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Here is the block of code related to loading a color image using the

'' file:

def file2mat(path, row_labels = ('x', 'y', 'u')):
"""input: a filepath to an image in .png format
output: the pair (points, matrix) of matrices representing the image."""
return image2mat(image.file2image(path), row_labels)

def image2mat(image, row_labels = ('x', 'y', 'u')):

""" input: an image in list-of-lists format
output: a pair (points, colors) of matrices representing the image.
Note: The input list-of-lists can consist of either integers n [0, 255] for
or 3-tuple of integers representing the rgb color coordinates
h = len(image)
w = len(image[0])
rx, ry, ru = row_labels
ptsD = (set(row_labels), {(x,y) for x in range(w+1) for y in range(h+1)})
ptsF = {}
colorsD = ({'r', 'g', 'b'}, {(x,y) for x in range(w) for y in range(h)})
colorsF = {}
for y in range(h+1):
for x in range(w+1):
pt = (x,y)
ptsF[(rx, pt)] = x
ptsF[(ry, pt)] = y
ptsF[(ru, pt)] = 1
if x < w and y < h:
col = image[y][x]
if type(col) is int:
red, green, blue = col, col, col
red, green, blue = col
colorsF[('r', pt)] = red
colorsF[('g', pt)] = green
colorsF[('b', pt)] = blue
return mat.Mat(ptsD, ptsF), mat.Mat(colorsD, colorsF)

This code defines two functions, `file2mat` and `image2mat`, that take an image
file path or an image in list-of-lists format, respectively, and return a pair of
matrices representing the image: one for the points and one for the colors.

The `image2mat` function first determines the height and width of the input image,
then creates two dictionaries, `ptsD` and `colorsD`, to store the metadata about
the points and colors in the image. It then iterates over the pixels in the image,
storing the x, y, and u (always 1) coordinates in the `ptsF` dictionary, and the
red, green, and blue values in the `colorsF` dictionary.

Finally, the function returns a pair of `mat.Mat` objects, one for the points and
one for the colors, which can be used to display the image.

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