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Cooperating School: Grade Level: 12

Zarraga National High School

Teacher: Learning Area: Housekeeping
Rolen T. Lopez
Teaching Date & Time: Quarter: 3rd
February 19, 2024
7:30 – 9:30 AM – Velvet
2:00 – 4: 00 PM – Éclair


A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of providing
effective housekeeping services to house guests
B. Performance Standard: The learner independently demonstrates
understanding of providing effective housekeeping services to house guest
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives: at the end of the lesson the students
are expected to:
a. Identify the different types of housekeeping and front office forms,
b. describe and explain the use of different types of housekeeping and front
office forms; and
c. use the different types of form accordingly.

II. Subject Matter: Housekeeping

Topic: Different Types of Front Office and Housekeeping Forms
Instructional materials: Laptop, Power Point Presentation, Pictures, Television

TLE-TVL Series
(Vivas, 2016, p.40-44,)
III. Procedure

Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
1. Daily routine
a. Prayer “ Good Morning, ma’am”
b. Greetings
Good Morning class! “ were okay ma’am”
How are you today?,
how’s your weekend ?

That’s good to hear

Before we take our seats, learners please
arrange your chairs properly and pick up
pieces of papers under your chairs.
c. Checking of Attendance Student 1: Present Ma’am
Student 2 : Present Ma’am
Now, I will check the attendance before we Student 20: Present Ma’am
start our discussion. Once your name is called
Student 25: Present Ma’am ……
say present

Before we start our lesson, let me share with

you first our House Rules

1. Be prepared for every class

2. Raise your hand before asking or
3. Be confident to share your ideas and
4. Respect and listen to your classmates
5. Let’s all do our best!
I hope that everyone will follow our house

B. Developmental Task “ No, ma’am”

1. Motivation
For todays game we’re going to play “ Thumbs
Up”, have you heard about this game?” “ yes ma’am”
“ okay, this is how to play the game , five
students stand in front of the class. The rest of
the students put their heads on their desks. The
five then move about and each touches a
student. Once touched, a student sticks his or
her thumb up. Then the five say “heads up five
up!” The students who were touched then get a
chance to guess which of the five touched each
of them. Got it?
“ who wants to play as one of the five ?” “ yes ma’am”
“ yes please Mr. Nicor, who else wants to play?
Ms. Lerdon, you want to play?
“ now that we have our five players , everyone

heads down and thumbs up please,….

Game continues..

A. Activity

Before we start our discussion solve this Students answers may vary
crossword puzzle I prepared for you
“ I think we are going to discuss about the
Spot some words that you think is related with rooms in the hotel ma’am”
our subject housekeeping. “ base on the words on the crosswords
ma’am , I think our topic for today is about
B. Analysis front office and housekeeping forms in the
1. Upon seeing the words you have spot in the hotel.”
crossword, what do you think is our topic
for today?

C. Abstraction

Lesson Proper

Front Office Forms

“ Me ma’am”
1. Front office diary, also known as log “ ako man ma’am “
book, contains all important events that
transpired in the hotel front desk during
the day. “ memorable memories happened in that
“ so, who among you here writes a day ma’am”
“ everything that happened in my day
what do you usually write in your diary? ma’am”

that’s a good habit class, In a hotel they

also have a diary, the front office diary also
known as log book, it contains all important
events that transpired in the hotel front desk
during the day.

this is the example of a front office diary class

31 Sunday July
7:00 AM Mr. Marciano reserved a special
room for two for himself and his
wife will and arrive between 11:00
AM to 1:00 PM
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
8:30 AM Ms. Chloe requested room transfer
from RM 201 to RM 207
9:00 AM A new room rate was applied
effective today, see Memorandum
No. 0078 posted at the bulletin for
9:30 AM
10:00 AM Lost room cards at RM 307 was
found and surrendered

as you can see class, this contains necessary

details like time and phrases that reflects
actual account of incidents in the hotel for Student’ s answer may vary
each day.

“ daily task that should be done , ma’am”

we also have the Daily Running Sheet
what do you think it contains?

correct , so a Daily Running Sheet contains

all the task that need to be accomplished at
the front desk . the purpose of this form is
for the front desk clerk to remember all the
task for the day. This can also be serve as
the checklist
this is an example of a daily running sheet
JB Suites
Phoenix Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines
Completed Task
________ Read Diary
________ All request were granted
________ Vacated rooms are clean

third on our list of front office forms is the

Guest Request sheet “ name of the guest, ma’am”
“ ma’am, the time of their arrival”
A guest request sheet class has the
consolidated guest request that were jotted
down as the request are made.
what details of information do you think is
present in the guest request sheet?

so a guest request sheet contains important

details , the name of the guest, room
“ me ma’am”
number , request , the time the request was
“ me also ma’am”
made and the person who received the

who among you here had experience staying

“ no, ma’am “
in a hotel?
“ I’m nervous and shy to asked ma’am haha”
in your stay in the hotel have you
experiencing requesting something ? like
water or towels ? have you tried ?
okay, but you know what class you shouldn’t
feel shy when requesting because you’re
paying for it. The most common request may
include booking at the massage clinic, spa,
salon, fresh towels, newspapers, etc.
“me ma’am, but I don’t wake up in the first ,
now for the last front office form we have the second and third ring ma’am”
Wake-up call sheet
Students raise their hands
who among you here set’s an alarm?, do you
wake on the first ring ?

me class, I don’t do alarms anymore , my

mother’s voice is enough for me to wake up,
who can relate with me , raise your hand

So in the hotel class they also have a wake-up

call sheet, this contains the time, room
numbers and the name of the guest. Wake up
call should be made at the exact time
Students raise their hands
that is the 4 front office forms that are used “ the four front office forms we have
in the hotel to ensure a good flow in hotel discussed are the front office diary, daily
accommodation cycle. running sheet, guest request sheet and
wake-up call sheet.”
who can tell me the 4 front office forms we
have discussed

Now we will discussed Housekeeping forms

These re the forms class, that a housekeeping

attendant must be familiar with.

First is the House status report, it basically

contains all the details about the rooms that “ record of the guest arrivals and departure,
are vacant and available, occupied, to be ma’am?
vacated, and out of order

A house status report class has some specific

parts, what do you think are those parts, any
idea ?

It has 4 specific parts class, first is the Room

Summary , it has the total number of rooms
in the hotel, number of rooms to sell , rooms
that are vacated and the out of order rooms
Movement, it contains the record of
departures and arrivals of guest in the rooms.
Rooms that will be occupied during the day
due to departures or early departures are also
reflected in this report

JB Suites
Phoenix Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines
Room Statues Occupied Vacant
Clean Rooms 7 10
Dirty Rooms 70 25
Out of Order 0 0

Next is we have the End of the day

projection, it has all the number of rooms in
the hotel less the number of rooms occupied
and lastly the Housekeeping request form
contains all the guest request

the Daily cleaning record, this is similar to

the daily running sheet that is used in the
front desk, it has the list of task that need to
be accomplished during the day. This record
class determines a housekeeping attendant’s
activities during the duration of his/her shift.

And for the last housekeeping form , the

task card , this are given in every shift to the Student A: “to know the status of the rooms
housekeeping attendant. These tell all the ma’am, to see which rooms are clean and
housekeeping works that need to be done dirty “
during the day Student B: “ the purpose of the
housekeeping forms that we have discussed
Upon discussing all these forms class, what ma’am is to know what task are needed to be
do you think is the purpose of these reports? accomplished for that day .”

Students answer may vary

D. Application
Create a three paragraph essay on how would
you relate the importance of the different front
office and housekeeping forms in your life as a
IV. Evaluation

A. Write the description of the following reports

Form Description
1. House Status Report
2. Wake-up Call Sheet
3. Guest Request Sheet
4. Front Office Diary
5. Daily Running Sheet
B. Identify the type of form needed to prepare the report for the following scenarios

_____________________1. A guest at room 104 requested for a wake-up call at 4:00

_____________________2. You have just arrived and received the list of task to be
completed during the day.
_____________________3. Mr. Nick Collier at Room 151 left his purse and black
scarf. He already left the hotel as he was catching up with a meeting.
_____________________4. Nina, the front desk officer for the morning shift needs to
read this form to remember her task
_____________________5. A guest is requesting to be booked at the hotels spa.


Describing and Explaining the use of different types of front office and housekeeping

Using your computer, prepare the following hotel forms and fill up using dummy
information. You can be creative in designing your own form to make it more
a. Daily running sheet
b. Wake-up call sheet
c. Front office diary
Prepared By:

Teaching Intern, BTVTED FSM 4A

Checked By:

Cooperating Teacher
Faculty, TVL Department

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