PR Annotated Bibliography

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Ancient Greek astronomy and cosmology: finding our place in the cosmos: From Galileo to

Sagan and beyond. The Library of Congress. (n.d.).


This article explains the basics, history, and facts of Ancient Greek astronomy. The text

explains varying topics, from the concepts thought up by the Ancient Greeks to the theories of

Galileo and beyond. It details how Ancient Greeks used the stars to navigate, develop

psychological beliefs, and even attempt to predict the future. The text is organized by topic,

which allows it to clearly demonstrate how the different aspects of astronomy tie together. This

article will be very helpful in my research as it will provide support for the connections I draw

between Ancient Greek astronomy and modern-day astrology by providing an explanation of the

concept of Ancient Greek astronomy.

This article does not use emotionally charged language, it instead seems to be objective

overall. There is no sure way to know if this article is current since there is no provided

publication date. However, the fact that the article is on the Library of Congress website tells me

that the author is qualified to speak on this topic. The text seems to be aimed at anyone interested

in the topic, which includes me in my research. I am also able to cross-reference this text with

my prior knowledge as well as other studies on the topic to prove it is accurate.

Dehghan, F. (2021, December 1). The discursive construction of academic writing expertise: A

case study of developing from an outsider to a contributor role in a discourse community.

Issues in Language Teaching.

This text explains how utilizing intertextuality can be a valuable resource when a

researcher attempts to begin to contribute to a specific academic community. It goes on to detail

how intertextuality works in the community setting and how to properly utilize this method of

research. In my own research, I will be using intertextuality to support my claims, all the while

attempting to input my ideas into the academic community centering around Ancient Greek

astronomical beliefs and how they connect to modern-day astrological ideas. This article is

beneficial as it has aided my process of bringing together and studying many varying thoughts in

order to form my own claims on this subject. Additionally, it has informed how I have chosen to

present my work to the academic community I am aiming to inform.

This article does not have emotionally charged language, it is mainly just stating facts.

The article is current as it was published in December of 2021. The text seemed to be aimed at

anyone who plans to use intertextuality in their research process, which includes me. I can also

tell the authors are qualified because the article is a part of the UCF Libraries database. The facts

are also supposedly correct due to this being a peer-reviewed, scholarly source from the UCF

Libraries database.

Gilbert, R. A., & Pingree, D. E. (2024, February 14). Astrology. Encyclopædia Britannica.

This article explains the basics, history, and facts of astrology in the modern setting. The

text explains varying topics, from the concept of star signs to the ability to tell the future and

beyond. It details how astrology was brought about and how it is now utilized and believed in

within modern-day society. The text is organized by topic, which allows it to clearly demonstrate

how the different aspects of astrology tie together. This article will be very helpful in my
research as it will provide support for the connections I draw between Ancient Greek astronomy

and modern-day astrology by providing an explanation of the concept of astrology in the modern


This article does not have emotionally charged language, it is mainly just stating facts.

The article is very current as it was published in February of 2024. The text seems to be aimed at

anyone interested in the topic, which includes me in my research. I can also tell the authors are

qualified because the article is published on Brittanica, which is a valid source. The facts are also

most likely correct, a conclusion which I can draw due to the article having a specific “Fact-

checked by” section, which cites Encyclopedia Britannica, a widely known trustworthy source.

King, A. (2023, February 17). Hellenistic astrology. World History Encyclopedia.

This article explains the basics, history, and facts of astrology in the Ancient Greek, or

Hellenistic, setting. The text explains varying topics, from the concept of star signs to the ability

to tell the future and beyond. It details how astrology was brought about and how it has changed

over time. The text is organized by topic, which allows it to clearly demonstrate how the

different aspects of astrology tie together. This article will be very helpful in my research as it

will provide support for the connections I draw between Ancient Greek astronomy and modern-

day astrology by providing an explanation of the concept of astrology in the setting of Ancient


This article does not use emotionally charged language, it instead seems to be objective

overall. This article is current, it was published in February of 2023. The text seems to be aimed

at anyone interested in the topic, which includes me in my research. The author seems to be
qualified to speak on this topic as they are a writer for a trusted authority on this topic. Since

there is a bibliography at the end of the article, I can fact-check the text and see that it is


Lerner, K. L. (2019). Astrology and Astronomy in the Ancient World.


This article explains the connections between astronomy and astrology in the confines of

the timeline of Ancient Greece. The text explains varying topics, from the concept of star signs

to the ability to tell the future and beyond. It details how astronomy was brought about and how

it has influenced astrology since the times of Ancient Greece. The text is organized

chronologically, which allows it to clearly demonstrate how astronomy played a role in the

development of astrology over time. This article will be very helpful in my research as it will

provide support for the connections I draw between Ancient Greek astronomy and modern-day

astrology by providing an explanation of how the concepts connected during the times of the

Ancient Greek empire.

This article does not have emotionally charged language, it is mainly just stating facts.

While there is no exact publishing date for the article provided, I can tell the information is

current as the references provided are all within the last five years. The text seems to be aimed at

anyone interested in the topic, which includes me in my research. I can also tell that the author is

qualified and the facts are correct due to the trustworthy website and the references list at the end

of the article.
Velykoroda, Y., & Moroz, O. (2022, March 8). Intertextuality in Media Discourse: A Reader’s

Perspective. Sciendo.



This text explains how utilizing intertextuality can be a valuable resource when a

researcher attempts to appeal to specific audiences. It goes on to detail how intertextuality works

in the research setting and how to properly utilize this method of research. In my own research, I

will be using intertextuality to support my claims, all the while attempting to appeal to readers

and explain Ancient Greek astronomical beliefs and how they connect to modern-day

astrological ideas. This article is beneficial as it has aided my process of bringing together and

studying many varying thoughts in order to form my own claims on this subject. Additionally, it

has informed how I have chosen to present my work in my final presentation and how I have

formatted it in an audience-friendly way.

This article does not have emotionally charged language, it is mainly just stating facts.

The article is current as it was published in March of 2022. The text seemed to be aimed at

anyone who plans to use intertextuality in their research process, which includes me. I can also

tell the authors are qualified because the article is a part of the UCF Libraries database. The facts

are also supposedly correct due to this being a peer-reviewed, scholarly source from the UCF

Libraries database.
Introduction: NOT COMPLETE

Synthesize secondary research

How have Ancient Greek astronomical and astrological beliefs been incorporated into spiritual

discourse in modern American society?

To collect primary data, I have used the archival research method in addition to textual analysis.

Since I am analyzing the intertwining of ancient ideas with modern ones, archival research has

provided me with essential information on the concepts I am researching. Although I may not

have access to physical artifacts, I have found images and documents about ancient artifacts that

I can tie to the spiritual practices of our society and analyze to see what types of effects these

ancient ideas have had on our modern practices. Tying back to my use of the intertextuality

approach, I have also used textual analysis a fair amount in my research, specifically by

analyzing articles and research papers. This method has provided me with a large sum of

information on how Greek beliefs have influenced American spirituality over the years.

Additionally, I believe using textual analysis has provided me with a beneficial mix of both

primary and secondary sources, which in turn has made my research more thought-out and

credible in the long run.

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