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Dear government,

I heard about your new conquests in the new west, and I’m not keeping Quiet as the rest is
doing, I will not when you are violating the foundations of our whole country, by taking away
people’s liberty. That liberty that all of us fought so much for, and that we say to respect in our
constitution. Do these natives deserve to live the life we escaped of? The answer is no! We are
becoming our worst enemy and we cannot continue for that road.

Remember the feeling of how we felt, remember the abuses we suffer from decades, do you
want that for anyone else? Do you really want to see that suffering, knowing you could stop it?
You will regret this someday, we all will if this continues, so please take this speech into
account. And remember we are all sons of a creator and we are all Americans. That it’s the only
thing that matter in the end.

Source: Cosmos, US History 2.03

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