Detox Plan For One Day

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Dal Chawal – The diet clinic

Detox plan for one day

1. Early morning – Lemon ajwain chia seeds water + Soaked almonds (5) and walnuts (2)
2. Breakfast – Basic energy smoothie
Ingredients – greek yoghurt 1 cup, ¾ cup low fat milk, ¾ cup oatmeal, 10 grapes, ½
banana, ½ spoon peanut butter, 1 tablespoon honey and mixed nuts

Preparation Instructions: Blend all ingredients, serve immediately.

3. Mid morning - Coconut water + Black grapes (20)

4. Lunch - Vegetables oats (Add beet, carrot, capsicum, broccoli, peas) with tomato dhaniya
chutney and a katori of curd.
5. Evening snack (3 pm)- Lemon tea
6. Evening snack (5 pm) – Mixed fruits salad (Papaya, Watermelon) – 1 Cup
7. Dinner – Broccoli mushroom salad (1 cup) + Buttermilk
8. Bed time - Green tea (1 cup)

Throughout the day, keep drinking infused water made up of cucumber, lemon, mint and chia seeds.
Make 2 litre of infused water.

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