5. Preventing lengthy functions, and ensuring that each function performs a
single task.

5.3 Testing Standards

To ensure that the project meets the quality standards, testing standards were
adopted. The project followed the ISO and IEEE standards for quality assurance
and testing of the product. These standards were used to test and verify the
project work, and to ensure that the project meets the required quality standards.

Chapter 6

Conclusion and Future Scope

6.1 Conclusion

Sentiment analysis of Flipkart reviews using Python is a great

example of how data science techniques can be applied to real-world
problems. With the help of popular libraries such as Pandas,
Seaborn, Matplotlib, NLTK, and Wordcloud, you can extract
insights from textual data and create visually appealing
visualizations to better understand the sentiment of customers
towards a product or service. By following the steps mentioned in
this project, you can learn how to clean and preprocess textual data,
build machine learning models using NLTK, and visualize the
sentiment of the reviews using Wordcloud and other visualization
tools. This project can serve as a good starting point for beginners
who want to learn how to apply data science techniques to solve
real-world problems in the field of e-commerce.

6.2 Future Scope

The future scope of this project is vast and varied. It includes

improving the accuracy of the sentiment analysis model by using
advanced natural language processing techniques like deep learning
algorithms such as convolutional neural networks and recurrent
neural networks. Expanding the analysis to include other e-
commerce platforms and comparing the sentiment of reviews across
different platforms is another potential future scope. This would
provide valuable insights into how consumers perceive different e-
commerce platforms and could help businesses improve their
products and services based on customer feedback.
The project can also be extended to analyze the sentiment of reviews
in different languages, which could be useful for businesses
operating in multilingual regions or international e-commerce
platforms. Furthermore, the project can be used to develop a real-
time sentiment analysis system that can analyze customer feedback
in real-time and provide businesses with immediate insights into
customer sentiment. This would be particularly useful for businesses
that want to monitor customer sentiment in real-time and respond
quickly to any negative feedback. Overall, the project has the
potential to be a powerful tool for businesses to better understand
and respond to customer feedback.

School of Computer Engineering, KIIT, BBSR 6



School of Computer Engineering, KIIT, BBSR 7




<Shafayet Ahmad Kanon>

Abstract: This project aims to conduct sentiment analysis on customer reviews of products
sold on Flipkart, a leading e-commerce platform in India, using Python and data science
libraries. By analyzing sentiments, companies can understand customers' opinions and
enhance their products and services. The project involves data cleaning, applying NLTK
Sentiment Vader to analyze reviews, and data visualization techniques like word clouds and
bar plots. The project offers a practical experience of applying data science techniques to real-
world problems in e-commerce.
Individual contribution and findings: My contribution to the Flipkart reviews
sentiment analysis project focused on analyzing the results of the NLTK Sentiment Vader
model. I used data visualization techniques such as bar plots and word clouds to identify
patterns in the data and interpret the sentiments expressed in the reviews. My findings showed
that the majority of reviews had positive sentiment, with common words like "good," "great,"
and "excellent." Negative reviews used words such as "poor," "worst," and "bad." These
insights could help e-commerce companies like Flipkart improve their products and services.
My analysis contributed to a better understanding of the data and its implications for the

Individual contribution to project report preparation: As for my individual

contribution to the project report preparation, I conducted data analysis, which involved
examining and interpreting the collected data. This helped me identify trends, patterns, and
insights that informed the project's findings and recommendations.
Individual contribution for project presentation and demonstration: As for
my individual contribution to the project presentation and demonstration, I showcased the
features and capabilities of the project. I demonstrated how the project works, highlighted its
strengths and potential benefits, and answered questions to provide the audience with a better
understanding of the project.

Full Signature of Supervisor: Full signature of the student:

……………………………. ……………………………..
(This report is mandatory for all the projects and plagiarism
must be below 25%)

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