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DENTAL-3744; No.

of Pages 15
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15

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Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with

modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations

Sultan Aati a,b , Zohaib Akram a , Hien Ngo a , Amr S. Fawzy a,∗
a UWA Dental School, University of Western Australia, 17 Monash Avenue, Nedlands WA 6009, Australia
b Dental Health Department, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, 11433, Saudi Arabia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective. To characterize and investigate efficacy of loading functionalized ZrO2 nanoparti-
Accepted 12 February 2021 cles in 3-dimensional (3D) printed acrylate ester-based resin subjected to accelerated aging
Available online xxx in artificial saliva. As well as to evaluate the effect of ZrO2 nanoparticle volume fraction
addition on mechanical and physical properties of printed composite.
Keywords: Methods. Functionalized ZrO2 nanoparticles were characterized using TEM and Raman
3D printed resins spectroscopy. 3D printed dental resin was reinforced, with ZrO2 nanoparticles, in the
Zirconium oxide concentration range (0–5 wt.%). The resulted nanocomposites, in term of structure and phys-
Nanoparticles ical/mechanical properties were evaluated using different mechanical testing, microscopic
Nanocomposites and spectroscopic techniques.
Provisional restorations Results. ZrO2 based nanocomposite was successful and formed composites were more
ductile. Degree of conversion was significant at the highest level with blank resin and
1 wt.%. Sorption revealed reduction associated with volume fraction significant to neat resin,
however solubility indicated neat and 4 wt.% had the lowest significant dissolution. Vick-
ers represented critical positive correlation with filler content, while nanohardness and
elasticity behaved symmetrically and had the maximum strength at 3 wt.% addition. In addi-
tion, 3 wt.% showed the highest fracture toughness and modulus. Improvement of flexural
strength was significantly linked to filler concentration. Overall properties dramatically were
enhanced after 3 months aging in artificial saliva, especially degree of conversion, micro-
hardness, nanoindentation/elasticity, and flexural modulus. However, significant reduction
was observed with flexural modulus and fracture toughness.
Significance. The outcomes suggest that the newly developed 3D printed nanocomposites
modified with ZrO2 nanoparticle have the superior potential and efficacy as long-term
provisional dental restoration materials.
© 2021 The Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author at: UWA Dental School, University of Western Australia, 17 Monash Avenue, Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia.
E-mail address: (A.S. Fawzy).
0109-5641/© 2021 The Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
DENTAL-3744; No. of Pages 15
xxx.e2 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15

digital technique to produce surgical guides, custom tray, diag-

1. Introduction nostic models, prosthesis wax patterns, splints, and interim
restorations [21,22]. Certainly, this approach could be taken
In fixed prosthodontics, the performance of provisional
up further to involve the fabrication of complete dentures;
restorations is essential and integral to the success of the
however, such techniques are limited to short-term use [23].
final prostheses [1]. Provisional restorations are much more
Therefore, recent studies have emphasized developing print-
than just temporary restorations as one can argue that
able resin that is modified with nanostructure to optimize
they contribute significantly to the overall wellbeing of the
dental restoration mechanical properties and antimicrobial
patients. They restore function, improve aesthetics, keep ver-
behavior [24].
tical distance, and maintain proper occlusion [2]. In addition,
Taking an advantage of 3D printing technology, this
provisional prostheses should protect the prepared teeth from
study aims to modify printable liquid resins, for provisional
thermal and mechanical stresses. The requirements on provi-
dental restorations, with ZrO2 nanoparticles at different
sional materials become more complex in implant-supported
loading contents. In addition, to characterize the resulted
prosthesis, owing to complex osseointegration mechanisms
nanocomposites in term of structure and physical/mechanical
and recovery process [3]. Therefore, when designing pro-
properties using different microscopic and spectroscopic tech-
visional restorations, it is essential to incorporate all the
niques; and mechanical/physical assessment methods. The
other important requirements such as superior mechani-
null hypotheses are modifying 3D-printable resin materials
cal/physical properties, adequate biocompatibility, ease of
with silanized ZrO2 nanoparticles, at different contents, have
handling, and cost effectiveness of the material [4,5].
no effect on degree of conversion, surface roughness, flex-
Provisional restorations are commonly manufactured
ural properties, fracture toughness, surface microhardness
using composite resin-based materials, which are homoge-
and nanoindentation properties of the printed resin-based
nized combination of filler particles, a coupling agent, resin
nanocomposites with aging in artificial saliva up to 3 months.
matrix, and catalyst [6]. However, the oral environment is
challenging to these materials. They are exposed to an exces-
sive water and functional stress, which causes degradation 2. Materials and methods
and subsequently lead to clinical failure due to the brittle-
ness nature and low fracture toughness of these materials [7]. All materials were used without further purification. 3-
Accordingly, efforts have been made to improve longevity and (Trimethoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate with molecular weight
performance of provisional composite resins. Most of these 248.35 (␥-MPS), calcium chloride anhydrous purity ≥97%
recent attempts have focused on modifying the resin matrix by (CaCl2 ), magnesium chloride hexahydrate (MgCl2 6H2 O)
the incorporation of various organic and inorganic, nano fillers purity ≥99%, potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2 PO4 )
that create nanocomposites with superior properties [8,9]. purity ≥99%, potassium chloride (KCl) purity ≥99%,
Previous studies have revealed that modifying dental sodium azide (NaN3 ) purity ≥99.5%, and hydroxyethyl-
resins with different fillers, which typically have micro and piperazineethane-sulfonic acid (HEPES) buffer were purchased
nanoscale sizes significantly enhanced mechanical, physical from Sigma–Aldrich (Australia). Isopropyl and ethanol abso-
and biological properties [10,11]. On the other hand, some of lute alcohol were purchased from ThermoFisher Scientific
these modifications showed adverse effects that lead to lower (Australia). Zirconia nano-powder with purity of 99% and
material efficiency, such as generating voids/porosity, decreas- particle size ranges from 20–40 nm was obtained from Jiangsu
ing biocompatibility, limiting depth of curing and degree of XFNANO Materials (China). 3D printed crown and bridge
polymerization especially overtime [12–15]. dental resin was purchased from NextDent (Netherlands).
Ceramic fillers have become one of the most used reinforce-
ment filler materials in many resin-based dental composites. 2.1. Surface modification of ZrO2 nanoparticles
Among these, zirconium oxide (ZrO2 ) nanoparticles are
excellent candidates, with promise as a filler additive for To expedite an ultimate interaction between ZrO2 nanoparti-
clinical use. Studies showed that inconsequential addition of cles and resin mixture, nanoparticles were functionalized with
ZrO2 nanoparticles (≤5 wt.%) enhanced mechanical, physical silane coupling agent ␥-MPS (Sigma–Aldrich, Australia) to form
and/or biological properties including flexural strength, frac- a reactive group. The addition of the coupling agent was mea-
ture toughness, hardness, wear resistance, thermal stability, sured as the minimum required amount to coat ZrO2 surface
and biocompatibility of the nanocomposites [13,15–18]. based on Arkle’s (Eq. (1)) as follows [25]:
Three-dimension (3D) technology has substantially influ-
enced materials production and consolidated different Amount of silane (g)
application outcomes. This high-tech advancement has been
Amount of nanoparticles (g) × Surface area (m2 /g)
implemented in many medical and dental applications with = (1)
Minimum coating area of  MPS (m2 /g)
the potential of future wider usage owing to its relatively
high precision and economic advantages. For many years,
Where surface area for ZrO2 equals 12.31 m2 /g, and the mini-
computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) has
mum coverage area of ␥-MPS is 314 m2 /g. Briefly, ZrO2 powder
been used in dentistry to produce ceramic restorations and
was dried overnight in the oven at 110 ◦ C before coating. ␥-MPS
dental implants [19,20]. Additive manufacturing (Rapid Proto-
(400 mg) was dissolved in ethanol and gently stirred for 60 min,
typing) has also had a remarkable impact on dental prosthesis
using hydrochloric acid (HCl) to accelerate hydrolyzes process,
fabrication. 3D photo-curable resin printers have a superior
pH was adjusted between 4–5 and temperature was set at

Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
DENTAL-3744; No. of Pages 15
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15 xxx.e3

60 ◦ C. After that, nanoparticles were dispersed in ethanol and was mounted on aluminum stubs and sputtered with a 4.0 nm
mixed for 2 h at 600 rpm. ␥-MPS solution was dropped wisely, thick layer of platinum. To improve imaging quality, outer
and magnetic stirring continued for another 4 h. The mixture edges of all specimens were isolated with copper film for
was centrifuged for 1 h at 4500 rpm, then washed twice with increasing electron beam reflectance, and specimens were
80% ethanol to remove any unreacted traces, and the slurry imaged with scanning electron microscope operated with
was collected and dried overnight at 80 ◦ C [16]. accelerating voltage of 5.0 kV (Verios XHR SEM; Thermo Fisher
Scientific, USA).
2.2. Nanocomposite formation and 3D printing Atomic force microscope (AFM) characterization was per-
formed to investigate the effect of nanoparticles incorporation
The newly formed nanocomposites were obtained from subse- on the 3D printed resin surface micro-topography. Unmodi-
quent incorporation of ZrO2 nanoparticles at various contents fied and modified, with ZrO2 nanoparticles, specimens were
of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5% (w/w). Preparation procedures investigated under AFM (Keysight 5500 SPM, USA) for surface
involved the gradual addition of nanoparticles proportions micro-topography and roughness. AFM was operated at high
into the printable resin solutions under continuous mag- resolution under the acoustic AC mode. All measurements
netic stirring (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ceramic) for 24 h, of 512 lines × 512 lines were taken at a scan rate of 1.5–2.2
followed by sonication for 30 min in distal water bath. For 3D lines per second at room temperature. The 3D morphologi-
printing, a digital light processing printer (Kulzer 3D Printer cal reconstructions were obtained by Gwyddion software 2.55.
System, Australia) was used. Different sizes and geometries The average roughness of the surface (Ra ) was measured based
of specimens were designed by CAD software. The generated on different random sites within a 1 ␮m × 1 ␮m area size.
stereolithography (STL) files were sliced using Cara Print 4.0
software and then sent to the 3D printer. The modified resin 2.5. Raman spectroscopy analysis
mixtures were poured in the tray carefully to avoid air bubbles.
The job resolution was set at 50 ␮m thickness for each layer. A Raman microscope (WITec alpha 300RA; Germany) equipped
The printed specimens were scrapped off from the printing with a laser having an excitation wavelength of 532 nm was
stage, cleaned, and sonicated twice with isopropanol for 5 min used to estimate degree of conversion (DC). First, the sys-
to remove any excess uncured resin, then rinsed twice with tem was calibrated using silicon wafer film, and a standard
distal water. To reach maximum strength, they exposed to a reference peak was recorded at 520 cm−1 . Printed resin speci-
post-curing step. The printed specimens were placed in a high- mens 2 × 5 mm size were placed on a glass slide, then random
performance light curing unit at 200 W for 20 min (HiLite Power multiple sites were selected with a 20× objective lens. The
3D; Kulzer). Finally, specimens were finished using silicon car- spectrums were collected with an integration time of 0.5 sec-
bide grinding paper with ascending grid size 600, 800, and onds and 200 accumulations. To determine DC, aromatic peak
1200 for 30 seconds with 300 RPM under water coolant. Polish- intensity of control uncured resin at 1610 cm−1 was taken
ing was performed using TriDentTM cloth with 1 ␮m diamond as an internal reference for calculation. The ratio between
paste followed by fine MicroClothTM with 0.25 and 0.05 ␮m, aliphatic (C C) at 1640 cm−1 and the aromatic (C C) at
respectively, and a sonication step in between to avoid surface 1610 cm−1 peaks was used to calculate percent DC for each
contamination. specimen using a baseline method to calculate area under
curve using Project Five & Origin lab Pro software.
2.3. Preparation of the artificial saliva solution  
AliphaticCured / Aromatic Cured
% DC = 1 − *100
Aliphatic Uncured / Aromatic Uncured
To mimic the environment of the oral physiological condi-
tions, specimens were stored in artificial saliva for 3 months where Aliphaticcured is the peak absorption of polymerized
at 37 ◦ C. The artificial saliva solutions were replenished every resin at 1640 cm−1 , Aromaticcured is the peak absorption of
fortnight to ensure consistency and freshness throughout the polymerized resin peak at 1610 cm−1 , Aliphaticuncured is the
storage time periods. The artificial saliva solution was pre- peak absorption of unpolymerized resin at 1640 cm−1 , and
pared according to previously published protocol: 0.7 mM of Aromaticuncured is the peak absorption of the unpolymerized
CaCl2 , 0.1 mM of MgCl2 6H2 O, 4.0 mM of KH2 PO4 , 30 mM of KCl, resin peak at 1610 cm−1 [27].
30.8 mM of NaN3 , and 20.0 mM of HEPES were added to 1000 mL
distal water, and pH was adjusted to 7.0 [26]. 2.6. 3-points bending test

2.4. Microscopic characterization The variations in the flexural strength and modulus of the
3D printed specimens were characterized through a 3-point
Coated and uncoated ZrO2 nanoparticles were viewed using bend test using a universal testing machine (ElectroPulsTM
transmission electron microscope (TEM: FEI Titan G2 80–200 E3000; Instron USA), according to the International Stan-
TEM/STEM; Thermo Fisher Scientific). An amount of 1 mg of dards Organization (ISO) 10477, after 24 h and 3 months
powder was dispersed in dry ethanol, gently shacked, and storage in the artificial saliva solution at 37 ◦ C [28]. Fif-
then pipetted on copper grid coated with carbon. After drying, teen specimens were assigned per group with dimensions
specimens were placed in a holder that had an accelerating of (25 mm × 2 mm × 2 mm), and specimens were inspected for
voltage of 200 kV. any deformity, these specimens were excluded before storage
For studying the surface morphological of the fractured and testing. For testing, each specimen was mounted on a 3-
3D printed resins/nanocomposites, specimen from each group points fixture with 20 mm support distance; and a load was

Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
DENTAL-3744; No. of Pages 15
xxx.e4 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15

applied until fracture at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min. The saliva, the result was reported as an average of 12 indents
flexural strength (␴) and flexural modulus (E) were calculated for each specimen. A double calibration technique was used
in MPa according to the following formula [29]: to minimize any error during measurement, first with alu-
minum to clean any traces attached to the indenter, and
3Fl then using a fused quartz reference specimen. A grid pattern
 = (2)
2bh2 of 3 × 4 indents at separations of 50 ␮m was used for each
specimen before and after aging in the artificial saliva for 3
F1 l3 months. Nanohardness (H) and reduce elastic modulus (Er)
E= (3)
4bh3 d were calculated based on load function profile for 5 s of load-
ing/unloading at maximum load force of 5000 ␮N and holding
Where F is the maximum applied load (N); l is the distance
time for 10 s.
(mm) between the supports; b is the width of the test specimen
(mm); h is the height of the specimen (mm); F1 is the load (N)
at a point in the straight-line portion of the load/deflection
2.10. Water sorption and solubility evaluation
curve; and d is the deflection (mm) at load F1 .
To evaluate the water sorption and solubility of the printed
2.7. Fracture toughness testing resin nanocomposites, disc shaped specimens (n = 7) with a
diameter of 15 mm and thickness of 1 mm were characterized
To assess fracture toughness, the modified/unmodified 3D
according to ISO 10477 [28]. Specimen volume was measured
printed resin specimens stored in the artificial saliva solution
using a digital caliper, then specimens were placed in a des-
for 7 days and 3 months respectively, were character-
iccator containing silica gel for 24 h at 37 ◦ C. After that they
ized using the same 3-points bending fixture as described
were transferred into a second desiccator with similar condi-
above, according to the ISO 20795 standard [29]. All spec-
tions for 2 h. specimens were taken out and weighed using an
imens were designed and printed with dimensions of
analytical balance with an accuracy of 0.001 g (Ohaus PR224;
39 mm × 8 mm × 4 mm, with a predefined notch made in
Germany), The drying procedure was repeated as mentioned
the center of 3.2 mm length. Subsequently, specimens were
above until constant mass (m1 ) was reached. Subsequently,
inspected visually to exclude damaged specimens before stor-
specimens were immersed in distal water (15 mL) and kept at
age process. For testing, each specimen was loaded on a
37 ◦ C for 7 days. After that, specimens were removed, wiped
fixture with 32 mm support span with a displacement rate of
with absorbing paper, and weighed again (m2 ). To obtain (m3 ),
1 mm/min. The recorded maximum force was used to deter-
specimens were reconditioned in a desiccator following the
mine the fracture toughness (KIc ) according to the following
previous method until they achieved constant mass. Water
formula [29]:
sorption (ws ) and solubility ( sl ) were calculated in micro-

f Fmax l
 grams per cubic millimeter according to the following formula
KIc = ∗ 10−3 (4) [28]:

3x1/2 [1.99−x(1−x)(2.15−3.93x+2.7x2 ]
Where f =   , x = a/h, Fmax is the ws =
m2 − m3
maximum recorded load (N) at fracture; l is the support span
distance (mm); b is the width of the specimen (mm); h is the
m1 − m3
height of the specimen (mm); and a is the crack length (mm). sl = (6)

2.8. Vickers microhardness test (VHN)

where m1 is the mass of the conditioned specimen, in micro-
The surface microhardness of the 3D-printed resin specimens grams; m2 is the mass of the specimen, in micrograms, after
was measured and reported as Vickers hardness num- immersion in water for 7 days; m3 is the mass of the recondi-
ber (VHN) using microhardness tester (Duramin-40; Struers, tioned specimen, in micrograms; and V is the volume of the
Australia). Specimens from each group (n = 6) were tested at specimen, in cubic millimeters. This was done to analyze the
24 h and 3 months storage in the artificial saliva. A pyramid- effect of artificial aging on sorption and solubility.
shaped diamond indenter with specified angle was forced into
the surface using a load force of 50 gf and dwell time of 30 s.
Each specimen had a line pattern with 10 indentation points 2.11. Statistical analysis
at 1 mm distance, and the result was reported as the average
of indented locations for each specimen. Data were presented as means ± standard deviations and
analysed using ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test
2.9. Nanoindentation properties for pair-wise comparison at statistical significance of P-
value < 0.05. A repeated measures ANOVA testing was
Nanomechanical properties, in term of nanohardness and performed to generate the statistical significance for flexural
elastic modulus, were measured (n = 5) with a Hysitron strength, flexural modulus, fracture toughness, DC, micro-
Triboindenter TI 950 machine, equipped with a Berkovich dia- hardness, and nanomodulus for two time points (before and
mond indenter, at 24 h and 3 months storage in the artificial after aging).

Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
DENTAL-3744; No. of Pages 15
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15 xxx.e5

the groups. In addition to ductile failures and roughness, sec-

3. Results ondary cracks were clearly noticeable on the site with slight
agglomeration of nanoparticles due to inappropriate distribu-
3.1. Microscopic characterization tion (Fig. 1e and f). Overall, bulk voids due to improper adhe-
sion of ZrO2 nanoparticles were not detected (Fig. 2g), due to
The particle size and morphology of ZrO2 nanoparticles were
the influence of coupling agents and an even, uniform coating
analyzed using TEM (Fig. 1). Acquired images from TEM
layer. AFM rendered 3D images show the morphological topog-
showed that uncoated ZrO2 has a uniform shape with par-
raphy of unmodified resin as well as progression of incorpora-
ticle size range between 20–40 nm (Fig. 1a and b). Silanization
tions with various concentration of ZrO2 (Fig. 3A a–f). Flat and
with ␥-MPS did not affect the basic structure of nanoparticles,
smooth surface structures obviously can be seen over blank
other than forming a thin coating that ranged between 2–4 nm
resin. Minor channels and tracks are also found, due to the fin-
(Fig. 1c and d).
ishing and polishing step (Fig. 3a). Different peaks emerge with
The fractured end of the representative specimens of den-
the 1% and 2% additions; however, the concentrations were
tal resin and loaded resin with ZrO2 was evaluated using SEM
not sufficient to cover the surface completely (Fig. 3b and c).
micrographs (Fig. 2a–g). Brittle failure with smooth surfaces
A homogenous distribution of nanoparticles with 3% and 4%
and plane feature were associated with control dental resin
appears within 3D images (Fig. 3d and e), as well as negligible
(unmodified) specimens (Fig. 2a). The addition of 1% ZrO2
cluster formation, which is a beginning sign of agglomera-
nanoparticles showed a comparable pattern of fracture, which
tion developing with the 4% addition. With 5% incorporation
was mostly flat and identical to unmodified resin. With 2%
(Fig. 3f), the surface becomes more congested and has the
and 3% added, both ductile and brittle modes of failure were
most texture among the groups. Although there were different
exhibited with variable morphological features and a gradual
concentrations used, all specimens showed similar average
grade of surface roughness increase of 2% and 3%, respec-
surface roughness after the finishing and polishing procedure
tively (Fig. 2c and d). After increasing the proportion fraction
(Fig. 3B). The pattern was unpredictable, and the evidence
of ZrO2 nanoparticles up to 4% and 5%, a rougher structure
of correlation between concentration amount and roughness
was observed compared to any lower concentration among
was missing because of the polishing procedure.

Fig. 1 – Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images illustrate basic zirconium oxide (ZrO2 ) nanoparticles (a and b) and
those modified with silane coupling agent (c and d). Arrows show the thin film coating of 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl
methacrylate (␥-MPS).

Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
DENTAL-3744; No. of Pages 15
xxx.e6 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15

Fig. 2 – Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images show variable morphological structure of nanocomposites after
fracture. (a) Unmodified resin, (b) resin with 1% addition of zirconium oxide (ZrO2 ), (c) with 2%, (d) with 3%, (e) with 4%, and
(f) with 5% nanoparticles incorporated with experimental resin. (g) Highly magnified image presents ZrO2 nanoparticles
homogenously embedded with resin matrices.

3.2. Raman spectroscopy double bond to carbon (C C) and oxygen (C O), respectively.
The emerging peaks at 1554 cm−1 and 1457 cm−1 referred to
Fig. 4(A) illustrates Raman spectrums for unmodified/modified the skeletal vibrations of the aromatic benzene ring. Peak
ZrO2 nanoparticles. It is clear that the hydrolyzed ␥-MPS intensity at 1100 cm−1 increased, which perhaps refers to Si-O
has attached to the hydroxyl group of zirconia (Zr–OH), as one of the four shoulders associated with this peak [32].
which leads to a dehydrated reaction followed by forma- Fig. 4(B) shows the presence of ZrO2 nanoparticles in addi-
tion of chemical bonds between nano-ZrO2 and the coupling tion to dental resin. Thus, the peak at 639 cm−1 is assigned
agent [30,31]. Therefore, peaks appeared at 1639 cm−1 and to the tetragonal phase of ZrO2 , which confirms formation
1716 cm−1 , assigned to the vibration of the aliphatic carbon of nanocomposite [33]. An insufficient degree of polymer-

Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
DENTAL-3744; No. of Pages 15
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15 xxx.e7

Fig. 3 – (A) Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images represent different concentrations of zirconium oxide (ZrO2 )
nanoparticles. (a) Blank resin, (b) 1%, (c) 2%, (d) 3%, (e) 4%, and (f) 5% ZrO2 . (B) Graph shows fractional proportion of ZrO2
effect on modified resin surface roughness. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference among groups (p > 0.05).

ization might significantly reduce the performance of resin (47.78 ± 1.34), while the lowest value was 40.07 ± 1.03 for 5 wt.%
in terms of mechanical properties and biocompatibility [34]. ZrO2 . The blank resin showed significant sorption increments
Fig. 4(C) shows that the addition of ZrO2 has considerable among all other groups (p < 0.01), as the mean difference
impact on the nanocomposite degree of conversion compared from 1–5 wt.% ZrO2 additions was insignificant. Similar sig-
to unmodified resin, especially after 1% addition of nanopar- nificance was detected among all the storage specimens of 90
ticles. However, after storage in artificial saliva, the ratio of days compared to unmodified resin. Moreover, all specimens
DC remarkably increased equally among all groups, and the demonstrated a slightly higher rate of sorption after aging,
difference became unnoticeable. This improvement ranged except 2 wt.%, which decreased, whereas a critical change
between 11.8%–15.3% in comparison to specimens that were in weight deference was noticed with 3, 4, and 5 wt.% ZrO2
measured after exposure to printer UV light only, where the (p < 0.01). Inconsistent trends of solubility were noticed among
statistical analysis showed strong interaction between two dif- the tested groups. The lowest value belonged to neat resin
ferent time points. This enhancement in DC proportion might (1.54 ± 0.63), while the highest attributes were found with
be related to the process associated with wash out of free 2 wt.% ZrO2 (5.66 ± 0.65). Regardless of the variations, con-
unpolymerized monomer molecules. trol and 4 wt.% ZrO2 had significantly lower solubility among
groups. This scenario completely changed with aged speci-
3.3. Water sorption and solubility mens, where the lowest value was recorded for 3 wt.% ZrO2
(−2.51 ± 0.64) and the highest for 2 wt.% ZrO2 (−0.40 ± 0.43).
The results of the water sorption and solubility tests are Above all, the statistical analysis showed significant interac-
shown in Table 1. It is noted that the water sorption was tion between incubation time versus composition content in
decreased as the filler content was increased. The high- terms of sorption and solubility.
est sorption was observed with unmodified printed resin

Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
DENTAL-3744; No. of Pages 15
xxx.e8 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15

Fig. 4 – Raman spectrums demonstrate (A) Formation of covalent bond between ZrO2 and silane coupling agent and (B)
increasing proportion percentage of nanoparticles within resin. (a) Control unmodified, (b) 1% ZrO2 , (c) 2% ZrO2 , (d) 3% ZrO2 ,
(e) 4% ZrO2 , and (f) 5% ZrO2 . The peak at 639 cm−1 refers to Zr–O. (C) The degree of conversion deference for 3-dimensional
(3D) printed nanocomposite immediately after printing and after storage in artificial saliva. (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and
***p < 0.001).

Table 1 – Outlines mean and standard deviation of physical properties among groups.
Roughness (nm) % DC Water sorption (␮g/mm3 ) Solubility (␮g/mm3 )

Before After Before After Before After

Unmodified 1.22 (0.15) 72.50 (0.66) 76.05 (6.55) 47.21 (0.92) 47.78 (1.34) 1.54 (0.63) −2.02 (0.92)
1% ZrO2 1.27 (0.11) 70.11 (3.46) 78.78 (4.80) 42.28 (1.92) 42.68 (0.86) 4.28 (0.64) −0.97 (0.54)
2% ZrO2 1.40 (0.18) 51.60 (2.90) 81.43 (2.11) 42.20 (1.42) 41.96 (1.86) 5.66 (0.65) −0.40 (0.43)
3% ZrO2 1.24 (0.08) 61.57 (2.10) 80.95 (2.77) 41.23 (1.28) 43.98 (0.91) 5.09 (0.46) −2.51 (0.64)
4% ZrO2 1.40 (0.10) 56.16 (6.90) 79.95 (1.37) 40.82 (1.24) 42.60 (0.91) 1.86 (0.28) −1.54 (0.85)
5% ZrO2 1.30 (0.18) 55.71 (1.56) 80.44 (1.34) 40.07 (1.03) 43.17 (0.96) 3.15 (0.55) −1.37 (0.72)

3.4. Flexural strength and modulus of elasticity nanoparticles significantly improved flexural strength of the
dental resin compared to unmodified printed resin, whereas
Six study groups with 15 specimens each with different con- 1% and 2% showed a negligible increasing trend. As can
centrations of ZrO2 nanoparticles in the specimens were be clearly seen in Fig. 5(A), the maximum mean flexural
tested before and after aging. The flexural strength, flexu- strength around 111.59 MPa belongs to 5% ZrO2 filling and
ral modulus, and standard deviations of each group in MPs then starts to decrease until the minimum value with unmod-
are illustrated in Table 2. The results revealed that all study ified resin (98.32 MPa). Prolonged storage affected all tested
groups efficiently exceeded the minimum required level of groups, where the reduction of strength for all tested groups
crown and bridge material ISO standard 10477 for flexural ranged between 0.8% up to 11% compare to unaged speci-
strength (≥50 MPa). The addition of 3%, 4%, and 5% ZrO2 mens. Although 3%, 4%, and 5% of incorporation presented

Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
DENTAL-3744; No. of Pages 15
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15 xxx.e9

Fig. 5 – Bar graphs demonstrate (A) flexural strength, (B) flexural modulus, and (C) fracture toughness of unmodified printed
resin and resin modified with 1% ZrO2 nanoparticles up to 5% before aging (stripped bars) and after storage aging with
artificial saliva for 3 months (gray bars). (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001).

the highest level of loss (103.07, 97.96, and 103.24, respec- was observed: the KCl increased until 3% addition, then peaked
tively), they stayed with a higher value compared to control started to decrease with 4% and 5% incorporation. Repeatedly,
group after aging. A comparison of the flexural modulus of 3% presented significant fracture toughness compared to con-
the materials (Table 2) indicates that 3%, 4%, and 5% were sig- trol and 1% of ZrO2 . Water taken up during storage aging may
nificantly stiffer than control and 1% of ZrO2 . After 3 months of cause hydrolysis between the filler and resin matrix, which
storage, unmodified, 1%, 2%, and 5% groups showed an unpre- relatively softens material. The concentration of the filler dra-
dicted significant increase of flexural modulus that ranged matically shows a major role in the resulting nanocomposites,
from 11%–26%. However, the embedded resin with 3% had no whereas the reinforcement of the filler is not as concentration
difference (Fig. 5B), and the flexural modulus decreased when dependent.
the 4% fraction of ZrO2 was used. These results revealed that
rigidity of dental resins does not rely on the amount of filler
content or flexural strength. The statistical analysis showed 3.6. Vickers microhardness and Nanoindentation
storage aging condition and amount of nanoparticles concen- properties
tration significantly affected flexural strength (p < 0.01) and
flexural modulus (p < 0.001) of provisional dental resin. The surface hardness for all the groups was recorded directly
before storage in saliva and after 3 months of incubation
3.5. Fracture toughness to simulate oral physiological condition. The results for
surface microhardness, nanoindentation, and nanomodulus
Load capacity at fracture was increased among all the rein- are depicted in Table 2 as mean and standard deviation,
forced specimens compared to unmodified control (Fig. 5C). as well displayed graphically in Fig. 6. The ANOVA with
There was a positive correlation with filler concentration up repeated measures revealed significant differences between
to 3% of ZrO2 addition, and then the toughness decreased aging condition and VH (p < 0.0001). However, there was a dif-
gradually with 4% and 5%. Significantly, specimens that con- ferent trend observed in case of nanofiller concentration and
tained 3% filler had a higher fracture toughness compared to nanohardness, and modulus. After the addition of ≥3% ZrO2
blank resin, 1%, and 2% of ZrO2 addition. Aging for 3 months in nanoparticles within PMMA resin, there was a reduction in
artificial saliva initially revealed unfavorable effects on resin nanohardness and modulus, respectively. After aging, both
nanocomposites, causing a significant reduction in fracture nanohardness and modulus significantly improved among all
toughness of all groups. A similar pattern to no-aging groups groups (p < 0.0001).

Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
DENTAL-3744; No. of Pages 15
xxx.e10 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15

Fig. 6 – Bar graphs demonstrate (A) Vickers microhardness, (B) nanoindentation strength, and (C) modulus of elasticity of
unmodified printed resin and resin modified with 1% zirconium oxide (ZrO2 ) nanoparticles up to 5% before aging (stripped
bars) and after storage aging with artificial saliva for 3 months (left gray bars). (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001).

For VH, the one-factor ANOVA demonstrated significant

differences between unmodified resins and those loaded
4. Discussion
with discrete concentrations of ZrO2 nanoparticles, with
The use of resin composites is still growing in the field of
some exceptions. For instance, no significant differences were
dentistry, as this material possesses reliable physical and
detected in microhardness between unmodified and 1%, 2%,
mechanical properties. However, the aforementioned charac-
and 3% or 3% and 4% addition of ZrO2 . The highest hardness
teristics are likely to be affected by the physiological processes
was recorded for the 5% and the lowest value for the unmod-
that take place during aging, which definitely have a correla-
ified. After aging in artificial saliva, all specimens showed
tive impact on composite degradation in the oral cavity, which
slightly significant increases in hardness ranges between
leads to reduced longevity and inferior mechanical properties
0.007% up to 0.062% compared to initial groups, except the
of those materials [35]. Clinically, the mechanical properties
3% addition showed a negligible decrease (Fig. 6A).
of regular provisional restorations have been addressed and
The impact of the weight percentages of the filler on
are reported to be achievable when using resin-based mate-
the nanohardness and modulus was even more pronounced
rial for a short time, between 1 to 2 weeks. On the contrary,
(Fig. 6B and C). Nanohardness and modulus before aging of
restoration stability could be somewhat hard to manage with
all specimens followed a positive pattern of enhancement
an extended wear time, such as dental implant replacements,
linked to weight percentage increment until 3% addition, after
where the recovery is estimated to be around 6 months [36].
which the strength began gradually decreasing with 4% and
In addition, patients who develop cancer have a more sophis-
5%. Likewise, microhardness and nanomechanical character-
ticated recuperation mechanism than typical individuals, so
istics showed progressive strength growth limited to 3%, and
they need about 1 year or even longer for the osteointegra-
then it steeply dropped with concentration addition. Overall,
tion incubating period. Additionally, the level of complexity
3% revealed the highest mean value of both hardness and
increases in patients who demonstrate parafunctional habits
elasticity, converse to unmodified dental resin, which showed
such as bruxism. Therefore, the provisional restoration should
the lowest value among all groups (Table 2). Furthermore,
be fabricated of durable material that can withstand an
the statistic results endorse that uncertain interaction would
extreme applied force and ensure longevity, especially in long
affect material strength.
span restorations, which are usually susceptible to fractures

Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
DENTAL-3744; No. of Pages 15
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15 xxx.e11

[10]. Therefore, in this study, we introduced modified ZrO2

3.77 (1.01)
5.00 (0.67)
5.42 (1.03)
7.17 (1.50)
5.33 (0.81)
5.04 (0.75)
nanoparticles to enhance properties of 3D printed resin for

provisional dental restorations.

Nano modulus
We silanized ZrO2 nanoparticles in this study. These are
functionalized ceramic nanoparticles that are coated with

1.28 (0.38)
3.73 (1.25)
4.17 (1.13)
4.71 (1.53)
4.33 (1.85)
4.50 (1.76)
a silane coupling agent such as 3-(Trimethoxysilyl)propyl

(GPa) methacrylate (␥-MPS). Silanization is an adaptive process that
reduces filler surface energy, protecting nanoparticles from
dissolution as well as enhancing interphases with resin and
dispersing evenly as phases continue. Typically, silane cou-
0.12 (0.06)
0.23 (0.07)
0.25 (0.07)
0.36 (0.10)
0.27 (0.07)
0.21 (0.04)
pling agents adsorb on nanoparticle surfaces, which creates

a chemisorbed silane layer and covalently will bind to par-


ticle surfaces and then copolymerize with the methacrylic

polymer matrix [37]. Although this interphase is the least
0.03 (0.02)
0.13 (0.06)
0.20 (0.09)
0.26 (0.11)
0.20 (0.11)
0.16 (0.08) abundant structure in the composites, studies have shown

its significant effects on the physicomechanical properties of

the composites [38]. The basic intermediate mechanism with
ZrO2 nanoparticles is the hydrolysis of ␥-MPS to form silanol
(Si–O–H) and an alkoxy functional group (CH3 O–), which is
17.39 (0.31)
17.75 (0.26)
17.80 (0.45)
18.33 (0.36)
19.05 (0.25)
20.02 (0.57)

eventually exchanged by the hydroxyl group to form Si–OH.


This activation leads to conjugation with the hydroxyl group

of zirconia (Zr–OH) followed by a condensation reaction to pro-

duce such chemical bonds between zirconium oxide particles

and ␥-MPS (Zr–O–Si). Further, the free radical organofunctional
16.71 (0.62)
16.72 (0.55)
17.92 (0.27)
18.05 (0.21)
18.54 (0.35)
19.14 (0.33)

groups bond acrylic ester-based monomers through photo-


activation of initiator components in the resin matrix [39,40].

Consequently, based on this concept, our Raman and TEM
Table 2 – Demonstrates mean and standard deviation of mechanical properties among groups.

images (Fig. 1(d) and 4 (A)) indicated that nanoparticles were

1.68 (0.17)
1.71 (0.20)
1.75 (0.14)
1.84 (0.15)
1.74 (0.16)
1.68 (0.16)

successfully modified with an ␥-MPS coupling agent, as shown

with peaks emerging at 1639 cm−1 and 1716 cm−1 that assign

carbon to the carbon bond and to oxygen, respectively. In addi-

tion, the followed technique ensured that ZrO2 nanoparticles

had an elliptical shape and a size of 20–40 nm, similar to initial

1.93 (0.20)
1.98 (0.09)
2.04 (0.23)
2.16 (0.22)
2.03 (0.21)
2.06 (0.08)


unmodified particles with thin film that had 2–4 nm thick-

ness (Fig. 1c and d) and thus had enhanced ZrO2 adhesion
and distribution as shown with SEM (Fig. 2g).
Physical and chemical properties of dental resin are an
2.33 (0.24)
2.35 (0.17)
2.44 (0.22)
2.57 (0.21)
2.33 (0.24)
2.59 (0.18)

essential aspect that directly influence longevity of oral


restorations. For example, surface roughness is an impor-

Modulus (GPa)

tant characteristic that should be considered when fabricating

dental restorations. Indeed, a very rough surface is sig-
1.96 (0.17)
1.93 (0.15)
1.93 (0.18)
2.60 (0.23)
2.59 (0.26)
2.32 (0.20)

nificantly correlated with poor restoration aesthetics and



superficial staining that reduces gloss appearance and sur-

face hardness, and a smother surface has been reported to
be tougher than a rougher surface [41]. Moreover, there is a
clear evidence about the association between roughness and
103.10 (3.91)

103.25 (4.80)
94.14 (6.31)
95.90 (6.29)
98.40 (5.90)

97.70 (6.62)

other complications such as gingival inflammation, secondary

caries, and bacterial plaque accumulation [42]. Loading 3D

printed resin with ZrO2 does not affect the roughness when
this nano-size filler is dispersed homogeneously in a polymer
Strength (MPa)

matrix, and physical entanglement among resin matrices may

109.40 (7.03)
110.10 (5.24)
111.56 (5.74)
98.32 (3.94)
99.12 (6.50)
99.24 (5.30)

obstruct nanoparticle migration to the surface, which reduces



On the other hand, monomer degree of conversion has a
critical impact on mechanical properties such as hardness,
while this feature would be enhanced in accordance with

the rate of converted monomer into a polymer network [43].

1% ZrO2
2% ZrO2
3% ZrO2
4% ZrO2
5% ZrO2

The degree of polymerization of composite resins is strongly

linked to the curing process, which might be influenced by
irradiation strength energy, the wavelength range, exposure

Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
DENTAL-3744; No. of Pages 15
xxx.e12 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15

time, translucency, and scattering of light by the filled sys- resin. Firstly, sorption arising from the resins hydrolytically
tem [44,45]. Additive manufacturing technology is state of the degrades the network structure, detaches the silanized fillers,
art with the recent dental restoration fabrication method. One and consequently affecting the solubility [47]. In addition,
advantage is its thin single layer curing (50 ␮m), in compari- Dogan et al. have hypothesized that the residual monomer
son to the conventional curing method, where the inner layers near the surface of the resin leaches into water, causing a
of resin are not similarly accessible. In addition, postcuring decrease in polymer mass. If the residual monomer is not close
steps after printing give extra strength to the entire struc- to the surface of the specimen, but rather entrapped in the
ture. The modified dental resin with nano-ZrO2 in our study inner layers of resin specimen, it cannot diuse into water after
(2%–5%) showed a significant reduction in DC compared to a short time [48]. Furthermore, the reduction of solubility may
unmodified and 1% filler. This phenomenon is explained by be hypothesized by the addition of ZrO2 nanoparticles which
the opacity of the ZrO2 filler, which may hinder proper even- may have reacted with the saturated remaining monomer [48].
tual light scattering. Another prospect is using progressively ZrO2 is an oxidative metal that has superior mechanical
higher percentage fillers in the composites to increase resin strength, fracture toughness, hardness, and wear resistance
viscosity, which might limit mobility of unreacted monomer [13,15,18]. It is expected that different fractional additions of
molecules [41]. Surprisingly, after aging, all specimens had nanofiller would significantly enhance the mechanical prop-
recovered with a comparable value of DC, which conflicts with erties of 3D printed resin composites, in contrast to the neat
previous assumptions and confirms that the double curing resin, and the higher filler content, the higher microhardness.
methods of printing and post-UV curing unit eliminate the In general, hardness evaluates a material’s capacity to resist
ZrO2 filler interaction tendency. Therefore, the storage con- abrasion and permanent indentation marks. Hardness is an
dition might lead to the dissolution of the outer improperly indirect method to evaluate the depth of polymerization, and
cured layer, after which the residual free unreacted monomer this attribute is also regulated by the organic and inorganic
leaches out. content ratio [43,49]. In this study, VHN increased proportion-
In dental restorations, water sorption and solubility are ately to the filler amount. Particles in nano-size can have an
essential aspects to assess resistance of material to surround- enormous contact area with resin than larger filler; there-
ing oral fluid, due to hydrolytic degradation and expansion, fore, well dispersion of filler helped significantly to increase
which ensure its clinical longevity. Intrinsically, hydrophilicity material hardness. Even though the material went through
is an inherent feature of polymer materials due to weak bond- accelerated aging, the hardness remained steady. This could
ing that allows water molecules to penetrate and eventually be related to high interfacial shear strength between resin and
affect mechanical properties as a plasticizer. In addition, water ZrO2 due to proper silanization, or perhaps the assigned aging
diffusion consequences might extend to dissolute interphase time was not long enough to disband the interphase interac-
bonds because of high filler surface energy and water perme- tion. On the other hand, nanomechanical properties have a
ability, and thus lead to internal stress as well as loss of particle narrow scope of nano-size to represent material strength, as
adhesion, which generates voids and porosities within the they correlate with resin nature (linear or cross-linked), filler
resin matrix [42]. Our investigation revealed that the addition size, and distribution [50]. Nanoindentation results showed an
of ZrO2 in different concentrations enhanced resin sorption; increased pattern linear to the amount of ZrO2 . However, after
for example, 4 wt.% ZrO2 presented lower sorption (13.5%) 3% addition, nanohardness and modulus decreased gradu-
in unmodified resin. Even though the aging process slightly ally. This corresponded to agglomeration of nanoparticles and
increased the level of sorption, it was still acceptable, showing was concentrated in confined areas rather than uniformity
the benefit of modifying nanofiller with ␥-MPS, which reason- dispersion over the surface. In addition, the extremely high
ably improves hydrophobicity and diminishes water uptake. standard deviation compared to microhardness expresses one
For restorative composites the upper limit of sorption was of the challenges of controlling nanocomposites fabrication,
suggested to be 50 ␮g/mm3 [46], which has been achieved in which could be seen in high filler concentration materials
this study (40.82–47.2150 ␮g/mm3 ). On the other hand, solu- showing less capacity to tolerate deformity. Storage specimens
bility depends mainly on the amount of converted monomer demonstrated an enhancement of nano-mechanics relative to
and reflects leaching of unreacted resin. This sensation hap- unaged specimen values, which may have occurred because
pens because of monomer entrapment during polymerization of dissolution of the superficial weak layer of resin as well as
within polymer chains or micropores as a result of inadequate relaxation phenomena improving the physical and mechani-
handling techniques or agglomeration of filler [42,46]. There- cal properties [50].
fore, after synthesis, the unmodified printed resin showed Clinically, internal microfractures, voids, porosity, and
the lowest solubility, which represented the highest degree crack propagation are the major causes behind composite
of conversion, as mentioned previously. Additionally, long- restoration failure [51]. Intraoral restorations frequently are
term soaking in saliva was sufficient to release unpolymerized exposed to such repetitive sorption/desorption mechanisms
monomer, and it had also recovered a degree of conversion in in addition to a dynamic environment, both of which apply
the range of unmodified resin. Despite the fact that specimens massive stress to strongly influence brittle materials. Flexural
showed a negative solubility due to weight gaining of entangle strength and toughness are indispensable merits that describe
water molecules, the results were still in agreement with the the capacity of composite restorations to absorb or withstand
ISO standard of provisional restoration solubility and did not load or initial crack, and then distribute this evenly through
exceed 7 ␮g/mm3 . the bulk structure. This concept accordingly promotes the
Several reasons could be attributed to the interaction of importance of manipulating filler composition [11,13,15,16].
water sorption and solubility with aged and non-aged PMMA Regardless of physiological factors that affect strength, flex-

Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
DENTAL-3744; No. of Pages 15
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 2 1 ) xxx.e1–xxx.e15 xxx.e13

ural strength, flexural modulus, and fracture toughness are

subjected to type, size, shape, concentration, interactions, dis-
Funding source
persion, and agglomeration of the filler inside the polymer
network [52]. The effect of ageing seems to have eliminated This research was partially supported by the following
any clinically important differences in the flexural strength research grants from the Faculty of Health and Medical
and flexural modulus among the low filler content groups. Sciences, Dental School University of Western Australia,
The addition of ZrO2 has significantly improved the allo- Colgate Palmolive® (PG 008/10402012, 00800/70237003, and
cated mechanical properties; this enhancement was parallel 00800/68001004) and Australian Dental Research Foundation
to the amount of concentration. However, after composite (PG 00800/51002200 and 00800/51001600).
resins were stored in artificial saliva for 3 months, the reduc-
tion of strength was more pronounced after incorporating a
higher filler content compared to groups having lower filler Acknowledgment
content. Similarly, toughness toward pre-crack, 5 wt.% ZrO2
decreased by 18% compared to lower fillers (1–4 wt.% ZrO2 ). We thank our colleague Associate Professor Martin Saunders,
The possible explanation for this is the fillers at a high CMCA University of Western Australia who provided insight
loading tended to agglomerate and behaved as local stress- and expertise for TEM that greatly assisted the research. The
concentration areas or crack-initiation sites that hindered authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific
polymer chain mobility and then jeopardized mechanical Research at King Saud University.
properties. SEM images of fractured specimens with higher
loading indicated the agglomeration regions, which intro- references
duced such rough and ductile fractures.
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Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),
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Please cite this article in press as: Aati S, et al. Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term
provisional dental restorations. Dent Mater (2021),

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