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Manuscript received 13 December 2022

Revised manuscript received 5 March 2023
Manuscript accepted 9 June 2023

© 2023 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact

Published online 28 June 2023

Discovery of Permian–Triassic eclogite in northern

Tibet establishes coeval subduction erosion along
an ∼3000-km-long arc
Chen Wu1,*, Andrew V. Zuza2, Drew A. Levy2,3, Jie Li4, and Lin Ding1
 tate Key Laboratory of Tibetan Plateau Earth System, Environment and Resources, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 89557, USA
Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, Texas 78712, USA
Chongqing Key Laboratory of Complex Oil and Gas Filed Exploration and Development, Chongqing University of Science and
Technology, Chongqing 401331, China

ABSTRACT (Fig. 1). Despite the presence of a well-known

Eclogite bodies exposed across Tibet record a history of subduction-collision events that Permo-Triassic arc in the Eastern Kunlun that
preceded growth of the Tibetan Plateau. Deciphering the time-space patterns of eclogite accommodated north-dipping Paleo-Tethys oce-
generation improves our knowledge of the preconditions for Cenozoic orogeny in Tibet and anic subduction and later collision (Wu et al.,
broader eclogite formation and/or exhumation processes. Here we report the discovery of 2016), no coeval (U)HP metamorphic rocks
Permo-Triassic eclogite in northern Tibet. U-Pb zircon dating and thermobarometry suggest have been observed. Here, we make the first
eclogite-facies metamorphism at ca. 262–240 Ma at peak pressures of ∼2.5 GPa. Inherited report of Permo-Triassic eclogite related to the
zircons and geochemistry show the eclogite was derived from an upper-plate continental Paleo-Tethys oceanic evolution. U-Pb zircon
protolith, which must have experienced subduction erosion to transport the protolith mafic geochronology and geochemical analyses are
bodies to eclogite-forming conditions. The Dabie eclogites to the east experienced a similar presented to constrain the pressure-temperature-
history, and we interpret that these two coeval eclogite exposures formed by subduction ero- time (P-T-t) paths, formation age, protolith, and
sion of the upper plate and deep trench burial along the same ∼3000-km-long north-dipping tectonic evolution of the eclogite. With our new
Permo-Triassic subduction complex. We interpret the synchroneity of eclogitization along observations, we argue for the development of a
the strike length of the subduction zone to have been driven by accelerated plate convergence ∼3000-km-long north-dipping Permo-Triassic
due to ca. 260 Ma Emeishan plume impingement. subduction-collision zone that linked laterally
with the Dabie orogen across central China.
INTRODUCTION the continental crust to generate Himalaya-type
Tectonic eclogite lenses generated by (ultra-) eclogite (Liou et al., 2004). The investigation GEOLOGICAL SETTING
high-pressure [(U)HP] metamorphism com- of exposed eclogite lenses is crucial for recon- Northern Tibet occupies a position between
monly form during subduction-collision pro- structing the kinematic evolution of ancient the Central Asian and the Tethyan orogenic
cesses. Therefore, their occurrence provides subduction-collisional orogens. systems, which experienced Neoproterozoic
unique insights into the tectonic evolution of The Tibetan Plateau formed due to protracted and Paleozoic orogeny and Cenozoic intra-
an orogen and its physical-chemical conditions oceanic subduction and continental collisions plate deformation (Yang et al., 2009; Wu
(Liou et al., 2004; Agard et al., 2009). Tectonic in the Phanerozoic. Sparse eclogite blocks et al., 2016; Zuza et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2018;
eclogites may develop from oceanic or conti- observed across the plateau provide important Dong et al., 2021). The main tectonic units
nental mafic protoliths in a subduction and/or records of the subduction-collision history (Yin consist of the early Paleozoic Qilian orogen,
collisional setting. A subduction zone can gen- et al., 2007). Tibet is comprised of continental Qaidam block, and Eastern Kunlun orogen
erate Pacific-type eclogite via the subduction strips that collided as part of the Tethyan orogen (Fig. 1). Early Paleozoic arc plutons associ-
of oceanic crust (Yin et al., 2007; Agard et al., (Şengör, 1984). Northern Tibet exposes a series ated with the subduction-collision process of
2009) or the entrainment of continental mate- of east-trending suture zones and arc systems the Proto-Tethys Ocean were overprinted by a
rial into a subduction trench due to subduction (Wu et al., 2016) that reflect the tectonic evo- wide Permo-Triassic arc in the Kunlun-Qaidam
erosion (Nielsen and Marschall, 2017). Conti- lution of the Proto- and Paleo-Tethys orogens region (Wu et al., 2016; Zuza et al., 2018; Dong
nental collisions can lead to deep subduction of (Yang et al., 2009). Early Paleozoic eclogites et al., 2021). This north-dipping subduction
widely distributed in northern Tibet are inter- zone consumed the Paleo-Tethys Ocean (Neo-
preted to be associated with the closure of the Kunlun in some reconstructions) (Wu et al.,
Chen Wu​ Proto-Tethys Ocean (Yang et al., 2009; Wei 2016). The Kunlun suture records the final
*wuchen@itpcas​.ac​.cn et al., 2009; Song et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2018) closure of this ocean and correlates eastward

CITATION: Wu, C., et al., 2023, Discovery of Permian–Triassic eclogite in northern Tibet establishes coeval subduction erosion along an ~3000-km-long arc:
Geology, v. 51, p. 833–838,

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Figure 1. Map of northern Tibet and adjacent regions showing eclogite localities. The sample number and ages shown in red represent the
Permian–Triassic eclogites. Data sources are Liu et al. (2018), Song et al. (2014), Yang et al. (2009), Liu et al. (2005), Pullen et al. (2008), and
Cheng et al. (2013). Note the younger eclogites within the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone are not included. P-T—pressure-temperature; (U)
HP—(ultra-)high-pressure; LT—low-temperature.

with the South Qinling suture (Hacker et al., (Song et al., 2014), Eastern Kunlun (Yang et al., collected samples of the eclogite and its host
2004; Dong et al., 2021) (Fig. 1). Along strike 2009), and North Qinling (Dong et al., 2021) orthogneiss (location: 36.518°N, 98.614°E).
to the east, the Dabie orogen was generated by regions (Fig. 1). Reported Permo-Triassic (U) The eclogite and related ultramafic blocks (i.e.,
the Late Triassic collision of the North China HP rocks are observed in the Dabie and Qiang- pyroxene peridotite and dunite blocks) occur as
and South China blocks (Hacker et al., 2004; tang belts of central Tibet (Liu et al., 2005; Pul- boudin lenses ∼40 m long and ∼20 m wide,
Liu et al., 2005). len et al., 2008; Cheng et al., 2013) (Fig. 1). structurally mixed within strongly lineated
Northern Tibet exposes a record of (U)HP (approximately N-trending) and deformed
eclogites that are mostly early Paleozoic in age, METHODS AND RESULTS granitic gneiss (Fig. 2A). Two distinct eclo­
as found in the Altyn Tagh (Liu et al., 2018), We conducted a field investigation of eclo­ gite samples were collected during two field
North Qilian (Wei et al., 2009), North Qaidam gite bodies near Dulan city, northern Tibet, and trips, and mineral separation of these samples

Figure 2. (A) Photographs of eclogite and ultramafic blocks within gneiss. (B) Left: photomicrographs in cross polarized light; right: plane
polarized light: eclogite with mineral assemblages of garnet (Grt), omphacite (Omp), phengite (Ph), quartz (Qz), hornblende (Hbl), and rutile
(Rt). Grt grains contain Omp inclusions; Omp grains are retrogressed.

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Figure 3. (A) Pressure-temperature (P-T) paths for Dulan and Dabie eclogite samples. Lw-EC—lawsonite eclogite facies; Dry-EC—dry eclo­gite
facies; Ep-EC—epidote eclogite facies; BS—blueschist facies; Amp EC—amphibole eclogite facies; HGR—high-pressure granulite facies;
GR—granulite facies; EA—epidote amphibolite facies; AM—amphibolite facies; GS—greenschist facies; PP—prehnite-pumpellyite facies;
ZE—zeolite facies; Jd—jadeite; Qtz—quartz; Ab—albite. (B, C) Spider plots for the eclogite samples. OIB—ocean island basalt; N-MORB,
E-MORB—normal and enriched mid-ocean-ridge basalt. (D–F) Zircon concordia plots of the Dulan eclogite; insets show representative cath-
odoluminescence images of analyzed zircons. Inset histograms: Fig. 3D, relative probability plot of zircon ages for eclogite sample; Figs. 3E
and 3F: weighted mean calculation plots for different age populations. Circled numbers on the CL images are the sequence in zircon U-Pb
dating in the laboratory corresponding to the numbers in supplementary age data.

occurred separately to assess and preclude sam- blende (Fig. S1). Two stages of metamorphism ues (0.10–0.34), Zr contents, and Zr/Y ratios
ple contamination. The eclogite has heteroblas- were identified. The peak-stage metamorphism (<3.3) (Table S2). This geochemistry overlaps
tic textures with a mineral assemblage of gar- had a mineral assemblage of garnet + ompha- fields for subduction-related arc basalts (Xia,
net (∼35 vol%), omphacite (∼45%), phengite cite + rutile + phengite. Garnet-omphacite- 2014) but is dissimilar from that of the other
(∼5%), quartz and rare plagioclase (∼5%), and phengite thermobarometry (Krogh Ravna and reported early Paleozoic eclogite bodies near
minor amphibole and rutile (Fig. 2B). Analyti- Terry, 2004) suggests near-UHP conditions Dulan (Yu et al., 2013; Hernández-Uribe et al.,
cal methods and data for zircon dating, min- of P = 2.5 ± 0.2 GPa and T = 548 ± 70 °C 2023) (Figs. 3B and 3C).
eral analyses, whole-rock geochemistry, and (Fig. 3A). Coesite was not observed. A sub- The mylonitic gneiss sample DL-1 yielded a
Sr-Nd isotope analyses are in the Supplemental sequent retrograde metamorphism occurred at 944 ± 11 Ma U-Pb zircon date interpreted as the
Material1. amphibolite facies conditions with addition of protolith crystallization age, with some younger
Garnets in the studied Dulan eclogite show H2O. Amphibolite facies retrogression occurred Neoproterozoic–early Paleozoic metamorphic
homogenous compositions (Fig. S1 in the Sup- at P = ∼0.6 GPa and T = 567 ± 18 °C deter- Pb loss (Fig. S2). Zircon dating of eclogite sam-
plemental Material). The XMn values decrease mined by amphibole thermobarometry (Gerya ple DL-2 included 26 grains from subsample
from core to rim, and XMg exhibits reversed et al., 1997). The eclogite records a clockwise DL-2-1 and 24 grains from subsample DL-2-2,
zoning (Table S1). Omphacite shows uniform decompression path (Fig. 3A). which yielded diverse, mostly concordant ages
compositions (Fig. S1). Si contents in phengite The eclogite samples are characterized by that span 2646 Ma to 183 Ma with four distinct
vary from 6.74 to 6.89 atoms per formula unit (1) low SiO2, K2O, and Na2O; (2) high MgO, age populations (Fig. 3D). The similarity of
(Table S1). Matrix amphibolite is retrogressed, Fe2O3, CaO, Al2O3, and TiO2 (Table S2); (3) ages of two subsamples of sample DL-2 con-
with a relatively wide range of compositional slight light rare earth element (REE) depletion; firms data reproducibility (Table S4). We inter-
variations, which is mostly magnesio-horn- (4) flat heavy REE pattern with a slight posi- pret that the two older ca. 2.5 Ga and 0.9 Ga
tive Eu anomaly (Fig. 3B); (5) low initial 87Sr/ discordant-age populations represent inherited
Sr (0.704338–0.704688); and (6) high εNd zircons from a Neoarchean basement intruded
Supplemental Material. Methods, Figures S1– (6.13–8.16) (Table S3). Samples are enriched by ca. 0.9 Ga plutons or related Pb loss. A signif-
S4, and Tables S1–S4. Please visit https://doi​.org​/10​
.1130​/GEOL​.S.23519067 to access the supplemental in large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Ba, Sr) icant population of zircons spans 430–400 Ma
material, and contact with and depleted in high field strength elements (Fig. 3E), which overlaps the ages of early
any questions. (Nb, Ta, P) (Fig. 3C), with low (La/Yb)N val- Paleozoic arc plutons observed in the Qaidam

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terrane (Wu et al., 2016). The early Paleozoic ported by the geochemical data (Figs. 3B and and host gneiss, and that these rocks were further
dates have Th/U values >0.1, consistent with 3C). Subsequent opening of the Paleo-Tethys exhumed to mid-crustal levels during slab roll-
a magmatic origin (Fig. S3), and we interpret Ocean occurred during rifting of the Songpan- back and upper-plate extension. Slab rollback
these dates to best reflect the eclogite proto- Ganzi terrane (Şengör, 1984; Wu et al., 2016) is supported by southward-younging Triassic
lith age. The youngest age population (n = 12) (Fig. 4B). arc granites, ca. 225–195 Ma extension-related
spans 262 ± 2 Ma to 240 ± 2 Ma (Fig. 3F) with The ca. 262–240 Ma metamorphic zircon plutons, and thinning crustal thickness trends
Th/U ratios <0.1 that decrease with younger dates bracket the timing of protracted eclogi- (Wu et al., 2016) (Fig. 4D).
ages (Fig. S3). Zircon dates may reflect peak tization, which coincides with activity of the The ca. 262–240 Ma Dulan eclogite is
eclogite conditions or late-stage exhumation north-dipping Permo-Triassic Paleo-Tethys arc located ∼100 km north of the Permo-Triassic
(Hernández-Uribe et al., 2023). We interpret that developed along Qaidam’s southern mar- Kunlun arc and suture zone, which requires that
that the spread of ages reflects protracted meta- gin (Fig. 4C). We interpret that mafic intru- the subducted (U)HP rocks were emplaced to
morphism ca. 262–240 Ma. sions were transported from the continental the mid-crust far within the plate interior. These
margin by Permo-Triassic subduction erosion observations are similar to those of the Qiang-
DISCUSSION to >80 km depths to generate eclogite. The tang HP metamorphic belt in central Tibet and
The Permo-Triassic Dulan eclogite has mechanism that exhumed the eclogite to the the North American Cordillera where subducted
a significant component of inherited zircons mid-crust is not well constrained. In the field, upper-plate rocks were underthrust hundreds
that suggests the protolith rocks intruded and we observed strongly sheared Devonian terres- of kilometers more inboard into the continen-
assimilated continental crust to incorporate older trial rocks around Dulan, including top-to-the- tal interior, with final exhumation caused by
zircon. The xenocrystic ca. 2.5 Ga and 0.9 Ga north normal-sense deformation and Devonian detachment faulting (Pullen et al., 2008; Pullen
zircon age populations are consistent the local strata faulted atop gneiss. This deformation and Kapp, 2014; Chapman et al., 2020). The
bedrock geology of the Qaidam terrane (Yu suggests detachment faulting occurred after the studied Permo-Triassic eclogites were found in
et al., 2013), including our dating of the host Devonian, but the complex structural relation- close proximity to early Paleozoic eclogite with
gneiss. The ca. 430–400 Ma zircons are coeval ships, including Cenozoic thrust and strike-slip very different geochemical characteristics and
with the Proto-Tethys arc that formed along the faulting (e.g., Zuza et al., 2018), require fur- zircon ages (Yu et al., 2013; Hernández-Uribe
southern margin of Qaidam (Wu et al., 2016). ther investigation. However, we interpret that et al., 2023) (Figs. 3B and 3C). This observation
We interpret that arc-related basalt generated the eclogite bodies were accreted to the base of suggests that these eclogite bodies with distinct
during ca. 430–400 Ma north-dipping subduc- the Qaidam terrane via diapirism and/or relami- tectonic histories were formed and exhumed by
tion intruded the Qaidam basement to generate nation (Yin et al., 2007; Hacker et al., 2011), different events to a similar mid-crust position,
the eclogite protolith (Fig. 4A), which is sup- resulting in penetrative stretching of the eclogite where they sat for protracted periods of time


Figure 4. (A–D) Tectonic models for early Paleozoic protolith of eclogite formed within the Proto-Tethys arc before later collision (A), Carbonif-
erous opening of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean (B), formation of (ultra-)high-pressure [(U)HP] metamorphic rocks during subduction of the oceanic
lithosphere (C), and exhumation of the (U)HP rocks from deep to mid-crustal depths during slab rollback of the oceanic lithosphere (D). (E)
Plate reconstruction at ca. 260 Ma (modified from Huang et al., 2018). The circular yellow arrow represents the rotation direction of the South
China block during the closure of the Paleo-Tethys ocean.

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