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Bapuji Educational Association(Regd.

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Davangere-577 004

Department of Master of Computer Applications

Semester : I
Unix Programming Lab

By : Dr.Shankaragowda B.B. MCA., M.Phil., Ph.D., MISTE

Assistant Professor,
Dept. of MCA,
Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Davangere-577 004.

.A. Explore the Unix environment
B. Explore vi editor with vim tutor.
C. Shell Programming
Sl. Page
Name of the Shell Script No.
a)Write a shell that takes a valid directory name as an
1 argument and recursively descend all the subdirectories,
finds the maximum length of any file in that hierarchy and
writes this maximum value to the standard output. 9
b) Write a shell script that accepts a path name creates
all the components in that path name as directories. For
example, if the script is named mpc, then command mpc
a/b/c/d should create directories a, a/b, a/b/c, a/b/c/d.
2 a)Write a shell script that accepts two file names as
arguments, checks if the permissions for these files are
identical and if the permission are identical, output
common permission and otherwise output each file name
followed by its permissions. 10
b)Write a shell script which accepts valid log in names as
arguments and prints their corresponding home directories,
if no arguments are specified, print a suitable error
3 a)Write shell script to implement terminal locking
(similar to the lock command). It should prompt the user
for a password. After accepting the password entered by
the user, it must prompt again for the the matching
password as confirmation and if match occurs, it must lock
lock the keyword until a matching password is entered 11
again by the user, Note that the script must be written to
disregard BREAK, control-D. No time limit need be
implemented for the lock duration.
b) Create a script file called file-properties that reads
a file name entered and outputs it properties.
4 a)Write a shell script that accept one or more filenames
as argument and convert all of them to uppercase,
provided they exist in current directory.
b)Write a shell script that displays all the links to a
file specified as the first argument to the script. The
second argument, which is optional, can be used to specify 13
in which the search is to begin. If this second
argument is not present, the search is to begin in
current working directory. In either case, the starting
directory as well as all its subdirectories at all levels
must be searched. The script need not include any error
5 a. Write a shell script that accepts as filename as
argument and display its creation time if file exist
and if it does not send output error message.
b. Write a shell script to display the calendar for
current month with current date replaced by * or **
depending on whether the date has one digit or two digits.

6 a)Write a shell script to find a file/s that matches a
pattern given as command line argument in the home
directory, display the contents of the file and copy the
file into the directory ~/mydir 15
b) Write a shell script to list all the files in a
directory whose filename is at least 10 characters. (use
expr command to check the length)
7 a)Write a shell script that gets executed displays the
message either “Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon” or “Good
Evening” depending upon time at which the user logs in.
b)Write a shell script that accept a list of filenames as 16
its argument, count and report occurrence of each word
that is present in the first argument file on other
argument files.
a)Write a shell script that determine the period for which
8 a specified user is working on system and display
appropriate message.
b)Write a shell script that reports the logging in of a 17
specified user within one minute after he/she log in. The
script automatically terminate if specified user does not
log in during a specified period of time.
a)Write a shell script that accept the file name, starting
9 and ending line number as an argument and display all the
lines between the given line number.
b) Write a shell script that folds long lines into 40
columns. Thus any line that exceeds 40 characters must be 18
broken after 40th, a “\” is to be appended as the
indication of folding and the processing is to be
continued with the residue. The input is to be
supplied through a text file created by the user.
a) Write an awk script that accepts date argument in the
10 form of dd-mm-yy and displays it in the form if month,
day and year. The script should check the validity of the
argument and in the case of error, display a suitable
b) Write an awk script to delete duplicated line from a
text file. The order of the original lines must remain
a) Write an awk script to find out total number of books
11 sold in each discipline as well as total book sold using
associate array down table as given below.
Electrical 34
Mechanical 67
Electrical 80
Computer Science 43
Mechanical 65
Civil 98 21
Computer Science 64
b) Write an awk script to compute gross salary of an
accordingly to rule given below.
If basic salary is < 10000 then HRA=15% of basic & DA=45%
of basic
If basic salary is >=10000 then HRA=20% of basic & DA=50%
of basic.
D. Model Viva Voce Questions
A. Explore the Unix environment
What is Unix?

Unix is an operating system. All computers have operating systems. An

operating system is a software that acts as an interface between the user
and the computer hardware. An operating system acts as a resources
manager. Here resources mean hardware resources like the processor, the
main memory, the hard disk, I/O devices and other peripherals. In
addition to being a multi-user operating system, Unix gives its users, the
feeling of working on an independent computer system.

Linux is an operating system that evolved from a kernel created by Linus

Torvalds when he was a student at the University of Helsinki. Generally,
it is obvious to most people what Linux is. However, both for political
and practical reasons, it needs to be explained further. To say that Linux
is an operating system means that it's meant to be used as an alternative
to other operating systems, Windows, Mac OS, MS-DOS, Solaris and
others. Linux is not a program like a word processor and is not a set of
programs like an office suite. Linux is an interface between
computer/server hardware, and the programs which run on it.

Salient Features of Unix

Unix is a multi-tasking operating system – has the ability to support

concurrent execution of two or more active processes. Here it may be
noted that an instance of a program in execution is known as a process.

Unix is a multi-user operating system- has the ability to support more

than one user to login into the system simultaneously and execute
programs. For this, the Unix presents a virtual computer to every user by
creating simulated processors, multiple address spaces and the like.

Unix operating system is highly portable. Compared to other OS,it is

very easy to port Unix on to different hardware platforms with minimal
or no modifications at all.

Unix Components:

1. The Kernel

2. The shell

3. The file system

The Kernel: The kernel is the heart of any Unix operating system. This
kernel is relatively a small piece of code that is embedded on the
hardware. Actually it is a collection of programs that are mostly written
in c. Every Unix system has a kernel (just one) that gets automatically
loaded on to the memory as soon as the system is booted. AS the kernel
sits on the hardware it can directly communicate with the hardware.

The Shell: Every Unix system has, at least, one shell. A shell is a
program that sits on the kernel and acts as an agent or interface between
the users and the kernel and hence the hardware. It is similar to the in the MS-DOS environment.

Types of Shells:
The Bourne Shell(sh)
The CShell(csh)
The kornshell(ksh)
The Bourne-Again Shell(bash)

Basic Unix Commands

pwd 'print working directory' displays the name of the current directory
cd 'change directory' command will change the current directory to the
directory specified as the argument to the command, as in
'cd /home/WWW-pages/username'. ('cd' without specified parameter
will return to your home directory.)
ls 'list files' command displays the files in a directory.
ls -l 'long list option' for listing files displays permissions, links, owner,
group, file size, modification date, file name.
rm 'remove' command deletes ordinary files in a directory.
mv 'move' command moves a file from one location to another. It is also used
to rename files, as in 'mv thisfile.txt thatfile.txt'
cp 'copy' command creates a copy of a file.
chmod 'change mode' command is used to control access rights to a file or files.
mkdir 'make directory' command creates a directory or subdirectory within the
current directory.
rmdir 'remove directory' command removes a directory or subdirectory. The specified
directory must be empty before it can be removed.
find 'find' command is used to locate files.
file 'file' command is used to determine the type of information in the file
listed as the argument to the command, i.e. text or binary.
cat 'cat' command displays the contents of files. It is also used to concatenate
files as in "cat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt > allfiles.txt".
wc 'wc' command displays a count of characters, words, and lines in a text file.
sort 'sort' command is used to sort and/or merge text files.
grep 'grep' command searches for text strings in files.

Opening and Exiting Commands

vi Invokes vi with blank editing screen (new file) in command mode.

vi filename Invokes vi on existing file.
:w Writes (saves) existing file (command mode only; <ESC> from insert
:w filename Writes (saves) to new file (command mode only; <ESC> from insert
:x Writes (saves) file and exits vi (command mode only; <ESC> from
insert mode).
:q Quits vi without saving (command mode only; <ESC> from insert mode).
:q! Quits vi without saving any changes to file (command mode only;
<ESC> from insert mode).

Movement Commands

h Move cursor left one character.

j Move cursor down one line.
k Move cursor up one line.
l Move cursor right one character.
w Move cursor forward one word.
b Move cursor backward one word.
e Move cursor to end of word.
^F Move cursor forward one screenful.(Hold CTRL key and
press f)
^B Move cursor back one screenful. (Hold CTRL key and press
^D Move cursor down half screenful. (Hold CTRL key and
press d)
^U Move cursor up half screenful. (Hold CTRL key and press

Editing Commands

i Insert mode; inserts text before current cursor

I Insert mode; inserts text at the beginning of the line.
a Insert mode; append text following cursor position.
A Insert mode; append text at the end of the line.
o Open a new line below the current line and insert text.
O Open a new line above the current line and insert text.
r Replace character under cursor.
R Overtype mode; <ESC> terminates overtype.
s Substitute following text for character at cursor
position; <ESC>
text entry mode.
S Substitute text on entire line.
<ESC> Return to visual command mode from insert mode.
x Delete character at cursor position.
X Delete character before cursor.
dw Delete word at cursor position.
dd Delete current line.
d$ Delete from cursor to end of line.
d^ Delete from cursor to beginning of line.
cx Change text object at cursor positon. x is a cursor
movement key,
commonly c (line), w (word), b (back one word), $ (to end of line), ^
beginning of line).
<ESC> terminates text entry mode.
ym Yank (copy) text block identified by movement command m. (See above)
Y Yank (copy) current line.
p Put yanked text after or below cursor.
P Put yanked text before or above cursor.
. Repeat last edit.
u Undo last edit.
U Restore current line.

B. Explore vi editor with vim tutor.
Perform the following operations using vi editor, but not limited to:
1. insert character, delete character, replace character

insert character: i
i : insert before cursor
I : insert at beginning of line

Delete character : x

x deletes the character under the cursor.

X deletes the character to the left of your cursor.
dw deletes from the character selected to the end
of the word.
dd deletes all the current line.
D deletes from the current character to the end of the line.

Replace character : r
change word : cw

2. Save the file and continue working

3. save the file a exit the editor
4. quit the editor
5. quit without saving the file
6. rename a file
7. insert lines, delete lines,
8. set line numbers
Set nu
9. search for a pattern

These two commands differ only in the direction where the search takes place:
 The / command searches forwards (downwards) in the file.
 The ? command searches backwards (upwards) in the file.
. matches a single character
$ End of the file

10. move forward and backward

w: Forward one word

Back one word

C. Shell Programming:
Code: 13MCA17
1. a)Write a shell that takes a valid directory name as an argument
and recursively descend all the subdirectories, finds the maximum
length of any file in that hierarchy and writes this maximum
value to the standard output.
for i in $*
if [ -d $i ]
echo "large filename size is"
echo `ls -Rl $1 | grep "^-" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f 5,8 | sort -n
| tail -1`
echo "not directory"
Description: Sort Sorts the lines of the specified files, typically
in alphabetical order. Using the –m option it can merge sorted input
files. Its syntax is: sort [<options>] [<filed specifier>]
Cd (change [current working] directory)
Input: $sh enter directory name
Max file length is 835
b) Write a shell script that accepts a path name creates all the
components in that path name as directories. For example, if the
script is named mpc, then command mpc a/b/c/d should create
directories a, a/b, a/b/c, a/b/c/d.

echo "enter the pathname"

read p
len=`echo $p|wc -c`
while [ $i -le $len ]
x=`echo $p | cut -d / -f $j`
namelength=`echo $x|wc -c`
mkdir $x
cd $x
j=`expr $j + 1`
i=`expr $i + $namelength`
echo $g
Description: mkdir(make directory)
$mkdir directory
Creates a subdirectory called directory in the current working
directory. You can only create subdirectories in a directory if you
have write permission on that directory.
Pwd: Displays current working directory.
Input: Enter the pathname
Output: a, a/b, a/b/c, a/b/c/d
2. a) Write a shell script that accepts two file names as arguments,
checks if the permissions for these files are identical and
if the permission are identical, output common permission and
otherwise output each file name followed by its permissions.
-Check the permissions
if [ $# -eq 0 ] #Line1
echo "arguments not entered sorry try again "
ls -l $1 > f1 #Line5
x=`cut -c2-10 f1` #Line6
echo $x
ls -l $2 > f2
y=`cut -c2-10 f2`
echo $y
echo " "
if [ $x = $y ]
echo "permission of both files are same"
echo $x
echo "permission are different"
echo $x
echo $y
Description: In Line1 $# means total number of arguments supplied to
the shell script. In line5 File attributes and permissions can be
known by using the listing command ls with –l option. In line6 the
cut command - splitting files vertically. Using this command
required field(s) or column(s) can be extracted from a file. The –c
option is used to extract required fields based on character
positions or column(s).

The syntax of the if-then-else construct is
If[expr] then
if[expr] then
The expression expr will be evaluated and according to its value,
the commandlist-1 or the commandlist-2 will be executed.

Input: $sh filename1 filename2

Permissions of both files are same
You have to change the file permission: $chmod 777 filename1
Permissions are different
rwxrwxrwx $+1
rwxr_xr-x $+2

b) Write a shell script which accepts valid log in names as
arguments and prints their corresponding home directories, if no
arguments are specified, print a suitable error message.


if [ $y -eq 0 ]
echo "arguments are not entered"
while [ $i -le $y ]
grep $loginname /etc/passwd > s
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "loginname:$loginname"
echo "home directory"
cut -d ":" -f 6 s
i=`expr $i + 1`

Grep: This command is used to search, select and print specified
records or lines from an input file.
Grep [options] pattern [filename1][filename2]…
Input: login name: MCA

Output: home directory

3 a) Create a script file called file-properties that reads a file
name entered and outputs it properties.

echo "Enter a file name"

read file
if [ -f $file ]
set -- `ls -l $file`
echo "file permission: $1"
echo "Number of links:$2"
echo "User name:$3"
echo "Group name: $4"
echo "Filesize : $5 bytes"
echo "Date of modification:$6"
echo "time of modification:$7"
echo "Name of file:$8"
echo "file does not exist"


#Check the permissions
echo "enter the file name1"
read f1
ls -l $f1

Input: Enter the file name
Output: -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root | mar | 11: 50 biet

b) Write shell script to implement terminal locking (similar to the

lock command). It should prompt the user for a password. After
accepting the password entered by the user, it must prompt again for
the the matching password as confirmation and if match occurs, it
must lock lock the keyword until a matching password is entered
again by the user, Note that the script must be written to disregard
BREAK, contro-D. No time limit need be implemented for the lock

echo "Enter the passwd for terminal locking"
stty -echo
read pass1
stty echo
echo "Enter passwd for confirmation"
stty -echo
read pass2
stty echo
while [ $val -eq 1 ]
if [ $pass2 = $pass1 ]
echo "password match"
echo "invalid password"
echo "Enter password for confirmation"
stty -echo
read pass2
stty echo
if [ $pass1 = $pass2 ]
echo "Terminal is locked"
echo "Enter password to unlock terminal"
stty -echo
read pass3
while [ $val -eq 1 ]
while [ -z "$pass3" ]
sleep 1
read pass3

if [ $pass3 = $pass2 ]
echo "invalid password"
echo "enter passwd for unlocking"
stty -echo
read pass3
stty echo

stty echo

echo "terminal unlocked"

Input: Enter the password for terminal locking
Enter the password for confirmation
Enter password to unlock terminal
output: Terminal is unlocked

4a. Write a shell script that accept one or more filenames as argument and convert all of
them to uppercase, provided they exist in current directory.

if [ $y -le 0 ]
echo "argument is not entered"
for file in $*
echo "$file"
n=`echo -n "$file" | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"`
mv "$file" "$n"
echo "$n"
Input: $sh Enter directory name

Output: All files change to uppercase


b. Write a shell script that displays all the links to a file specified as the first argument
to the script. The second argument, which is optional, can be used to specify in
which the search is to begin. If this second argument is not present, the search is to
begin in current working directory. In either case, the starting directory as well as all
its subdirectories at all levels must be searched. The script need not include any
error checking.

if [ $# -eq 1 ]
set -- `ls -l $file`
if [ $lcnt -eq 1 ]
echo "No other links"
exit 0
set -- `ls -i $file`
find "$dirx" -xdev -inum $inode -print

Input: $sh T1 Note: You have create a link $ln T1 T2

Output: ./y

5a. Write a shell script that accepts as filename as argument and display its creation time
if file exist and if it does not send output error message.

if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "display does not exit"
ls -l $1 > t1
x=`cut -c 42- t1`
echo $x

input: $sh t1
Ouput: 15:29 t1

b. Write a shell script to display the calendar for current month with current date
replaced by * or ** depending on whether the date has one digit or two digits.

# program to display the current month and date

set `date`
if [ $3 -le 9 ]
n=`cal | tail -n +3 | grep -n "$3" | cut -d ":" -f1 | head -n1`
n=`expr $n + 2`
cal|sed "$n s|$3|*|"
cal|sed "s|$3|**|"
Input: $sh

Mon Mar 17 09:39:20 IST 2008
March 2008
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 ** 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31

6a. Write a shell script to find a file/s that matches a pattern given as command line
argument in the home directory, display the contents of the file and copy the file into
the directory ~/mydir

if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo “No arguments”
for i in $*
echo grep –riew $* /home/mca
ls $*
cat $*
cp –f $* /home/mca/mydir

Input: $ sh *.sh

Output: Copy the *.sh file to /home/mca/mydir

Display content *.sh files.


b. Write a shell script to list all the files in a directory whose filename is at least 10
characters. (use expr command to check the length)

echo "enter the string"

read str
le=`expr length $str`
if [ $le -le 10 ]
echo "String is less than or equal 10 characters"
echo $str
Input: Enter the string
Output: String is less than 10 characters

If [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo “enter directory name as argument”
c=’ls –l $* | cut –d “ “ –f 9’
echo “filename are $c”
for I in $c
len=`expr “$i” : ‘.*’`
if [ $len –ge 10 ]
echo “$i having $len”

7a. Write a shell script that gets executed displays the message either “Good Morning” or
“Good Afternoon” or “Good Evening” depending upon time at which the user logs in.

hournow=`date | cut -c 12-13`

echo $hournow
user=`echo $LOGNAME | cut -d "/" -f 2`
case $hournow in
[0-1][0-1]|0[2-9])echo "good morning Mr/Ms: $LOGNAME";;
1[2-9])echo "good after noon Mr/Ms: $LOGNAME";;
1[6-9])echo "good Evening Mr/Ms: $LOGNAME";;
*)echo "good Night Mr/Ms: $LOGNAME";;

Input: $sh
Output: good after noon

b. Write a shell script that accept a list of filenames as its argument, count and report
occurrence of each word that is present in the first argument file on other argument

if [ $# -lt 2 ]
echo "usage:wdcnt wordfile filename1 filename2......."
for word in `cat $1`
for file in $*
if [ "$file" != "$1" ]
echo "the word frequency of --$word--in file $file is:
`grep -iow "$word" $file | wc -w`"
Input: $cat a
Unix is an OS by the researchers for the researchers
Unix is an OS of the present computing industry
$cat b
Os is an ss that acts as an interface between the
human and the computer
$sh Wordfile a b (Wordfile contains Unix)

Ouput: The word frequency of Unix in the a is 2

The word frequency of Unix in b is 0
The word frequency of OS in a is 2
The word frequency of Os in b is 1

8a. Write a shell script that determine the period for which a specified user is working on
system and display appropriate message.

echo "enter the login name of a user"

read name
userinfo=`who | grep -w "$name" | grep "pts"`
echo $userinfo
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "$name is not logged-in yet"
hrs=`echo "$userinfo" | cut -c 34-35`
echo "login time " $hrs
min=`echo "$userinfo" | cut -c 37-38`
echo "login Min" $min
hrnow=`date | cut -c 12-13`
echo "current hrs" $hrnow
minnow=`date | cut -c 15-16`
echo "cuurent Min" $minnow
if [ $minnow -lt $min ]
minnow=`expr $minnow + 60`

hrnow=`expr $hrnow + 1`
hour=`expr $hrnow - $hrs`
minutes=`expr $minnow - $min`
echo "Mr/Ms:$name is working since $hour hrs-$minutes minutes"
Input: Enter the login name
Output: MCA is working since 1 hr – 13 minutes

b Write a shell script that reports the logging in of a specified user within one minute
after he/she log in. The script automatically terminate if specified user does not log
in during a specified period of time.

echo -n "enter the login name of the user".

read lname
echo -n "enter the unit of time(min):"
read min
until who | grep -w "$lname"> /dev/null
sleep 60
period=`expr $period + 1`
if [ $period -gt $min ]
echo "$lname has not logged in since $min minutes."
echo "$lname has now logged in."
Input: MCA
Output: MCA has now logged in
Input: test1
Output: tetst1 has not logged in 1 minutes


9a. Write a shell script that accept the file name, starting and ending line number as an
argument and display all the lines between the given line number.

if [ $# -ne 3 ]
echo "invalid number of arguments"
c=`cat $1 | wc -l`
if [ $2 -le 0 -o $3 -le 0 -o $2 -gt $3 -o $3 -gt $c ]
echo "invalid input"
sed -n "$2,$3 p" $1
Input: $cat proverb.txt
A friend in need is a friend indeed
ouput: $sh proverb.txt 2 4

b. Write a shell script that folds long lines into 40 columns. Thus any line that exceeds
40 characters must be broken after 40th, a “\” is to be appended as the indication of
folding and the processing is to be continued with the residue. The input is to be
supplied through a text file created by the user.

echo "Enter the filename:\c"

read fn
for ln in `cat $fn`
lgth=`echo $ln|wc -c`
lgth=`expr $lgth - 1`
if [ $lgth -gt 40 ]
while [ $lgth -gt 40 ]
echo "`echo $ln|cut -c $s-$e`\\"
s=`expr $e + 1`
e=`expr $e + 40`
lgth=`expr $lgth - 40`
echo $ln|cut -c $s-
echo $ln
echo "File folded"

Input: $sh t.txt


10a Write an awk script that accepts date argument in the form of dd-mm-yy and
displays it in the form if month, day and year. The script should check the validity
of the argument and in the case of error, display a suitable message.

{ split ( $0, arr, "-")

if ((arr[1] < 1) || (arr[1] >31) || (arr[2] < 1) || (arr[2] > 12)
print "invalid date"
exit 0
else {
print arr[2]
if (arr[2] == 1)
print "Jan"
if (arr[2] == 2)
print "Feb"
if (arr[2] == 3)
print "March"
if (arr[2] == 4)
print "April"
if (arr[2] == 5)
print "May"
if (arr[2] == 6)
print "jun"
if (arr[2] == 7)
print "jul"
if (arr[2] == 8)
print "Aug"
if (arr[2] == 9)
print "sep"
if (arr[2] == 10)
print "oct"
if (arr[2] == 11)
print "Nov"
if (arr[2] == 12)
print "Dec"
print arr[3]
Input: $awk –f 12b.awk

b. Write an awk script to delete duplicated line from a text file. The order of the
original lines must remain unchanged.

print "Removing Duplicated lines"
line [++no] = $0
for (i=1; i<=no; i++)
for (j=1; j<i; j++)
if (line[i] == line[j])
if (flag==1)
print line[i] >> "out13a.txt"
Input: $cat t1.txt
(press ctrl d)
Output: $cat 13a.txt

11a. Write an awk script to find out total number of books sold in each discipline as well
as total book sold using associate array down table as given below.
Electrical 34
Mechanical 67
Electrical 80
Computer Science 43
Mechanical 65
Civil 98
Computer Science 64

BEGIN {print"Total number of books sold in each category"}

{books [ $1 ]+=$2}
END { for(item in books)
{ printf("\t%-17s %ls %-5d\n", item, "=", books[item])
printf("%-17s %ls %-5d\n", "Total books sold", "=", total)
input: $awk –f 13b.awk
Electrical 34
Mechanical 67
Electrical 80
Computer Science 43
Mechanical 65
Civil 198
Computer Science 64

Ouput: Electrical 114
Mechanical 132
Computer Science 107
Civil 198
Total: 551

b. Write an awk script to compute gross salary of an employee accordingly to rule given
If basic salary is < 10000 then HRA=15% of basic & DA=45% of basic
If basic salary is >=10000 then HRA=20% of basic & DA=50% of basic.

BEGIN { FS=":"
print "\n\t\tsalary statement of employees for the month of feb"
print "","\t","name","\t\t","designation","\t","BASIC",
{slno++; basic_tot+=$5;
if ( $5 >= 10000 )
{da=0.45*$5; da_tot+=da;

else { da=0.50*$5;da_tot+=da;
sal_tot+=$5 + da + hra
printf "%2d\t%-15s %12-s %8d %8.2f %8.2f
END {print "\n\ttotal basic paid is : rs " basic_tot
print "\ttotal da paid is : rs " da_tot
print "\ttotal hra paid is : rs " hra_tot
print "total salary paid is : rs " sal_tot}
Input: $cat data.txt
$awk –f 14.awk data.txt
salary statement of employees for the month of Februry
sl.No Name Designation BASIC DA HRA GROSS
1 guru md 52000 23400.00 7800.00 83200.00
2 girish ana 30000 13500.00 4500.00 48000.00

Total basic paid is: Rs

Total da paid is:Rs.
Total hra paid is:Rs.
Total salary paid is:Rs.
Note: In the examination each student picks one question from a lot of all the 11
questions. Question A & B Not to be included for examination

D. Model Viva Voce questions
Unix is an Operating System. All Computers have operating systems. An operating system is
a software that acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware. An operating
system acts as a resources manager. Here resources mean hardware resources like the
processor, the main memory, the hard disk, I/O devices and other peripherals. In addition to
being a multi user operating system, Unix gives its users, the feeling of working on an
independent computer system.
1. Unix is a multi-tasking operating system – has the ability to support concurrent execution
of two or more active processes. Here it may me noted that an instance of a program in
execution is known as a process.
Salient feature of
2. Unix is a multi-user operating system – has the ability to support more than one user to
login into the system simultaneously and execute programs.
3. Unix Operating system is highly portable. Compared to other OS Unix on to different
hardware platforms with minimal or no modifications at all.
1. The kernel 2. The shell 3. The file system
The kernel is the heart of any Unix Operating system. This kernel is relatively a small piece
Unix Components
of code that is embedded on the hardware. The shell is a program that sits on the kernel and
acts as an agent or interface between the users and the kernel and hence the hardware.
1.The Bourne Shell(Sh) 2. The C Shell(csh) 3. The Korn shell (ksh) 4. The Bourne-Again shell
Types of Shells
The Shell prompts $ (dollar) : Bourne and Korn Shells %(percent) : C shells #(hash) : Any shell as root
The echo command is used to display messages. It is quite useful in developing interactive shell
echo Command programs.
Aliases Giving alternate names to commands
A File is a sequence of bits, bytes or lines that is stored on a storage device like a disk.
Unix files
1. Regular files 2. Directory files 3. Device files or special files
Hidden files Dot files : Ex: .profile, .exec and other files.
These are two special purpose file names that exist in every file system. The file name dot (.)
File system:
refers to the directory that contains it and the file name dot-dot (..) refers to the parent of its
Dot(.) and Dot(..)
current directory.
cat command Create files and Display the contents of a file.
ls command Listing of files : This command is used to list all the files in a current directory.
chmod command Changing file permissions
chown Command Changing the owner of a file
chgrep Command Changing the group of a file
It is possible to change the source from where the input is taken by a program as well as
destination to where the output is sent by a program. This mechanism of changing the input
Redirection source and /or output destination is called redirection.
< > >> | < input redirection > output redirection >> output redirection with appending
012 |(pipe) Connecting the output of one command as input to another command
The file descriptors 0 1 and 2 are implicitly prefixed to the redirection operators.
0 is input descriptor 1 is output descriptor and 2 is standard error file.
A program or a command that reads its input from the standard input, processes it in some
way, and writes its output to the standard output is called a filter. Many of the Unix
Commands like cat, grep, tee, sort, more, head, tail, cut, paste and others are some examples of
tee command This is a mechanism that sends a copy of its input to one or more files as well as to the standard output.
/dev/tty and /dev/tty : terminal file /dev/null: Trash files
Splitting files vertically –Using this command, required field (s) or column(s) can be extracted from a
cut command file.
vi-stands for visual editor. It is full-screen editor. The three modes of the vi editor are the
Vi Editor
Command mode , the input mode and the ex mode.
This is an automatic initialization file, which will be present in the home directory. This is an
optional file. This file contains a series of set commands with proper options as well as some
.exrc file other ex mode commands. $cat > .exec
set number

This command is used to search, select and print specified records or lines from an input file.
grep is an acronym for globally search a regular expression and print it. The syntax: grep
grep Commnad
[options] pattern [filename1] [filename2]…options –I, -v,-l, -n, -e. egrep : extended grep
and fgrep: fixed grep.
Sed is an acronym for the stream editor. It is an extremely powerful editor by using which, one
sed command can perform (affect) quick and easy changes to a file without entering into an editor like vi or
emacs and others. General format: $sed options ‘address_actionlist’ filelist
A process is an abstract concept of using which , one can explain, understand and control the
Process execution of a program in an operating system. In its simplest form a process is defined as a
program in execution.
All the user processes, which are created by users with the shell, act upon the directions of the
users and are normally attached to the terminal are called interactive processes. These types of
processes are also called foreground processes.
Foreground and
Certain processes can be made to run independent of terminals. Such processes that run
without any attachment to a terminal are called non-interactive processes. These types of
processes are also called background processes.
All processes that keep running always without holding up any terminals and keep waiting for
certain instructions either from the system or users and then immediately get into action are
called daemons.
System variables System variables: are set either during the boot sequence or after logging in. examples PATH ,
and Local variables HOME, MAIL, SHELL and TERM Variables. Local variables are user-defined variables.
$0 $0 is a special shell variable that holds the parameter number 0 , the program name.
$# : The variable $# holds a count of the total number of parameters, that is arguments.
$# $* $@
$* : Variable holds the list of all the arguments
$@: Variable holds the list of arguments present in the command line
“$*” : the command treats all the command line arguments as a single argument.
“$*” and “$@”
“$@” : the command treats the command line arguments as individual arguments.
This is a built-in shell command that evaluates the expression given to it as an argument and
returns true if the evaluation of the expression returns a zero or false If the evaluation returns
test command non-zero. -eq : equal to -ne: not equal to -gt : greater than –ge: greater than or equal to
-lt: less than –le : less than or equal to. -e file : true if file exists –r file: true if file exists and
is readable. –h file : True if file exists and is a link file.
Loop control While , until, for
awk is a filter program that was originally developed in 1977 by Aho Weinberger and
Kernighan as a pattern-scanning language. The name awk is derived from the first letters of its
developers surname . It is a programming language with C-like control structures, functions
and variables. The general format of an awk command line is : $ awk options ‘program’
FS : Input field separator (default: blank and tab)
OFS: Output field separator (default: blank and tab)
RS : input record separator (default: new line)
NR: Number of current record NF: Number of fields in input record ARGC: Number of
command line arguments ARGV: Command line arguments array. $0: Entire current line
A superuser is a user with unrestricted access to all files and commands, The username of the
Superuser superuser’s account is root. Many administrative tasks and their associated commands require
superuser status.
The df(disk free) command is used to find the amount of disk space available on a file
df and du system.
commands The du(disk usage) command is used to find out how much disk space has been used by each
sub-directory as well as each file under the current directory.
find is the Unix’s file search command using which, one can search a required file in any
required directory structure or directory structures. This command is one of the least used and
find command
most powerful commands in the Unix environments.
#find path_list selection_criterion action
ln command : file links Hard links: In Unix more than one user can use the same file with his
ln command
or her own filename. $ln trial test Symbolic links are files that hold the pathname of the
Hard links
original file. Since symbolic links are also files the inode numbers of these linked files will be
Symbolic links
different. One of the common uses of symbolic links is on the web.


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