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Black Cumin:

An Effective
Cancer Treatment
By Dr. Adem Gunes
This eBook provides valuable, science-based facts about cancer and its treatments, as
well as natural substances that can kill cancer cells or increase the effects of conventional

It was written to serve as a basis for all

cancer patients and their families.

The aim of this eBook is to help cancer

patients to understand the condition
they have been diagnosed with, and
offer alternative solutions to traditional
cancer cures.

The eBook is also dedicated to those people who

are interested in learning more about cancer and
cancer treatments, as well as those who want to
know more about Complementary and Alternative
Cancer Treatments.

Dr. Adem is a German doctor with
Doctor Adem is the integrative Oncology as his field
co-founder of the first of research. For many years he has
Austrian Hyperthermia dedicated his time and resources
Center. to researching complementary
Another and alternative cancer treatments.
focus of In 2001 Dr. Adem published his
his work was the doctoral dissertation about local
systematic investigation hyperthermia.
of the applicability of natural
He became a specialist physician
substances in oncology. Over
for general and family medicine at
the years, he built the world’s
the age of 28. After he practiced
largest database of natural
independently in Hamburg
substances in the field of
for several years, he decided
cancer medicine.
to continue his research in
complementary oncology.
In 2009, at only 33
His scientific work in the field of
years, he was appointed
hyperthermia, its applicability
as the Chief Physician in the
in combination with other anti-
Pro Life Clinic, a well-renowned
cancer drugs, found great
Hospital for complementary
interest among integrative
oncology in Innsbruck, Austria.
cancer doctors. In particular, he
He was at that time one of the
was able to demonstrate that,
youngest doctors to have
through synergy effects, the
occupied such a position in a
dose of chemotherapy could be
cancer hospital in Europe.
reduced without decreasing its

At the Pro Life Clinic in Austria Dr. Adem continued his research activities in the field of
hyperthermia and established a research laboratory where he worked with his team on
the detection of circulating cancer cells in the blood.

He has trained a lot of doctors and is still educating doctors from all over the world. Most
of them are using his protocols in the treatment of their cancer patients. His hyperthermia
protocols have become a standard in some German clinics.

He promotes the idea of integrative medicine and, due to the success in the treatment of
difficult cancer patients, he does not believe in hopeless cases.

His constant desire to explore and make breakthroughs in the field of cancer treatment
has made Dr. Adem one of the world renowned physicians in complementary cancer


Doctoral Thesis, Featured in DVD

“The Influence Of Documentary
Chemotherapeutical Agents “Cancer is
In Combination with Local Curable Now”
Hyperthermia On The
Growth And The Oxygen Author of
Saturation Of Human the book Featured in
Tumors” “Hyperthermic “German Cancer
Oncology” Breakthrough”

Now, Dr. Adem works closely with cancer patients from around the world (including
Germany, Thailand, Dubai) to recommend them a complementary cancer clinic or to
create a personalised care plan for patients to follow at home.

INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

DESCRIPTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

HISTORY OF BLACK CUMIN SEEDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


THE ROLE OF BLACK CUMIN IN CANCER TREATMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


ACTION OF BLACK CUMIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17



TREATED WITH BLACK CUMIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

OTHER HEALTH BENEFITS OF BLACK CUMIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


CONCLUSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


My experience has been that Professor Adem Günes offers

non-Europeans several invaluable services that simply have
no counterpart. Dr. Gunes’ reply was extremely prompt,
personal and direct. This gave me very good direction,
focused my research, certainly saved me a great deal of time,
and cost.

John Upton

Dr. Gunes studied with great care and attention to detail

all the medical records which I had forwarded by email.
He advised regarding effective treatments for advanced
prostate cancer and also suggested suitable supplements.

Majella Vallely, N. Ireland

In my research of German clinics, I ran across doctor Gunes’

name, associated with his knowledge of various German
cancer protocols. When I received my listing of protocols,
I realized that Dr. Gunes is on the leading edge of cancer
treatments, utilizing advanced protocols as GcMAF, which is
a recent breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.

Guy Girouard, United States

There is an increasing trend to adapt herbal lifestyle to improve the quality of life.
Humans have been mining the boundaries to discover the compounds that can be used
to treat human diseases.

Many herbal remedies have been found that have showed beneficial results similar to the
modern medicine. The search is still on to harness the active compounds that combat
human illnesses like cancer.

Black Cumin is one such popular herbal seed in the history. Black cumin seeds are also
known as – Nigella sativa, kalonji, nutmeg, black caraway, etc. [1]

• These seeds are – bitter, acrid, aromatic, diuretic and antibacterial in action.

• They also have appetizing, digestive, stimulant and expectorant properties

• They can be used in treating skin diseases, diarrhea, cough, dysentery, bad breath,
paralysis, fever, inflammation, jaundice and even chronic health conditions like heart
diseases and tuberculosis part from cancer.

However, further research is required to assess the complete potential of Black cumin
seeds against cancer.

In this book, we have summarized the health benefits of black cumin seeds and how they
are used to prevent or treat cancer. The biological effect of black cumin has been tested
to understand the potential of its anti-cancer, antiviral and antioxidant properties.

This book is meant for cancer patients and other people who are looking for alternative
ways to treat cancer and related health conditions. After reading this book, patients will
know the numerous benefits of black cumin seeds in-depth. This book has also augmented
the efficacy of black cumin seeds as a natural remedy for cancer, tuberculosis, and other
chronic diseases.

Black cumin seed is an annual herbaceous plant, which is a member of Ranunculaceae
family. It is a fruit plant that is a part of buttercup family that has its seeds in dark color
and crescent shaped. Black cumin seeds are being used in the Middle East, India and
Mediterranean for many centuries.

Black cumin seeds were highly valued in the Europe before the 18th century. Slowly, they
lost their value and were used as garden decoration. However, Black seed regained its
popularity in the recent years and were widely used as a remedy in North America and
Europe. Nigella Sativa or Black Cumin is considered native to Mediterranean region and is
cultivated widely in Asia, North Africa or South-eastern Europe.

The largest producers of black cumin are India, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey and Iraq. The
leaves of black cumin plant pairs, where the lower leaves are short, and the upper leaves
are longer, approximately 4 inches in length. The stalk of the plant with white flower
petals can grow up to 18 inches. The seeds are held at the center of the flower, which turn
black upon their exposure to air. [3]

The primary active ingredient in black cumin seeds is beta-sitosterol, palmitic acid,
stearic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid and thymoquinone. It also contains nutrients like
Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, calcium, folic acid, Vitamin B3, copper, iron, phosphorous and
zinc. The medicinal value may be provided by the unique synergy between the multiple
compounds present in the seeds.

However, experts agree that the most important compounds in this herb are nutrients and
fatty acids. One reason for its medicinal value is its richness in polyunsaturated fatty acids
that produces prostaglandin E1. Prostaglandin E1 plays a very important role in boosting
the immune system and heals blood clots, skin infections, and balances sugar metabolism.

Black cumin seeds are referred to as thymoquinone and are known to cure some diseases
in humans. Till date, more than 200 studies have been conducted on black cumin seeds to
know their medical benefits and it was found that black cumin seeds are very beneficial
in treating cancer and related health conditions. [1]

Black cumin seeds are a bit spicy and used as a whole in cooking a variety of dishes.
These seeds have little aroma and tend to aid in digestion as well as release gases from
the intestines and stomach. Black cumin seeds are a few of the botanical plants that have
shown such effectiveness. The extract of black cumin seeds is said to have great healing
power, as the extract is more concentrated than the seeds alone.

In ancient times, black cumin seeds were also used to treat toothaches, colds, infections
and headaches. [2] According to researchers, Black cumin seeds have a tendency to cure
almost all the disease. Scientists are working on this to know the reason for its curing
properties and have found that the key reason could be its specific chemical structure.
These little seeds have more than 100 different chemical constituents along with all the
essential fatty acids.

Many people consider black seeds as a panacea and not take it seriously. However, one
should always know that these humble seeds are used in almost all the natural remedies
that are used for treating autoimmune disorders and other conditions where the patients
suffer because of their immune cells that attack the normal cells in their bodies.

Black cumin seeds have a strong history of Egypt. When the tomb of Egyptian boy-king
Tutankhamen was examined by archaeologists, a bottle of black cumin oil was found.
These seeds were even used by Egyptian Pharaohs frequently after huge feasts to calm
the upset stomachs.

Hundreds of studies have been conducted on these seeds, which showed that these
seeds help fight diseases by boosting the production of immune cells, bone marrow,
and natural interferon. [2] A recent study on black cumin seeds demonstrated that it is
quite effective against pancreatic cancer, which is one of the life-threatening cancers.

Black cumin is used by all naturopathic masters. Hippocrates of 5th century B.C. regarded
black cumin seeds as a valuable remedy in digestive and hepatic disorders. It was
extensively used in the 1st century by Pliny, whose list of natural remedies include – snake
bites, scorpion stings, old tumors, skin rashes and abscesses.

Black seed oil was even used by renowned Greek Physician, Dioscorides, who described
this plant as mention in his book “De Materia Medica”, which was used as a reference
book that comprises of several healing herbs. Dioscorides was the one who influenced the
homeopathic masters of the modern period.

In Ayurveda, black cumin seeds were appreciated for its health benefits and stimulant
nature. There is no side effect of black cumin when administered in normal dosage. An
important thing about black cumin is its capacity to restore harmony.

Patients who were suffering from asthma and other respiratory problems noticed dramatic
results when they began using this herb. It is not surprising that people in Asian and
Mediterranean regions believe that black cumin is good for all that troubles.

There are some medical applications for the black cumin seeds. They are usually found
in cough syrups, teas, wound salves, massage oils, compresses and many other products

One can even see black cumin seeds in honey and creams. Black cumin seed also help
dilute its strength. Patients with cancer can benefit a lot from consuming this herb or by
using it in the form of supplements. They can contact a physician to learn more about the
amazing benefits of black cumin in the treatment of cancer.

• 1. Black Cumin Seed.

• 2. Black Cumin Seeds Provide Many Wonderful Health Benefits.

• 3. Black Cumin Seed Oil – An Ancient Healing



The word cancer means a disease that can have a negative impact on the life expectancy
of a person. Most of the cancer patients do not know how it happened and why it occurred.
Most often, they are not aware of its presence, until it is diagnosed accidentally.

Usually, it takes six months to 1 year for cancer to begin and progresses slowly. Cancer can
be treated using conventional treatment methods like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation
therapy, etc. The choice of treatment depends on the type and stage of cancer. For fast
and effective results, the use of black seeds can be combined with the conventional cancer

Scientists and researchers believe that the alternative treatment options using black
cumin may help them to discover a new anti-cancer strategy. Thymoquinone, one of the
major elements in black seeds, is a promising dietary agent for preventing and treating

More and more research works are being conducted to learn more about its anti-cancer
properties. Also, the exact molecular mechanism of black cumin seeds needs to be
investigated. This chapter provides basic information about what cancer is and what are
the possible treatment options.


Cancer treatment is a combination of numerous modalities. Most of the people with cancer
receive radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery or other conventional treatments at
some point in time during the cancer treatment. Conventional modes of cancer treatment
are constantly evolving to improve their effectiveness while diminishing their side effects.

The choice of cancer treatment depends on the type of cancer and how far it has
spread from the initial tumor. These treatments, when combined with black cumin
supplementations, can provide much better results and allow a patient to recover faster.
Use of black cumin seeds in the diet also reduces the risk of relapse of cancer following
surgery or chemotherapy. The conventional modes of cancer treatment and the beneficial
effect of black cumin together with these treatments are discussed in detail beneath: [2]

• Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is one of the common treatments for cancer that uses high-energy
waves to destroy the cancer cells. The goal of radiation therapy is to destroy or stop the
cancer cells from growing. The success rate of radiation therapy depends on different
factors like – size of the tumor, age of the patient, type of tumor being treated, etc.

Some tumors are very sensitive to radiation and respond positively. Radiation is also
used to treat tumors that are inoperable and have spread to other parts or organs of the
body. Black cumin oil has showed protective effects against the damage caused by the
normal tissue due to the radiation therapy. These seeds are recommended by medical
practitioners for cancer patients across the globe.

• Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is another category of cancer treatment, where one or more anticancer

drugs are given as a part of the treatment. Chemotherapy is given with the purpose to
reduce the cancer symptoms and prolong life. This kind of treatment harms the cells that
have an ability to divide rapidly.

Cancer patients can take Nigella Sativa (black cumin) supplements along with
chemotherapy for better results and to prevent the side effects of chemotherapy. [3] A
spoonful of black cumin can help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and improve
the functions of immunity in the human body.

• Surgery

Surgery is the procedure performed to remove the cancer mass and the surrounding
tissues. It is used commonly to treat cancer, which is in its early stage or to know more
about the type of cancer and its stage. Different types of surgical procedures are used
depending on its location and type.

Some cancer surgeries are less invasive and have a shorter recovery time. Surgery is one of
the oldest cancer treatments that remains an effective treatment for many types of cancer.
Patients are recommended to take 2-3 tablespoons of black cumin seeds with honey
for quick healing after the surgery. This powerful agent has antifungal, antibacterial and
anti-inflammatory properties, which can help the patient to recover fast.

• Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is a kind of biological therapy that helps the immune system to fight
cancer. In this procedure, doctors use substances that are made up of living organisms to
treat cancer and related symptom.

It is not clear how immunotherapy works, but it is believed to work by stopping the
growth of the cancer cells. It can also stop cancer from spreading to other parts of the
body and helps the immune system to work better at destroying the cancer cells. Patients
are advised to take black seed supplementation for 30 days after being treated with
immunotherapy to increase the effectiveness of the therapy.

The symptoms of cancer are too vague due to which it becomes very difficult for a person
to know that the disease is developing inside his or her body. However, there are a few
symptoms that can warn a person about cancer. It has been found that people, who
include black cumin in their diet on a regular basis, are at a much lower risk of developing
cancer. Black cumin can also help in relieving certain symptoms of cancer that may occur
during the initial phase of the disease when it is still developing. Black cumin is also useful
for obtaining relief from the symptoms that develop during the illness when it progresses
and spreads to the neighboring structures.

Here is a list of certain symptoms of cancer that can be relieved by using black cumin

• A lump or swelling: a significant reduction in the size of the cancer mass can be
achieved by including black cumin in the diet. It helps in reducing the size of the
mass by preventing the growth of cancer. It also prevents the development of new
blood vessels in the cancer mass. As a result, the cancer cells do not receive a supply
of nutrition. This, in turn, results in the shrinkage of the tumor.

• Unexplained bleeding from the vagina in case of uterine cancer

• Frequent chest pain and breathlessness in case of lung cancer

• Changes in the bowel movements in patients with colon cancer

• Heavy night sweats and unexplained pain, which are common symptoms of most
types of cancers, can be relieved by using black cumin

• Swollen lymph nodes

The chances of preventing cancer can be improved significantly by using black cumin
supplements. However, patients are advised to talk to their doctor about the dose of
black cumin supplements suitable for them and start using them to prevent cancer and to
get relief from the related symptoms.

Some studies have proved the efficacy of using black cumin along with these treatments.
The anti-cancer properties of black cumin are recognized and supported by the reputed
cancer institutes across the globe. Cancer patients are advised to start consuming black
seed supplements to achieve better results through chemotherapy, radiation therapy,
surgery, immunotherapy and the other conventional cancer treatments.

• 1. Cancer. What is Cancer?

• 2. WebMd. Understanding Cancer – Diagnosis and Treatment.

• 3. Treatment Types.


Nearly 12.6 million people are diagnosed with cancer every year and more than 50% of
them die annually. Numerous evidence suggests that improper nutrition and a faulty
lifestyle play a very important role in the growth and development of cancer.

A diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals has shown to reduce the risk of cancer. Moreover,
several other elements present in herbs have the properties that can prevent and treat

Till date, more than 100 scientific studies have been conducted on black cumin seeds,
which have proved that black cumin seeds can kill the cancer cells. In today’s world,
people who hear about natural treatment for cancer believe that it won’t work. They think
that the treatment using herbs or supplements is not based on scientific evidence.

People have been brainwashed for the past four decades that modern medicines and
drugs are the only way to treat cancer in men and women. However, one should know
that this is not the case always, and there are some natural ways to treat cancer and
other chronic diseases. Black cumin seeds have been proved to possess strong anti-
cancer properties that can help cancer patients to get rid of their disease in an effective

This chapter is meant to educate cancer patients about the scientific evidence that have
proved the anticancer action of black cumin. The active ingredients and the modes of actions
of black cumin seeds are also discussed in this chapter along with their chemopreventive
factors. This will help strengthen their faith in black cumin supplements and also improve
their morale, which is an important factor in the treatment of diseases like cancer.


A considerable amount of scientific evidence suggested that black cumin oil can inhibit
the process of carcinogenesis in an effective manner. Cancer is the most common cause
of death and the possibility to treat it with the readily available substances is very high.
Black cumin seeds are used to spice up curries and have some antioxidant properties.
Some researchers have demonstrated that black cumin oil possesses chemopreventive
properties against cancer. Studies have showed that thymoquinone found in black seeds
produce significant effects on the cancer cells, which lead to their destruction as given

• 1. Inducing apoptosis and promoting death of the cancer cells

• 2. Enhancing the antioxidant system of the human body

• 3. Hindering the growth of the cancer cells

• 4. Inhibiting nucleic acid synthesis

• Antioxidant and anticancer properties

Egyptian researchers studied the protective effect of black seeds and honey on oxidative
stress and cancer by exposing the body to strong carcinogens (cancer-causing agents).
In this study, four groups of rats were exposed to carcinogens. Three groups were fed with
black seeds or honey for six months, and 1 group was fed with honey and black seeds. The
rats that were fed black seeds for six months received 80% protection from cancer while
the rats that ate honey and black seeds received 100% protection against oxidative stress
and the development of cancer.

This study proved that thymoquinone, which is an important compound in black seeds,
has significant potential as an anti-tumor agent. It can affect the growth of the cancer
cells, especially when administered with honey.

• Reduces the side-effects of radiation treatments

Another study conducted by Turkish researchers in the year 2014 reported that black seed
oil could be helpful to people who receive radiation treatment for cancer. Cancer patients
who are treated with radiation therapy often suffer from severe side effects because of
the treatment. Researchers investigated the side effects of irradiation in the liver tissue of
rats when they were administered black cumin simultaneously. During the research, they
exposed some rats to a single dose of gamma radiation; where one group received 1 gm
of black seed oil per kg of body weight before and after radiation for ten days, and the
other group received a just saline solution. The group that received black seed oil did not
suffer from any severe side effects due to the radiation therapy, which proves that black
seed oil reduces the oxidative stress and hence, can be said to have strong antioxidant

A similar study was conducted in India in the year 2012, where scientists investigated the
effect of black seed oil on mice exposed to gamma radiation. The results of the study
showed that black seed extract can protect the liver, brain, spleen and the intestines
from gamma radiation. Moreover, the liquid extracted from the black seeds can be used
for human cancer patients who receive radiation to protect the healthy organs against
oxidative stress. This eventually improves the quality of life in cancer patients.

• Interferes with uncontrolled cell growth

Researchers in India investigated the use of thymoquinone on two groups of rats with
cancer. During this study, one group was given thymoquinone mixed with water, and the
other group was given plain water for 16 weeks. Researchers measured the cancer nodules
in the liver along with the tumor markers and liver injury markers. The study found that
the rats that were in the plain water for 16 weeks had a substantial increase in the tumor

The rats that received thymoquinone had a much lower liver injury with decreased tumor
markers. This proves that thymoquinone is beneficial in treating cancer, due to its ability
to proliferate the cancer cells.

In another study conducted by researchers at Ohio State University in the year 2013, it was
found that thymoquinone found in black seeds has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory
actions. This means it can kill the cancer cells without being harmful to the normal cells.
During this study, researchers examined how Thymoquinone inhibits the ability of the
cancer cells from making their clones. This will result in a regression of the tumor activity
and extends the survival of the organs that are affected by tumors.

• Inhibits cancer cells

A study conducted in the year 2013 by Malaysian researchers addressed the anticancer
properties of thymoquinone when it was used for treating breast cancer. In this study,
thymoquinone showed an ability to block the cancer cells. Malaysian researchers also
found that thymoquinone has anti-cancer properties that resulted in the induction of
apoptosis (death of cancer cells). The results indicated that thymoquinone is a promising
agent to treat leukemia and related symptoms. It not only inhibits leukemia but also kills
the colon cancer cells. Ultimately, they concluded that natural agents like black cumin
seeds may offer a safe alternative treatment for cancer.

After reviewing numerous scientific studies and researches, doctors have come to a
conclusion that the use of black cumin supplements will surely bring positive results in
preventing and treating cancer. The number of cancer survivors will also increase further if
the conventional cancer treatments are coupled with the use of black cumin seed. Contact
a cancer specialist, to know more about how to use black cumin seed to manage cancer
in an effective and safe way.

• 1. Health Impact News. Black seed oil cures many cancers according to numerous

• 2. Livestrong. Black cumin seed benefits.


The human body is comprised of some cells including the bone marrow, immune cells
and the B-cells antibodies. Black cumin seeds support the neutrophil activity, where
the short-lived immune cells are mobilized into action whenever there is a bacterial
infection in the body.

There is scientific evidence that black cumin seeds help to boost the immune system and
fight chronic diseases like cancer. Black cumin seeds are good for the inner purification
and detoxification of the body. The rich nutritional value of black cumin seeds is outlined
by scientific analysis and points it as great source energy.


The first major study that was performed on Black cumin seeds regarded the prevention
and treatment of cancer. This study was performed by scientists at Cancer Immuno-Biology
Laboratory of Hilton, South Carolina, where they concluded that a healthy immune system
can detect and destroy the cancer cells at an early stage before the situation becomes

The research conducted at Hilton Head showed that black cumin seeds increase the
growth of the bone marrow cells by 250%, inhibit tumor growth by 50%, stimulate
the immune cells and also reduce the blood sugar levels. [1] Black cumin seeds are
also very effective in some advanced forms of cancers the growth of which depends on
angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is a process of formation of new blood vessels grow into the
tumor mass to feed the tumor with the nutrients essential for its growth and spread.

Black cumin seeds are effective against cancer in the liver, blood system, kidney, prostate,
breast, cervix and the skin. The molecular mechanism behind the healing properties
of black cumin is still unknown. However, there is evidence that black cumin plays an
antioxidant role and improves the defense system of the human body.

It is known to control apoptosis, a process that causes destruction and death of the cancer
cells. Though this seed has been there for years, proper scientific research was started
only 2-3 decades before. There are only a few research works done on this herb. In this
chapter, we have summarized the actions of black cumin against different cancers, based
on its molecular mechanism.


Black cumin has some active ingredients along with a variety of fixed and essential oils.
Most of the biological activities of this herb are due to the presence of thymoquinone
(TQ), thymol (THY), thymol hydroquinone (THQ) and dithymoquinone (DTQ). Of all
these components, TQ is considered as a powerful antioxidant, antimutagenic and anti-
carcinogenic agent.

Black seeds have an active ingredient like TQ in abundance, which is very effective
against different types of cancer.

Researchers have investigated the use of thymoquinone and concluded that it has a
beneficial role in treating cancer.

• It has the potential to prevent the cancer cells from proliferating. [2]

• Thymoquinone does not inhibit the normal cell activity in the human brain but has
the potential to inhibit some genes responsible for cancer.

• It also blocks the process of Autophagy. Autophagy in cancer cells is one of the key
reasons behind the growth of the tumor cells.

• By inhibiting autophagy, the energy production in the cancer cells is also inhibited.
Thus, black seeds provide an emerging and exciting strategy for treating cancer.


Cancers are defined as abnormal cell growth caused by genetic alteration. So, any agent
with anti-cancer properties can either protect the genetic material from alteration or kill
the abnormal cells. The active component in black cumin thymoquinone (TQ), can act
well on the cancer cells and kill them by several molecular pathways. [3]

The possible mechanism of action of TQ can induce apoptotic cell death in cancerous
tissues by up-regulating the expression of apoptotic genes and by down-regulating the
genes of anti-apoptotic genes. It is found that TQ induces apoptosis and disrupts the
mitochondrial membrane.

Black seeds also have cancer-protective properties. Oral administration of black cumin
oil before radiation therapy significantly reduces the side effects of radiation therapy.
Below is the molecular mechanism of thymoquinone in black seeds on different types of

The anti-cancer efficiency of thymoquinone (TQ) showed sustained ability to inhibit the
cancer cells in long-term treatment. Larger doses of thymoquinone produced greater
inhibition. Alcohol extracts of black seeds were also found to be effective in deactivating
the cancer cells in the breasts and colon.


Researchers have concluded that thymoquinone present in black cumin plays a beneficial
role in treating several different forms of cancer. It has the potential to prevent the
cancer cells from proliferating. [2] Thymoquinone inhibits the autophagy genes in the
cancer cells.

Autophagy is one of the key reasons behind the growth of the tumor cells and by inhibiting
autophagy; the energy production in the cancer cells is inhibited.

As a result, the cancer cells are not able to survive leading to their death. However, it does
not inhibit the activity of the normal cell in the human brain. Thus, black cumin seeds
provide an emerging and exciting strategy for treating cancer.

• Antioxidant

Thymoquinone in the black cumin combats growth and development of the cancer cells.
It acts as an antioxidant and prevents genetic mutations and cell damage that can trigger
the division of abnormal cells. One study has found that the antioxidant properties of
black cumin promote the death of cancer cells in the lungs and the stomach while
sparing the healthy brain cells. Antioxidants are the substances that destroy the free
radicals in the body, which are one of the primary factors responsible for causing cancer.

• Fights infection

It was found that the oil derived from black cumin helps fight different types of infections.
According to a study published in “World Journal of Gastroenterology”, patients who
took black cumin supplements for a few months saw a significant decrease in their viral
load, i.e. the amount of virus in their body.

Repeated viral and bacterial infection is one of the common causes of cancer. Patients with
low immunity develop recurrent attacks of infection, which increases the risk of cancer.
Regular use of black cumin can fight bacterial and viral infections and thereby prevent
cancer and related health conditions.

• Destroys tumor cells

The molecular mechanism of thymoquinone in black seeds can cause the destruction of
the cancer cells at the tumor site. Thymoquinone, an effective anti-cancer ingredient,
can build the body’s defense and destroy the tumor cells. It also makes the body more
efficient at fighting the cancer-promoting processes like uninhibited multiplication of the
abnormal cells and invasion of the cells in the surrounding normal structures. .

Experts of health care industry suggest one tablespoon of cumin seed oil before meals
once or twice a day to avail the complete health benefits of black cumin. One can even
take black cumin seeds in the form of capsules. Usually, black cumin seed capsules and
pills are found in almost all the online stores.

However, it is better to check the label and product information carefully to know if there
are any other ingredients in it. You may consult a doctor to know which supplements may
be suitable for you and aid you in faster recovery from cancer.

The anti-cancer properties of black cumin were largely recognized in the recent years.
Thymoquinone, one of the major elements in black cumin seeds, is a promising dietary
agent for preventing and treating cancer. More and more research works are being
conducted to unearth its anti-cancer properties that can help in the management of
different forms of cancer.

Also, the exact molecular mechanism of black seeds is being investigated. Scientists and
researchers believe that the alternative treatment options using black cumin may help
them to discover a new anti-cancer strategy that will help the cancer patients across the

• 1. Black Cumin Seed Oil – An Ancient Healing

• 2. Black seed cured many cancers according to numerous


• 3. Black Cumin Seed Oil targets Cancer.


Cancer is a disease in which the affected, abnormal cells multiply and spread rapidly
throughout the body. The main course of the treatment, which is adopted today by
allopathic medicine, is radiation together with chemotherapy and surgery.

In chemotherapy, the cancer cells are treated with medications and destroyed. However,
the disadvantage of this method is that the drugs used do not seek out just the cancerous
cells and destroy them. It also destroys the surrounding healthy cells, which fall in the area
of application.

This is exactly where the alternative methods of treating the cancerous tumors step
in. The natural compounds like black cumin have the ability to seek out, identify and
destroy the cancer cells without harming the surrounding tissue. The reason for this is
the main element, thymoquinone, which is present in the black cumin seed. The black
seed can reverse the ill effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Hence, many doctors,
today, want to follow an inclusive approach wherein black cumin is administered to the
patients, alongside radiation and chemotherapy to increase their effectiveness and to
reduce their side effects.

Extensive scientific and medical research has proved the effectiveness of black cumin in
treating different types of cancers like breast cancer, leukemia, colon cancer, pancreatic
cancer and oral cancer.

• Breast cancer

In breast cancer, there are hard lumpy formations in the breast tissues, which may or may
not be painful. Sometimes, a milky white liquid might ooze out from either of the breasts.
To detect breast cancer early, women should do self-inspection of both the breasts from
time to time and check if there are any abnormal hard lumps, which might turn out to
be cancerous. In case cancer advances to a malignant stage, the breasts may have to be
removed. This is not favored by most women because they simply do not want to lose the
symbol of their womanhood.

Research has shown that in treating breast cancer with black cumin, in addition to
radiation and chemotherapy; the results can be better, and breast removal can be
avoided. Many trials were conducted to confirm the effectiveness of black cumin seeds
and oil in healing mammary cancer. The oil has proved to be highly effective in curtailing
the growth and proliferation of the cancer cells in the breast. [1] It also prevents the
spread of the breast cancer to the nearby healthy organs like the esophagus and the liver.

• Stomach cancer

This type of cancer does not exhibit any symptoms at the beginning. That is why; it is
important for people to go for a regular medical check-up and be informed. A person with
stomach cancer may have symptoms like pain, bloated stomach, bloody stools (which
is sometimes mistaken to be an indication of piles), black colored stools, lumps in the
stomach and a constant feeling of fullness with the loss of appetite.

Stomach cancer is known to affect the small intestine, colon, pancreas and the liver. It is
often treated with radiation and chemotherapy in the initial stages. It has been found that
the administration of black cumin supplements during these treatments can improve the
outcomes of these therapies. Use of black cumin also prevents the reoccurrence of the
cancerous tumors as well as the spread of it to the other digestive organs. The main
factor contributing to the beneficial effect of black cumin is the presence of thymoquinone
in this herb.

• Skin cancer

Skin cancer usually starts as a small black mole, which appears suddenly on the skin.
Gradually, the mole increases in size and covers a wider area or changes in color to become
darker. In some cases, there might be skin lesions, which are painful and oozing. When
there is any abnormal growth on the surface of the skin, it is advisable to consult a doctor
to rule out the possibility of cancer, at the earliest.

Skin cancer is especially very hard to treat because surgery is not very effective due to
the wide extent of the disease. Surgery may be possible only during the initial stages.
However, in the advanced stage, where cancer has spread to the deeper layers of the skin

and the lymph nodes, the option for surgical treatment is almost ruled out. This is because
a surgery can not remove the cancerous cells from deep within the skin. Moreover, the
skin cancer tends to spread rapidly and involves a large area.

However, regular application of black cumin oil has proved to be very effective in
reaching the roots of the skin and destroying the cancer cells, without causing any toxic
effects. It can be topically applied to a large area of the patient’s body too. Therefore, it is
an easier and faster way of healing skin cancer like Melanoma. The oil penetrates into the
deeper layers of the skin and cures cancer of the roots.

• Blood cancer

When a person has blood cancer, he or she is easily susceptible to infections and gets
fever frequently. A blood test shows lesser hemoglobin count than usual. Bruising and
bleeding can occur easily because the platelets in the blood are affected. The person may
develop unusual red spots in the lower parts of the body.

Blood cancer is usually treated with a bone marrow transplant. This treatment, when
coupled with the consumption of black cumin supplements, in prescribed doses, can help
in achieving much faster healing of cancer. The black seed oil helps to restore the normal
levels of hemoglobin in the body and also kills the abnormal white blood cells. [1]

• Lung cancer

The symptoms normally associated with this type of cancer is persistent coughing, blood
in sputum, pain swallowing, unexplained weight loss and change in voice leaning towards
hoarseness. This type of cancer is difficult to be diagnosed until it has spread to the
esophagus or the breasts.

Chemotherapy is the commonly recommended treatment option in the early stages of

this disease. Ingesting black cumin oil reduces the adverse effects of chemotherapy
and radiation and also kills the cancer cells. After taking black cumin, patients can also
experience a substantial ease in their breathing. [2]

Additional research is going on to identify the specific elements of black seed, besides TQ
or thymoquinone, which can help in healing the different forms of cancers.

Black cumin seeds are nothing less than black gold for cancer patients. The black seeds
are a blessing in disguise even for the end-stage cancer patients. Thus, the saying that
black seed holds the cure for all ills is true.

• 1. US National Library of Medicine. Anticancer Activities of Nigella Sativa (Black

• 2. Health impact news. Black seed oil cures many cancers according to numerous


Black cumin is beneficial not only for fighting cancer; but for other ailments as well.
The other health benefits of black cumin are elaborated in this chapter. It has anti-
inflammatory properties and can produce the effect of various antibiotics combined in
the body. It does magic to the body and is an elixir of life. The black cumin is a panacea
for a range of health issues affecting the human body from head to toe. [1]

• Respiratory problems: black cumin is used to cure breathing problems and even
asthma. The oil can be slightly heated up and applied to the rib cage area to ease
and facilitate breathing.

• Anxiety and depression: this oil has the power to heal the problems of the nervous
system like anxiety and depression. It calms the nerves and soothes the mind.

• Eyesight: one can apply a little black seed oil over the eyes and leave it for just 10
minutes, from time to time. This helps to improve a person’s eyesight greatly.

• A Headache and Migraines: consuming one teaspoon of black cumin seed oil during
an attack of a migraine or a headache can make the pain disappear almost instantly.

• Nasal congestion: one can apply just two or three drops of black seed oil to the
nasal cavity and clear the nasal congestion.

• A cough and cold: when someone has a cough or cold, he can just put a few drops
of the black seed oil and inhale deeply. This will give quick relief from the symptoms
and cure a cold. A few black cumin seeds can be crushed and eaten along with
some garlic for better results.

• Skin problems: Black cumin seed oil can regularly be applied to the parts of skin
affected by eczema or psoriasis to allow it to heal faster.

• Healthy skin: the black seed oil can be applied to the face and massaged. This will
increase the glow and youthfulness of the skin.

• Blood pressure: one teaspoon of black cumin seeds taken daily can help control
high blood pressure and prevent the resultant ailments like heart attacks and stroke.
Black cumin seeds also have the ability to improve the cardiovascular health.

• Diabetes: it helps to lower the blood sugar levels and improve the overall wellness
of a diabetic patient. It can be added as a seasoning to some dishes and thus be
made a part of daily diet. It works by lowering the resistance of the body to insulin.

• Wounds and scratches: Application of a small amount of black seed oil on a wound
can allow it to heal within a very short time. Open ulcers can also be healed by
applying black seed oil regularly.

• Stomach pain: patients with stomach problems can brew a teaspoonful of black
seeds for about 10 minutes and drink it from time to time. This is an effective medicine
for indigestion, upset stomach, and even diarrhea.

• Obesity: a mixture of one teaspoon of black cumin seed oil with some honey and
cinnamon taken regularly can help breakdown the stubborn belly fat, which is
normally hard to get rid of.(2)

• Hair tonic: Black cumin seed oil can be mixed with coconut oil and applied to hair
to encourage luxurious hair growth. Premature graying can also be prevented by
applying this mixture to the hair.

• Cholesterol: black cumin seed can increase the levels of good cholesterol in the
body and lower the bad cholesterol levels.


Even though black cumin seeds can cure some health conditions, the directions of a
doctor should be followed while using it.

• Some people might be allergic to the seeds. Therefore, they must avoid using it.

• The use of black cumin is not advisable for women who are pregnant. Hence, they
should not consume it.

• Also, it cannot be used by women who get severe menstrual cramps.

• The dosage of black cumin seed oil should be monitored by a qualified medical

• Excess dosage taken by patients with hypertension may lower their blood pressure
too much resulting in unconsciousness. Therefore, caution should be exercised while
using black cumin seed.

• The oil of black cumin is not good for the patients with dermatitis. If a person is
allergic to the black cumin, it might increase the symptoms of dermatitis and make
the condition worse.

Ways to consume black cumin seeds:

• One can consume the black cumin seeds directly for its medicinal effect.

• Otherwise, a tea of black cumin seeds can be prepared by boiling 1 liter of water and
adding two teaspoons of the black cumin seeds to the boiling water. This water can
be drunk from time to time.

• The black cumin seeds can be added along with potatoes or eggplant as a seasoning
and eaten.

• For a cough, cold and nasal congestion and chest congestion, the oil can be taken
along with garlic and honey.

• The black cumin seed oil can be mixed with fruit juice and consumed.Thus, black
seed oil can be used safely to promote health and wellbeing.

• Cancer patients can use black cumin supplements to recover from cancer completely
and also to derive the multiple health benefits of this herb.

• 1. Natural news. Black cumin healing compounds.

• 2. Nigella sativa. Can you lose weight with Nigella sativa?.


In the earlier chapters, the benefits of Nigella sativa were discussed. However, just like
all other things in nature, the black cumin seed also has a negative side.

To put it differently, black cumin, despite being a cure for all, has its side effects, which
are as follows:

• Contact dermatitis: black cumin may cause severe rash and blisters in persons who
are allergic to its components. Sometimes the rashes and blisters may even ooze out.
In such an event, the usage of the black seed oil should be suspended immediately.

• Damage to the kidneys: black cumin may cause damage to the kidneys in certain
people. Therefore, while taking these seeds, one should protect themselves by
drinking lots of water. Black seeds can cause severe dehydration and consequently,
damage to kidneys.

• Liver damage: certain components of Nigella sativa may cause liver damage when
the improper dosage is taken. The toxins in the liver are increased, and the functions
of the digestive organ are slowly impeded.

• Preventing pregnancy: women who want to become pregnant and give birth to a
child shortly should avoid taking black seeds.

• Menstrual bleeding: if the black seeds are taken during menstruation, they can
cause heavy bleeding. Therefore, women having heavy periods should avoid taking
black seeds.

• Low blood pressure: people suffering from low blood pressure should avoid
taking black seeds as it can lower the blood pressure further and lead to serious
consequences. If a person is taking medications for high blood pressure, then the
dosage of the black seeds should be monitored by a qualified medical physician.
This will ensure that the pressure level is maintained within normal limits.

• Hypoglycemia: if a person has low blood sugar, he or she should avoid taking black
seeds as it will further reduce the sugar level and cause dangerous complications.
Also, a person who is taking medications for high blood glucose should take
only controlled levels of these supplements so that a healthy blood sugar level is
maintained in the system.

• Drowsiness: black seeds may cause sleep or induce drowsiness in certain individuals.
Therefore caution should be exercised before driving or handling machinery. [1]


• Blood sugar medicines and insulin: black cumin might interact with the oral
medicines used to control the blood sugar levels in diabetic patients or even the
insulin. So the dosage of these medications has to be altered after including black
seeds in the diet. If herbal supplements are taken to keep the blood glucose level in
check, their dose should be appropriately modified. [2]

• Blood pressure tablets: black cumin reduces the blood pressure levels. Therefore,
the dosage of medicines for hypertension should be appropriately reduced after
the inclusion of black cumin in the diet of an individual. The amount of herbal
supplements taken to treat hypertension should also be altered suitably after eating
black cumin seeds.

• Depression: the dose of medications for depression needs to be altered suitably

after including black cumin seeds in the diet as the black cumin seeds can affect the
action of some antidepressants and cause a few undesirable side effects.

• Anxiety: the dose of anxiety pills should be suitably modified after including the
black seeds in one’s food, with a doctor’s approval because black seeds can cause
a significant effect on the neurological action of these medicines and aggravate the
symptoms of anxiety.

• Sleeping pills: a person taking medications for insomnia have to alter the amount of
the pills after including black seeds in his diet because this herb can cause increased
sleep and drowsiness due to which the patient is at the danger of falling asleep at
work or while driving.

• Epilepsy medication: the dosage of medicines given for epileptic seizures should
be modified as black seeds can affect the action of these medicines resulting in a
few side effects.

• Blood thinners: black cumin may increase the susceptibility of a patient to bleeding.
Therefore, the dosage of blood thinners can be brought down appropriately when
black cumin is added to the diet. [3]


• Patients should avoid taking more than the amount of supplements prescribed by a
health professional.

• Black cumin seeds can increase the drowsiness caused by some medications. Hence,
patients are advised to avoid activities that require careful attention such as driving
to avoid any untoward incidences.

Cancer patients using black cumin supplements are advised to keep these points in mind
and consult a physician about the appropriate dose of the medicine for them. This will help
them derive maximum benefits from the herb and also prevent the side effects caused by

• 1. Clark’s Nutrition. Black seed. .


• 3. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Care. ABOUT HERBS, BOTANICALS & OTHER


During the period following the World War II, it was found that mustard gas had affected
the immune system of several soldiers and suppressed it. This made scientists research
how, with a little modification; it could be used to treat certain immune system based
cancers. [1] This leads to the rise of a new mode of cancer treatment - chemotherapy.

Therefore, it can be said that chemotherapy was born out of the war. Armed with this
knowledge, one can well imagine the extent of toxicity of the components used in the
process. In fact, people tend to suffer a lot because of the side effects of chemotherapy.

Most of the drugs used in chemotherapy are known to be carcinogens. Hence, the waste
resulting from the procedure is normally incinerated. Additionally, some of the drugs used
for chemotherapy are so toxic that even after incineration, their effect lingers on.

Under such circumstances, black seed oil comes from a great source of solace to those
affected by dreaded cancer. First of all, some early stage cancers can be cured using
black seed oil alone. In the advanced stages, where the treatment using western medicine
is imperative, the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation can be reduced to a great
extent by using black cumin.

• Lack of sleep: chemotherapy is said to cause insomnia in many cancer patients. This
sleeplessness can be avoided by consuming black cumin seeds or black cumin oil.

• Hair loss: there are certain elements in black seed, which help in inducing the growth
of lush black hair. Therefore, hair can be re-grown easily after chemotherapy by
applying black seed oil to the scalp. Moreover, the amount of hair loss can also be
minimized with the oil.

• Nausea: the feeling of nausea, which persists after chemotherapy, can be driven
away by ingesting black seeds. The black seeds also have the ability to stop vomiting
and improve the appetite, following a chemotherapy or radiation session.

• Chemo brain: this is a serious side effect of chemotherapy, which pops up gradually.
Many ladies who have undergone chemotherapy for breast cancer have reported
this side effect. In this, the cancer survivors experience a brain fog and find it difficult
to concentrate. They have a difficulty in handling regular day to day matters. They
might cause sudden memory loss and cognitive impairment. Some children may
have difficulty in identifying colors after going through chemotherapy and radiation.
This type of brain freeze can be reduced greatly by the use of black seeds.

• Peripheral neuropathy: this is a well-known side effect of chemotherapy where the

cancer patients lose the sensations in their fingertips and other such peripheral
regions of the body. This loss of sensation can be avoided by the regular consumption
of black seeds and by massaging black seed oil into the area.

• Rashes on the skin: sometimes, chemotherapy might result in severe rashes on the
body of the patients. This can be cured by using black cumin or black cumin oil.

• Effect on the menstrual cycle: chemotherapy might result in menopause in some

women, especially if they are older. In younger women, the cycles may get disrupted.
There is a chance that a woman’s fertility might be affected because chemotherapy
can harm the ovaries. All of this can be set right if black cumin is consumed during

• Tiredness: a feeling of extreme fatigue sweeps over a majority of cancer patients just
after chemotherapy. The main reason for this is the toxic, carcinogenic chemicals,
which are used in the process. These effects can be avoided by eating black cumin.

• Weight problems: many women gain a lot of unhealthy weight after cancer
treatment. This can be set right by following a healthy diet that also includes black
cumin seeds or oil in the right quantity. Eating a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits
will be an added help to maintain a proper body mass index.

• Mouth sores and tooth decay: a common side effect of radiation to the upper part
of the body’s ulcers in the mouth and dental problems. These can be alleviated by
making use of the blessed seed oil, which is just another name for the black cumin

• Anxiety and depression: this is very common in cancer patients, even those who
are diagnosed with the first stage of cancer. They might feel suicidal because of
their poor health. This anxiety and depression are only doubled when they have to
cope with the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Some might feel anxious,
even imagining about the possibility of losing their hair or breasts to cancer. At such
a time, if the patients are treated with black seed oil, its neurological effect is sure
to make them feel better.

Thus, chemotherapy is a very toxic procedure, which makes use of recognized carcinogens
to beat cancer. It has a various long term and short term consequences, as outlined above.
The severity of the adverse effects can be significantly reduced by adding black cumin
and black cumin oil to the list of medications and diet. The blessed seed is a blessing in
disguise for the cancer patients and survivors who are undergoing a lot of suffering and

• 1. Wikipedia. History of cancer chemotherapy mustard gas analogs.

• 2. Susan.G.Komen. Breast cancer long term side effects of chemotherapy. ww5.


Get free access to
one of the world’s
most detailed database As technology and research evolve, scientists find more and more
of cancer information treatments to cure cancer. To this day there are several types
of cancer that can be cured if identified in time.

2 If you want to learn more about cancer cures or cancer

treatments, I invite you to my website, Here
you will find a solid encyclopedia of science-based (and research-
Read about all available based) cancer facts. Everything is explained in a language that
cancer treatments is easy to understand by non-professionals (patients and their
(both traditional as families).
well as alternative and

complementary cancer
treatments) You can also use Find A Clinic
the 2 services

Make a sound decision
I have created for
cancer patients: Homecare Plan

on the best treatment

to follow in your fight BE AN EDUCATED PATIENT
against cancer. As a complementary and alternative cancer specialist, I recommend
all my patients to inform themselves on the cancer they or someone
dear have been diagnosed with. An educated patient is a patient
one step closer to healing.

I also emphasize the importance of keeping an open eye on your

choices. Read and trust only facts-based, specialised medical
content that has been published by oncology professionals. Always
ask the opinion of several doctors before deciding to follow a
treatment. Ask as many questions as you need in order to feel
comfortable with your treatment decision.

I hope the information
you read in this eBook has
helped you to better understand
how cancer works and what your
options are.
For more information, contact
me on my website or follow
my work online:


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W W W . D R - A D E M . C O M

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