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International Journal of Sports Science

The adaptable coach – a critical review of & Coaching

© The Author(s) 2024
the practical implications for traditional
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and constraints-led approaches in sport
DOI: 10.1177/17479541241240853

Riki Lindsay1 and Michael Spittle2

Coaches are faced with navigating a complex and dynamic environment that requires the wise and measured management
of numerous competing factors. Traditional and contemporary approaches are often contrasted, with traditional
approaches thought to be beneficial for outcomes like speed of skill acquisition but criticised for being overly prescriptive,
and contemporary approaches praised for facilitating individualised learning and transferrable skillsets. We contend that
the task for coaches is not deciding which approach is “better” and strictly conforming to one approach, rather it is deter-
mining which approach or learning principles best suit the athlete’s learning requirements. Coaching is not an exact sci-
ence, it is an art, in which skilled coaches need to be open, adaptable, and flexible in their approach, constantly
considering the complexities of the wider coaching process. In this article, we discuss how coaching practices have
the potential to be enhanced by integrating key principles from both traditional and contemporary (CLA) approaches
to adapt practice to the emerging situation and meet the skill development needs of their athletes while considering
the intricacies and subtleties that typify real-world coaching environments.

Decision making, instruction, motor control, movement variability, perception, practice structure, skill acquisition

Introduction dynamic needs of their athletes and the changing contextual

The sports coaching context is characterised by complex A key challenge for coaches is deciding on which
and dynamic environments. At any one time, a sports approach or approaches should be implemented and when
coach is juggling a plethora of competing factors that to facilitate athlete development and performance. Most
they need to successfully navigate to guide athletes to recently, traditional coaching approaches have frequently
their performance goals. Consider a junior gymnastics been contrasted with more contemporary methodologies,
coach tasked with teaching a 6-year-old how to perform a
basic handstand. What instructions should they provide to
facilitate safe technique? How do they balance the athletes’ Reviewers: Fraser Carson (LUNEX University, Luxembourg)
expectations of the timeline of progress? Is the gymnast Philip Kearney (University of Limerick, Ireland)
motivated to engage in the current training schedule or
are they expected to participate by their parents? These Institute of Education, Arts and Community, Federation University,
Ballarat, Australia
questions represent a fraction of the diverse influences in 2
Institute for Health and Sport, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
the coaching process.1 It is important to note that these
factors are not static, with some factors becoming less The adaptable coach – considerations for the implementation of trad-
prominent at certain times (e.g., physical maturation) and itional and constraints-led approaches in sport
others emerging to take their place (e.g., reduced motivation
Corresponding author:
toward training). The evolving nature of the performance Riki Lindsay, Institute of Education, Arts and Community, Federation
context necessitates skilled coaches be adaptable and flex- University, Ballarat, Australia.
ible, capable of responding quickly and effectively to the Email:; Twitter: @RikiLindsay
2 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

such as constraints-led approaches.3 Traditionally, a pre- and Anderson’s Adaptive Control of Thought,13 acknow-
scriptive style has been utilised by coaches, involving ledging the nonlinearity of behaviour and the need to
direct instruction and repetitive drill-based practice that account for this through varied learning experiences.14
aims to have athletes reproduce a specific movement tech- The coaching literature indicates that contemporary
nique, with low levels of movement variability.4 This representation-based accounts (perhaps intuitively) may
approach is grounded in traditional representation-based have filtered into applied coaching practice, with elite
accounts of motor learning and control, most notably, coaches being found to acknowledge the nonlinearity of
Schmidt’s schema theory,5 in which movements are con- learning, while effectively utilising elements of traditional
trolled via internal representations (i.e., motor programs) coaching such as direct instruction.15–17 Though it is some-
in the brain that are developed through repetition and then times proposed that CLA methodologies are the only way to
adjusted to meet the parameters of various tasks. facilitate the development of adaptable, individualised
In recent years, such approaches have been criticised for movement solutions, contemporary representation-based
being a “one-size-fits-all” methodology where explicit accounts (e.g., Optimal Feedback Theory) do provide an
instructions prevent athletes from developing their own indi- alternative approach for coaches to achieve adaptive behav-
vidualised functional movement solutions.6 Additionally, it iour.18 These similarities indicate that the distinction often
has been proposed that the use of isolated skill drills limits drawn between different approaches is not as distinct as is
the transfer of athlete behaviours from training to competitive often suggested. In fact, previous research demonstrates
performance.7 In response to some of these concerns, con- that both traditional and ecological-based approaches
temporary skill acquisition methodologies, such as the (e.g., CLA) have been utilised successfully18,19 and that
constraints-led approach (CLA), have emerged, grounded coaches should consider the needs of the context rather
in nonlinear theories of motor control like ecological dynam- than adherence to a specific approach.20
ics and dynamical systems.a Skilled coaches often demonstrate the integration of
A CLA finds its roots in an ecological approach to motor traditional and CLA methodologies effectively - perhaps
control and learning, suggesting that the development of even within one practice session - for the enhancement of
skilled action is a self-organising process of mutually influ- movement skills, with each approach presenting distinctive
encing interactions between individual (e.g., athletes phys- strengths and weaknesses.6,15,17,21 We contend, therefore,
ical characteristics), environmental (e.g., crowd noise), and that throughout the coaching process understanding how
task constraints (e.g., task rules and field dimensions).9 It is to utilise each approach, or principles of each approach,
proposed that movement skills emerge from these interact- considered against the background of influencing factors -
ing constraints, rather than the acquisition of an internal including the athlete and their targeted learning goals – is
movement representation as is the case with representation- a key objective for skill development.2 Comprehending
based accounts of motor control (e.g., schema theory).10 the diverse learning outcomes of traditional coaching and
Considered in this way, the term skill adaption has been CLA can aid coaches in determining the most suitable
proposed as an alternative to skill acquisition, suggesting approach for each learning scenario. The task for coaches,
that the development of skilled behaviour is not about therefore, lies in ascertaining which approach or principles
acquiring and updating a specific motor program, rather, of an approach would best suit the athlete’s developmental
it is “enhancing one’s functionality in a performance envir- phase and learning requirements.
onment which can be continually improved.”9 Coaching is an art, requiring the ability to discern when
In some contexts, criticism of traditional coaching and where to utilize an approach to successfully satisfy the
approaches is warranted; however, it can be argued that learning needs of their athletes. A focused skill drill, for
the restrictive nature of traditional coaching approaches is example, is effective for some scenarios, whereas game-
based on an outdated view of representation-based accounts based practice is more suitable in other situations.16 This sen-
of motor learning and control. For example, theories such as timent was raised in a recent commentary by Bobrownicki
Fitt’s and Posner’s model for stages of learning11 and et al.,22 on the CLA in American football, stating that “a sig-
Schema theory propose that learning is a linear process, nificant issue when translating motor learning scholarship is
whereby motor programs are developed in the early strict adherence to any one theoretical stance to inform spe-
stages of learning through repetitive drill-based practice cific facets of practice…rather than consideration of how
and prescriptive instructions to reduce movement variabil- such issues will fit within the complexities of the wider
ity and combat the high attentional demands associated coaching process.”22(p2) In this paper, we explore how trad-
with this stage of learning. As athletes progress through itional coaching and CLA approaches may be integrated into
each stage, instructions become less prescriptive, and prac- coaching practice to best fit the context and individual needs
tice becomes more variable.5,11 However, since these early of the athlete. We discuss how coaching practices have the
theories of motor control and learning, representation-based potential to be enhanced by considering key principles
accounts have evolved considerably, with contemporary from traditional and contemporary (CLA) approaches as
accounts such as Todorov’s Optimal Feedback theory12 tools that can be utilised to adapt practice to the emerging
Lindsay and Spittle 3

situation and meet the skill development needs of their ath- Taking these developments into consideration, CLA and
letes while considering the intricacies and subtleties that traditional approaches to human movement have moved
typify real-world coaching environments. closer together, both highlighting the importance of move-
ment variability in practice, nonlinearity of learning and
sampling or integrating critical performance information
Skill acquisition approaches applied in into training. The assumptions that underpin each approach
sport coaching can be divided into five main areas: 1) the nature of percep-
tion; 2) motor control; 3) skill acquisition and movement
What are traditional and constraints-led approaches? patterns; 4) movement variability; and 5) approach to prac-
Traditional and contemporary coaching approaches, such as tice (see Figure 1 for summary). The following sections aim
CLA, are grounded in distinct theories of motor learning to briefly discuss each key area to contextualise the practical
and control. Early representation-based accounts of motor implications of how and when principles of each approach
control (i.e., Schema Theory and Fitts and Posner) forms can be used for achieving specified performance outcomes.
the foundation for traditional coaching practice. From this
perspective, motor learning is viewed as progressing
through three distinct phases of learning: cognitive, associa- Nature of perception
tive, and automatic, with the aim to develop automatic A representation-based account of perception proposes that
motor programs that can be enacted when necessary. the senses are responsible for detecting environmental
According to this model, attentional demands are highest information. Sensory information is then perceived and
early in learning (i.e., cognitive stage). To mitigate these recognised using past knowledge (i.e., internal representa-
high attentional demands, coaches have traditionally uti- tions); guiding the production of goal-directed actions.24
lised highly prescriptive and repetitive methods to reduce Consider the following example:
movement variability and develop a consistent motor
program. The emphasis of an “ideal” movement pattern A rugby player senses an attacking player running at them
or consistent motor program that can be reproduced with (sensory detection) via light reflected towards and received
minimal variability in traditional coaching is widely criti- by the visual system. This sensory information is passed
cised by proponents of CLA methodologies. However, it along to the brain for neural processing. The brain then
is misplaced to suggest that traditional coaching approaches interprets this incoming sensory information by drawing
accurately grounded in representation-based theory advo- upon individual knowledge (e.g., past experiences, internal
cate for completely isolated and repetitive learning environ- predictions) to recognize that the incoming stimulus is an
ments at all stages of learning. opponent that needs to be tackled (or not!) and then pro-
For 50 years proponents of representation-based theory duces the appropriate movement response.
have highlighted the importance of sampling a range of
environmental situations to acquire critical information to Interpreted through a representation-based lens, internally
guide behaviour. For example, Schmidt5 advocates for the stored memory representations are central to the decision-
sampling of a wide range of situations to build a robust making process involved in selecting the appropriate move-
recall schema. Likewise, Marteniuk23 on information pro- ment response and the planning and execution of motor com-
cessing in motor skills explains that learners should be mands to carry out a selected movement, referred to as
exposed to as many environmental situations as possible efferent organisation.24 As perception of the environment
to develop a motor schema that meets the demands of is considered incomplete, the decision on what movement
each movement situation. Furthermore, contemporary to perform begins with the interaction between incoming
representation-based accounts of motor control have ques- sensory information and existing memory representations;
tioned the linearity of the learning process. For example, relevant memory representations are then activated, like pre-
Todorov’s12 Optimal Feedback Theory of sensorimotor vious experiences and outcomes. Internal predictions of
control departs from early ideas of a desired trajectory, movement responses are then evaluated alongside memory
embracing the ecological dynamic concept of functional representations to assess the potential consequences of
variability, emphasizing the need for motor variability and various actions. Following the decision-making process,
the use of feedback to correct movements that interfere efferent organisation occurs, in which motor commands are
with the achievement of task goals.12,14 From this perspec- planned using information from previous actions and out-
tive, the focus is not on enforcing a specific technique as is comes, then organised for the chosen action (e.g., to tackle
often the case in traditional coaching; rather, it is about pro- the incoming player). Finally, real-time adjustments are
viding corrections to movements that inhibit goal-directed made via a feedback loop to align the movement being exe-
action. That is to say, a movement should not be corrected cuted with the initial response selected.6,24
based on what it looks like necessarily, but on whether it is Ecological approaches, however, assume that all infor-
capable of achieving task goals. mation required for movement is within the immediate
4 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

Figure 1. Key characteristics of theoretical underpinnings of representation-based and ecological approaches to coaching.

environment. Perception and action, therefore, are linked, is viewed as being incomplete the decision about what
with sensory information complete and capable of directing movement to perform is based on internal predictive
movement.10 Gibson25 explains that “we must perceive in models that are formulated using sensory cues present in
order to move, but we must also move in order to percei- the environment, memory representations, and predicted
ve.”25(p223) In this way, perception is direct and interpretation outcomes. These internal predictive models are not just
of a stimulus within the environment is unnecessary. When a templates that are selected during decision-making and
batter in baseball, for example, perceives a pitch, information run-off; rather, the interacting process of efferent organisa-
about the speed of the ball, the trajectory of the ball and time tion constructs how a movement will be performed by plan-
it will take to arrive are all immediately available.10,26 ning and organising motor commands.24,27 Viewed this
way, the decision of what movement to perform and how
to perform it are “literally manufactured” using current
Motor control environmental information and memory representations
From a representation-based perspective, motor control is (e.g., previous experiences, skill outcomes, internal predic-
the result of interactions with memory representations to tions). Bartlett,28 for example, explains “When I make the
decide what to do and how to do it. As sensory information stroke I do not, as a matter of fact, produce something
Lindsay and Spittle 5

absolutely new, and I never merely repeat something old. landscape, if these deviations do not interfere with task
The stroke is literally manufactured out of the living goals, whereby corrective feedback should be applied.12
visual and postural schemata of the moment and their inter- The value of errors is an area that appears to have been
relations. I may say and think that I reproduce exactly a misinterpreted within traditional coaching approaches,
series of text-book movements, but demonstrably I do which are commonly associated with prescriptive and
not.”28(p201) repetitive forms of training that tend to focus on the devel-
Schmidt’s Schema theory further unpacks the underpin- opment of an “ideal” technique, often failing to make the
ning mechanism of the efferent organisation or “manufactur- distinction between correcting deviations that look incorrect
ing” of movement execution by detailing the interaction and those that inhibit task achievement. This suggests that
between (generalised) motor programs and recall schema incorrect movements are viewed as valuable from some
(memory representations).5,27 Taken together, representation- representation-based perspectives. Research supports this
based accounts of motor control indicate that if performance notion. with findings on the concept of contextual interfer-
involves parameterising/adaption, this should be reflected in ence29 and method of amplification of errors30 demonstrat-
practice too. This notion is at the heart of “good coaching” ing the value placed on “incorrect” movements. Like
regardless of which approach is adopted and highlights the contemporary representation-based accounts, a CLA
point that traditional forms of coaching that implement assumes learning is nonlinear; characterised by abrupt and
unchanging, repetitive drills cannot be attributed to often sudden changes in performance over time.31
representation-based theory. Such forms of coaching, in Aligning with optimal feedback control theory, a CLA
fact represent poor coaching practices and warrant criticism posits that “incorrect” movements are not always a cause
not just from proponents of the CLA approach, but supporters for correction. However, a key distinction between these
of representation-based accounts of motor control. approaches is that a CLA discourages explicit correction
In the same way, the internal predictive models and of movement technique. From a CLA perspective, the
efferent organisation is the mechanism of motor control in exploration of incorrect movements represents an important
the representation-based approach, self-organisation is the part of the learning process, even when it interferes with
central mode of control in the ecological approach. behavioural goals. These deviations are viewed as contrib-
Self-organisation refers to a nonrepresentational form of uting to an athlete’s search for movement solutions that
movement control, whereby motor programs are not neces- satisfy the unique individual, task and environmental con-
sary to guide action; rather, movement solutions organise straints within the learning landscape.31,32
dynamically as the result of continuous interactions
between the individual, task and environment.7,10 Like
representation-based accounts, optimal learning focuses Movement variability
on exposure to different task variations, however, eco- Contemporary representation-based accounts of motor
logical approaches diverge here as the purpose of task var- control tend to distinguish movement variability as either
iations is not to develop robust recall schema (i.e., motor task-relevant or task irrelevant.12,14 As described in previ-
program theory), but to establish relevant perception-action ous sections, contemporary-based accounts do not attempt
couplings to develop an athlete’s ability to attune to various to reduce all variability from the learning process but
opportunities for action (i.e., affordances) and support the only variability that inhibits the achievement of the
self-organization of movement patterns.10 desired movement outcome (task-relevant variability).
Todorov33 describes this as the minimal intervention prin-
ciple (MIP), whereby a coach should only intervene when
Skill acquisition and movement patterns deviations in movement patterns interfere with performance
Contemporary representation-based accounts acknowledge outcomes. Echoing this principle, Wolpert and Flanagan34
the nonlinearity of learning, suggesting that task goals are propose that internal models function to minimise
often achieved consistently with movement patterns that task-relevant variability. Subsequently, the function of the
display a range of variation.12,14 Therefore, a coach is dis- coach is to direct an athlete’s perception away from
couraged from prescribing a very specific movement sensory information that interferes with desired task goals
pattern; rather, they provide feedback only to correct (task-relevant variability) toward task-relevant information
those movements that inhibit task achievement.14 From while allowing scope for variability to occur in aspects of
this perspective, the coach aims to develop a movement a movement that are irrelevant to performance outcomes.
technique that achieves the desired behavioural goals. The The call for reduced variability in representation-based
key point here is that technique is characterised by goal accounts of motor control is an area that has been frequently
achievement, not by a predetermined technical model or misapplied within traditional approaches to coaching, in
whether a movement looks correct. Subsequently, devia- which coaches can often try to eradicate any form of vari-
tions from what looks correct are permissible, even a neces- ability, failing to distinguish what is relevant and irrelevant
sary part of dealing with the complexity of the learning variability. Subsequently, traditional coaching approaches
6 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

have been criticized for being too restrictive, limiting toward more representative, game-like situations as soon as
opportunities for an athlete to explore individualised move- possible. A key difference, however, stems from how prac-
ment solutions and limiting development of the capacity to tice is simplified in the early stages of learning.
adapt to the changing demands of the performance The focus of practice from a representation-based
context.10 However, these criticisms cannot be attributed account is for the skill to become autonomous, allowing
to representation-based perspectives, which account for for cognitive resources to be utilised for other tasks, such
and advocate for certain types of variability and should be as perceptual-cognitive skills.6 To achieve this level of
more appropriately linked to “poor coaching” practices. skill automation, practice tasks are commonly “broken”
Developing the capacity to adapt to environmental down into simpler chunks - referred to as task decompos-
changes while satisfying the demands of a dynamically ition. As skilled behaviour is viewed as an emergent
changing performance context is a key characteristic of process that is reliant on a continuous perception-action
skilled athletes. Müller et al.,,35 for example, observed coupling, an ecological dynamics approach (e.g., CLA)
that under occluded vision, highly skilled cricket batsmen advocates for the use of task simplification. Task simplifica-
showed individual differences in movement pattern vari- tion aims to present athletes with training experiences that
ables (i.e., weight transfer and bat downswing), but no sig- situate learning within competitive contexts (i.e., small-
nificant differences in task achievement. These findings sided games), preserving coherence between movement
suggest that replicating ‘ideal’ movements is not always patterns and critical aspects of performance information.7,31
necessary for skilled performance and that there is at least
some variation in techniques used by skilled performers
in attaining successful performance outcomes. In line with Applications of theory in coaching practice
this notion, a CLA advocates for constraint manipulation The approach adopted by a coach is proposed to emerge
to encourage movement exploration; aiming to develop from individual perceptions, formal education processes
the capacity to adapt and vary movement patterns necessary and informal learning experiences.37 A criticism of current
for skilled performance.36 coach education processes is an overemphasis on ‘trad-
itional’ pedagogical approaches to athlete development,
with it being suggested that practitioners often neglect to
Approach to practice incorporate available evidence on contemporary approaches,
From both a representation-based and ecological approach, like CLA.38 A previous meta-analytic review suggests that
the stage of learning is a key driver behind how practice is formal coach education opportunities are dominated by ‘trad-
delivered and designed. Though traditional coaching has itional’ approaches to coaching.39 Furthermore, coach educa-
been criticised for delivering isolated skill drills, such prac- tion programs are focused primarily on what to coach, with
tice primarily occurs during the early stages of learning content centred around the acquisition and transfer of tech-
(i.e., cognitive stage). As highlighted by Marteniuk23 on nical knowledge, rather than how to coach.39
information processing in motor skills “…after a learner As a consequence, an issue that has been raised in the lit-
has acquired the basic idea of the skill, he should practice erature is that ‘traditionally’ educated coaches may be at
in game-like situations as much as possible. For it is only risk of not developing the appropriate tools on how to
in these situations that an individual learns the appropriate coach and the knowledge underpinning why a particular
types of movements for the many possible different situa- principle should be applied, instead they repeat technical
tions.”23(p214) Traditional coaching, therefore, may empha- knowledge they have learned to their athletes.38,40
size mimicking and repeating movement patterns – but a Subsequently, ‘traditionally’ educated coaches may be
correct interpretation of representation-based accounts unable (or unwilling) to adapt their practice to the emergent
would have this type of practice occurring only at the very situation. This appears to be particularly evident early in a
earliest stage of learning and would move quickly from coach’s development, with research suggesting that
some base repetition once a basic skill pattern is developed. novice coaches are hesitant to hesitant to adapt their coach-
Similarly, a CLA does not exclusively consist of game-based ing from perceived best practice (or what they were taught).
practice, especially in the early stages of learning. Like For example, Nash and Sproule41 found that compared to
Marteniuk,23 proponents of the CLA specify that early in an expert swimming coach, a novice coach is more inclined
learning “…low-task and environmental variability may be to adopt an approach that aligns with perceived best prac-
initially beneficial to guide exploration towards one or two tice, rather than adapting their practice to the evolving situ-
functional solutions…”9 In addition, Renshaw et al.,9 ation. Further research, however, indicates that as a coach
explain that as learners become more skilled, they “…may gains more informal experiences relevant to their specific
be presented with greater variability in individual, task and context, their coaching practices may begin to become
environmental constraints to promote more adaptable behav- more flexible, sometimes utilising a combination of both
iour.” Taken together, both approaches acknowledge the “traditional” and contemporary approaches to meet the
need to simplify tasks early in learning and progress needs of their athletes.15,17
Lindsay and Spittle 7

Experiential data on elite Danish swimming coaches • Simulate critical information sources to develop connec-
found the overall coaching philosophy emphasized time tions with relevant performance information.
spent reproducing the same movement patterns repeatedly
until an athlete achieves mastery (i.e., traditional coach- Traditional and CLAs potentially foster different learning
ing).17 Similarly, Brackley et al.,15 noted that in a cohort outcomes based on their theoretical understanding of learn-
of elite Australian swimming coaches, most came through ing and performance, and coaches can use this knowledge
‘traditional’ coach education programs, however, in real- to determine the best approach for a specific learning situ-
world practice they utilised a mixture of contemporary ation or context. The coach’s challenge may be to con-
and traditional approaches. These findings indicate that stantly assess whether the approach matches the athlete’s
although traditional coach education may be dominant, as needs in terms of learning and performance. Table 1 pro-
coaches develop the practicalities of ‘real-world’ coaching vides a summary of key characteristics of traditional and
environments require an adaptability in methods to CLAs to aid coaches in making decisions about how to
manage the many emergent and dynamic variables achieve each principle. Drawing on key characteristics of
present in their environment. traditional and a CLA, each principle is presented, and
The adaptability demonstrated by skilled coaches seems the practical applications are discussed.
to be characterised by an integration of both “traditional”
and contemporary coaching principles.15,17 Recently, Set clear intentions for training
coach education researchers have started to advocate for Though a CLA may increase task representativeness and
“… research-informed practice, absent of strict theoretical transfer to competitive contexts, it can be difficult for
boundaries and instead, considering contemporary peda- coaches to quantify and control training workloads. It is,
gogy as drawing on the needs of the context, the experience therefore, important that coaches set clear intentions on
of the coach and the best available evidence.”20 Coaches are the aims of the training activity/session and do not try to
therefore encouraged to consider why they are implement- achieve “too much” in one session. Specifically, research
ing a specific approach, what consequence that approach indicates that small-sided games are effective for develop-
will have and whether it will meet the emerging demands ing tactical and strategic skills, however, this may come
of the athlete in that situation. The following section aims at the expense of fitness adaptations.55 A comparison of
to present coaches with clear principles for the integration small-sided games and specific interval training drills
and practical application of coaching approaches to guide revealed that football players with the highest VO2peak
the development of adaptable coaching practices. demonstrated the lowest VO2peak in small-sided games.55
Although small-sided games (i.e., CLA) may facilitate the
Principles for practically applying development of tactical and strategic skills, isolated struc-
tured interval training drills may be required for athletes
traditional and contemporary coaching to reach adequate intensities to elicit fitness adaptations.
approaches Coaches, therefore, could consider implementing more
The decision of which aspects of an approach to implement drill-based training as the primary mode of fitness develop-
depends on a range of complex factors, including the athlete ment and game-based methods (e.g., CLA) as a way of
and their performance goals. Aspects of both traditional and developing tactical and strategic skills to ensure that ath-
contemporary (CLA) approaches can be effective in letes are producing the appropriate training intensities to
meeting learning and performance goals and have distinct elicit the desired physiological adaptions.
advantages and disadvantages that coaches could consider The use of isolated skill-drills also allows coaches to
in making coaching choices. To be effective, coaches can accurately monitor movement repetitions (not just physical
consider the following principles to guide the integration load). The coach may need to consider the balance of
and practical application of traditional and contemporary quality and quantity in practice, where isolated skill-drill
approaches in practice: practice provides for more repetitions of the skill but
perhaps at lower “quality” - lower representativeness and
• Set clear intentions for training. cognitive demand - than game-based practice.56,57
• Align instructional content with the individual needs of According to the ecological dynamics perspective as a
the athlete and learning outcomes of the coaching basis for CLA and adopting conceptions of a task-relevant
context. variability from Optimal Feedback Theory from more trad-
• Balance the amount of movement variability in practice. itional approaches, practice should involve ‘repetition
• Allow more opportunities to make mistakes in practice. without repetition’58; with skills practiced often, but not
• Set flexible practice structures to allow for the nonlinear- in a repetitive fashion. Coaches, therefore, should aim to
ity of learning. balance the need for skill repetition with the task represen-
• Appropriately represent the demands of competitive tativeness and variability in load planning for skill
environments in practice. practice.6
8 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

Table 1. Characteristics of representation-based and constraints-led approaches to skill acquisition.

Skill acquisition approach

Representation-based Constraints-led Supporting

Characteristic approach approach (CLA) Considerations for practice references

Instructional delivery Explicit Implicit • Explicit instructions could 13,41–47

• Explicit instructions may • Implicit instructions be used early in skill

allow coaches to organise may prevent the development to reduce
practice more efficiently, breakdown of cognitive load and establish a
maximise practice time technique under basic idea of the movement
and keep athletes focused, stressful conditions. pattern. Additionally,
potentially enhancing early Majority of studies, explicit instructions can be
skill acquisition. however, have been used to correct movements
Implicit conducted in where safety is a concern
• Anderson’s adaptive laboratory settings, (e.g., weightlifting)
control of thought suggests raising issues with the • Implicit instructions can be
that implicit instructions generalisability of used to encourage
may facilitate the gradual findings to sporting exploration of individualised
development of movement contexts. movement patterns that
production rules without Explicit may more appropriately suit
the accumulation of • May be utilised to individual constraints.
declarative knowledge (i.e., correct movements
knowledge compilation). that place an athlete at
This is thought to develop risk of injury.
memory structures that
are capable of bypassing
the cognitive stage of
Movement variability Low High • Introduce and incorporate 12,14,18,32,33,48,49

• Movement variability is • Higher levels of movement variability into

moderated during practice movement variability practice by manipulating
based on the minimal can be advantageous appropriate task constraints
intervention principle; only for improving (e.g., size of the ball in
task-relevant movement performance and soccer) to encourage
variability should be distributing athletes to adapt
corrected as it interferes physiological strain. movements while
with the achievement of • Beyond beginner levels maintaining successful
performance. of performance, where performance outcomes.
athletes have acquired • When manipulating task
a basic movement constraints, monitor how
technique, variability is constraint manipulation
crucial for developing influences task difficulty and
adaptable movements. whether it introduces too
• If less variable practice much movement variability,
has been used in early potentially leading to
stages of learning, detrimental overall
there may be initial performance
difficulties transferring
basic movement
techniques learned in
less complex
Skill acquisition Nonlinear Nonlinear • Deviations that interfere 7,10,12,15,18,33,49

• “Ideal” technique is • Athletes’ progress with task achievement can

characterised by goal over time is be corrected in line with the
achievement, not understood as a minimal intervention
predetermined technical process of abrupt and principle. This provides
Lindsay and Spittle 9

Table 1. (continued)

Skill acquisition approach

Representation-based Constraints-led Supporting

Characteristic approach approach (CLA) Considerations for practice references

models or whether a sudden changes, with coaches with scope under a

movement looks correct. “incorrect” representation-based
• Contemporary movements not approach to allow
representation-based necessarily having a task-relevant variability in
accounts acknowledge that detrimental impact on practice, remaining flexible
deviations from what looks overall performance. to certain deviations in
correct are permissible, • Skill development may movement patterns as they
even a necessary part of take longer as athletes emerge over time.
dealing with the are provided with • From a CLA, exploration of
complexity of learning, if opportunities to incorrect movements, even
these deviations do not explore alternative those that interfere with
interfere with task goals, movement solutions. behavioural goals can be
whereby correct feedback leveraged to facilitate the
should be applied. development of
individualised movement
• Athlete safety should be
prioritized, if “incorrect”
movements are potentially
injurious, these should be
explicitly corrected.
Training specificity and Lower (Task decomposition, Higher (Simplification of • Task complexity in the early 3,6,16,36,50

representativeness isolated skill drills tasks using stages of skill acquisition

• Reducing the complexity representative learning may be overwhelming and
of the skill and removing it design, situating skills reduce confidence toward
from game contexts in the within the game) training, coaches can
early stages of learning • Early in learning tasks consider addressing this
(e.g., cognitive stage) can should have reduced through the targeted use of
help reduce cognitive load complexity, but be focused skill drills or high
and potentially facilitate simplified rather than levels of task simplification
quicker skill development broken down into part to facilitate early success
and more consistent and practice. and increases in athlete
stable movements. • Represents the critical motivation.
• Once a basic idea of the demands of • Where appropriate, aim to
skill has been established, performance through introduce critical
practice should progress game scenarios. components of
quickly to more • Enhanced transfer of performance contexts into
representative, game-like training simulations to training (e.g., small-sided
situations. game contests based games) to facilitate transfer
on the maintenance of of learning into competition.
the perception-action • This might include the
coupling. purposeful manipulation of
specific task constraints
(e.g., increasing or
decreasing the size of the
ball in football) to encourage
the exploration of different
movement solutions.
Quantification of Easier to calculate the work More complex due to • Drill-based training may 16,50–52

workload achieved by each athlete. the unstructured better represent

• Isolated training allows nature of training appropriate game intensities
coaches to quantify how activities to provide an appropriate
10 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

Table 1. (continued)

Skill acquisition approach

Representation-based Constraints-led Supporting

Characteristic approach approach (CLA) Considerations for practice references

much work everyone is • The variable, stimulus to elicit

doing and ensure that free-flowing nature of physiological adaptations.
adequate intensities are activities using a CLA • If practical, utilise
reached to improve can make it difficult for technologies such as GPS to
important workload coaches to quantify and accurately quantify
variables (e.g., VO2 max). control workload workloads when using a
• Allows for coach to variables, such as CLA.
monitor “practice volume” volume and intensity. • Consider the quality and
(e.g., specific number of • Small-sided games may quantity of goals of training
repetitions completed). not provide an and the potential balance
• Greater quantity of skill adequate stimulus to that is needed between skill
repetitions completed, but elicit fitness repetition (traditional) and
this may be at a lower adaptations. task representativeness
quality (i.e., reduced • May increase the (CLA) in training design.
representativeness and quality of practice
cognitive demand). through more
representative task
environments and
increased cognitive
demands. Though this
may come at the
expense of training
Development of Independent development Concurrent • For athletes at lower skill 6,50,52–54

perceptual-cognitive, • Perceptual cognitive skill development levels, consider using

decision-making, and can be developed • Increased independent practice, such
tactical skills independent of action via opportunities to take as video review to reduce
simulated practice (e.g., advantage of relevant the cognitive load.
video review) which perceptual information • Different skills and athletes
develops memory to guide goal-directed may require different levels
representations that can action. of complexity, meaning that
be utilised to inform future • High level of technical technical skills may be
behaviour. proficiency is required practiced in more isolated
• Enables the development to train at game-like settings before introducing
of stable and consistent intensities which may tactical or strategic
movement skills that reduce the applicability elements (e.g., defensive
become automated, for athletes in the early pressure).
allowing cognitive stages of skill • Regularly monitor and
resources to be utilised for acquisition. evaluate training and
decision-making skills performance outcomes to
when in game situations. understand whether training
could be adjusted to include
the concurrent execution of
technical and
perceptual-cognitive skills.

Aligning instructional content with individual needs being learned, and the training objectives.2,6 Coaches can
and learning outcomes utilise two different instructional methods – described
Coaches are encouraged to remain adaptable in their overall broadly as explicit and implicit - to enhance or inhibit the
instructional approach, adapting content based on a number achievement of an athlete’s learning outcomes.6
of interacting factors present in their context, such as the Coaches implementing explicit instruction will tell the
characteristics of the athlete (e.g., skill level), type of skill learner how they want the skilled executed; viewed as
Lindsay and Spittle 11

possessing a greater level of knowledge and experience that accuracy in tennis) and may be an important part of the
they aim to impart to their athletes.59 From the perspective skill development process.49,62 Lee et al.,49 found that
of CLA, implicit instructions such as analogies are intended novice youth players practicing the tennis forehand under
to facilitate performers to “think less” about what they are an ecological dynamics-informed approach (nonlinear
doing, reducing overload of working memory and utilising pedagogy) demonstrated increased variability of movement
less conscious control over movements, allowing exploration patterns relative to explicit-based coaching, yet both groups
of alternative movement patterns.44–46 This approach has been significantly improved performance outcomes. These find-
shown to improve movement outcomes in sports such as ings suggest that the promotion of movement variability
swimming, weightlifting and tennis.18,48,49 While often asso- in training may effectively facilitate the learning process
ciated with a CLA,60 implicit learning blurs the line and can without compromising performance outcomes. Coaches
be aligned with a representation-based account of motor can promote movement variability through the purposeful
control. Anderson’s Adaptive Control of Thought describes manipulation of task constraints in training. For example,
the gradual development of movement production rules to encourage the development of more accurate passing in
from the accumulation of declarative knowledge through a congested situations in invasion sports, coaches may
process referred to as knowledge compilation; however, manipulate the constraint of number of players, field dimen-
within this framework the use of secondary tasks to engage sions, or starting distance between defenders.53,63,64
working memory (i.e., instruction via analogies), facilitates Both representation-based accounts and a CLA approach
the direct development of implicit memory structures, effect- advocate for the importance of movement variability in
ively by-passing the cognitive stage of learning.13,61 practice, therefore, the above constrained game can be
Coaches should cautiously weigh up their instructional explained through different theoretical mechanisms. From
approach using their expert knowledge and understanding a CLA, varying constraints are proposed to encourage
of the athlete and how such an approach would facilitate exploration and facilitate the self-organisation of individua-
or inhibit the achievement of specific training outcomes. lised movement solutions and the creation of more adapt-
From a practical perspective, we contend that implicit and able and flexible movement patterns.53,63,64 Alternatively,
explicit should be considered as co-existing approaches Schema theory would suggest that the constrained game
that ebb and flow across the long-term development of an contributes to the development of a richer memory
athlete. Collins et al.,47 noted that perhaps there is a ratio schema of the passing skill.27 The constrained game pro-
of explicit and implicit knowledge that exists with the vides varied situations that facilitate the development of a
athlete, and the role of the coach is to alter this ratio via more elaborate memory representation, providing the
instruction rather than completely adopting either an expli- athlete with a broader range of experiences to draw upon,
cit or implicit approach. Consider the following practical allowing them to be more adaptable with their skill execu-
example: tion during actual game scenarios.27 This example high-
An experienced coach of a beginner-level weightlifter lights that despite the different proposed theoretical
may identify the tendency for their athlete to push the bar mechanisms, the same practical interventions can be uti-
away from their body - a biomechanically poor position. lised by both approaches to achieve similar performance
Explicit instruction elicits limited change, therefore, using outcomes.
their wisdom and judgment as a practitioner the coach iden- Both representation-based and ecological dynamics
tifies that their athlete may be overloaded cognitively - approaches both emphasise the importance of finding
based on their skill level. A reasonable approach would balance in movement variability during practice. Both per-
be to reduce the volume of explicit instruction and begin spectives agree that the quantity of variability is a key factor
incorporating some implicit instructions to simplify infor- in successful performance outcomes.65 Coaches are encour-
mation to also reduce information overload, such as “Try aged to find a balance between “too much” and “not
and flick the bottom of your shirt with the barbell”, an enough” movement variability in training. Though guided
approach that is effective for improving performance out- by different theoretical mechanisms, the stage of develop-
comes in weightlifting movements for beginners. ment of the learner is a common factor that underpins a
Although in the above example, several instructional coach’s approach to the balancing of movement variability.
strategies may be utilised, the decision-making process For example, cognitive load theory suggests that in novice
must consider the overall athlete system. performers the addition of more information sources (e.g.,
movement variability) increases cognitive load and may
overload the learner, negatively impacting performance
Balance the amount of movement variability in
outcomes.66 Therefore, in the early stages of development,
practice practice is characterised by low levels of variability to
Contrary to conventional coaching wisdom, the promotion reduce cognitive load and facilitate the development of a
of movement variability in training has been shown not to basic movement pattern. Similarly, during the learning to
be detrimental to performance outcomes (e.g., forehand co-ordinate stage, a CLA recognises the need for reduced
12 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

variability by decreasing the complexity of an activity (e.g., deviations, regardless of whether they are task-relevant or
1 versus 0 game), while still encouraging exploration of dif- irrelevant, were a necessary part of the learning process to
ferent movement solutions. Regardless of the coaching arrive at individualised movement solutions. Overall,
approach being utilised, the individual characteristics of coaches, therefore, are encouraged to consider that occa-
the athlete are at the centre of coaching practice when con- sionally withholding correction when a “sub-optimal”
sidering how to implement movement variability. movement is displayed can benefit overall learning and is
Consistent with this notion, Brackley et al.,15 reported not always an indication of ineffective practice.
that elite swimming coaches consider the individual charac-
teristics (e.g., individual constraints) of their athletes as a
key influencing factor in the learning process. One coach Set flexible practice structures to allow for the
explained that “You’re looking at each individual athlete nonlinearity of learning
because each of those athletes will respond differently to
Drawing on the assumption that skill development is a pro-
certain sorts of stimuli. So, I’d have two sprinters at the
gressive, linear process, traditional approaches focus on
same time and the same age, but you’d have to train them
directing the athlete’s attention to the conscious reproduc-
differently.”15(p6) Utilising a CLA, coaches can effectively
tion of a prescribed movement model. The advantage of
cater to the individualised needs of each athlete by lever-
this linear view is that it can allow coaches to develop struc-
aging movement variability through task constraint
tured training programs, focused on the achievement of spe-
manipulation, allowing learners to explore alternative
cific learning objectives. This is akin to the concept of linear
movement patterns that may appropriately satisfy their indi-
periodization, in which training variables such as move-
vidual constraints.54,62
ment intensity, volume, order, and frequency are logically
Similarly, representation-based approaches like optimal
structured to maximise training adaptations.67
feed-back theory, can introduce movement variability
Contemporary approaches (i.e., CLA) view training as
through the same task constraint manipulation. However,
inherently nonlinear, with “sub-optimal” movements
in the latter approach, variability is moderated during prac-
believed to be an important part of learning. However,
tice based on the minimal intervention principle, whereby
this does not mean that coaches adhering to a nonlinear
only task-relevant movement variability would be corrected
pedagogy will not provide explicit correction in certain cir-
by coaches as it is perceived to interfere with the achieve-
cumstances. For example, in weightlifting when the barbell
ment of performance.14 By contrast, a CLA manages move-
is further away from the body than from the floor this will
ment variability through constraint manipulation as it
create a lower moment arm and place more stress on the
pertains to a learner’s exploration of individualised move-
lower back, placing the athlete at risk of injury.68,69
ment solutions.
Corrective feedback, therefore, would be prudent to
ensure athlete safety. In contrast to the linear view of train-
Allow the opportunity to make mistakes in practice ing – often associated to traditional coaching - changes in
learning are not proportional in nonlinear systems; if a
An important element of “good coaching” that is shared by
coach makes large changes to an activity (e.g., a change
representation-based accounts and a CLA approach is
in field size) this may only result in small changes in move-
allowing the freedom to explore “suboptimal” or “incor-
ment. This has important practical implications for coaches,
rect” movement patterns, as increased movement variability
suggesting responses to training will be different across
may be interpreted as ineffective training even though they
individuals and not necessarily in line with the intended
may be an important element of the learning process.54
Through a representation-based account this can be
achieved by incorporating principles like contextual inter-
ference or amplification of errors, which aim to create situ- Represent the demands of the competitive
ation where athletes are performing more “incorrect”
movement patterns. Similarly, a CLA can purposefully
environment in practice
manipulate key task constraints within the practice environ- A key criticism of traditional approaches is the isolated,
ment (e.g., court size, ball size) to encourage learners to structured nature of practice, in which athletes are progres-
explore a range of movement solutions, even those that sively taken through technical skill-drills that increase in
are considered “sub-optimal”. Findings from Lindsay complexity and are then applied within a game scenario,
et al.,18 suggest that deviation from a prescribed technical referred to as task decomposition.6 However, referring to
template does not have a negative impact on overall per- representation-based accounts of motor learning and
formance. From the view of optimal feedback theory control (e.g., Marteniuk’s information-processing in
these deviations could be interpreted as irrelevant variabil- motor skills; schema theory, model for stages of learning),
ity and therefore “exploration” that does not impede overall it is clear that isolated practice is emphasised early in learn-
goal achievement. Alternatively, a CLA proposes that these ing, with progression to more complex and representative
Lindsay and Spittle 13

environmental situations consistently emphasised once a making, and tactical skills concurrently with technical
basic idea of a skill has been developed. In this way, the skills in order to simulate critical information sources
use of isolated practice activities is guided by the stage of found in competition.7,54 The advantage of this approach
development, primarily being used in the early stages of is that athletes may experience more opportunities to take
learning rather than an approach that is used widely advantage of relevant perceptual information that guides
across all individuals and situations. The misapplication goal-directed interactions with critical information sources
of isolated activities is certainly an issue and indicative of found in competition (e.g., defender position, passing
poor coaching, with the potential to have long-lasting nega- opportunities).70 This means that technical, tactical, and
tive impacts on athletic development. The efficacy of struc- decision-making skills can be developed concurrently,
tured skill drills, for example, was viewed negatively by a offering a potential advantage over isolated skill drills.16
sample of international rugby players; believing that such While aiming to develop these skills concurrently, it is
drills did not prepare them for game situations.51 important that the stage of learning is considered
An increase in complexity to more representative, game- (Representation-based account: cognitive, associative, and
like activities is a feature of representation-based autonomous; ecological-based account: coordination,
approaches to coaching, but from task decomposition control, and skilled optimization), regardless of what
rather than simplification (e.g., CLA). Alternatively, to approach is being implemented. The aim of both traditional
maintain representative training environments, even in the and CLA’s is to progress to representative game intensities,
early stages of learning, the CLA advocates for task simpli- for developing such skills. A limitation of developing such
fication as opposed to breaking the skill down into simpler skills concurrently is that athletes need to be highly skilled
parts (e.g., task decomposition). This would involve prac- to train at representative intensities, reducing the applicability
ticing a skill through a simplified game scenario - such as of such approaches for athletes in the early stages of skill
3 vs 2 - where task constraints are manipulated (e.g., acquisition.55 For example, in sub-elite Australian rules foot-
reduced players on the field) to challenge learners, yet sim- ball players it is recommended that training drills should be
plify the perceptual and action elements of complete game executed at approximately 219 m·min−1 to represent 100%
context.10 Task simplification is proposed to enhance the ball-in-play intensity.71 Both representation-based and
transfer of training simulations to game contexts based on CLA’s would advocate that game-based practice at such
the maintenance of the perception-action coupling or the high intensities may not be possible for athletes at lower
representation of “game-like” perceptual information, skill levels and need to be scaled back, sacrificing match-play
allowing athletes to develop the capability to perceive and intensity to facilitate skill execution.71 However, as pointed
utilise different opportunities for action (affordances), out in earlier sections, the manner in which this scaling
such as how to successfully perceive opportunities to pass back is enacted with differ between approaches, with
into emerging space between defenders.50,52 representation-based accounts proposed task decomposition
and ecological approaches advocating for task simplification.
Simulate critical information sources to develop
connections with relevant performance information Conclusion
As discussed previously, representation-based approaches A review of the literature suggests that aspects of traditional
tend to focus on developing technical skills in isolated con- coaching and a CLA each have distinct strengths and weak-
texts until an acceptable level of mastery is achieved before nesses, with coaches needing to evaluate or re-evaluate
being applied to performance contexts.27 This is based on whether to integrate approaches within the context of a
the notion that across the various stages of learning (i.e., range of factors, including the athlete and the learning
cognitive to autonomous) attention is limited and cannot goals of the practice session or training program. A
deal sufficiently with developing both technical and tactical coach’s decision-making processes should be tailored to
skills concurrently. Therefore, according to representation- the individual athlete and their targeted learning outcomes.
based accounts, perceptual-cognitive skills (e.g., decision- Traditional coaching and a CLA yield diverse learning and
making) are often developed independent of movement performance outcomes; comprehending these outcomes can
skills via simulated training (e.g., video review) and are support skilled coaches in determining the most suitable
proposed to build the memory representations necessary approach for a particular learning scenario. The task for
to inform future behaviour. The independent development coaches, therefore, is to figure out which approach best
of these processes is particularly important in the early suits an athlete’s developmental phase and learning and per-
stages of learning where cognitive loads are high.6 A formance requirements.
CLA acknowledges that such strategies are useful but
only so far as they educate a learner’s attention and are Declaration of conflicting interests
therefore not utilised as frequently. Consequently, a CLA The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
proposes developing perceptual-cognitive, decision- to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
14 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 0(0)

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