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UNITS 7&8 Keep a diary

This project links to Unit 7 (Timelines) & Unit 8 (On the move).

Overview Step 1 Make your diary

In this project, students work in groups to design a diary. ■ Explain that each group is going to create its own
Each diary includes information about (a) dates, diary and that each student in the group is going to
(b) some tasks to complete, and (c) some space in make and design a version of the diary. The first thing
which to record the events of the day. Each student then they have to do is decide how long the diary should
exchanges diaries with a student from another group and be. All the diaries in the class should be for the same
tries keeping the new diary, completing the tasks in the length of time, such as one or two weeks. If you are
diary, and writing about their own experiences. doing this project close to a school vacation, then you
could ask students to make a vacation diary for the
Note: For this project, you will need the following period they’re away from school.
equipment/materials: ■ Next, students have to make their diaries. They can
(1) plenty of sheets of plain paper for students to either use ready-made notebooks for this or create
make their diaries their own notebooks. There are various ways to make
(2) each group will need its own set of markers, homemade notebooks. The students can investigate
colored pencils, or crayons and choose their own method by searching online.
Alternatively, they can fold several sheets of plain
In all the Go Beyond projects, students should try to
paper in half and put the pages together to make
complete the tasks in English. Encourage them to speak
a notebook as in the illustration. The main thing to
in English whenever possible during the preparation
remember is that the diary pages need to be large
steps. Point out the sample phrases for the different
enough for students to add information and write
tasks. They can replace the words in italics with their
their diary entries.
own ideas.
When they have completed this part of the project,
This project should be spread over several classes to
each student in the group should have a notebook
allow enough preparation time for the different steps and
with the same number of pages. Then they write the
for completing the diary.
date and day of the week at the top of each page or
Note: Remind students to be positive about space. All the diaries in the class should start (and
everyone’s ideas when they work together in groups. end) on the same day.

Step 2 Make a list of special days and tasks

Introduction to do
■ Write the names Anne Frank and Zlata Filipovic on ■ Explain that the diaries need to include information
the board. Ask Do you recognize the names? What do about any events or special days. They also need
the names have in common? (Answer: Both people to include tasks for the person keeping the diary to
kept diaries when they were about thirteen years old. complete. Read through the instructions together and
Anne Frank wrote about the time she spent hiding in check that students understand what they need to
Amsterdam in 1942, while Zlata’s Diary recorded a do. At this stage they only need to make notes; they
teenager’s life in Sarajevo starting in 1991.) don’t need to write in their diaries yet. It might help
■ Give students copies of the project pages. Have to brainstorm ideas for possible tasks and write them
students work in pairs to answer the questions at the on the board. Point out that for this part of the project
top of the first page and then invite them to share they should try to speak in English. Read through the
some of their answers. Write a selection of answers sample phrases to help get them started.
on the board. Students then read the Introduction
to check or find the answers. Help with any Step 3 Design the pages
comprehension problems by making sure students ■ Once the groups have compiled their lists, each
understand the words in bold. student in the group transfers the information to the
Explain that students are going to work in groups to diary that they prepared in Step 1. Stress that each
create their own diaries. Then they’re going to keep a page also needs enough space for someone to write
diary. Divide the class into groups. a diary entry. Look at the illustrations together to
see samples of what’s required, including the cover
design with the diary title.

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UNITS 7&8 Keep a diary

Step 4 Exchange your diary In order to make sure that students get into the
routine of keeping their diaries, ask them to bring
■ In this part of the project, each student exchanges
their diaries to each class and check that they’re
diaries with a student from another group. This will
writing their diary entries. You can invite some
allow students to complete tasks created by another
students to read their entries or their task for the day
group and to work with a diary that’s been designed
to the class. Alternatively, use class time for students
and made by another student.
to write their diary entry for the previous day.
As soon as each student has a new diary, students
should write the name of the person who made the Step 5 Share your diary
diary on the back. This will avoid confusion when
each student eventually returns the completed diary
■ Once the diaries have been completed, students
to the person who made it. return them to the students who originally made
■ The students then have to keep their diaries for the them. Each student checks that the tasks have been
whole time period. Each day they should read the completed and reads the diary entries. If you prefer,
information and attempt to complete the task if there you can skip this step so that students keep the
is one. At the end of the day they should write about diaries that they have written, promoting the idea that
their experiences, thoughts, feelings, and opinions. personal diaries aren’t written for other people to
Note: You may wish to remind students not to write ■ The students then discuss the experience of keeping
anything very private or sensitive in their diaries (as a diary. Encourage them to ask and answer questions
the diary will be read by another student at the end using the sample phrases to help them.
of the project). Alternatively, if you prefer, skip the
step in which each student returns their diary to the
student who originally made it.

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© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

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