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Chapter 1: Strategic Considerations

1. Employers who provide employees with new ideas, skills, and better practices will increase the confidence of their
a. True
b. False

2. Research has demonstrated that companies that invest more in training have more impact, accountable
employees, and employees with better positive intrinsic motivation.
a. True
b. False

3. Training and development helps build competitive advantage for a company by ensuring its workers are on the
leading edge of industry advantage and building a brand for its products.
a. True
b. False

4. Training initiatives help organizations with the development of performance programs that are a part of the
overall organizational strategy including goals and objectives.
a. True
b. False

5. When an organization goes through a downsizing initiative, training is not necessary as there are fewer employees
left to train.
a. True
b. False

6. Top management’s dedication to organizational learning is important to help build a learning culture that will
flourish and be maintained over time.
a. True
b. False

7. Training organizational team members to appreciate differences and to be open-minded is an essential skill in the
twenty-first century given the diversity of global workforces.
a. True
b. False

8. Older workers have a major impact on organizations, however, given that the number of workers over the age of
55 is expected to decline, employers should focus on training younger workers and those who are new to the
a. True
b. False

9. A restaurant manager who receives repeated complaints from customers that a particular server has made
mistakes on their orders may be dealing with a performance gap that needs to be addressed through a possible
training intervention.
a. True
b. False

10. The ADDIE model of instructional designs is criticized because it does not provide a linear approach to identifying
performance gaps and solutions.
a. True
b. False

Multiple Choice
11. There are many benefits to making training and development a priority. Which of the following is considered a
benefit related to increased retention?
a. Employees who make better decisions will lead to increased productivity.
b. The company can expect higher revenues and profits.
c. There will be increased productivity and growth within the company.
d. Employees experience higher levels of satisfaction.

12. Training and development is closely tied to performance management. What are the three main steps of the
performance management process?
a. Planning, review progress and provide feedback, evaluation
b. Planning, implementation, review
c. Gather feedback, meet with the employee, discuss next promotional opportunities
d. Evaluate performance, provide feedback, plan for changes

13. Which of the following statements best describes the difference between organizational development and
a. Training is about developing employees for future job success whereas organizational development relates to
ensuring employees are well-prepared to do their jobs.
b. Training prepares an employee to master their current role and responsibilities through learning and
organizational development focuses on organization-wide initiatives to improve an organization’s overall
c. Training occurs first within the organization and, only after all employees are trained, should a company focus
on organizational development initiatives.
d. Organizational development is a different way of referring to training and development.

14. Which of the following statements best characterizes the state of learning and development in Canadian
a. Low unemployment rates mean that individuals are not looking for work and will therefore not require
learning and development.
b. Organizations are looking to recruit talent instead of investing in learning and development.
c. Employees are interested in opportunities to learn which puts pressure on organizations to provide ongoing
learning and development to their team members.
d. Technology will make learning and development redundant.

15. Agile learning is being integrated more into learning processes so that individuals can combine learning and work
in a more seamless manner. Which of the following is an example of agile learning?
a. Providing mobile phones that provide real-time learning in small doses.
b. Giving individuals online learning workshops daily at the beginning of each shift.
c. Ensuring that individuals are cross-trained, so they are more adaptable and agile.
d. Encouraging informal learning whereby individuals self-direct their learnings experiences.

16. There are several training initiatives that may be viewed as strategic within an organization. If a company were to
use training as a mechanism to reduce sexual harassment, what must the organization do that is related to training
and development?
a. Ensure that employees have the skills necessary to interact effectively with customers.
b. Facilitate opportunities for informal learning.
c. Reduce the time to develop training programs.
d. Be certain that the work environment supports learning and transfer training.

17. Training and development helps create competitive advantage for firms through human capital resources that
a. the work-related competencies that employees possess.
b. skills, intelligence, and judgment of the employees.
c. the combination of external and internal talent that the company seeks.
d. the education and work experiences of employees.
18. The importance of a firm’s human resources includes the element of imitability which refers to the valuable and
rare characteristics of a firm’s human resources. What should a firm do to ensure that this strategy is sustainable
over time?
a. Provide technical excellence in jobs.
b. Provide ongoing manager training in feedback and communication.
c. Ensure that other firms are not able to replicate these unique characteristics over time.
d. Integrate training systems across the organization.

19. Kirkpatrick’s model of training evaluation includes four levels of evaluation. Identify the four levels of evaluation.
a. Responsiveness, learning, transfer, and return on investment
b. Reaction, responsiveness, transfer, and results
c. Reaction, learning, behaviour, and results
d. Reaction, growth, results, and return on investment

20. As an HR professional, you have been asked to propose a metric to demonstrate the effectiveness of your equity,
diversity, and inclusion training program. Which of the following metrics will you recommend as being most
a. Instructor performance focusing on instructor’s presentation skills.
b. Financial return on the investment you have made in the training program.
c. Improved customers service measured by a reduction in customer service complaints.
d. Decreased turnover with individuals who are members of designated employment equity groups.

21. What are the most common obstacles faced by human resources professionals for training and development?
a. No time for training and development, unmotivated employees, and poor trainers
b. Lack of support from management, difficulty measuring return on investment, and a lack of training resources
c. Too many training delivery choices, poor orientation, and an overly rigid organizational structure
d. Poor learning space, outdated technologies, and poor supervisory training

22. How does training and development effectively link to corporate strategy in a service organization?
a. It builds the competencies and confidence of employees who are able to create unique and favourable
experiences for customers?
b. It provides structure that alters the tasks and responsibilities of employees and are aligned with the
c. It ensures managers are focused on the bottom line.
d. It focuses on long term growth strategies such as international human resources management.

23. Supremo International is a large, multi-national organization with manufacturing facilities around the world. It
recently purchased a small factory with less than 50 employees. How is training and development different at
Supremo as compared to the newest small site it has acquired?
a. Supremo’s training programs are more formalized and highly structured.
b. Supremo’s training programs uses more on-the-job training because they have more employees.
c. Supremo has less money to invest in training because of the acquisition.
d. Supremo focuses less on future development because there is a steady supply of employees in a large

24. Which sentence most accurately describes the relationship between training and culture?
a. A strong training program always results in a positive organizational culture.
b. Culture and training have a circular relationship—culture influences training and training impacts culture.
c. Training programs, like onboarding, typically weaken culture because supervisors do not live up to the
expectations that have been established during the onboarding process.
d. Values, beliefs, and assumptions of an organization are created by the training programs that are

25. The following factors are considered significant macro trends influencing training and development.
a. Economic and legal impact, employee engagement, and labour market factors
b. Technology, organizational change, and labour market factors
c. Globalization, demographics, and labour market factors
d. Globalization, economic and legal, and a focus on knowledge workers

26. Gamification is a recent technology trend in training and development. This trend may be found to be a very
positive training approach because
a. employees are now able to work and learn remotely.
b. digital and mobile content is more critical when employees have time to attend training.
c. learners can assimilate larger chunks of information while they are at work.
d. learners report being more engaged which may increase their motivation for learning.

27. Social media is increasingly being used for training and development purposes. Which of the following
applications would provide employees with an opportunity to get to know one another prior to the actual
learning experience?
a. Mentoring and coaching
b. Virtual onboarding
c. Employee engagement
d. Virtual icebreakers

28. Finley’s Brewery has recently been dealing with a number of employee issues and low morale. What
recommendation related to training and development should the HR team follow to improve overall employee
a. Conduct a thorough evaluation of all training programs to diagnose the problems faced with Finley’s training
and development programs.
b. Be certain that all employees are thoroughly trained on company brands.
c. Avoid all changes within the organization until the problem has been identified.
d. Invest in an onboarding program which emphasizes the company’s vision, mission, and values.

29. What process helps to identify whether an organization is facing a gap in performance?
a. Formative evaluation
b. Needs analysis
c. Training design
d. Needs review

30. Needs analysis helps to provide information about problems with organizations that may require training
solutions. If training is not the solution, what could the challenge be?
a. Poor mechanisms for feedback within the organization
b. Lack of resources invested in training
c. Too much time spent on training and development
d. Highly motivated employees

Anderson: Training and Development, First Edition

Chapter 2: Organizational Learning

1. Research demonstrates that knowledge loss begins immediately after training and that more than 50% is
forgotten in less than a month.
a. True
b. False

2. Chunking information into small, useful groups during training is helpful to employees as it helps them to take in
and remember greater quantities of information.
a. True
b. False

3. Learning outcomes are most useful at the beginning of a unit; however, they are not related to the assessment
a. True
b. False
4. Intellectual or procedural skills can be best described as muscle memory as they are complex performances of
a. True
b. False

5. A learning disability is a gap between a person’s capacity to learn and their actual learning achievement.
a. True
b. False

6. A soccer coach praises the goalie when the goalie is able to stop a penalty shot in the first quarter of the game.
Throughout the game, the goalie continues to stop all the subsequent shots. Cognitivist theory would suggest that
the goalie’s behaviour is a result of the reaction to the praise.
a. True
b. False

7. Adult learning theory is best associated with the term pedagogy.

a. True
b. False

8. Sergio’s company has a management team that encourages employees to participate in learning and development
events and has aligned learning goals with business goals. They are therefore viewed to be committed to creating a
learning culture.
a. True
b. False

9. Explicit knowledge is knowledge that is gained by employees’ individual experiences and is difficult to formalize,
whereas tacit knowledge is highly formalized and can be easily recorded in documentation or procedures.
a. True
b. False

10. The terms learning and training are often used synonymously in workplaces because they are easily
interchangeable and have the same relative meaning.
a. True
b. False

Multiple Choice
11. Learning outcomes can be categorized into five areas including:
a. verbal information, intellectual skills, motor skills, thinking skills, and attitude.
b. verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills, and attitude.
c. verbal information, intellectual skills, motor skills, social skills, and attitude.
d. intellectual skills, thinking skills, motor skills, social skills, and attitude.

12. Which of the following sentences best describes the concept of “conscious competence”?
a. The learner does not know that a skill gap exists.
b. The learner is aware that they don’t know how to perform a skill and they put a plan in place to acquire that
c. The learner begins to acquire a skill but still requires effort and practice.
d. The learner is at a level of expertise and can perform the skill without thinking about it.

13. Harneet prefers to learn by getting hands-on experience. Harneet’s preferred learning style may be best
described by Kolb’s model as
a. converging.
b. assimilating.
c. diverging.
d. accommodating.
14. There are several learning theories that help us to understand how individuals learn in various settings. The
learning theory that recognizes that all individuals are unique and suggests that people create their own knowledge
based on their needs, goals, and contexts is known as:
a. constructivism.
b. andragogy.
c. cognitivism.
d. behaviourism.

15. Which of the following learning processes can be most helpful in impacting employee attitudes?
a. Mentorship and role models
b. Face-to-face workshops and seminars
c. On-the-job training
d. Online webinars

16. Motivation is very important in the process of instructional design as it has been found that
a. motivated learners are more likely to be goal-oriented and focused on achievement.
b. adult learners are just as curious as children.
c. learners are usually equally motivated in training sessions; therefore, motivational theories can be equally
d. unmotivated learners should not be invited to participate in training.

17. Pengfei was struggling to find his “flow” which has been linked to increasing the retention, comprehension,
recall, and transfer of learning. Pengfei’ s trainer recommended which strategy to allow Pengfei to achieve “flow”?
a. Ensure that the tasks being attempted are beyond Pengfei’s skills in order to provide stretch learning.
b. Provide feedback long after the training to build Pengfei’s confidence.
c. Be certain that Pengfei has had a good sleep before the training session.
d. Provide an environment that is free from distractions and clutter.

18. An employee who prefers to read documents is likely to have the following learning style:
a. aural.
b. read/write.
c. kinesthetic.
d. visual.

19. If employees increase their effort, it will lead to improved performance and a desirable outcome. What is this
theory of motivation known as?
a. Goal-setting theory
b. Flow theory
c. Expectancy theory
d. Effort theory

20. What are essential components of an effective learning culture?

a. Communication, feedback, and a large budget to spend on training
b. Feedback and a focus on labour relations to ensure the workplace doesn’t become unionized.
c. Exceptional educational technologies and a strong training and development coordinator
d. Communication, feedback, and an effective selection process to identify employees with a high willingness to

21. Which of the following statements best describes a laissez-faire learning culture?
a. It is management driven and learning happens through lectures and job shadowing.
b. It is employee driven and learning is on the fly using a variety of tools.
c. It is employee driven and technology-enabled learning allows users to share.
d. It is management-driven and employees are given a complete immersion on more than job skills.

22. What advice would you provide to a leader who is trying to establish a positive learning culture within their
a. Stay focused on performance at all times and hold managers accountable for the actions of all their direct
b. Provide opportunities for team members to experiment and allow for failure as a learning opportunity.
c. Allow employees to drop everything to learn whenever they feel inspired.
d. Save feedback for formal performance management conversations so employees will be focused during the

23. Which of the following statements best describes an experiential learning culture?
a. It is driven by employees and learning is an ongoing expectation.
b. There is a lack of formality and employee drive.
c. Learning happens through lectures and job shadowing.
d. Employees are given a complete immersion on more than job skills and it is management driven.

24. When employees have knowledge that is gained by experience and is difficult to formalize, what is this known
a. Tacit knowledge
b. Explicit knowledge
c. Informal knowledge
d. Undocumented knowledge

25. Which of the following is a benefit of effective knowledge management processes?

a. Knowledge management provides easy access to information for external stakeholders.
b. Knowledge management processes enhance organizational learning through employee development and
c. Knowledge management allows companies to beat competitors to market with new products.
d. Knowledge management keeps trainers accountable by ensuring all training programs are evaluated.

26. Why is knowledge management, and retaining knowledge, of particular concern to Canadian employers in
contemporary society?
a. Workers are working from home more which makes it more difficult for companies to retain knowledge.
b. Companies are doing an excellent job in harvesting knowledge through sophisticated databases.
c. Many Canadian employees are close to retiring and organizations are not sufficiently prepared for the loss of
critical knowledge.
d. There are too few employees available to deal with the significant amount of paperwork that knowledge
management systems require.

27. What does the 70:20:10 model suggest in terms of workplace learning?
a. 70% of learning takes place through formal and structured learning; 20% takes place through social
connections; and 10% takes place on the job.
b. 70% of learning is informal and takes place at work; 20% is social learning that occurs with others; and 10% is
formal and planned.
c. 70% is social learning that occurs with social interactions with others; 20% takes place on the job; and 10% is
formal and structured.
d. 70% of learning is informal and takes place on the job; 20% is formal and planned; and 10% is social and takes
place through interactions with others.

28. How can employers harness the benefits of informal learning?

a. Encourage employees to share knowledge and experiences with coworkers.
b. Encourage employees to sign up for workshops facilitated by the best trainers.
c. Plan formal opportunities for employees to debrief training programs and evaluate their effectiveness.
d. Informal learning is not helpful, therefore, employers should not encourage it.

29. How would you best describe formal learning to a newly hired training and development coordinator in your
a. It consists of going to an educational institution, like a college or university, where a degree or diploma is
provided upon successful completion of a program.
b. It is learning through social networks that is established through a workplace.
c. It has structured learning activities targeting the development of specific knowledge, skills, and abilities.
d. It must have a test or an assessment to measure success.

30. How would you best overcome some of the challenges experienced in workplaces related to sharing knowledge?
a. Make certain that technology does not dominate learning processes as it tends to be a distraction to learning.
b. Ensure that knowledge is maintained by a select few “knowledge leaders.”
c. Minimize face-to-face events which are disruptive to organizational operations.
d. Formalize “informal learning” through organizational sponsorship.

Anderson: Training and Development, First Edition

Chapter 3: Needs Analysis

1. The purpose of a training needs analysis is to determine whether performance-related issues are related to a
training gap or some other organizational problem.
a. True
b. False

2. A learning needs analysis is a term that can be used interchangeably with a training needs analysis because they
will both lead to training when there is a performance gap.
a. True
b. False

3. If a manager in an organization wants training programs to be offered very quickly and you don’t have time or
resources to complete a full needs analysis, you may consider using a just-in-time needs analysis.
a. True
b. False

4. The OTP needs analysis model investigates training though three levels including organization, time, and
a. True
b. False

5. As the training coordinator, you begin your needs analysis by examining performance within the organization. You
will include analysis of the strategic direction, mission, goals and objectives of the organization.
a. True
b. False

6. A task analysis requires looking at the nature of the tasks to be performed on the job which helps to determine
what employees must learn. This leads to a determination of what types of training is required at a high level.
a. True
b. False

7. A person analysis looks at the tasks a person is doing to perform their job and whether these tasks are based on
knowledge, skills, or abilities.
a. True
b. False

8. There are many ways to conduct a needs analysis. Questionnaires are a popular method because they are easily
administered, and they don’t require time consuming team meetings.
a. True
b. False

9. Your manager has asked you to conduct a needs analysis related to the current knowledge of equity and inclusivity
in the workplace. They want to gain a deep understanding of individuals’ views and do it in the most sensitive way
possible. You determine that a focus group is the best approach.
a. True
b. False

10. Because workplaces are becoming increasingly reliant on higher-level skills, such as innovation and strategic
thinking, a competency-based approach allows us to distinguish between average performers from high performers.
a. True
b. False

Multiple Choice
11. Your company has received an increased trend in customer complaints. As a training manager, your immediate
response will be to
a. provide customer service training to all front-line employees.
b. conduct a needs analysis to determine the source of the problem.
c. discipline all employees who have received a complaint.
d. consider a new supplier because the problem is related to faulty goods.

12. Training needs that stem from the organizational level arise from many sources including
a. specific rules and requirements at the departmental level with standards and objectives for employees to
b. tasks that employees are required to perform.
c. the specific performance of individuals within an identified department.
d. comparing what other companies are doing in the same business or field.

13. Which of the following questions will help you best develop learning outcomes for a training program?
a. How much money is available within the budget to spend on training?
b. What technique will we use to evaluate the outcome of the training?
c. How can we tie job performance to the organization’s vision, mission, and strategy?
d. Are we able to invest in new equipment instead of offering training?

14. A PESTLE analysis can be a very useful tool to help understand external pressures faced by a company. A PESTLE
analysis will examine
a. political, economic, social, trade, engineering, and legal forces.
b. predictable, emerging, secured, trends, economizing, and legislative factors.
c. political, economic, security, taxation, environmental, and legislative factors.
d. political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal forces.

15. The first step in a needs analysis process is to identify organizational objectives and drivers. The purpose of this
step is to
a. restrict your scope to one or two areas in order to manage your resources effectively.
b. identify the immediate gaps to gain a quick win.
c. gain management support and clarify their expectations in terms of timing, costs, and results.
d. bring potential trainees on board early in the process.

16. Which are the sources of data that can be most helpful to you in the needs analysis process within the shipping
department of your unionized organization?
a. The opinions of supervisors is generally viewed to be the most reliable data, especially when you have little
time to do a comprehensive analysis.
b. Multiple sources of data that includes grievances and exit interviews.
c. A high-level employee opinion survey that summarizes the feedback from the entire organization.
d. Go directly to the trucking company that deals with the shippers on a daily basis because they will have a
clear idea of the problems.

17. During the needs analysis process, performance problems are often found to be coming from which three main
a. A lack of motivation on the part of team members, a work impediment or barrier, and a lack of knowledge,
skills, and abilities.
b. A lack of competency in a specific area, a supervisor who is causing disruption in the workplace, and a lack in
time to get jobs completed properly.
c. A lack of motivation on the part of team members, poor compensation packages, and incomplete job
d. Poor judgment on the part of the trainees, a lack of understanding of the task at hand, and a lack of
motivation to get the job done.

18. When developing action plans for training, as a part of the needs analysis process, a trainer needs to first address
which of the following?
a. Determine the training benefits versus the costs and the return on investment.
b. Examine what kind of training is appropriate.
c. Break down competencies to knowledge, skills, and abilities.
d. Answer the question, who needs the training?

19. Which of the following statements best describes the external environment which impacts the operations of
many organizations in Canada?
a. Hiring standards may need to be lowered by some companies due to the shortage of individuals with specific
b. Training existing employees to take over skilled positions is too costly and time consuming—international
recruitment is a better strategy.
c. Customer preferences are stable which has led organizations to training fewer individuals because there are
fewer new products being introduced into the marketplace.
d. There are many highly skilled individuals in the Canadian labour market; therefore, little training is necessary
when companies hire new staff.

20. Which of the following statements best describes the benefit of assessing cognitive ability?
a. Proficiency in cognitive abilities can make individuals unsuitable for training programs.
b. Reading and writing skills are not overly important for jobs that require strong motor skills (e.g., a fork truck
c. Employees who lack skills in verbal comprehension, math ability, and reasoning, may not be successful in
their training program.
d. Employees who are very confident may not be successful in training because they don’t take the time to
listen to the instructor.

21. The Government of Canada identified which skill as the ability to find and evaluate information in order to make
rational decisions or in order to organize work?
a. Reading
b. Computer use
c. Thinking
d. Document use

22. Which of the following is the essential skill that the Government of Canada identified as the ability to participate
in the ongoing process of improving skills and knowledge?
a. Reading
b. Working with others
c. Thinking
d. Continuous learning

23. Current knowledge suggests that when conducting a needs analysis, using more than one method will be more
time-consuming but it will also provide a broader picture of training needs. Triangulation is said to occur when
a. a needs assessor gets three different answers from multiple sources.
b. different methods yield similar responses.
c. three different sources are used to collect data.
d. questionnaires, focus groups, and interviews are used.

24. What is one of the challenges of using documentation as a needs analysis method?
a. It is not disruptive to employees.
b. It is sometimes difficult to interpret technical language.
c. It provides objective evidence.
d. It is costly to maintain and update.

25. What is one of the benefits of using interviews as a needs analysis method?
a. Interviews take a lot of time to be done correctly.
b. Some interviewees may provide answers that they think the interviewer wants to hear.
c. Interviews provide the opportunity for spontaneous feedback.
d. It can be difficult to quantify results.

26. There are many different sources of needs analysis data. As a training coordinator, which source is best able to
provide you with data regarding the strategic direction of the company?
a. Departmental managers
b. Front-line employees
c. Subject-matter experts
d. Executive team members.

27. Which sentence best describes competency modelling as an approach to needs analysis?
a. It provides a method of identifying the skills and behaviours needed for successful job performance.
b. It provides a method to identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by employers.
c. It focuses on current job needs and does not consider future needs as a more comprehensive process that
should be considered.
d. It provides the basis for determining poor performance on the job by focusing on the skill-gaps of individual

28. The critical success factors concerning competency models include which of the following?
a. The model should only look at competencies critical for success now.
b. Proficiency levels must be subjective and objective.
c. Examples must be sufficiently complex to adequately describe successful performance.
d. The model must look at proficiency levels and provide examples of behaviours that correspond with each

29. How does training and development best align with performance management?
a. Performance management systems are generally poorly implemented; therefore, training provides a useful
safety net for supervisors.
b. Performance appraisals are a tool used most frequently to identify training needs.
c. Training helps to determine performance bonuses that take place after a performance appraisal.
d. Job design has been determined to be ineffective; therefore, employees need training to determine the best
possible way to figure out their jobs.

30. As a training manager, you have been asked to conduct a needs analysis using the interview technique to
determine the learning needs of the Joint Health and Safety Committee members who will be conducting workplace
inspections. Which of the following questions would you consider asking?
a. How often have you been involved in a workplace accident?
b. Why do you think management is reluctant to deal with health and safety in our workplace?
c. What are the most important things you need to know to conduct workplace inspections well?
d. What can we do to make the training program entertaining?

Anderson: Training and Development, First Edition

Chapter 4: Training Design

1. Designing a training objective is the first stage of the needs analysis process.
a. True
b. False

2. Industry professionals generally prefer to use the term “learning objectives” when referring to the content of a
training program.
a. True
b. False

3. Learning objectives serve the same purpose for all stakeholders, including managers, trainees, and the trainees’
a. True
b. False

4. Trainee characteristics can impact the trainee’s ability to learn and also should impact training design.
a. True
b. False

5. Meta-cognitive strategies help trainees understand the particular ways that they can learn which is an important
intervention during training.
a. True
b. False

6. A “training type inventory” will help a trainer understand best how to structure their content to match the
organizational goals.
a. True
b. False

7. When designing training programs, it is important to provide feedback during and after the training program.
a. True
b. False

8. Limited access to those with subject matter expertise who may serve as a constraint during the design process.
a. True
b. False

9. When determining whether to purchase or design your training program, you must consider factors such as
budget, protection of privacy, and the available subject matter expertise in-house.
a. True
b. False

10. Curriculum mapping outlines the details of what will be taught during a training program, how it will be taught,
and what resources will be used.
a. True
b. False

Multiple Choice
11. As a trainer, you have been asked to develop learning outcomes for your training program on customer service.
Which of the following statements describes why you think this is a good idea?
a. Writing learning objectives is hard work; however, you have free time on your hands, so you are willing to do
b. Good learning objectives help you as the trainer by minimizing time spent on developing training material.
c. The objectives help the supervisors argue that the trainees deserve a reward after the training.
d. It saves time in the long run because you will no longer have to measure the effectiveness of the training

12. How can training objectives help trainees during the training process?
a. Clarify a clear goal for the trainee that they will be able to achieve.
b. If there are objectives established, the accountability rests with the trainer and not the trainee.
c. Objectives create anxiety for the trainee which creates more pressure to succeed.
d. When objectives are challenging, it leads to lower task performance.

13. What are the three components of an effective learning objective?

a. Performance, clarity, and conditions
b. Pre-training, during training, and post-training criteria
c. Performance, conditions, and criteria
d. Prediction, performance, and evaluation

14. The “performance” component of a learning objective describes what the employee will be able to do after
training. It needs to be specific with respect to
a. when and where the behaviour is going to occur.
b. how well the trainee is going to perform, and how it describes performance standards.
c. the specific performance standards such as quality, quantity, accuracy, and time.
d. who is going to perform the desired behaviour and what behaviour needs to be demonstrated.

15. What do the conditions of performance in a learning objective describe?

a. When and where the behaviour is going to occur.
b. How well the trainee is going to perform and how it describes the performance standards to be met.
c. How well the specific performance standards such as quality, quantity, and accuracy are met.
d. Who is going to perform the desired behaviour and what behaviour needs to be demonstrated.

16. You have been asked to coordinate an emergency spill response training for the chemical factory that you work
for. Who do you think will be the best possible trainer for this training?
a. The plant manager so that they may demonstrate their commitment to the training.
b. An external vendor with specialized expertise and equipment.
c. Members of the joint health and safety committee who are passionate about safety.
d. Members of your training department as they have excellent presentation skills.

17. Which of the following is a primary consideration of whether to send team members to external training or
whether to develop the training in-house for delivery on site?
a. The cost of sending team members to external training
b. How your team members will behave when they don’t have supervisors to watch them
c. Whether your in-house experts will feel disgruntled that they were not selected to design the training
d. Whether your management team is supportive of training

18. What is the best description for training type inventories?

a. Assessment techniques to understand which training methods are being used by all those conducting training
within your organization
b. Evaluation tools to determine how team members learn best so that they may select the training programs
that best reflect how they learn
c. Assessment techniques to determine how to calculate the return on investment for each training type
d. Evaluation tools that assist trainers to understand their own learning styles so that they are able to evaluate
how they influence others in a learning setting

19. Which of the following training will best support a trainee before their learning journey begins?
a. Provide activities to the trainee to help build their confidence.
b. Incorporate adult learning principles into the training programs.
c. Formulate training strategies with the trainees’ managers.
d. Provide post-training homework, assignments, and job aids.

20. Which of the following will best support a trainee during their training?
a. Explain the purpose of the training to the trainee.
b. Prepare trainees for methods of delivery.
c. Provide quality content.
d. Formulate transfer strategies with their managers.

21. Which of the following will best support a trainee after their training?
a. Deliver content to facilitate training.
b. Provide quality learning interventions.
c. Providing trainees with the ability to form learning groups and share knowledge.
d. Meet with managers to prepare content design.
22. You are preparing a new training program for your company focusing on equity, diversity, and inclusiveness. As a
seasoned training professional, you are prepared to anticipate a number of possible challenges including which of
the following?
a. An abundance of time to plan and prepare the training program
b. Too many subject matter experts on staff
c. A sufficient training budget and the ability to spend it all before year-end
d. A lack of clear communication of training goals throughout the organization

23. Which of the following statements best describes the status of the outsourcing of training in Canada?
a. The majority of training and development activities are outsourced in Canada.
b. Many companies partner with postsecondary institutions, like colleges, to provide skills training because it is
more challenging to design.
c. It is always more cost effective to purchase training which is why most companies outsource a large
proportion of their training.
d. External vendors have experts on staff that are always more knowledgeable than in-house experts.

24. Which of the following factors about trainees impact training design?
a. Motivation, expectations, and readiness to learn
b. Manager feedback, promotion opportunities, and time on the job
c. Trainer competency, location of training, and manager follow-up
d. Length or probationary period, wage rates, and expectation of promotion

25. You have been asked to incorporate Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction into the design of your next customer
service training program for new associates. Which technique will you use to elicit the best possible
a. Clarify learning objectives so trainees understand why customer service is so important to the company.
b. Develop icebreakers to gain the attention of the trainees.
c. Design role plays to allow trainees to practice their customer service skills.
d. Ask trainees to complete a survey to evaluate the training after it has concluded.

26. When applying conditions of practice as a way of helping trainees convert knowledge into skill, which
intervention would be most effective prior to the training?
a. Creating the condition of overlearning which leads to automatic behaviour when the practice continues
beyond initial mastery.
b. Sequencing tasks by finding logical sub-tasks.
c. Providing specific feedback about training performance.
d. Providing trainees with information about what will occur in the practice sessions.

27. When applying conditions of practice as a way of helping trainees convert knowledge into skill, which
intervention would be most effective during training?
a. Breaking the training down into parts that can be learned in any order and practiced separately and
combined later.
b. Helping trainees understand the way that they learn.
c. Setting learning goals based on previous performance.
d. Establishing roles and responsibilities of a team prior to the training session.

28. You have been asked to design an asynchronous training program for new employees on the topic of
occupational health and safety. What will you include in your design of this program?
a. Real-time instructor led sessions with questions and answers
b. Narrated PowerPoint slides and case study assignments to be submitted online
c. Video chat with a subject matter expert examining safety risks at your facility
d. YouTube videos with assigned questions and an online discussion with the instructor after the videos have
been viewed

29. Why is using a lesson plan helpful for trainers and trainees?
a. A lesson plan provides the company with the assurance that the trainers will stay “on-script” during a training
b. A lesson plan provides the company with an overview of the costs of training.
c. A lesson plan is a detailed overview of the learning experience and provides learning outcomes, activities, and
d. A lesson plan guarantees that learning objectives will be achieved.

30. As a trainer, you are trying to plan the most effective way to end your training session and to support application
of learning in the workplace. Which technique will be most effective?
a. Tell a funny story related to the training; something that they will remember.
b. Provide a multiple-choice examination which tests trainee recall.
c. Be certain that there is a lot of material in the session so that the trainees get the most out of the session.
d. Provide a link to future training objectives so they can make larger contextual connections with the learning.

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