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\author{Phạm Việt Hùng- 2211349}
\date{September 2023}


\section{CÁC KHÁI NIỆM}

\subsection{True, Truth, Valid, Correct:}
Something is true when it corresponds to reality or conforms to fact. In
mathematics and logic, a statement or proposition that is true is one that
accurately describes a state of affairs.
\item Example : “The sun rises in the east” is a true statement.
\item Example: "2 + 2 = 4" is a true mathematical statement.
\item Truth is the quality or state of being true.
\item Example: The truth is that the Earth orbits the Sun.
\item It means that an argument is logically correct and follows from its
\item Example: if it rains, I will miss school. It's raining right now, so I'm
out of school.
\item It means that something is free from error or mistake.
\item Example: “The answer to 2+2 is 4” is correct.
\subsection{Fallacy, Contradiction, Paradox, Counterexample:}
\item It refers to an error in reasoning that makes an argument invalid.
\item Example: “All dogs have four legs. My cat has four legs. Therefore, my
cat is a dog”.
\item It refers to a situation where two statements are mutually exclusive and
cannot both be true at the same time
\item Example: “It’s raining outside” and “It’s not raining outside”.
\item It refers to a statement that contradicts itself or seems to defy logic.
\item Example: “This statement is false”.

\item It refers to an example that contradicts a generalization or hypothesis.
\item Example: "All birds can fly" can be countered by pointing out that
penguins are birds but cannot fly.
\subsection{Premise, Assumption, Presumption, Axiom, Hypothesis, Conjecture:}
\item A premise is a statement or proposition that serves as the basis for an
argument or conclusion.
\item Example: "Cat A has four legs." "Cat B has four legs." Both of these
premises are basic statements, and they are the basis for the main thesis ("All
cats have four legs").
\item A statement that is taken for granted or accepted as true without direct
\item Example: "If A equals B and B equals C, then A equals C." We don't know
in advance what A, B and C are, but we are assuming that if they are all equal,
then we can conclude that A must also be equal to C.

\item It refers to an assumption made before having all the necessary
information or evidence.
\item Example: "Since student A completed all the tests and assignments on
time, he will receive a high grade in the course." . However, this assumption may
need to be tested and justified in the specific context of the subject and student
A's problem.
\item A self-evident and universally accepted principle or proposition.
\item Example: In Euclidean geometry, "Two parallel lines never intersect" is an

\item It refers to a proposed explanation for something based on limited
\item Example: "If a student completes all the tests and assignments on time,
then he will get a good grade in the subject". The hypothesis is that if you study
hard, your score will be high.
\item It refers to an opinion base on incomplete information or guesswork.
\item Example: The Goldbach Conjecture posits that every even integer
conjecture than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers.This is a theory
that was stated a long time ago but no one has proven it until now.
\subsection{Tautology, Contradiction, Satisfiable, Contingency:}
\item A statement that is always true regardless of its truth values of its
\item Example: If a triangle is a right triangle then its right angle has a
right angle."This a tautology because it showed a natural relationship between a
right triangle and its right angle.
\item A statement that is always false regardless of its truth values of its
\item Example: "Today it is sunny and not sunny" is a contradiction.
\item It refers to a logical formula that can be made true by assigning
suitable truth values to its variables.
\item Example: "A AND B" is satisfactory if and only if a is true and b is
\item It refers either to a logical formula that can be true or false
depending on the truth values of its components.
\item Example : "A AND B" it can be either true or false depending on the truth
values of A,B.
\subsection{ Inference, Argument, Reasoning:}
\item The process of drawing a conclusion or making a logical deduction based
on evidence or premises.
\item Example: "if a > 0 and b > 0 then a + b > 0".
\item A set of statements or premises presented to support a conclusion.
\item Example: "if a > 0 and b > 0 then a + b > 0". "ì a > 0 and b > 0" is a
\item The process of thinking logically and making sense of information to
arrive at conclusions or make decisions.
\item Example: "if you study hard you will get A+". Because the reasoning is
that if you study hard, logically, you will get an A+.
\subsection{Variable, Argument, Arity:}
\item In mathematics and computer science, it refers to an element whose value
can change during execution of an algorithm or program.
\item Example: "Int a". a is an integer variable
\item In the context of functions: The input values or parameters passed to a
function in mathematics or programming.
\item Example: In the function "add(x, y)," "x" and "y" are arguments.
\item In mathematics and computer science, it refers to the number of
arguments taken by a function or operation.
\item Example: the addition operation in mathematics "10 + 10".
\section{Sect. 1.1:}
\section*{Problem 8}
Suppose that Smartphone A has 256 MB RAM and 32 GB ROM, and the resolution of its
camera is 8 MP; Smartphone B has 288 MB RAM and 64 GB ROM, and the resolution of
its camera is 4 MP; and Smartphone C has 128 MB RAM and 32 GB ROM, and the
resolution of its camera is 5 MP. Determine the truth value of each of these

\textbf{a) True.} Smartphone B has 288 MB RAM, which is the most among these three

\textbf{b) True.} Smartphone C has more ROM or a higher resolution camera than
Smartphone B.

\textbf{c) False.} Smartphone B has more RAM, more ROM, and a higher resolution
camera than Smartphone A.

\textbf{d) False.} If Smartphone B has more RAM and more ROM than Smartphone C,
then it also has a higher resolution camera.

\textbf{e) False.} Smartphone A has more RAM than Smartphone B if and only if
Smartphone B has more RAM than Smartphone A
\section*{Problem 9}
\item Suppose that during the most recent fiscal year, the an-nual revenue of
Acme Computer was 138 billion dollars and its net profit was 8 billion dollars, the
annual revenue of Nadir Software was 87 billion dollars and its net profit was 5
billion dollars, and the annual revenue of Quixote Media was 111 billion dollars
and its net profit was 13 billion dollars. Determine the truth value of each of
these propositions for the most recent fiscal year.

\textbf{a) False.} Quixote Media had 111 billion dollars in annual revenue, which
is not the largest. Acme Computer had the largest annual revenue with 138 billion

\textbf{b) True.} Nadir Software had the lowest net profit of 5 billion dollars,
and Acme Computer had the largest annual revenue of 138 billion dollars.

\textbf{c) True.} Neither Acme Computer nor Quixote Media had the largest net
profit. The largest net profit was 13 billion dollars for Quixote Media.

\textbf{d) True.} Even though Quixote Media had the smallest net profit (13 billion
dollars), Acme Computer still had the largest annual revenue (138 billion dollars).

\textbf{e) True.} Nadir Software had the smallest net profit (5 billion dollars),
and Acme Computer had the largest annual revenue (138 billion dollars). This
satisfies the "if and only if" condition, making the statement true.

\section*{Problem 11}
\item Let p and q be the propositions “Swimming at the New
Jersey shore is allowed” and “Sharks have been spotted
near the shore,” respectively. Express each of these com-pound propositions as an
English sentence.


A. $\neg q$: "Sharks have not been spotted near the shore."

B. $p \land q$: "Swimming at the New Jersey shore is allowed and sharks have been
spotted near the shore."

C. $\neg p \lor q$: "If swimming at the New Jersey shore is not allowed, then
sharks have been spotted near the shore."

D. $p \rightarrow \neg q$: "If swimming at the New Jersey shore is allowed, then
sharks have not been spotted near the shore."

E. $\neg q \rightarrow p$: "If sharks have not been spotted near the shore, then
swimming at the New Jersey shore is allowed."

F. $\neg p \rightarrow \neg q$: "If swimming at the New Jersey shore is not
allowed, then sharks have not been spotted near the shore."

G. $p \leftrightarrow \neg q$: "Swimming at the New Jersey shore is allowed if and
only if sharks have not been spotted near the shore."

H. $\neg p \land (p \lor \neg q)$: "Swimming at the New Jersey shore is not
allowed, and swimming at the New Jersey shore is allowed or sharks have not been
spotted near the shore."
\section*{Problem 12}
\item Let p and q be the propositions “The election is decided” and “The votes
have been counted,” respectively. Express each of these compound propositions as an
English sen-tence.

A. $\neg p$: "The election is not decided."

B. $p \lor q$: "The election is decided or the votes have been counted."

C. $\neg p \land q$: "The election is not decided and the votes have been counted."

D. $q \rightarrow p$: "If the votes have been counted, then the election is

E. $\neg p \rightarrow \neg q$: "If the election is not decided, then the votes
have not been counted."

F. $\neg q \rightarrow \neg p$: "If the votes have not been counted, then the
election is not decided."

G. $p \leftrightarrow q$: "The election is decided if and only if the votes have
been counted."

H. $(\neg q) \lor (\neg p \land q)$: "The votes have not been counted or the
election is not decided and the votes have been counted."

\section*{Problem 15}
\item Let p and q be the propositions
p: You drive over 65 miles per hour.
q: You get a speeding ticket.
Write these propositions using p and q and logical con-nectives (including

A) You do not drive over 65 miles per hour.\[ \neg p\]

B) You drive over 65 miles per hour, but you do not get a speeding ticket.\[p \land
\neg q\]

C) You will get a speeding ticket if you drive over 65 miles per hour.\[p \
rightarrow q\]

D) If you do not drive over 65 miles per hour, then you will not get a speeding
ticket.\[\neg p \rightarrow \neg q\]

E) Driving over 65 miles per hour is sufficient for getting a speeding ticket.\[p \
rightarrow q\]

F) You get a speeding ticket, but you do not drive over 65 miles per hour.\[q \land
\neg p\]

G) Whenever you get a speeding ticket, you are driving over 65 miles per hour.\[q \
rightarrow p\]
\section*{Problem 16}
\item Let p, q, and r be the propositions.
p: You get an A on the final exam.
q: You do every exercise in this book.
r: You get an A in this class.
Write these propositions using p, q, and r and logical con-nectives (including

A) You get an A in this class, but you do not do every exercise in this book.
\[r \land \neg q\]

B) You get an A on the final, you do every exercise in this book, and you get an A
in this class.
\[p \land q \land r\]

C) To get an A in this class, it is necessary for you to get an A on the final.

\[r \rightarrow p\]
D) You get an A on the final, but you don’t do every exercise in this book;
nevertheless, you get an A in this class.
\[p \land \neg q \land r\]

E) Getting an A on the final and doing every exercise in this book is sufficient
for getting an A in this class.
\[(p \land q) \rightarrow r\]
F) You will get an A in this class if and only if you either do every exercise in
this book or you get an A on the final.
\[r \leftrightarrow (q \lor p)\]

\section*{Problem 17}
\item Let p, q, and r be the propositions
p: Grizzly bears have been seen in the area.
q: Hiking is safe on the trail.
r: Berries are ripe along the trail.
Write these propositions using p, q, and r and logical con-nectives (including

a) Berries are ripe along the trail, but grizzly bears have not been seen in the
\[r \land \neg p\]

b) Grizzly bears have not been seen in the area and hiking on the trail is safe,
but berries are ripe along the trail.
\[\neg p \land q \land r\]

c) If berries are ripe along the trail, hiking is safe if and only if grizzly bears
have not been seen in the area.
\[r \rightarrow (q \leftrightarrow \neg p)\]

d) It is not safe to hike on the trail, but grizzly bears have not been seen in the
area and the berries along the trail are ripe.
\[\neg q \land \neg p \land r\]

e) For hiking on the trail to be safe, it is necessary but not sufficient that
berries not be ripe along the trail and for grizzly bears not to have been seen in
the area.
\[q \rightarrow (\neg r \land \neg p)\]

f) Hiking is not safe on the trail whenever grizzly bears have been seen in the
area and berries are ripe along the trail.
\[(p \land r) \rightarrow \neg q\]

\section*{Problem 36}
Onstruct a truth table for each of these compound propo-sitions.
a) $p \oplus p$:
$p$ & $p \oplus p$ \\
F & F\\
T & T\\

b) $p \oplus \neg p$:

$p$ & $\neg p$ & $p \oplus \neg p$ \\
F & T & T \\
T & F & T \\

c) $p \oplus \neg q$:

$p$ & $q$ & $\neg q$ & $p \oplus \neg q$ \\
T & T & F & F \\
T & F & T & T \\
F & T & F & T \\
F & F & T & F \\

d) $\neg p \oplus \neg q$:

$p$ & $q$ & $\neg p$ & $\neg p \oplus \neg q$ \\
T & T & F & F \\
T & F & F & T \\
F & T & T & T \\
F & F & T & F \\

e) $(p \oplus q) \lor (p \oplus \neg q)$:

$p$ & $q$ & $\neg q$ & $p \oplus q$ & $p \oplus \neg q$ & $(p \oplus q) \lor (p \
oplus \neg q)$ \\
F & F & T & F & T & T \\
F & T & F & T & F & T \\
T & F & T & T & F & T \\
T & T & F & F & T & T \\

f) $(p \oplus q) \land (p \oplus \neg q)$:

$p$ & $q$ & $\neg q$ & $p \oplus q$ & $p \oplus \neg q$ & $(p \oplus q) \land (p \
oplus \neg q)$ \\
F & F & T & F & T & F \\
F & T & F & T & F & F \\
T & F & T & T & F & F \\
T & T & F & F & T & F \\


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