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Distribution Over-current Protection

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1. Fault levels easily calculated using standard computer programs.

2. High impedance and Studies have shown that there are two fairly distinct
low impedance types of faults.

3. fault levels used to determine protective coordination, switchgear

duty, etc.

4. Low Impedance If the fault arcs to the neutral, the fault can be classi-
fied as:

5. 2 ohms Low impedance has a fault impedance of less than:

6. Impedance is very If the phase wire lands on the ground and does not
high contact neutral conductor

7. approximately The average level reported by the utilities at the sub-

10,000 amperes stations

8. Fault levels are known to vary with distance.

9. 5 to 50 ohms To compensate for this during coordination studies,

some utilities add fault impedance to their short circuit
calculations on the order:

10. 50 amps tests have shown that faults to surfaces such as as-
phalt, grass, and gravel are:

11. 200 amperes Faults to concrete, especially wet reinforced concrete,

can be of the order of:

12. 25 ohms Utilities try to maintain what ohms or less when plac-
ing ground rods.

13. Good grounding has been created with alleviating a variety of utility
ills including line flashover, stray voltage and reduced
transformer failure rates.

14. Inrush current on a distribution system affects all over current pro-
tective device selection and settings.
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15. The Over-current is considerably different from any other part of the
Protection of the dis- utility system.
tribution system

16. Distribution system Unlike the transmission and substation system, what
system is usually radial in design.

17. Radial system coordinated on the premise that the fault current de-
creases distance from the substation increases.

18. Line-to-ground fault at the terminals of the substation would create

fault currents on the order of 6500 amps.

19. One mile away this fault current is reduced to less than 3000 am-

20. Fuses are the most basic and cost effective type of over-cur-
rent device presently being used by the utility industry.

21. Fuses They are also one of the most reliable devices in that
they can provide their function for over 20 years with
essentially no maintenance.

22. Current interrupters is setup a high dielectric environment that prevents

the arc from re-establishing when the current passes
through a current zero.

23. Sense the condi- For a fuse to function properly, it must:

tions it is trying
to protect, interrupt
the fault quickly and
coordinate with the
other protective de-

24. Button, Fusible Ele- A distribution expulsion fuse link consists of three
ment and Leader basic parts:

25. Length and diameter

Distribution Over-current Protection
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of the element are the main determinants of the fuse

26. Faster The longer the fuse, the _____ it will operate for low
level short circuits.

27. Diameter The melting time at the higher current range is not
dependent so much on the length of the element but
rather by:

28. Expulsion Fuses expulses gases during the operation.

29. They can be re- One of the main advantages with typical expulsion
loaded with a rel- fuses is_______.
atively economical
fuse link

30. Edison Electrical In- EEI

stitute (T&D Com-

31. National Electrical NEMA

Manufactures Asso-
ciation (Pole Line
hardware section)

32. EEI-NEMA standards divide expulsion fuse links into two types
fast and slow designated by K and T

33. K and T links of the same rating have identical 300 second or
600 second points.

34. Speed Ratio The distinction between the two types is the ______,
which is the ratio between melting current at 0.1
second and 300 seconds for links rated through 100

35. Slow links have speed ratios between 10.0 and 13.0.

36. Fast links have speed ratios between 6.0 and 8.0.
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37. 10 amperes To meet special requirements such as primary fusing

of small-sized transformers, links below ______ have
been developed.

38. Silver-sand fuse The current limiting fuse is sometimes called:

39. Fusible element and two key components in the silver-sand fuse are:
quartz sand

40. Silver is used in the current limiting fuse because it has

the best balance of properties to produce the highest
ampere rating for a minimum physical size and also
has the most desirable melting characteristic.

41. 35,000F (19427C) Arcs can reach temperatures of over:

42. Current limiting Fus- When reaches this melting , only a small amount of
es additional heat is required to completely melt and
vaporize the metal.

43. Current Limiting It also has an excellent current carrying ability and
Fuses immunity to oxidation.

44. Silicon sand functions to absorb the heat given off by the fusible
elements without becoming electrically conductive.

45. Presence of sad is critical to the correct operation of the fuse.

46. Fulgurate The heat of the arc is transferred to the sand,

transforming it into a crystalline structure known as
_______, upon an interruption.

47. General Purpose There are two types of current limiting fuses:
and Back up

48. General purpose "A fuse capable of interrupting all currents from the
of Current Limiting rated maximum interrupting current down to the cur-
Fuses rent that causes melting of the fusible element in one

Distribution Over-current Protection
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49. Backup Fuse "A fuse capable of interrupting all currents from the
rated maximum interrupting current down to the rat-
ed minimum interrupting current (as specified by the

50. Backup fuse is by design a fuse that clears only the high fault

51. The low current accomplished through the use of an expulsion fuse
clearing connected in series with the current limiting backup

52. Magnitude of cur- Initial operating mechanism of a fuse depends on the

rent, Duration of cur- following three factors:
rent and Electrical
Properties of the ele-

53. Time Current Curve which defines the characteristic of a fuse.


54. Minimum Melt and the fuse characteristic is defined by 2 Curves:

The Total Clearing

55. Minimum melt curve is developed by electrical test by recording and plot-
ting the magnitude of the current and the time it took
the fuse to melt.

56. Minimum melt curve a curve is drawn through these points representing
an "average" melt curve and from this curve, 10% is
subtracted and the resulting curve________.

57. Arcing time is the time it takes the fuse to refuse the current flow
in the circuit after the fuse melts and it is also obtained
by the test.

58. Minimum melt and are the extremes of the fuse characteristics and are
total clear the curves published by each manufacturer.

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59. Sensitivity, Selectivi- The required characteristics necessary for protective
ty, Speed and Stabil- equipment to perform its function properly are :

60. Sensitivity Related to the ability of the relay to operate reliably

under the actual condition that produces the least
operating tendency.

61. Selectivity Related to the ability of the relay to differentiate be-

tween those conditions for which immediate action
is required and those for which no action or a time
delayed operation is required.

62. Speed Related to the ability of the relay to operate in the

required time period.

63. Over-current relays are the simplest type of protective relay.

64. Relay is designed to operate when more than a predeter-

mined amount of current flows into a particular portion
of the power system.

65. Instantaneous type two basic forms of over-current relays

and time-delay fuse

66. Instantaneous is designed to operate with no intentional time delay

over-current relay when the current exceeds the relay setting.

67. Inverse, Very inverse There are three most commonly used time-overcur-
and extremely in- rent characteristics:

68. Over-current relay- has been used for relaying of all system components.
ing It is now used primarily on distribution systems.

69. Recloser is a self-contained device which can sense and inter-

rupt fault currents as well as re-close automatically in
an attempt to re-energize a line.

Distribution Over-current Protection
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Recloser has less in- The main difference between the feeder breaker and
terrupting capability reclosers is that ___________.
and costs

71. Two inverse time Recloser operation utilizes


72. Instantaneous or A is similar to an instantaneous relay and is used pri-

curve marily to save lateral fuses under temporary fault

73. Time delay or B is used to delay recloser trip and allow the fuse to blow
under permanent fault conditions.

74. Recloser may have more than one instantaneous operation in

an attempt to dissipate a temporary fault condition
whereas a feeder relay can normally have only one.

75. Fixed The reclosers "time-delay" curves are

76. Single or three Major classifying features in automatic circuit recloser

phase, controls, in- are:
terrupters and insu-

77. Single phase re- are used to protect single-phase lines such as branch-
closers es or taps of a three-phase. Also can be used to
isolate single-phase loads.

78. Three phase re- are used where lockout of all three phases is required
closers for any permanent fault.

79. Hydraulic recloser is used on all single-phase reclosers and in smaller

control ratings of three-phase reclosers.

80. Electronic control is more flexible, more easily adjusted and more accu-

81. Sectionalizer

Distribution Over-current Protection
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is a protective device, used in conjunction with a re-
closer (or breaker with reclosing relay) which isolates
faulted sections of lines.

82. Sectionalizer It counts the number of operations of the reclosing

device and opens while this backup device is open.

83. Circuit breakers It is a device that is not intended for frequent opera-

84. Circuit Breakers It is capable or making and breaking all currents in-
cluding fault currents up to its rated breaking capacity.

85. Air, Vacuum and The breakers in the distribution system use
electronegative gas __________ for insulation and arc quenching.

86. Speedy operation One very good advantage of circuit breakers is their

87. Bulk oil circuit oil performs two functions (1) Acts as an arc extin-
breakers guishing medium. (2)Serves as insulation between
the live terminals and earth.

88. Circuit breakers: It doesn't employ a steel tank and the container is typ-
Minimum Oil CB ically made by porcelain or other insulating material.

89. Coordination The process of selecting over-current protection de-

vices with certain time-current setting and their ap-
propriate arrangement in series along a distribution
circuit in order to clear faults from the lines and appa-
ratus according to a preset sequence of operation is
known as

90. Coordinated or se- When two protective apparatus installed in series

lective have characteristics, which provide a specified oper-
ating sequence, they are said to be

91. Coordinated or se- When two protective apparatus installed in series

lective have characteristics, which provide a specified oper-
ating sequence, they are said to be:
Distribution Over-current Protection
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92. Time intervals When plotting coordination curves, certain ______

must be maintained between the curves of various
protective devices to ensure corrective sequential op-
eration of the devices.

93. Margins These intervals are sometimes called

94. Short circuit calculations should include short circuit values for
both first cycle and interrupting duties of the Circuit
switching devices.

95. Time-Current Char- These must be designed for all protective devices
acteristics under consideration.

96. Maximum loading on any circuit should be considered carefully with

respect to the utility settings on relays, so that co-
ordination for the entire distribution system can be

97. 75% of the MM curve of the protected fuse is plotted to

make sure that Fuse 1. is not damaged and to ac-
count for any degradation in the fuse characteristics
("damage curve").

98. Perfect coordination If the damage curve of fuse 1 and the TC curve of fuse
2 never cross, they said to be in:

99. Limited coordination If the damage curve of fuse 1 and the TC curve of fuse
2 If they cross, at some value of current:

100. Feeder selective re- The most common philosophy of feeder protection
laying is to use which means that the feeder breaker and
lateral fuse are coordinated in such a way that the
lateral fuse only operates for permanent faults on the


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