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A rainfall threshold for the occurrence of landslides in manmade slopes

in residual soils in the northwest of Colombia.

C.H. Hidalgo
University of Medellin, Medellin, Colombia
A.P. de Assis
University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper was to determine a rainfall threshold to estimate the probability of
occurrence of landslides in roadway slopes. The analysis was performed for a roadway slopes excavated in re-
sidual soils derived from igneous intrusive rocks from the stock of Altavista, Medellin, Colombia. The
threshold were raised in terms of total rainfall accumulated for short term of 1, 3 and 5 days and precedent
moisture in soil due to long term rainfall of 15, 30 and 60 days. Rainfall data and landslides recorded for a pe-
riod of four years were used to determine the thresholds. The thresholds found show that for slopes excavated
in these soils the amount of rainfall that triggers the landslide is about 50% of the rainfall that causes land-
slides in natural slopes in the same area.

1 INTRODUCTION cohesion and increase the pore pressure.

This influence of the rainfall on slope stabil-
Landslides represent one of the greatest ity depends of the duration and intensity of
geotechnical problems in countries like Co- the rainfall.
lombia. On roads in the Andean zone, the Attempts have been made to develop
problem of landslides results particularly coupled models to simulate the effects of the
significant due to the injuries and deaths of precipitation on the slope stability (Rahardjo
people, as well as its effects on mobility and et al, 2001, Gitirana, 2005 Karam, 2005,
economical loses. Between 2010 and 2011 Godt et al. 2,008, Salciarini et al. 2,008 ,
in 15 departments of Colombia, the land- Cascini et al., 2010, Conte & Troncone,
slides on roads caused several deaths and in- 2012), these authors have used models that
juries while more than USD500 was invest- consider the gradual advance of the wet
ed on road restoration. However, real direct front and the reduction of suction and shear
and indirect economic losses are unquantifi- strength of the soils. These methods are still
able due to lack of information. In general, based on major simplifications and the input
the rainfall causes the majority of these parameters are difficult and expensive for
landslides, but the relationship between the common cases. Consequently, these methods
process of mass movements and rainfall is are still recommended only for preliminary
still poorly understood and there are no assessments and for when there is a good
models to assess this problem in practice. amount of measurements of the involved pa-
This work presents a simple statistical re- rameters (Conte & Troncone, 2012). Due to
lationship between landslides and accumu- the complexity of relationship rainfall-
lated rainfall on slopes of roadways in resid- infiltration-landslides, in general the evalua-
ual soils of Altavista stock in Antioquia, tion of the process of landslides triggered by
Colombia. rainfall is still based on empirical methods.
In researches conducted in different parts
2 RAINFALL TRESHOLDS of the world it has been shown that the rela-
tionship between rainfall and landslides is
The hydro-mechanical and hydraulic highly influenced by conditions of preceding
conditions of the terrain and the state of sat- rainfall or rain accumulated on the ground
uration of the soil are determinant on the before the triggering event (Chen & Lee,
conditions of stability of slopes. The rain- 2004, Ko, 2005, Rahardjo et al., 2001, Ra-
falls have a double effect: reduce the soil hardjo et al., 2005, Rahimi et al, 2010, Bru-
netti et al., 2010, Zêzere et al., 2005, Jaiswal rainfall and R15 is the accumulated precipi-
and Van Westen, 2009 and 2010, Echeverri tation of the 15 days preceding the R3.
& Valencia, 2004, Moreno et al., 2006, Aris- Later, Moreno et al. (2006) studied the re-
tizabal et al, 2010, Hidalgo and Assis, 2011). lationship between rainfall and landslides in
In general these studies have identified the department of Antioquia, Colombia for
thresholds with precedent rainfall of 15, 30, the time period 1974-1998. With a total of
60 and 90 days, and different durations of 283 landslides have determined a threshold
triggering events as 1, 3 or 5 days. In some according to the equation:
studies it has been considered the rainfall in-
tensity in the establishment of thresholds. R3  75  0.5R15
In residual soils, studies have shown that (2)
in slopes in well-drained soils (permeability Where R3 is the 3 day antecedent rainfall
coefficient of saturated soil ks ≥ 10-4 m/s) and R15 is the accumulated precipitation of
the stability is more affected by high intensi- the 15 days preceding the R3.
ty rainfall. In these cases the rainfall repre- There is some similarity between these
sents only a fraction of the permeability co- two equations, the fact results logical when
efficient of the saturated soil. Furthermore, it is considered that La Iguana river basin is
they determined that poorly-drained slopes located in the department of Antioquia. The
(ks ≤ 10-6 m/s) are more affected by rainfall differences between the two equations are
in which the intensity equals ks, rainfalls of associated with the differences in the periods
high intensity but low duration have the of time analyzed and geological and human
greatest influence on stability (Rahardjo et constraints. The human intervention may be
al. 2,007, Rahimi et al. 2010) more substantial in the Iguana basin due to
The triggering effect of rainfall on land- its proximity to hard urbanized areas of the
slides can be estimated using thresholds of city of Medellín.
failure. These thresholds represent a rela- The threshold proposed by Moreno et al
tionship between the amount of rain accu- (2006), which is presented in equation 2,
mulated before and during the event of a was adopted by the early warning system of
landslide that are established statistically. the Aburrá Valley, Colombia-SIATA (Aris-
There are several studies that use the accu- tizabal et al., 2010).
mulated precipitation during the 3 days pre- Also for the Aburrá Valley has been iden-
ceding the event, called antecedent rain and tified as the most important constraint for
rainfall accumulated during the 15 days pre- the occurrence of landslides are the seasonal
ceding the earlier called precedent rainfall rainfall, the long-term accumulative rainfall
(Echeverri & Valencia, 2004). These authors of around 60 mm in 30, 160 mm in 60 days,
studied the relationship between rainfall and and 200 mm for 90 days (Aristizabal et al,
landslides in natural slopes of La Iguana riv- 2011), the last two quantities are called ante-
er basin in the city of Medellin, Colombia, in cedent accumulative rainfall (LAA).
the period 1980-2001 with 40 records of Jaiswal & Van Westen (2009 and 2010)
landslides and rainfall data of the meteoro- conducted research in which empirical
logical station “San Cristobal” of the Medel- thresholds were used to estimate the proba-
lin public services company. For this zone bility of failure in slopes of roadways of
was determined a threshold for a hazard southern India. Using the Poisson distribu-
landslide for precedent rainfall of 15 days tion with the estimated rate  represents the
(R15) and a 3-day antecedent rainfall (R3) average number of events occurring in a unit
and proposed a threshold that was exceeded of time or space. The expression for the
by 95% of data processed by them according Poisson distribution is:
to the equation:
A  R3  60  0.55R15 P X  x    e 
(1) n 0 n!
Where: A is the hazard of landslide trig- Where x and n are positive integers and 
gered by rainfall, R3 is the 3 day antecedent is a parameter that denotes the average num-
ber of events (X) occurring at time t, which (kPa)
can be estimated as: Effective cohesion (kPa) 7.3 7.6 103
Unsaturated friction angle 31 6.9 22
̂ 
effective friction angle (º) 37.1 4.8 13
t Liquid
(4) limit (%) 51.6 17.9 0.3
Plasticity limit (%)o 37.2 10.2 0.3
Hidalgo and Assis (2010 and 2011) com- Plasticity index (%) 14.4 12.7 0.9
bined these empirical relationships to assess
risk for landslides on a roadway with rainfall Since the beginning of operation of the
data recorded on days when there were land- road and for 4 years, the first section of the
slides and without considering the probabil- roadway had 168 landslides which are asso-
ity of exceedance of the threshold. The ciated with precipitation and the third had
thresholds obtained in these studies shows a 1291 landslides also due to rainfalls. In gen-
relationship between rainfall of 15 and 5 eral the landslides occurred when there were
days. large amount of accumulated precipitation as
seen in Figures 1 and 2 which show the data
of the climatological station of San Cristobal
3 RAINFALL TRESHOLDS and records of landslides respectively.
Total rainfall in a day (mm)

As a study case, it was considered of the 70

roadway named Aburrá Cauca Conection in 60
the department of Antioquia, Colombia. The 40
roadway is 39.4 km long, and is divided in 3 30
sections: the first is a two-track highway lo- 10
cated between the bridge over the river La 0







Iguana and the eastern portal of the tunnel

Fernando Gomez Martinez (abscissa km
4+000 to km 9+100); the second is the tun-
nel of 4.6 km in length; and the third is a Time
one-track roadway from the western portal
of the tunnel to the bridge over the Aurrá Figure 1. Accumulated daily rainfall by San Cristobal
river (abscissa km13+700 to km39+400). meteorological station (Hidalgo and Assis, 2011)
The area where the roadway is located is
characterized by a geology compounded by 6
igneous intrusive rocks of the Altavista stock
Landslides per day

in the first section and methamorfic and vol- 3

canic rocks in the second and third sections. 2
The intrussive rocks produce layers of resid- 1
ual soils with thicknesses up to 50 m, while 0







the metamorfic and volcanic rocks are cov-

ered by a thin layer of soil.
The more superficial ressidual soils from
the intrussive rocks are characterized by low Time
plasticity and low cohesion as may be seen
in Table 1. The results presented in this table Figure 2. Data of landslides occurrence in fisrts sec-
were determined with more than 30 determi- tion the roadway (Hidalgo y Assis, 2011)
nations in direct shear strength test (ASTM
D3080 - 11). Rainfall thresholds were established from
Table 1. Soils characteristics in the area daily accumulative rainfall antecedent and
Property Mean Standard CV precedent to the landslide, assessing the ac-
deviation (%) cumulative effects of rainfall by 15, 30 and
Dry unit weight (kN/m3) 11.3 1.2 11 60 days. In Figure 3 are shown the combina-
Wet unit weight (kN/m3) 15.9 1.4 9 tions for rainfall of 5 and 15 days are
Unsaturated cohesion 36.8 21.0 57
For the purpose of this work the precipi- days (PP1/60, PP3/60, PP5/60). In Table 4 the
tation or rainfall antecedent (PA) for the coefficients a and b are presented for each
short-term accumulated precipitation, or combination, the number of days that the
precipitation in the days immediately to the threshold has been exceeded (N) and had
landslide and the precipitation of long term landslides and the probability of the thresh-
(PP). PP is determined as the total rainfall old being exceeded during these days (PE).
accumulated in the days before the PA. To For rainstorms of short duration, in this
establish thresholds, for each day in which case events of 1 day of duration, is observed
there were landslides there were determined that the values of the intercept of the thresh-
antecedent rainfall accumulated of 1, 3 and 5 old is 14.02 mm and that the threshold has
days prior to landslides and 15, 30 and 60 been exceeded between 80.9 and 84.3% of
days preceding the former days, this means the days with landslides.
that these were generally considered rainy Table 2. Antecedent rainfall
periods between 1 and 65 days, the data was San Cristobal station
plot as illustrated in Figure 3. The proposed
thresholds were determined considering that
landslides arise when antecedent rainfall and Mean 46.5 32.4 14.0
preceding rainfall reach their main value. It Standard 32.4 25.3 13.9
was evaluated the different possible combi- deviation
nations finding the thresholds defined by an CV 0.7 0.8 1.0
equation of the form:
This implies that when the moisture is
𝑃𝐴𝑗 = 𝑎 − 𝑏𝑃𝑃𝑗𝑖 (5) long-term accumulative rainfall 15, 30
Where PAj is the accumulated precipita- or 60 days with values between 78.1 mm
tion of j days antecedent to the landslides, and 268.2 mm short rains, and low intensity
j=1, 3 and 5, PPi is the accumulated precipi- rainfalls in the order of 3.11 mm to 2.14 mm
tation of i days before i=15, 30 and 60 days. can cause landslides. For preceding rainfall
of 30 days the threshold presents an exceed-
160 ance rate of at least 84.9, and exceedance
Antecedent rainfall 5 days (mm)

140 rates greater than 76% in the case of 15 and

y = -0,4259x + 46,505
120 60 days. In this work is proposed for short
100 duration storms a threshold based on precipi-
80 tation preceding 30 days with the following
20 𝑃𝐴1 = 14 − (0.1)𝑃𝑃30 (6)
0 50 100 150 200 250 Where PA1 is the accumulated precipita-
Precedent rainfall 15 days (mm)
tion of the day before to the event and PP30
is the rainfall accumulated in the previous 30
Figure 3. Combinations of total accumulated rainfall days.
of 5 and 15 days, for days with landslides. Regarding the antecedents rainfall, it can
be identified that the 5 day accumulated
In Tables 2 and 3 are presented the statis- rainfall presents a smaller dispersion around
tics of each parameter considered in the the mean, given in terms of the coefficient of
evaluation using different combinations with variation is 0.70. However for 1 and 3 days
Equation 5. The parameters used were the these values are 0.8 and 1.0.
antecedent precipitation of 1 day (PA1), an- The precedent rainfall also exhibit a simi-
tecedent rain 3 days (PA3), 5-day antecedent lar trend and the dispersion decreases when
rainfall (PA5), accumulated precipitation of higher is the number of days considered. For
the 15 days preceding the 1, 3 and 5 days 60 days the coefficients of variation obtained
(PP1/15, PP3/15, PP5/15) accumulated precipita- are between 0.3 and 0.6, but for 15 and 30
tion from the previous 30 days 1, 3 and 5 days the coefficient of variation of 0.5-0.7
days (PP1/30, PP3/30, PP5/30) and cumulative and 0.3-0.5 are obtained. Although the rain
rainfall 60 days preceding the 1, 3 and 5 accumulated for 60 days presents the mini-
mum variations in absolute terms, for practi- 𝑃𝐴5 = 46 − 0.19𝑃𝑃30 (8)
cal purposes the observed variations in the
order of 0.1 with respect to rainfall of 15 and Comparing the thresholds obtained in this
study with those proposed for the slopes in
30 days, resulting insignificant.
the study area, Equations 1 and 2, which
Table 3. Precedent rainfall. were developed with 3 days antecedent rain-
Station j i Mean Standard CV of fall and rainfall precedent 15 days, it can be
PP deviation PP observed that the threshold of equations 1
PP and 2 present values of the rainfall intercept
of 60 mm and 75 mm, considerably higher
San Cristo- 1 15 78.1 51.6 0.7
bal 30 164.9 90.2 0.5
than those obtained in this work for the same
60 268.2 157.1 0.6
combination that are of the order of 30 mm.
The intercept of the precedent precipitation
3 15 109.6 54.4 0.5
30 214.5 75.9 0.4
is equal in both cases the order of 110 mm.
60 401.8 122.5 0.3
This relationship, shown in Figure 4, indi-
cates a lower susceptibility of the slopes
5 15 109.2 54.5 0.5
30 239.2 79.6 0.3
evaluated in this study.
60 393 121.5 0.3 70

Antecedent rainfall 3 days (mm)

Treshold this work
Treshold equation 2
For rainstorms of longer duration, in this 50
PA3 = -0,5455PP15+ 60
case events of 5 hours duration is observed 40
that values of the intercept of the threshold
varies between 46.24 mm and 46.51 mm, 30
and that the threshold has been exceeded be- 20
tween 86.0 and 94.2% of the days that were
landslides. 10
PA3 = -0,2727PP15 + 30
Table 4. Parameters of failure thresholds. 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Station j i a b N PE Precedent rainfall 15 days (mm)
San Cristo- 1 15 14.02 0.179 98 80.9
bal 30 14.02 0.085 102 84.3
Figure 4. Comparison between the treshold for PA3
60 14.02 0.052 100 82.4
and PP15.
3 15 32.36 0.295 105 86.8
30 32.36 0.151 110 90.9 This significant difference is due to an-
60 32.36 0.081 110 90.9 thropogenic impact by roadway construction
5 15 46.51 0.425 106 87.6 since the landslides considered in this study
30 46.51 0.194 114 94.2 are all located along the roadway slopes ex-
60 46.51 0.118 112 92.6 cavation. The anthropic effect tends to in-
crease the likelihood of failure since it trans-
This implies that when the moisture is late the threshold of failure to smaller values
high, for long-term cumulative rainfall 15, of rainfall background with a differences in
30 or 60 days with values between 78.1 mm the order of 30 mm, therefore, natural slopes
and 401.8 mm and for five days landslides which have low susceptibility to landslides,
can be caused by accumulative rainfall of whenaffected by man activities can spend an
the order of 46 mm with an exceedance rate unstable situation critical.
of at least 87%. The thresholds for precedent This also explains why most landslides in
rainfall of 30 days, they have observed ex- Aburrá Valley, Colombia, occur in highly
ceedance rates greater than in the cases of 15 intervened areas, but areas with similar
and 60 days. Considering that accumulated topographical, geological and climatic fea-
rainfall for 15 and 30 days are simpler to ob- tures, but with less human intervention, have
tain, thresholds based on rainstorms of 5 less landslides. It may then be proposed a
days duration and previous precipitation of threshold that allows considering the an-
30 and 15 days are proposed: thropic effect on areas with high anthropo-
𝑃𝐴5 = 46 − 0.42𝑃𝑃15 genic
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