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Additions and Corrections

This report includes additional information and technical errors To cool from 18 to 4°C in a chilled room:
found between June 15, 2002, and April 1, 2005, in the SI editions 100 × 3.52(18 − 4) = 4928 kJ
of the 2002, 2003, and 2004 ASHRAE Handbook volumes. Occa-
To cool from 4°C to freezing point in freezer:
sional typographical errors and nonstandard symbol labels will be
corrected in future volumes. The most current list of Handbook addi- 100 × 3.52[4 − (−2)] = 2112 kJ
tions and corrections is on the ASHRAE Web site ( To freeze: 100 × 233 = 23 300 kJ
The authors and editor encourage you to notify them if you To cool from freezing to storage temperature:
find other technical errors. Please send corrections to: Handbook
Editor, ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30329, or 100 × 2.12[(−2) − (−18)] = 3392 kJ
e-mail Total: 4928 + 2112 + 23 300 + 3392 = 33 732 kJ
p. 12.7, Infiltration Load values. Delete “°C” from the definitions
2002 Refrigeration for hf, hr, and ρr; for ρi, the entire definition should read only “den-
sity incoming air, kg/m3.”
p. 2.2, Figs. 1 and 2. In the captions, replace “ton of refrigeration”
with “kilowatt of refrigeration.” p. 16.10, 2nd col. The next to the last sentence under Fresh Pork
Holding should read, “Care must be taken to maintain the ratio of
p. 2.4, Example 1, Solution. The correct calculations are as follows: kilograms of CO2 to kilograms of meat for the retention period.”
Actual temperature drop (50 × 0.02)
= = 0.46 K p. 7.14, Fig. 17. The viscosity data are for 38°C, in mm2/s.
× (14.0/21.54)1.8
Estimated friction loss = 0.46 (50 × 0.749) = 17.2 kPa p. 22.7, Airflow Requirements. The units for cp should be J/(kg·K),
Loss for the riser = 6 × 11.3 = 67.8 kPa and the symbol for mass flow rate of air should be m· .
Total pressure losses = 67.8 + 17.2 = 85.0 kPa p. 25.2, 16th line. Change “metre” to “cubic metre.”
Saturation pressure at 40°C condensing = 1534.1 kPa
p. 30.2, Controls. Change “several hundred feet” to “hundreds of
(see R-22 properties in Chapter 20, 2001 ASHRAE
Handbook—Fundamentals) metres.”
p. 31.3, 2nd col., 4th line. The text in parentheses should read
Initial pressure at beginning of liquid line 1534.1 kPa
“(i.e., a total area of 3.0 m2 and a capacity of 0.33 m3).”
Total liquid line losses − 85.0 kPa
Net pressure at expansion device = 1449.1 kPa p. 34.3, Example 2 values. Change the unit for Ceiling radiating
area from “mm2” to “m2.”
The saturation temperature at 1449.1 kPa is 37.7°C.
Required subcooling to overcome the liquid losses = (40.0 – 37.7) p. 38.21, Fig. 30. Along the x axis, change “100” to “102.”
or 2.3 K p. I.30, Index. Add the following entry after Load coefficients:
p. 2.10, 2nd col. In the first sentence under Refrigerant Line Louvers, F30.45
Capacity Tables, replace “tons of refrigeration” with “kilowatts of sizing, F34.17-18
p. 2.16, Example 2. In the Solution, the reference to Table 10 2003 HVAC Applications
should be to Table 16.
p. 1.4, Evaporative Cooling. The reference to Chapter 50 should be
p. 8.5, Table 3. The specific heats above and below freezing for to Chapter 51.
bacon should both be 2.70 kJ/(kg·K); for whole cured lean ham
they should be 3.47 and 2.22 kJ/(kg·K), respectively. p. 8.2, Indoor Air Quality, 4th line. Delete “by a minimum of
1.5 K.”
p. 8.8, Eq. (18). The equation should read as follows:
p. 9.2, Power Consumption and Availability. Change “to main-
tain gas mileage” to “for minimum vehicle fuel use.”
( x wa – x b )L o t f
H = ( t – t r ) ⎛ 1.55 + 1.26x s – ---------------------------------- ⎞ p. 13.6. Reverse the order of Figures 6 and 7.
⎝ tr t ⎠
p. 13.10, Example 1. The unit for total floor area should be m2.
p. 8.9, 2nd col., 3rd equation. Delete the 3 directly to the right of p. 16.9, Semiconductor Cleanrooms, 1st paragraph. Insert
the equals sign. “(0.0283 m3)” after “cubic foot.”
p. 10.9, Table 2. Delete the entry for “Maple syrup.” p. 16.10, Airflow in Semiconductor Cleanrooms, 4th para-
graph. Change “horsepower” to “kilowatt.”
p. 12.1, 1st col., 5th line from bottom. Change “15 mph” to
“25 km/h.” p. 16.13, Temperature and Humidity, 3rd paragraph. If full-
coverage smocks are not used, temperature set points can be higher,
p. 12.1, 2nd col. In the first full paragraph, change “These values not lower.
decrease” to “These values increase.”
Ch. 17. This chapter has been reassigned to TC 9.9, which recom-
p. 12.2, Example 1. The solution should be as follows: mends using ASHRAE’s Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing
Specific heat of beef before freezing is listed in Table 3, Chapter 8 Environments (2004) as a primary source of information for data
as 3.52 kJ/(kg · K); after freezing, 2.12 kJ/(kg · K). processing environment design.

Copyright © 2005, ASHRAE A.1

A.2 2005 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals (SI)

Fig. 7 Reverse/Return Manifold Systems

(2003 HVAC Applications, Chapter 49, p. 6)

p. 36.3, Table 3. Add the following footnote:

3. For updated information on heat pump life, see Lovvorn and Hiller (2002).

p. 36.9, 1st column, 3rd line. The subscript for PWF should be “ser.”
p. 36.13, References. Add the following source after Lovvorn and
Hiller (1985):
Lovvorn, N.C. and C.C. Hiller. 2002. Heat pump life revisited. ASHRAE
Transactions 108(2):107-112.
p. 41.28, Case Study, 2nd paragraph. Change “3200 KW” to
“3200 kW.”
p. 45.6, 2nd col., end of 1st paragraph. The correct Research
Fig. 8 Grain Recirculators Convert Bin Dryer to Project is RP-1134 (Tompkins 2002).
High-Speed Continuous-Flow Dryer p. 45.13, References. Delete Idem 2002 and insert the following
(2003 HVAC Applications, Chapter 23, p. 7) source after Sterling and Kabayashi 1981:
Tompkins, D. 2002. Evaluation of photocatalytic air cleaning capability.
p. 23.7, Fig. 8. The bottom part of the figure was cut off; refer to the ASHRAE Research Project RP-1134.
full version here. p. 47.15, Tables 8 and 9. The titles for Tables 8 and 9 should read
p. 26.7, 2nd line from bottom. Change “only a very few grains of “with 25 mm Fiberglass Lining” and “with 50 mm Fiberglass Lin-
moisture” to “very little moisture.” ing,” respectively.
p. 47.22, Table 22. In the footnote, change “1.5 pcf” to “24 kg/m3.”
p. 27.2, Adiabatic Compression. In the second paragraph, change
“1.84W” to “1.884W.” In the definitions for Equation (1), units for p. 47.23, Ex. 3. Change “5 ft” to “1.52 m.”
E should be 1 kJ/(102 m·kg). In Example 1, units for the solution
should be kW. p. 47.41, 1st col., 3rd paragraph. Change “12 m/s” to “1.2 m/s.”

p. 27.6. Step 6 should read, “The enthalpy of air hai at 28°C satu- p. 49.6, Fig. 7. The arrow for “Union (typical)” should point to the
rated and 104.983 kPa is 109 kJ/kg. Σai = 109 – (4.1868)(0.037) union symbol, not the gate valve symbol. The correct figure is pre-
(28) = 104.66 kJ/kg.” sented here.

p. 27.10, 2nd col., 5th full paragraph. Change “calorific” to p. 50.1, Snow-Melting Heat Flux Requirement. The fourth list
“heat.” In Equation (18), change “Btu/h” to “kW.” item should be “wind speed near the heated surface.”
p. 51.7, Cooling Large Motors, 3rd paragraph. Delete “hour”
p. 27.11, Eq. (19). Rt should be turbulent resistance.
after “kilowatt.”
p. 31.5, Type II Hoods, Condensate hood. The second and third sen-
p. 53.3, Fig. 3. Delete the entire note below the figure.
tences for this item should read, “The hood is designed to direct the
condensate toward a perimeter gutter for collection and drainage, p. 53.9, Symbols. Delete the entries for “clo” and “met.”
allowing none to drip onto the appliance below. Flow rates are typi-
cally based on 255 to 380 L/s per square metre of hood opening.” p. 54.4, Eqs. (7) and (8). In the definitions for Wp, delete “in new-
tons = mass.”
p. 31.11, Traditional Registers. Terminal velocities should be
≤0.25 m/s. p. 54.12, 1st col., 4th line from bottom. Change “??°C” to
p. 32.4, 2nd col., last paragraph. In the second sentence, velocity
should be limited to a maximum of 0.03 m/s. p. I.4, Index. Add “F15.12” to the entries for BAS and Building
automation system.
p. 32.6, 2nd col., 4th paragraph. Change “flashing” to “flushing.”
The units for free residual chlorine content should be mg/kg.
2004 HVAC Systems and Equipment
p. 33.22, 1st col. In the third line under Equation (38), change “KJ”
to “kJ.” p. 2.5, Fig. 8. The caption for Figure 9 should read “Chemical
p. 34.2, Lower Initial Cost, 3rd paragraph. Change “660 W” to
“660 kW.” p. 6.7, Table 1. The complete table is supplied here.
Additions and Corrections A.3

Fig. 5 Heat Pump Types (first two rows)

(2004 HVAC Systems and Equipment, Ch. 8, p. 5)

Table 1 Thermal Resistance of Ceiling Panels

(2004 HVAC Systems and Equipment, Ch. 6, p. 7)
Thermal Resistance
rp , rs ,
Type of Panel (m2·K)/W (m2·K)/W

----- 0.32

----- 0.38

Fig. 16 Direct- and Reverse-Return Two-Pipe Systems

(2004 HVAC Systems and Equipment, Ch. 12, p. 9)
----- 0.10
kp p. 12.9, Fig. 16. The figure for reverse-return two-pipe systems was
incorrect; the corrected version is provided here.

x p – Do / 2 p. 24.2, 1st two lines. Change “15 to 35 cfm” to “7 to 16.5 L/s,” and
----------------------- ≈0 “15 cfm” to “7 L/s.”
p. 25.4, Eq. (5). There should be an equals symbol after Dpc.

x p – Do / 2 p. 25.21, Tables 8 and 9. Delete “g·” from the units for KGa.
----------------------- ≤ 0.12
kp p. 31.3, 2nd equation. The unit for qc should be W.
p. 34.31, Symbols. Delete the definition for gc.
p. 35.19, Purging, 2nd paragraph. Change “Chapters 35 and 38 of
p. 7.22, 1st col., 13th line from bottom. Change “horsepower” to this volume” to “Chapter 38 of this volume.”
p. 36.4, Fig. 9. Change “350 to 500 ft” to “100 to 150 m.”
p. 7.23, Turbocharger Heat Recovery. Delete “(280 kJ/kWh).”
p. 36.14, Fig. 25. The corrected figure is supplied on p. A.4.
p. 8.5, Fig. 5. The top two figures, for air/air and water/air refriger-
ant changeover, were cut off. The two figures are provided here. p. 44.10, Fig. 5. Replace with the corrected figure, supplied on p. A.4.
A.4 2005 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals (SI)

Fig. 5 Variation of Pressure Drop and Effectiveness with Air

Flow Rates for a Membrane Plate Exchanger
(2004 HVAC Systems and Equipment, Ch. 44, p. 10)

p. 44.19, Ex. 4, Step 7. The reference to Figure 17 should be to Fig-

ure 19.
p. 44.25, Bibliography. The correct entry for the ASHRAE (1974)
source is as follows:
ASHRAE. 1974. Symposium on heat recovery. ASHRAE Transactions
80(1):302-332. Fig. 25 Cooling Tower Performance—167% Design Flow
(2004 HVAC Systems and Equipment, Ch. 36. p. 14)
Index. The following are the correct page numbers for these entries:
Compressors, heat pump systems, S8.6
Control, heat recovery systems, S8.18 Industrial applications, heat pumps, S8.8
Defrosting, air-source heat pump coils, S8.7, 8; S45.9 Net positive suction, S39.9
Heat balance (HB), studies, S8,19 Refrigerant control devices, R45
Heat pumps (all subentries with S1 should be S8) heat pumps, system, S8.7
Heat recovery (all subentries with S1 should be S8) Solar energy, heat pump systems, S8.4

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