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Committee: Inter-continent Assembly.

Topic: Germany pre-World-war II

Country: Finland.

The 1930s saw a major shift in political power in German parliament, with the National
Socialist German Worker’s Party constituting 230 seats out of 607 members of the new
Reichstag. Compounded with von Hindenburg’s decision to appoint Hitler as Chancellor
and the introduction of the Enabling Act, this has transformed Germany into a dictatorial
state, with the Nazi party at its center. Their rapid militarization quickly escalated the
situation and eventually translated into an unprovoked, unjustified invasion of the rest of
Czechoslovakia. Accordingly, we are concerned with the belligerent intentions apparent
in the German expansion, and the non-compliance to terms of international treaties,
particularly the Munich Agreement and the Treaty of Versailles.
In 193 head figures from the United Kingdom, Italy, France, and Germany agreed upon
the Munich Agreement that obligated Czechoslovakia to cede its Sudetenland area to
Germany, in exchange for a promise from Hitler that it would be his last territorial
demand ( reference). However, in completely violation of the agreed upon terms, Nazi
Germany launched

Kerwin, J. G. (1932). The German Reichstag elections of July 31, 1932. American Political
Science Review, 26(5), 921–926.

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