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Working Principle of Photoelectric Transducer The photoelectric transducers operate on the principle that when light strikes a special combination of materials then the following may result. ¢ Electrons may flow. ¢ A voltage may be generated. « Aresistance change may take place. Types of Photoelectric Transducer Photoelectric transducers may be grouped as follows: 1. Photoemissive cell 2. Photovoltaic cell 3. Photoconductive cell ~ Scanned with CamScanner What is Photoemissive Cell? This cell is also known as the photo-tube. It is based on the emission of electrons from a metallic cathode (or photo-sensitive surface) when it is exposed to light or other radiation. Light Cathode Anode Scanned with CamScanner Principle of Photoemissive Cell It consists of two metallic electrodes (i.e., a cathode and an anode) supported in an evacuated glass bulb fitted with a base like a thermionic valve. The cathode is either semi-cylindrical or V-shaped and is made of a metal coated with an emissive material. The anode is in the form of a thin wire facing the cathode. When the light falls on the cathode photo-electrons are emitted which are attracted by the positive anode. Subsequently current is produced whose magnitude (for a given cathode) depends on (i) intensity of incident radiation and (ii) anode- cathode voltage. Photoemissive Cell Uses Photo-emissive cell finds use in ¢ field of photometry and calorimetry ¢ sound reproduction from a motor-picture film ¢ onand off” circuits and other circuits ¢ Itis also concerning the counting or sorting of objects on a conveyor belt * automatic opening of a door, etc. Scanned with CamScanner What is Photoconductive Cell? The photoconductive cell uses a semiconductor material whose resistance changes in accordance with the radiant energy received. The resistivity of semiconductor materials like selenium, cadmium sulfide, lead sulfide, and thallium sulfide is decreased when irradiated. tL Lema Barer layer Layer of selenium Metal base (Bottom electrode) Photoconductive Cell Principle of Photoconductive Cell Fig shows the simplest form of such a cell using selenium. There are two electrodes provided with the semiconductor material are attached to them. As soon as the cell is inflamed its resistance decreases and current through the circuit becomes large. The shape of the semiconductor materials is so made as to obtain a large ratio of dark to light’ resistance. Scanned with CamScanner 1 Photoconductive Cell Principle of Photoconductive Cell Fig shows the simplest form of such a cell using selenium. There are two electrodes provided with the semiconductor material are attached to them. As soon as the cell is inflamed its resistance decreases and current through the circuit becomes large. The shape of the semiconductor materials is so made as to obtain a large ratio of dark to light’ resistance. Acadmium sulfide cell has two electrodes which are extended in an inter-digital pattern in order to increase the contact area with the sensitive material. It has a high ‘dark to light’ ratio. Photoconductive cells Use Photoconductive cells are generally used for detecting ships and aircraft by the radiations given out by their exhausts or (funnels) and for telephony by modulated infrared lights. Scanned with CamScanner What are the Applications of Photoelectric Transducer? These transducers find the following fields of application: * Control engineering. « Precision measuring devices in Metrologic « Exposure meters used in photography ¢ Solar batteries as sources of electric power for rockets and television, counting machines « Satellites used in space research, etc. Advantages of Photoelectric Transducer Some advantages of this transducer is- « It has a very fast response time The diffuse photoelectric sensor can detect small objects including color mark and label detection « [thas along sensing range and very reliable « Retro-reflective type can detect transparent objects « Itcan be working long lime without any defects « And at last, it is less costly. Scanned with CamScanner FHULOCICCLIC Irdalisuucer Some advantages of this transducer is- « It has a very fast response time * The diffuse photoelectric sensor can detect small objects including color mark and label detection « It has along sensing range and very reliable « Retro-reflective type can detect transparent objects It can be working long lime without any defects * And at last, it is less costly. Disadvantages of Photoelectric Transducer They also have some disadvantages- ¢ It’s sensing range is affected due to the color and reflectivity of the target « Without any power supply, it can not be working. * Over coarse of time lens get contaminated. That's it, for all about photoelectric transducers. If you have any questions, you can comment. 7 Scanned with CamScanner

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