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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


1.Should Confucianism and Taoism be considered religions? Or should they be treated simply as
philosophical schools of thought?
For me Confucianism and Taoism should remain as philosophical school of thought because for
this approach allows individuals the freedom to choose their own beliefs in a higher power while still
benefiting from the wisdom and principles of this two. This two will serve as a guide to people which will
lead to becoming aware or better off be religious which each one of us will have our own belief system
which have the goal to gain social harmony and gain balance in life. The categorization of this also
depends on the individual’s belief, cultural context and their way of giving emphasis to life.

2. Do you think that the development of societies is greatly dependent on the morality of their leaders?
Does a leader's virtue determine the virtue of an entire nation and, therefore, its progress?
Morality of leaders can significantly influence the development of societies but it’s not the sole
determinant because even the leader has that morality to uplift a nation , the future is not in the hand of
the leader but also to its people , everyone should be benefiting from each other to gain social harmony
and balance life. However, virtuous leadership can inspire positive change and foster societal progress by
setting ethical standards, promoting health and enacting policies that prioritize the well being of the
citizens. The development of a society in influenced by complex interplay of various factors.

3. As you grow up and experience the world, have you been able to observe and experience the yin and
the yang working and balancing each other? In what concrete experience have you felt this dynamic
cosmic interaction?
For me my parents are my example of yin and yang experience because in the modern society
there’s a trend called “OA” and “NONCHALANT” which for me a modern version of yin and yang. My
tatay will be the YIN not in the negative way or better call it “NONCHALANT”, my tatay is the
nonchalant one because he has this introvert personality that does not talk much, tatay is more on the
understanding side. My YANG will be my nanay or better called the “OA” one because nanay talks a lot
that can bring out my tatay’s talkative side, more on the action – oriented side in the household and
sometimes when my nanay is angry at home, our tatay will make nanay calm down and vice versa. For
me their union despite of their differences my parents have these characteristics of harmony and mutual
respect. They appreciate and value each other’s unique strengths, recognizing that their differences
contribute to the overall balance and will being of our family.

4. Considering the Taoist principle of living simply, do you think this idea is still feasible in a fast-paced
world? How necessary is it to live a simple life in a fast-paced world?
For me YES! Because living in a fast-paced world also carries a heavy burden or stress to each
one of us. The principle of Taoist of living simply is still feasible because living simply can offer
numerous benefits in a fast-paced world such as it reduce stress more on focusing on what truly matters. It
also enhances our wellbeing, mental clarity and finding deeper sense of fulfilment by prioritizing personal
growth over petty things. All of this will not be easy but it requires conscious effort and mindful choices
of a person which will ultimately lead to more meaningful life.

5. What moral virtues do you live by? How do they compare to the teachings of Confucianism and
For me the moral virtue I live by is striving for balance and moderation in the aspect of life which
I can relate to the teaching of Confucianism by advocating for moderation and avoiding extremes in
behavior and emotions, as I grow older I learned to not judge if you don’t know the the story of both sides
and controlling my emotions or actions appropriate to my age and cautious with my actions. In Taoism
teaching I limit people entering my life or knowing my stories and choosing people who are worthy to
hear my story for me is a form of balance in my life.

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